Lord Highlander

Chapter 1426: 1413. Trophy

In the past, the merchant groups belonging to the Lord Suldak's army would directly enter the barracks, and when buying trophies, they would also write the price on the bulletin board. The prices of these trophies are completely open. The soldiers only need to take out the trophies. can be exchanged for corresponding gold coins.

In addition, the firm is also responsible for the mailing service, which can mail the money to the families of the infantry soldiers.

When they came to the plane of Warsaw, because the merchant group of the Suldak Lord Army failed to follow them immediately, the soldiers of the Lord Army did not sell the spoils captured in the battle of Yangchang Canyon to the group in the free market. merchant.

Only a few infantry soldiers sold the black devil skins stripped from the evil spirits to the free market, exchanged some money, and went to the open-air tavern at the end of the free market to drink.

However, most of the black devil skins that some infantry soldiers took out were defective products. Due to the uneven quality, the purchase price also ranged from high to low.

Some infantry soldiers sold the black devil skin on the free market, but failed to sell at the expected price, causing a lot of trouble.

Many soldiers of the Lord's Army with loot in their hands heard that someone was being cheated, so they no longer believed in these merchants in the free market, so fewer and fewer people were willing to sell their loot on the free market.

This kind of thing will often form a chain effect. If everyone gets together to trade together, then this transaction may become very lively, but now the soldiers of the Lord Army are holding a wait-and-see attitude, and the free market seems deserted. The more so, The business in the free market becomes more and more bleak.

Soldiers would rather store their spoils in the barracks than sell them to unreliable merchants outside.

The material warehouse in the forest camp is full of such private trophies, which leaves nowhere to place the armament materials sent from Handanar County later.

Selena stood at the door of the material warehouse, looking at the black devil hides and bundles of black iron weapons in the warehouse very speechlessly. She did not intend to save these spoils for the soldiers of the Lord Army.

"Look at these trophies. All the warehouses in the camp have been piled up. Tomorrow, a convoy of supplies will arrive from Handanar City. There needs to be room to store those supplies. You need to find a way to clear these private trophies. .”

Selena put her arms around her chest. Her tall, plump breasts looked a little exaggerated under the squeeze.

Suldak knew that after every battle, the logistics department would become very busy. Not only did they have to calculate the merits of each soldier, but they also had to make detailed statistics on the trophies. The daily workload was very heavy.

At this time, the personal items of the soldiers of the Lord Army were stored in the material warehouse of the forest farm camp, and Selina complained to Suldak several times.

This time, Selena simply dragged Surdak to the camp warehouse and asked him to deal with the private spoils in the warehouse.

"Understood, I will find a way to get them to take these trophies away..." Suldak smiled, and then said to a messenger: "Go and notify all the officers above the regiment leader to attend a meeting at the command post."

"Yes!" The orderly saluted Surdak, then turned and left.

Soon a group of officers gathered in the camp command post. The canyon battle was a complete victory, and the morale of the officers was high.

Everyone gathered together, thinking that the West Route Army would take further actions next.

Most of the officers are talking about the details of the battle in Yangchang Canyon, discussing the gains and losses of this battle.

When everyone was almost here, Suldak knocked on the desk with his hand.

'tuk tuk tuk'

Suldak frowned, and said to a group of officers in the room:

"Everyone, be quiet. You are called here this time to let you clean up the personal supplies in the camp warehouse. The warehouse in the forest farm camp is limited..."

Suldak said a lot, all in all, he asked these officers to issue a notice that all private trophies should be taken out of the warehouse.

The group of officers summoned by Suldak were all veterans who had followed Suldak for a period of time, so they didn't have so many scruples when they spoke.

"Your Excellency, Commander, you asked us to take these trophies back to our hands, but we have nowhere to store them!" A Construct Knight officer complained to Suldak.

Suldak glared at him and asked directly:

"What's the use of keeping those black devil leather and black iron weapons in your hands, why don't you just dispose of them?"

