Lord Highlander

Chapter 1429: 1416. Ryan's Death

The free market was forced to close for half a day because merchants ran to the gate of the forest camp to buy black devil skins.

The transaction at the camp was over. Some merchants bought the Black Devil skin and chatted happily with their companions when the market ended. Some merchants did not buy the selected Black Devil skin and had to settle for the next best thing. At this time, they were a little unhappy. Some merchants began to hesitate, and when the decision was made, they found that all the goods, whether good or bad, had been sold out, and they could only stand outside the barracks gate in a sense of loss.

There is no expected bidding, and the selling price of all black devil skins is also very moderate, leaving a certain profit margin for the merchants.

It is the amount of black devil skins sold that makes the merchants feel a little hesitant.

There are too many. It is not yet known what kind of chain reaction such a large number of black devil skins will enter the trading market of the Grimm Empire...

In the past, the black devil skins appeared one by one, but now there are four thousand more.

This kind of high-grade leather can't be used as a magic pattern structure, and only some nobles like it, but now there are so many of them, and I don't know if the market demand is so big.

The Battle of Yangchang Canyon completely made this hidden mountain road in Ganda Er Mountain a sacred place in the hearts of many adventure groups.

Some adventure groups who were tired of living in the forest camp found out the route of action of the West Route Army, and began to pack up and salute, preparing to spend half a month walking on the temporarily opened hillside forest road before going to Look at that canyon that runs from north to south.

This battle has already spread among the adventure group, and the topic of the Constructed Knights’ surprise attack on the Yangchang Canyon has been repeatedly said in these people’s mouths for several days. Even the Bena people who came from the hometown of swordsmen Now it is also believed that the role of the Constructed Knight in the battlefield is much greater than that of the Constructed Swordsman.

However, the group of monsters in Lord Suldak's army that people discussed most was the dark red body, hard armor, huge fangs, and the powerful ability to walk freely in any terrain.

It is said that the soldiers in the forest camp called these monsters ant cavalry, and they also made a splash in the battle of the canyon this time.

Nearly 4,000 ghost-striped soldier ants died in the battle this time, mainly due to the blocking battle at the waterfall pass. The evil spirits on both sides wanted to open this passage and attacked desperately. At that time, the battlefield during the daytime was able to block Those crazy ghost warriors were almost filled with the lives of soldier ants.

Looking at it now, Suldak resisted all opinions and brought out 50,000 soldier ants from the Bailin plane. Not only did they suppress the vitality of the red ants in the Dark Worm Valley, but these soldier ants also showed great strength on the battlefield. combat effectiveness.


Selena, Samira, and Carrie Decker planned to take advantage of the free time in the afternoon to go to the free market opposite the forest camp.

In the battle of the Gut Canyon, Selena's powerful strength at the waterfall pass finally allowed her to successfully integrate into the small circle of Samira and Carrie Decker.

Surdak rarely had half a day of free time, so he went to the free market with the three women.

In the forest camp, Surdak has never been seen in public, so few people know the businessmen in the free market.

He changed the magic pattern structure on his body, and only wore the old salamander leather armor. At the beginning, Suldak planned to hire an inscription master to make this leather armor into a magic pattern structure, but it was a pity I haven't been able to find a free inscriber, and the matter has dragged on until now, and this set of salamander leather armor is already worn out.

There are already sesame cracks in many places of the leather armor, and there are also several stitched patches. Now even if an inscription master said that he could make a magic pattern structure for Suldak, it is impossible for Suldak to make this set of leather armor take it out.

Samira also has a set of salamander leather armor of the same style, which she didn't wear this time.

Three women walked into the lively free market side by side.

To be precise, this market is a camp set up by merchants on the grass.

In order to be able to set up some stalls in front of the camp, this camp looks more like a street, where food, weapons, armor and groceries are almost everything.

The entrance of the free market is an open-air tavern. The tables and chairs in this tavern are all made of giant tree logs split in half. It looks a bit rough, but the table is not only flat, but even the edges have been worn out. A layer of patina.

