Lord Highlander

Chapter 1438: 1425. Night Hunting

A beam of magic light bullets rushed into the night sky and exploded in the starry night sky. The ball of light flames could be seen even several kilometers away.

In a few seconds, there was an explosion sound, and all the insects in this forest stopped.

A team of ghost hunters is walking along the valley in the jungle. Not far away, there are a few argali drinking water by the stream. They see dazzling magic bullets in the night sky. The ghost fighters They immediately followed General Zaborez and ran towards the direction of the light bullet.

In the past three days, two teams of evil spirits have been brutally killed at the foot of Moyunling Mountain for chasing the light of this magic flare.

Under the eyes of the Evil Ghost Legion, someone actually hunted and killed evil ghosts so recklessly, which made the senior management of the Evil Ghost Legion very angry.

There were thirteen other ghost generals who rushed over together with General Zaborez. They are all scattered at the foot of Moyun Ridge. In order to catch these invaders as soon as possible, the ghost generals formed fourteen hunting teams. The team is scattered at the foot of Moyunling Mountain.

Now, this group of intruders appeared near the search team led by General Zaberez, and General Zaberez naturally had to rush there quickly, otherwise, once the other evil generals preempted them, they probably wouldn't even have a mouthful of soup in the end.

General Zaborez knew that there would be many search teams who saw this magic light bullet, and the anger in his heart was almost uncontrollable. When he looked at the ghost warriors around him, his eyes seemed to be able to kill people.

He pressed his hand on the war blade at his waist, and the killing intent on his body could almost condense endless black flames.

General Zaborez roared sharply: "Hurry up, you group of weak guys, you are so slow when you are blocked at the door of your house..."

Hearing the general's furious yelling, the evil ghost soldiers immediately accelerated their running speed under the huge shock.

There is no way, now the barracks have reduced three meals a day to one meal, but the logistics supplies are still not enough to support such a huge number of evil spirits.

Now there are five times more ghost hunting groups hunting in the mountains north of Moyunling than before, but the food they can get back has not increased much. The aborigines living there are not as easy to hunt as wild beasts.

During the recent period, the number of ghost hunting teams has continued to increase, but at present there is an imperial lord army guarding at the foot of the southern foot of Moyunling, so that the senior executives of the ghost army on Moyunling have to discuss the battle plan every day Well, the situation encountered by the ghost hunting group in the north, the high-level response was not so timely.

The upper echelons of the Evil Ghost Legion sent a group of Evil Generals here to deal with the mess here.

If General Zarberez wanted to get into the eyes of the high-level leaders, he had to behave well. He had been walked like a dog at the foot of the mountain for nearly three nights, and now his bad mood was like a volcano that would erupt all the time.

Of course, the ghost fighters under his command knew the general's temper. At this time, they could only carry out the orders in a dull manner.

Run, run, run!


If it weren't for the fact that the fireworks can only transmit light farther at night, Suldak would never have released magic flares at ten o'clock in the night for three consecutive nights, making himself a hunter of countless evil spirits. The team's target.

He was standing on a slope in a valley, where the bristlegrass grew almost to the height of his waist, and the withered yellow tassels rose and fell in the night wind.

Under the moonlight, he could see the ghost warriors on the other side of the river below, crossing the rushing river with their long legs, and searching for this area.

The sound of gurgling water in the valley filled the night with tranquil beauty.

But those ghost warriors running in the night filled the whole night with tension and oppression, and that kind of solemnity seemed a little breathless.

Between the valleys, the cliffs on the opposite side look like countless fangs and claws against the backdrop of the night.

Under the moonlight, the grass swayed gently with the night wind, as if ghost warriors would come out of the grass at any moment.

On the opposite cliff, there were occasional low-pitched roars of ghost warriors.

Suldak flicked his slightly sore wrist. In the past two days, he had killed nearly fifty evil spirit warriors. He also knew that his wanton killing at the foot of Moyunling Mountain must have killed the evil spirit army. There was trouble over there, and more and more ghost warriors gathered here, and he also knew that there must be many ghost generals hidden among these ghost fighters.

Only the force of General Evil Ghost can suppress him. Otherwise, with the help of Aphrodite, Suldak is like having a portal that can leave the field at any time. As long as he wants to avoid a wave, he can immediately will step into the gate of the void.