The Constructed Knight officer spread his hands helplessly and complained:

"It's not that we don't want to sell, but the purchase price in the free market is very chaotic. The soldiers all hope that the purchase price can have a standard. The best thing is that our military merchant group can come quickly so that we can directly throw these spoils to them. .”

The other officers also nodded and echoed. Most of the officers expressed disbelief in the group of businessmen in the free market in the forest farm camp.

Suldak waved his hand and said: "I'm afraid the military merchant group will not be able to come here in a short time. The transport capacity of the portal in Evelson City is tight. If you don't plan to bring these spoils back to Bena Province, I suggest Let’s deal with it right away.”

Hearing what Suldak said, the officers discussed again in a low voice.

At this time, a Constructed Knight officer boldly said:

"Your Excellency, Commander, can you help us formulate a unified selling price and help the soldiers sell these spoils. It is not easy for everyone to come here all the way. Those unscrupulous businessmen are scraping off layers of oil..."

"You all want to dispose of those trophies?" Suldak asked the officers.

The Construct Knight officer said loudly: "The trophies we seized in the Bailin plane before were purchased by the military merchant group. As long as you store the trophies in the logistics department, you can get the money directly when you turn back."

Suldak thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with doing this, so he nodded and said:

"If that's the case, then we will sell all the spoils tomorrow. Later, I will send someone to notify the merchant group in the free market to sell these spoils at a unified price tomorrow."

The fact that Suldak decided to "unify the sale of the spoils of the canyon battle" quickly spread throughout the free market opposite the forest farm camp.

When the merchants in the free market heard the news, the whole market was overwhelmed.

The merchants knew that the West Route Army, who had just arrived at the forest camp, had harvested a large amount of spoils. Everyone has been waiting and watching for the past few days, and some merchants have bought some, but there have been no major transactions. Originally, they thought that these spoils would be Will directly carry out internal transactions, but did not expect to sell them publicly.


Suldak's direct troops participated in the canyon battle, so almost all the spoils were captured by soldiers in the Suldak lord's army.

Those foreign heavy armored infantry regiments were stationed in the forest camp. In fact, many heavy armored infantry regiments did not participate in the battle, so they did not capture any spoils of war.

Some infantry fighters in the foreign heavy armored infantry regiment were very dissatisfied with Suldak's favoritism in combat deployment, thinking that everyone should at least have a sip of soup, there is no reason for one side to pile up the loot in the warehouse, and another what this time The battle gained nothing.

The commanders of those foreign heavy armored infantry regiments all chose to remain silent...

In fact, the battle plan for this canyon battle, the combat deployment on the side of the forest farm camp is to let the 50,000 heavy armored infantry stationed on the camp side enter the northern mountains, drive and kill those evil spirit scout teams, and give the evil spirits on Moyunling A certain amount of pressure from the Ghost Legion.

It's a pity that the commanders of the heavy armored infantry regiments at the forest farm camp didn't implement Suldak's order. Naturally, the commanders of these heavy armored infantry regiments had no face to jump out to blame Suldak for being unfair.

The light in the command post was very dim. Suldak sat on a large chair with his forehead resting on one hand. Although his eyes fell on the sand table, his mind was not there.

The biggest problem facing him is that the gap between his own lineage troops and the foreign lord's army is getting bigger and bigger, and due to the existence of ghost pattern soldiers and ants, there is also a big gap in combat power between the two.

What's more troublesome is that the ability of these foreign lords to execute their orders depends entirely on the mood of the commanders of these lords.

They felt that the orders issued by Suldak were feasible, so they carried them out to the letter. If they felt that the orders were not feasible, they would do so in a very perfunctory manner.

When formulating the battle plan for this canyon battle, the commanders of these foreign lords believed that this plan was completely unfeasible, and even several commanders of the infantry regiment directly stated that they would not participate in the battle.

Now that the canyon battle has won a brilliant victory, and a large number of spoils have been brought back, they are the most jealous people.

Next, Suldak intends to take the initiative to attack Moyun Ridge instead of sticking to the forest camp. The area of ​​Ganda Er Mountain is too large. If he wants to contain the evil spirit army on Moyun Ridge, he must pull them away. into battle.