The tavern only had a few very light ales, and of course light meals and nuts were on offer.

Since the afternoon, there have been many guests here.

Samira bought half a bag of cat's claw fruit for four silver coins at a small vendor's stall. As a half-elf, she is still very picky about food, and only eats fruit and fish when she can. , but she doesn't hate nuts either.

Carrie Decker is used to being extravagant. When he comes to the market, he always asks about the price of some novelty items, and buys them if he likes them.

For example, a trumpet made of the sharp horns of the devil's head, with some useless but exquisite patterns engraved on it, and the edges are also inlaid with gold, which makes the horn look very exquisite.

She also bought a wool shawl that is said to have been woven by the local Aboriginal people.

Suldak knew that the aborigines of the tribes in the Ganda Er Mountains would not weave this kind of woolen shawl, maybe the herdsmen in the large meadows could.

Selena bought some beef jerky for Signa and Nika.

This kind of jerky, which is boiled and cut into pieces to dry, tastes full of salt when chewed. The taste of beef jerky is by no means hard and dry. There is some oil and water in it. The main reason to keep them from going bad is the beef jerky itself. of saltiness.

Signa and Nika usually put some snacks in their pockets habitually. Even though Nika has become the captain of the medical team, this habit has not changed.

When passing by a grocery stall, Suldak saw that there were seven walnut-sized magic cores in the square box in front of the stall. An incomplete magic core that can only be born by a super monster.

The probability of magic spar in this kind of magic core is very small, and occasionally some magic spar fragments can be solved, so they are not of much value.

Merchants in Handanal County like to gamble on magic cores, but there are only seven left in this box, and at a glance, it is obvious that they have been picked by someone. The biggest effect of this kind of garbage may be to increase the number of magic cores. The base number of the core, or it can deceive those who are new to the gambling magic core.

"Would you like to take a gamble? Let me tell you that the quality of the magic core here is very good. Someone gambled out three magic crystals in a row! These are all dug out of the brain of Mora fish, water attribute... ..."

When the stall owner saw the business coming, he sat in front of the stall and chatted endlessly.

Suldak pointed to the magic core inside the wooden box, and asked casually:

"How much is a piece?"

The stall owner saw that Suldak really had the idea of ​​buying. Although his attitude was not that strong, it was at least a rare opportunity.

Now the magical beasts in Ganda Er Mountain have almost disappeared, and the magic core is becoming more and more difficult to find, and the activity of gambling on the magic core has gradually faded out of people's lives.

If it weren't for the fact that the stall owner's seven magic cores are so ugly, they probably wouldn't have been kept until now.

The stall owner rolled his eyes, showed a sly smile, and said to Surdak:

"Normally, fifty silver coins are a piece. I think you should know the goods. You can sell them for twenty silver coins. There are only so many left, so you can choose whatever you want."

Carrie Decker squatted next to Suldak, with her two long legs overlapping each other, looking extraordinarily beautiful.

"You still play this?" Carrie Decker looked at Suldak curiously.

Suldak fiddled with the black magic core inside the box, with a memory in his eyes, he said frankly:

"I played it a few times when I served in the military here, and I was lucky. It can be said that the first pot of gold brought home from the battlefield was earned by this."

Carrie Decker asked with some surprise: "In this kind of thing...can you feel it?"

Suldak didn't speak, but there was a kind of confidence in his eyes, but Carrie Decker knew the answer.

"Are there any of these?" Carrie Decker asked.

"There is indeed one," Suldak replied.

As he said that, Suldak took out two gold coins from his pocket and threw them into a square box, then reached out and touched the seven magic cores.

"Wait a minute, I'll find you sixty silver coins..."

The stall owner took the two gold coins, carefully put them in his mouth, took a bite, confirmed that they were imperial gold coins, and shouted to Suldak, who was about to leave with the magic core, with a smile on his face.

Just as the grocery stall owner was leaning over, Suldak saw a copper pot protruding from his legs, and the whole body of the pot had been polished to a shine.

