Lord Highlander

Chapter 1431: 1418. Moyun Ridge

The giant mountain on the opposite side is the highest peak in the north of the Ganda Er Mountains - Moyun Ridge.

It is hidden in the mountains, but it is alone among the mountains.

There are countless overlapping peaks on the Gandar Er Mountains. Moyun Ridge is nearly a thousand meters high from a group of mountains, and the peaks are as high as clouds.

Standing at the foot of Moyunling Mountain, it is already difficult to have a panoramic view of this mountain.

When Suldak entered Moyun Ridge with the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment, he didn't think it was so tall and majestic. The magician scouting team flew around this Moyun Ridge for nearly twenty days. Only then did he fly around the main peak of Moyunling.

Before that, Suldak thought that Moyun Ridge was just a main peak, but according to the information obtained from the magician investigation team, the peak hidden in the clouds should be at least as large as the Sai Ruoman Plateau in Ganbu Plane. Big, that is to say, there is likely to be a vast wilderness hidden in the main peak of Moyun Ridge that goes straight into the clouds.

So the plan of the Bena Legion in the forest camp to attack Moyunling was really a bit hasty.

The barracks of the West Route Army was built in a north-facing woodland at the foot of the southern Moyun Mountain. This is a gentle slope full of oak forests. The oak trees in the woodland are thick and tall, and there are some moss and ferns in the woodland. , there are no low bushes and vines, and there is a river not far away, facing Moyun Ridge, and there is an open valley of nearly ten kilometers in front.

Even if there is an army of evil spirits rushing down from Moyun Ridge, they will be exposed in this valley where people can hardly hide.

In the barracks of the West Route Army, thousands of heavy armored infantry soldiers are constructing the camp wall in full swing. . Nine meters high wooden fence.

A row of wooden thorns inclined at an angle of 45 degrees are buried under the foundation of the outer side of this wooden fence. The infantry fighters were sharply cut.

On the inner side of the wooden fence, a platform is built on the top. The platform made of wooden boards is made of pillars. A lot of arrow towers are arranged.

There are several highly skilled carpenters in the legion, and this temporary camp was built like a stronghold with complete fortifications.

Nearly 60,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers have been living in this camp. Each arrow tower on the wall has installed a magic bed crossbow. Almost half of the one hundred bed crossbows sent by the military department to the West Route Army They are installed on the arrow tower of the camp.

When the camp was first built, there were ghost scouts running over from time to time to harass them. Suldak ordered people to put out a hundred bed crossbows, and shot and killed dozens of ghost fighters who attacked the camp. The ghost warrior became much more honest.

In order to prevent the West Route Army from camping in the camp, the evil ghost army on Moyunling sent out batch after batch of evil ghost soldiers.

For this reason, Andrew led two Constructed Knights to have dozens of small-scale skirmishes with the evil ghost army on Moyunling during the half month. Cheap.

Although the strength of the constructed knights is similar to that of the ghost warriors, the two sides are only evenly matched in a frontal battle.

If the Constructed Knight didn't open up the battlefield to charge, the Ghost Warrior would even have a certain advantage on the battlefield.

It's just that Andrew and the Constructed Knights play very flexibly. Sometimes they will lead these ghost fighters into the battlefield where soldier ants are ambushed. These soldier ants are almost lurking underground, just waiting for the ghost fighters to enter the ambush circle. Suddenly crawling out of the hole, their fighting style is also extremely barbaric, completely dragging the ghost warrior with their bodies desperately, waiting for the constructed knight who rushes out from behind to harvest the life of the ghost warrior.

Sometimes the Constructed Knights would lead evil spirits into the valley full of gunpowder barrels. The wide-view valley in front of the West Route Army camp was almost destroyed by black powder. The originally sparse woods had already turned into scorched earth. There are even small pits surrounded by big pits, and many broken limbs and arms of evil spirits are even buried in the soil.

This conflict continued until the wooden fence on the front side of the camp was built, and twelve arrow towers were erected, and twelve magic bed crossbows were arranged on the arrow towers.

