Lord Highlander

Chapter 1430: 1417. The Warsaw Plane

(Well, the timeline of the last chapter was questioned by book friends, my question is now changed to the winter of 2591)

Looking at the date on the upper right corner of the newspaper, Suldak knew that the news in the magic newspaper in his hand was already ten days ago.

There was a cup of tea on the desk in the command post. The room was a bit dim, a beam of light came in through the glass window, and a small spot of light appeared on the desk.

In the spot of light, a letter written by Duke Newman was placed on the table, the wax paint had been torn, and the letter inside Suldak had read it twice.

He was thinking about the situation in the Warsaw plane. Duke Newman only wrote two things in the letter:

'The Everson House of Representatives announced that Quentin Busman will inherit the Dukedom of the Busman family on the first day of the new year and become the new Duke of Busman. '

'After the death of Duke Ryan, the Union Cavalry Regiment of the western provinces of the Green Empire began to enter the Warsaw plane, preparing to recover the five counties captured by the evil ghost army. '

After reading Duke Newman's letter, Suldak knew that the Busman family had completely given up the management rights of the Warsaw plane in order to keep the power in the Evelson province this time.

This time, the alliance lords of the provinces in the west of the empire are willing to send troops into the Warsaw plane, mainly because Quentin Busman is willing to hand over the star field coordinates of the Warsaw plane.

After the coalition forces of the new lords enter the Warsaw plane, the territorial division of the Warsaw plane will be reshuffled. Once the five counties that find the evil ghost army and fall are recaptured, the original lords will lose the ownership of these lands.

There are only two ways to reoccupy this land, directly send troops to capture it or be willing to pay for it.

The Duke of Newman is also waiting for this opportunity, and the Benar Army will capture Kornberg County across the board during this period of time.

After completely eating Kornberg County, the Bena Army will continue to capture Basa Musa County.

The current Epsom County has not been captured by the ghost army. After the troops of the Busman family withdraw one after another, it will become a public area occupied by the lord armies of the alliances. territory.

According to Duke Newman's plan, Lord Bena's army will occupy at least two counties on the Warsaw plane in this cake-sharing operation.

Handanal County is the original sphere of influence of the Bena Legion, but Duke Newman was put together by Duke Ryan at the beginning. Handanal County cannot be said to be barren, but it must be much worse than the other six counties. .

Handanal County was originally a large grassland surrounded by mountains. There are vast grasslands and dense trees in the mountains, so animal husbandry and forestry are developed, but other mine resources are very scarce, and if you want to expand the territory in the future The layout is also very troublesome.

To the north is the Gandar Earl Mountains, to the east is the Summersto River and the Great Rift Valley, and to the west is an unconquerable deep mountain swamp. Only the south borders Kornberg County, and the two counties are only separated by A Kampatomos River.

There are five rich mines in Kornberg, among which the most eye-catching is the so-called Maggie Mithril mine.

Suldak put the magic newspaper aside, closed his eyes and thought quietly for a while. Duke Newman was willing to spend eight years here with the Benar Legion. He certainly didn't just want to occupy two counties. It should be planning to expand outwards, at least having the right to open up Warsaw's territory after the evil ghost army is driven out of the Warsaw plane.

When Duke Ryan was alive, this power was in the hands of Ryan Busman.

Now that Quentin Busman inherited the title, in order to ensure that he can securely obtain the title, the compromise he made was to hand over Warsaw.

What's more, the Busman family has been tortured by the huge quagmire of the Warsaw plane, and the current Busman family lord army has long been unable to fight in Warsaw. What they need most is to cultivate for a period of time and reorganize. Quentin Booth Man, the new Duke, has the possibility to completely control the army of the Busman family lord.

This time, Duke Newman dispatched reinforcements from Bena province, mainly to stop the evil spirit army in Moyunling and the evil spirit army west of Naroda Fortress.

Suldak's West Route Army stationed in the forest camp this time is to contain the Moyunling evil spirit army...


The news of the West Route Army's victory in Yangchang Canyon was only announced after Duke Ryan Busman died of illness.

Hearing this news, Handanar County was completely boiling. The whole city of Handanal held various celebratory dances that night, and the black devil skin brought back by the merchants from the forest camp also arrived in Handa the next day. Nar City.

Only then did the citizens of the city realize that they heard the news and ran as fast as the merchants' carriages.

