Lord Highlander

Chapter 1427: 1414. Black Demon Skin

The merchants in the forest farm camp never expected that this new army from Bena Province would make such a big move.

I heard that the Bena Legion also fought against the evil spirits in the forest camp area. There is still a battlefield ruins in the mountains to the north. Almost all the trees in that area were destroyed. Somewhat out of place.

The Bena Legion once severely damaged the Evil Ghost Legion in the forest camp and drove them to the Moyun Ridge area.

Later, a garrison camp was gradually built here, and the Bena Army also organized several battles to attack Moyunling, but these few battles have not been able to take advantage of it.

The number of evil ghost legions on Moyun Ridge is getting bigger and bigger...

However, the evil spirits also knew in their hearts that if they wanted to enter the hinterland of Handanal County, they had to face the constructed swordsmen and heavy cavalry regiments of the Benar Army. The heavy cavalry in the battle, the disadvantage is too obvious, and it is for this reason that the evil ghost army on Moyunling has been dormant until now.

Suldak's lord army was able to lead the evil spirit army to the big meadow, mainly because the evil spirit hunting group along the Samosto River was wiped out by Suldak, and the evil spirit army on Moyunling lacked food. of.

The merchants in the forest farm camp didn't know the specific details, they only saw the carts of black devil skins pulled back from the battlefield.

In the past, merchants basically bought this kind of black-striped magic skin one by one, but now the warehouses in the forest camp are almost full of this kind of black magic skin that is sought after by imperial nobles. The huge business opportunities contained in it make everyone Businessmen are jealous.

Black-striped magic skin, also known as black-striped magic skin.

This is the diaphragm that grows between the exoskeleton and muscles of the evil ghost warrior. It is not actually a real magic skin, and not every devil skin is valuable. This kind of magic skin is only precious if there are magic patterns on it. .

The nobles of the empire like to make this kind of black devil leather into noble dresses.

It is said that this kind of magic leather has the property of absorbing impact and is tougher than ordinary leather. It is precisely because of these practicalities that black-striped magic leather is extremely popular in the magic market of the Grimm Empire.

Generally speaking, each merchant in the forest camp has its own dedicated sales channel for purchasing this kind of black devil skin.

Of course, the quality of this kind of black magic skin is good or bad, so the price of black magic skin in the market is very different. His black devil skin is only worth twenty or thirty silver coins.

When Suldak was in the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment, he was an excellent skinner.

Now he needs to identify the grades of these black devil skins, and each grade of black devil skins will have a corresponding price.

Suldak didn't expect that the lord of the West Route Army would also have the idea of ​​buying these spoils. This lord of Dana wore a set of magic patterns on his body and was usually relatively low-key. He didn't expect to have a business mind.

Seeing Suldak looking at him, Lord Dana quickly forced a smile, and said to Suldak: "As long as these black devil skins can be transported back to Socrates, their value will at least double. Armament Logistics has the Epsom City Portal Pass, so it was a simple matter for us to transport these dark goblins back to Benar City."

"As long as you can get the capital, this is a guaranteed business, and when I came out of the house, I happened to have a sum of money with me."

Suldak nodded, and said: "Tomorrow, the sale of black-striped magic skins will be carried out in the normal way. These black magic skins will be divided into grades according to their quality, and each quality corresponds to a price. I can guarantee that the black-striped magic skins The selling price will not be higher than the free market transaction price."

"You're not going to auction?"

Lord Dana discovered from Suldak's introduction that Suldak's sale method was not an auction.

You must know that in the Green Empire, many large transactions are auctions.

"We don't hold an auction this time, we have to give other merchants a chance." Suerdak put the quill pen back into the ink bottle and said lightly.

Lord Dana hesitated for a moment, and mustered up the courage to walk up to Suldak, lobbying him:

"Master Commander, have you ever thought about... In fact, you can also buy a little black devil skin, and you don't even have to consider the issue of funds. If you have this idea, I mean... we can cooperate, this is definitely a A sure-fire deal.”

Suldak glanced at him indifferently, shook his head again, and said bluntly, "No, I'm not interested in this."

Seeing what Suldak said so simply, although Lord Dana didn't understand, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​cooperating with Suldak.

Immediately afterwards Lord Dana asked again:

"Is there a limit to the quantity purchased?"

With a playful smile on his face, Suldak asked him:

"Why... you still want to eat all the black devil's skin in one bite?"

Lord Dana immediately waved his hand and said, "Four thousand black devil skins... I don't have that much money, but it's okay to buy a few hundred. I want to buy some of the best quality."

"As long as you prepare gold coins, nothing is your freedom..." Suldak said.

After seeing off Lord Dana, Suldak began to eat a somewhat cold dinner.

Aphrodite came out from behind Suldak, and asked him curiously, "Aren't you going to send these black-striped demon skins to Hailansa City to sell?"

Suldak didn't even lift his head, and while breaking the wheat cakes on the plate, he said: "We can't take all the benefits. These foreign lords still need the bonus of war to stimulate them, otherwise they can't get up. Courage led the army to stand on the battlefield, and as for the group of merchants in the free market, I hope these trophies can bring some new vitality to the respective free markets."

"I hope that the free market here can attract some adventure groups that are active around here, let them come here, and attract them to hunt evil spirits in this area, so that we can reduce the number of patrol teams sent around."

Suldak took a spoonful of cold soup, and the rich milky taste made him frown.

Then he ate another piece of cold barbecue, which tasted okay,

"I plan to send those worthless black iron weapons to Hailansa City."

In fact, Suldak knew that this kind of fist sword and war blade were made according to the body shape of the evil spirit. For human fighters, the black iron fist sword used by the evil spirit was almost as long as the two-handed sword.

These weapons and warriors can't use them at all, so they can only be sent to the furnace of the blacksmith shop to be forged into iron ingots and rebuilt.

Although the weapon is mixed with magic black iron, the cost for merchants to transport it to Everson City is too high. In fact, the Grimm Empire does not lack black iron veins, so this kind of metal is not too expensive in the market. High customs clearance fees dilute the profits of such businesses, so merchants have no interest in these seized weapons at all.

Even if there are merchants who buy it, the purchase price is extremely low.

However, although this kind of black iron weapon is useless, if it is placed in the house as a decoration, it is quite exotic.

Suldak felt that if no one bought the captured black iron weapons, they would be sent directly to Hailansa City.

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