Otherwise, once the Bena Legion captures Kornberg County, and the evil ghost army on Moyun Ridge crosses the Ganda Er Mountain and rushes into the hinterland of Handanar County, then Suldak's West Route Army will not be able to stop it. live……

What Suldak needs to solve most urgently now is how to mobilize this group of heavy armored infantry regiments of the foreign lord army.

Suldak now hopes that this reward system in the West Route Army can impress this group of heavy armored infantry...


A personal guard walked into the command post and reported to Suldak: "Master Commander, there is a businessman named Alexis outside begging to see you!"

Suldak didn't even raise his head, he waved his arm resting on the armrest of the chair casually, and said, "No see!"

The personal guard hurriedly left the command post, hesitating whether to put the stack of silver coins in his pocket or return them to the merchant directly.

Hearing that the personal guard said that Suldak didn't want to see him, Alexis sighed with disappointment.

However, he still politely thanked the personal guard before turning around and leaving the forest camp.

Now all the merchants in the free market know that the forest farm camp will sell a large number of black magic leather and black iron weapons tomorrow, and almost all merchants are operating in private, hoping to get a share of the profits.

It has to be said that buying the spoils and transporting them back to the Green Empire can yield huge benefits.

The only problem is that the portals in Epsom City are rarely open to merchants these days. If you want to transport these spoils out, you must cooperate with the powerful nobles in Epsom City.

In the past few years, the war situation on the Warsaw plane has not been very optimistic, and these businessmen who can still stay in the free market have more or less connections in Epsom City on the Warsaw plane, otherwise they may have already died. It is impossible to maintain the business of the forest farm camp.

The current business is not easy to do. The merchants in the free market here basically transport some supplies from Epsom City, and then sell them in the free market in the forest farm camp.

Usually, there are not many opportunities to buy loot...

Suldak's idea was very simple. The people who came to him at this time were more or less businessmen with other ideas, so he didn't want to see him.

This time he decided to sell the spoils publicly in order to maximize the benefits for the soldiers.

Selena walked in with this plate of dinner, and seeing Suldak's pensive look, she put the plate on the square table next to her, walked gently behind Suldak, and rested his head on the On his lower abdomen, he lowered his head slightly and rubbed his forehead with his thumb.

Suldak leaned against the softness and slowly closed his eyes.

Neither of them said anything...

Footsteps sounded again outside the command post. It was the sound of heavy boots stomping on the ground. Suldak opened his eyes reluctantly. Selena took two steps back and walked into the room without saying a word.

A commander of the infantry regiment in heavy armor walked in from the outside, stood at the door and gave a military salute to Surdak.

Suldak knew him, Lord Dana.

He is a small lord in the 50,000 lord army from outside. He has three heavy armored infantry regiments in his hand and can command almost 5,000 infantry soldiers.

Usually, this Lord Dana always likes to be taciturn, and has almost no sense of presence.

I didn't expect him to come here at this time.

Suldak pointed to the chair beside him, motioning him to sit down.

"Lord Dana, it's so late, what can I do for you?" Suldak asked directly.

After Lord Dana sat down, he leaned forward and asked, "Commander Suldak, I heard that you plan to sell those spoils publicly tomorrow?"

Seeing him ask this, Suldak nodded and said, "That's right, why...Lord Dana, do you have any ideas?"

"I hope you will allow me to buy these spoils. If the price is right, I would like to buy some and take them back to Bena. You know that we lords have come to the Warsaw plane from thousands of miles away. Of course, we don't want to return empty-handed. I hope you I can agree..." Lord Dana said to Suldak with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Suldak didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

"It's perfectly fine to participate in the purchase of these loot, but I won't give you any discounts. You will have to compete fairly with those merchants," Suldak said.

There was a look of disappointment in Lord Dana's eyes, but it was fleeting.

Then he smiled very reluctantly and said, "Of course, I will follow your rules..."

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