But then again, the news that the West Road reinforcements and the evil spirits won a big victory in the first battle was announced, and a large number of black devil skins arrived in Handanar City the next day, which made the whole city glow again vitality.

The noble lords in the city suddenly found that the land in their hands seemed to be saved, and the voices of supporting the Bena Army suddenly rose.

The name 'Lord of Suldak' also appeared for the first time at various balls in Handanar City, so after a long discussion among the nobles, they finally knew that the commander of Suldak came from the city of Hailansa. out of the lord.

For the nobles, it is not polite to call them by their first names in private...


It was only half a month later that Suldak learned that many nobles in Handanaer called him 'Lord Hailansa'.

In fact, Suldak really wanted to correct this name, because it would be more appropriate to call himself 'Lord Gambu' or 'Lord Ruyt'.

At this time, the evil spirit army on the Moyun Ridge in the northern part of Ganda Er Mountain was about to move, and Suldak had no time to pay attention to it.

He still can't figure out how the evil spirits transmit information among themselves.

The Bena Legion had just pressed down on the border of Kornberg County, and the evil ghost army in Moyun Ridge made a series of reactions quickly. If it weren't for the battle of Yangchang Canyon half a month ago, this evil ghost army had some concerns , I am afraid that the vanguard of this evil ghost army has already crossed Ganda Er Mountain.

Since Duke Newman hopes that the West Route Army can contain the evil spirit army in Moyunling, Suldak has been formulating a strategy to stop the evil spirit army in Moyunling during this period of time. After the evil ghost army had a series of actions.

Suldak immediately led the West Route Army, along the forest road opened four years ago to the north of the forest camp, and headed towards Moyunling in the northern mountainous area of ​​Ganda Er Mountain.

Now this forest road has been completely abandoned, the forest road is full of weeds, and the roadbed is covered with vines on both sides.

A group of ghostweave soldiers led the way in front of the army under the command of a druid.

This forest road seems to have been completely forgotten by everyone. When Suldak drew this line accurately on the map with a pen, the magician investigation team was still a little disbelieving, because after nearly a month of repeated investigations, , The magicians never found such a way in the forest area.

But Commander Suldak was very sure that this forest road must exist in the mountains.

There was no need to prepare anything in advance. On the day the army was dispatched, a team of soldier ants were sent to clear the weeds on the forest road.

As the soldiers and ants used their scissor-like fangs to gradually clear away the weeds on the forest road, a forest road leading straight to Moyunling appeared in everyone's sight as if it had been endowed with magic. The officers of the West Route Army They became more convinced of Suldak.

The forest road here is still so familiar. There are even some small trees with the thickness of arms growing on the forest road. The trees on both sides of the forest road are towering, and the crowns above the head have even been connected together, completely covering the forest road.

Suldak rode a magic-patterned horse with the army. This time, at the request of the little lords in the West Route Army, thirteen heavy-armored infantry regiments were used as the advance army to follow the two formations in Suldak. Behind the Knights and a full ant cavalry regiment, they walked into Moyun Ridge first.

The first batch of supplies for the ghost pattern soldier ants arrived at the forest farm camp three days ago, which meant that the army of soldier ants had finally been recognized by the Bena Army.

Although they have not yet been established, the military department defines these soldier ants as horse-like mounts for the heavy armored infantry regiment of the Lord Suldak Army.

In any case, getting the military's approval finally made Suldak heave a sigh of relief.

Next, there is no need for him to bother to raise supplies for the ghost pattern soldier ants.

In addition, this time the military department also sent one hundred bed crossbows and one hundred catapults to the West Route Army. Suldak guessed that these catapults and bed crossbows were already in the supplies of Handanar City. It has been stored in the warehouse for a long time, and Duke Newman has been waiting for this opportunity before taking out these strategic materials.

With this batch of bed crossbows, Suldak has greater confidence in stopping the Moyunling evil spirit army.

With the businessman Malakom opening up the trading channel in the imperial capital, now whether it is buying standard magic pattern structures or giant magic crossbow bolts, Thunder Rhino Merchant Group can not only get the goods in the first time, but also has the support of big customers. Benefits.

For Suldak, although the cost of using this type of war weapon has been greatly increased, the deterrent effect against evil spirits has also been doubled.

In order to allow the heavy armored infantry regiment under their command to keep up with the marching speed of the Constructed Knights, the little lords of the West Route Army deliberately bought a large number of horses from the ranchers on the large meadow. Now this group of heavy armored infantrymen All own horses.