Only then did the number of ghost fighters running over to harass them gradually decrease.

In fact, during this period of time, a large group of ghost warriors appeared at the foot of the Moyun Ridge, planning to take advantage of the fact that Suldak's lord army failed to gain a firm foothold here, and completely wiped out this group of advance troops.

It's just that on both sides of this forest at this moment, there are not only two army ants looking at each other, but also a group of magicians riding magic horns and turning around in the sky.

This group of magicians even threw a row of gunpowder barrels neatly into the camp of the evil ghost soldiers. Before the evil ghost army could form an attacking formation, the magicians blasted the scene into chaos.

Although not many evil spirits died from the explosion of black powder kegs on the battlefield, the mages successfully prevented a large-scale attack of the evil spirit army.

Now the military camp is finally built. Not only the surrounding walls have been built, but the number of tents in the camp is gradually decreasing. With the construction of wooden houses, this temporary camp looks a lot more regular.

In Suldak's lord's army, there are many aborigines from the Bailin plane, southern rebels from the Ganbu plane, and villagers from the barren land.

This group of people are all good at building wooden houses. It only takes half a day to build a wooden house for sixty people, and at least nearly a hundred of them can be built in the camp at the same time.

Now the entire hillside is occupied by Suldak's West Route Army, and countless wooden houses are hidden in the woods.


Andrew strode into Suldak's command post that had just been built, greeted Selena who was sitting aside and counting logistics supplies, and came to Suldak's side.

Suldak was in front of the map, raising his head and drawing the general outline of Moyun Ridge on the unknown area of ​​the map.

The map information was provided by the magician scouting team. Suldak had originally prepared an attack plan, but after learning that Moyunling covers such a vast area, he immediately changed the attack plan.

"Boss, should we try to kill it now? Let me take the Construct Knight to be the vanguard first. Even if the evil spirits on the other side are well prepared, I am sure to withdraw completely."

Andrew stood by Suldak's side and said loudly.

Suldak looked away from the map, waved his hand at Andrew, pointed to the chair in the command post, and told him to sit down.

Then he said to Andrew: "The magician investigation team is investigating the details of Moyun Ridge. The terrain in this area is more complicated than I thought. The evil spirits have been here for so long, and they must be more familiar with this place than us. Here, it is obviously not worthwhile for us to rush in this time just to kill a few more evil spirits, and it will also arouse the high vigilance of the evil spirit army."

Surdak dipped a little ink with a quill pen, then drew a small circle on the map, pointed to this area and said:

"As long as we are stationed here, even if we can control the evil spirits from slipping out from the south side of Moyun Ridge, after the fortifications we built here are completely completed, this place will become the main battlefield of the West Route Army."

Andrew followed Suldak's fingers and found that what Suldak was talking about was the valley in front of the camp.

The place has been blown to pieces by black powder now, and every time the ghost fighters rush out from Moyun Ridge, they will take the initiative to avoid that battlefield.

He didn't think it would become the main battlefield against the army of evil spirits.

At this time, Samira and Carrie Decker walked in side by side from outside the command post, and Suldak asked her:

"Have the rest of the magic bed crossbows been placed?"

"It's all installed." Samira responded.

Because the magic bed crossbow moves a bit slowly, it needs to be dragged by the horse every time, which is extremely inconvenient on the battlefield, especially in jungle warfare.

So this time Suldak simply installed half of the bed crossbows on the arrow tower, and the other part of the bed crossbows was arranged around the camp by Samira to become a fixed fort.

All the trees in the valley below the hillside were also cut down by the soldiers, and the range of the bed crossbow just reached the edge of the valley.

It can be said that Suldak spent a lot of manpower and material resources in order to clear this battlefield.

"I want to suppress the evil spirit army here in Moyun Ridge. Only in this way can those adventure groups enter the hunting grounds in the northern part of Ganda Er Mountain with confidence. This time I need them and these adventure groups to be our eyes, regardless of the evil spirits. Wherever the soldiers go, they can't escape their sight!" Suldak told Andrew his plan.