There is a round chimney in the middle of the copper pot, and there are two small lids on the chimney that can be opened and closed freely like petals. There is a ring-shaped pot around it, which is placed next to the stall owner’s right leg. He didn’t notice it just now, but now It was hard to look away.

To Surdak's surprise, he actually saw a copper hot pot in the free market.

It's hard to imagine, how did this unique pot appear here?

Do gourmets here also have the habit of eating hot pot?

Also happened to develop this pot?

Suldak squatted in front of the stall again, leaning forward to take the copper hot pot from the stall owner.

Unexpectedly, under this copper hot pot, there is actually a re-engraved fire-focus magic rune board.

"how much is this?"

"Do you want to buy this magic self-heating pot?"

The stall owner's eyes lit up.

Then he introduced it seriously:

"It was shipped from the imperial capital, and you can also see that it is a magic item. It needs to consume magic crystal fragments to use it normally. The experience of using it is very average. There is no problem with this thing for cooking porridge, but The biggest problem is that it takes a lot of effort to clean and... as for the price! It is not expensive among magic items, if you want to buy it, you need to give me another gold coin."


Suldak didn't say anything else, he threw a gold coin on the booth, picked up the copper hot pot and walked away.

Not in the mood to continue shopping in the market, he brought the copper hot pot back to the camp.

Then I spent the whole afternoon in a daze in the command post.

Selena and Samira came over to visit several times, but he remained silent all the time.


Suldak sat alone in the command post, with a polished copper hot pot on the square table.

The mottled fragments hidden in the deepest memory in his heart gradually became clear, but he didn't dare to stare at those memory fragments for too long, because every time he would feel a strong sense of dizziness.

"The last time I saw you with this expression was when I was in Wall Village." Selena walked behind him quietly and rubbed his forehead with her hands.

Suldak raised his head and leaned against Selina, enjoying quietly with his eyes closed.

"Is it so obvious?" he asked dejectedly.

Selena did not answer directly, but said: "At that time, I thought you might be remembering the life on the battlefield..."

"Now?" Suldak opened his eyes, looking at the beautiful and flawless face in front of him.

"I think you might be homesick!" Selena lowered her head and whispered to him, with an unnatural smile on her face.

Surdak was taken aback, then he stood up from the chair, walked outside without looking back, and said as he walked:

"I'm going to call Gullitum and Andrew, let's eat mutton tonight..."

In fact, there is still a sentence stuck in Selena's throat. She really wants to say to Suldak, "Everyone will miss home, it's just homesick, what's the matter..."

Suldak walked out quickly.

Selena's eyes changed from dark to blue, and in the next second, her eyes became as clear as lake water again,

With a look of helplessness on her face, she clasped her hands together in front of her chest and prayed earnestly before following Surdak out of the command post.


The news that Suldak led the West Route Army to victory in the Goat Gut Canyon in Ganda Er soon spread to the headquarters of the Bena Army near the city of Handanar.

This battle caused quite a stir in the Bena Legion. In the past two years, the Bena Legion has hardly won any decent victories.

It's just a little surprising that the matter was suppressed by Duke Newman and the news was blocked in Handanal County.

Although some people in the legion would discuss it in private, no one mentioned the issue of rewards for the West Route Army.

According to the Green Empire calendar, this month has entered the last month of 2591.

In the winter of 2591, Duke Ryan Busman failed to survive the new year, and the nobles of the entire Evelson Province were waiting for his death. He had just passed away in the castle of Evelson City , the news of Duke Ryan's death spread throughout the city like wings.

The speed at which the news spread was as if he was afraid that he would come back to life...

According to the announcement in Everson City, Duke Ryan died of illness.

But there is also a great magician from Everson City who said that if Duke Ryan Busman hadn't gone to the imperial capital once after the Battle of the Kempato River, he might have lived another 80 years.

What killed him was not disease and longevity, but a young magician who had a deep relationship with the royal family of the Green Empire.

Finally, the news of Duke Ryan's death came. As the troops of the Benar Legion entered the border area of ​​Moss River in Kornberg County, the news of the Battle of Gandar Ear Goat Gut Canyon came from Handanal. Spread the word from this side of the city...

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