When passing through the forest road, you can also see a neat team of horses passing through the forest.

The large groups of red-eyed hyenas in the mountains have now disappeared. At the beginning, these red-eyed hyenas, which were not considered monsters, posed a great threat to the heavy armored infantry regiment in the forest camp, mainly because the number of red-eyed hyenas in this mountain was too large. huge.

Now the red-eyed hyenas in the mountains have obviously been eaten up by the evil spirits, and there are no traces of them in the mountains.

Suldak sighed softly, he thought of the earth storm bear that had helped him escape from this mountain range, maybe that bear had also become food in the belly of the evil spirits.

Through the gap between the forest roads, Moyun Ridge in the distance still pierces into the sky.


The countermeasure that Suldak formulated this time was not only to lead the West Route Army to actively attack Moyun Ridge, so as to contain the evil spirit army on Moyun Ridge.

He spent more than a month supporting the adventure group of Handanal County to hunt evil spirits in the northern part of the Great Meadow and the northern mountains of Ganda Er Mountain. Not only did he require a rich variety of free market transactions opposite the forest camp, but More importantly, the forestry camp is willing to treat the injured members of the adventure group.

Of course, these alone are not enough to attract all adventure groups.

Another policy of Suldak made these adventure groups unwilling to leave easily.

Because he promised the adventure group stationed in the forest camp that the evil spirits hunted by the adventure group can be traded with the lord army in the forest camp.

And the lords can exchange merits and receive rewards on the merit list...

After this opening was released by Suldak, it meant that while hunting evil spirits, the adventure group could enjoy the welfare of the soldiers of the Lord Army as long as they traded the loot to the Lord Army of the forest farm camp.

Moreover, some small lords in the West Route Army also need unidentified black magic crystals to be promoted to the title, and they are willing to spend some money to buy black magic crystals.

The adventure group handed over the spoils to the lord army, and they can get some rewards on the merit list. Many adventure groups set their sights on the top ten magic pattern structures on the merit list. According to Suldak's exchange rate for the adventure group Well, these adventure groups only need to kill 50 evil spirits and turn in all the spoils to exchange for a complete set of magic pattern construction, which is much cheaper than using magic spar to bid in the auction house.

It was this news that caused the adventure group from Handanar City to flood into Gandar Er Mountain in large numbers.

According to the preliminary statistics of the tavern owner in the free market of the forest camp, there were at least several hundred adventure groups who came to the forest camp in just one month.

As soon as these adventure groups plunged into the Ganda Er Mountain, they became hunting groups hunting evil ghost scout teams.

For an adventure group with the ability to hunt evil spirits, at least one constructed swordsman will be in the team.

The Bena province is most famous for the Bena swordsmen. These constructed swordsmen may not be as good as the constructed knights in the army, but they are far more important than the constructed knights in the adventure group, so this is also the Bena swordsman. One of the reasons why the province has much more adventure groups than other provinces.

With the large number of adventure groups pouring into Mount Gandhar, the scout teams of the Evil Ghost Legion all over the mountains had to be forced to shrink to the Moyun Ridge area.

The scope of activities of the Evil Ghost Scouting Team has been continuously backlogged by the adventure group, gradually losing control of Ganda Ershan.

In fact, the most incomprehensible thing for the adventure group is that even though there is no one guarding the Yangchang Canyon now, the evil spirits on Moyun Ridge dare not step into the Yangchang Canyon.

The arrival of Suldak's West Route Army at the foot of Moyunling Mountain happened to be the first day of the New Year of the Green Empire.

And this day happened to be the day when Quentin Busman succeeded Duke Busman.


Probably knowing the movements of the West Route Army, the East Route Army Marquis Edmund Arnold also launched an offensive posture on the western defense line of Handanal County.

However, the eastern foothills of Handanal County are completely different from the northern mountains. The Eastern Route Army is stationed in a fortress in a canyon. This fortress was named 'Naroda' by Duke Newman.

In fact, as long as the Naroda Fortress is defended, Marquis Edmund Arnold's Eastern Route Army has completed the task assigned by the military department.

Marquis Edmund Arnold is obviously not satisfied with this merit. This time, there are still a group of Constructed Knights who came to the Warsaw plane with the Eastern Route Army. Ordinary achievements cannot satisfy their appetite.

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