Recently, he has been encouraging the adventure group to be stationed in the forest camp. For this reason, he did not hesitate to separate part of the treatment team with limited resources from the West Route Army to provide paid treatment for the injured members of the adventure group.

Suldak rubbed his forehead and asked Samira, "Do you know what's going on near Moyun Ridge?"

Samira thought for a while, then replied:

"The biggest problem facing the evil ghost army recently is still food. Since the evil spirits from the Samosto River all evacuated that area, the hunting group on the Yangchang Canyon has also suffered heavy losses. According to the report of the magician investigation team, it can be judged Come out, now only the mountains to the north of Moyun Ridge remain in the hunting area of ​​the Evil Ghost Legion."

"The evil spirits may need to increase their hunting range in the northern part of Moyun Ridge. I think this may be a good opportunity for us..."

Suldak thought for a while, and then asked Samira again: "Can the Magician Detective Team give you the detailed information in Moyun Ridge?"

"The vegetation over there is dense, and the magicians are worried that evil spirits will suddenly appear, so they dare not approach the top of the canopy easily." Samira said expressionlessly: "I heard that the highest peak is shrouded in clouds and mist. Teachers dare not fly in."

"In addition, when the magician was investigating the mountains to the north of Moyun Ridge, he also found traces of the tribe's aborigines in that mountain range, but there is still a not-so-short distance from Moyun Ridge."

Suldak nodded, walked in front of Andrew, patted his shoulder and said:

"What we need to do now is to firmly tie this evil ghost army here. This is the task that Duke Newman entrusted to our West Route Army. Only when we do this can we consider other things... such as how to weaken Morocco The Yunling Demon Legion has strength."

"I don't have the slightest interest in that piece of Moyun Ridge right now, but if I can do it without losing manpower, of course I still hope to hunt as many evil spirits as possible..."

Andrew asked in a low voice with some reluctance: "Don't you want to see the door of evil spirits hidden on the top of the mountain?"

Suldak waved his hand again, and quickly said to Andrew: "No...how is it possible?...I'm not interested in the top of Moyunling at all right now!"

Hearing what Suldak said, Andrew could only give up his aggressive offensive plan.

Originally, he had made an agreement with the wolf knight Tiger this time, and the two continued to cooperate this time, just like fighting a beautiful cooperative battle in Yangchang Canyon.

Unexpectedly, when he ran to Suldak, he got a bad nose, turned around and left the command post sullenly.

Suldak's eyes fell on the blank area to the north of Moyun Ridge, and there is no detailed information on that area on the map of the Bena Legion.

There are several hexagonal magic crystals on the table, and many magic images are stored in these crystals.

Suldak pulled out a crystal from it, and was about to check the contents, when Samira approached and asked:

"What are you looking at?"

Surdak surrounded the vague Moyun Ridge with a quill pen, drew an arc-shaped arrow in the area near the left side of Moyun Ridge, and then asked Samira beside him: "If we ride a horse from Moyun Ridge?" How long will it take to go around the edge of the ridge to the north?"

Samira thought for a while before saying: "Riding a horse is much slower than flying, it will take at least half a month. Are you going to send a scouting team?"

She looked at the profile of Suldak, and Suldak turned around and shook his head and said:

"No, this time I'm going to meet those aborigines in person!"


Samira simply didn't know what to say.

Then Suldak explained:

"Now the aborigines in the Gandaell Mountains are extinct, and they can only be found further north. In fact, I still want to talk to them. They should be in a very difficult situation now, and in order to survive, They should also need to resist the group of evil spirits, since we have a common enemy, I think we can cooperate with them in some way."

Samira immediately retorted: "You also said at the beginning that the natives of these tribes also hated the imperial knights. When they opened up the Warsaw plane, it was the Busman Army that drove them into the deep mountains."

Suldak said confidently:

"But we have a common enemy this time...and... I don't think those aborigines will regard me as an enemy!"

Samira knew that she couldn't get rid of Suldak's idea, so she stopped entangled in this matter.

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