As for Samira, you can completely ignore her, she has now awakened the blood of the elves, and one of the innate abilities she has mastered is the ability of 'concealment'.

Moreover, it is hidden in the jungle. She is a half-elf. Once she emits the breath of the elf, she will instantly become a friend of the forest. Suldak once saw countless vines wrapping her in it, making her look like It is a big banyan tree.

Sensing the aura of the evil general on the opposite side, Suldak turned around and walked into the dense forest on the hillside.

He didn't want to fight this group of evil spirits on the barren grass slope, otherwise, more evil spirits would rush over.

Aphrodite poked her head through the Void Gate and asked Suldak who was walking into the woods, "Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?"

Suldak was holding the broad sword light soldering iron. Although he really wanted to go to Aphrodite's warm hut to rest for a while, drink a cup of milk tea and hug his daughter, but he was also worried that doing this would slowly wear him down. His will to fight, thinking that there is Samira waiting to fight with him in the woods, he waved his hand and said to Aphrodite:

"Forget it, this time I'm going to make them clamp their tails tightly. To be a mad dog is to look like a mad dog."

Suldak took out the shield from his magic pocket, glanced at Samira standing on the branch of the big tree, and nodded to her.

Aphrodite, wearing a black robe, came out from the Void Gate. She was holding a demon fang in her hand. This fang was two feet long, and it was gray-white all over. It was engraved with countless magic circles. , and the tip of the tooth is wrapped with fine gold thread to form a very beautiful handle.

This is a very rare magic wand. Since the material is a devil's tooth, it will double the power of black magic.

Usually, imperial magicians prefer to use fir or world branches, magic secret swords, magic books, etc. as magic power-boosting weapons, so when Aphrodite bought this weapon in the auction house, Suldak also appreciated it. for a long time.

After Aphrodite's power broke through the second turn, the insect wings behind her began to gradually materialize, so her magic dress always showed a large white and greasy back, and she was used to using a black knitted shawl to cover the symmetrical life demon behind her back. Cover it up.

She greeted Samira on the branch of the tree, and then asked Surdak:

"Is there still no news from the group of magicians?"

Leaning against a big tree, Suldak watched the group of ghost hunting teams who had crossed the river search upstream, and considered whether to give them some information and lure them here.

After all, every ghost warrior has a precious unidentified black magic crystal. Once this kind of black magic crystal accumulates to seventy or eighty, you can buy a set of magic pattern structure when you return to the Green Empire. Hunting evil spirits is much easier than hunting monsters in the forest of monsters.

The only trouble is that you must be careful not to let the evil ghost general stare at you.

"I don't blame them. Moyun Ridge is so big, even if all the magicians are active in the northern region, it is not easy to meet them." Suldak said in a low voice.

He and Samira wanted to return to the military camp in the south of Moyunling from here, and the fastest way was to fly back again on the magic steeds of the magicians.

It's just that the scope of the agreed location is a bit large. If Suldak wants to contact the magicians of the scouting team, besides releasing magic flares into the night sky every night, he also needs to have a certain amount of luck. Not that good.

The magicians failed to rush over, but more and more ghost hunting groups came after the fireworks.

At this time, Aphrodite took out a pot of feather arrows and threw it to Samira on the tree.

"That guy Lance has attached a 'penetrating' magic pattern on the shaft of each arrow. Recently, the group of magicians in the magic union in Hailansa City didn't know what they heard. Many inscription masters are actually there. Changed to become an enchanter, Lance is also leading a group of young magicians to specialize in enchanting magic patterns." Aphrodite said.

Suldak couldn't figure out when Aphrodite and Lance became so familiar.

Over there are magicians from the Magic Union, and here are succubi in the hell world. Can there be any common language?

For this, Aphrodite didn't have any explanation, just a faint smile on her face.

Samira took out an arrow from the quiver, and saw that the arrow shaft coated with a layer of magic red copper was actually hollow, and its weight was almost the same as that of an iron-wood arrow shaft. The entire feathered arrow had a very high balance.

"Helansa can't make such an arrow shaft. Is this the forging process of San Carlos City?" Samira whispered.

Aphrodite raised her head and replied: "These arrows were bought by the merchant Malakom from the imperial capital. There is such an arrow-like enchanting substrate in the magic market over there. It is said that this type of magic arrow They are also sold in bulk at the magic market over there."

"Actually, I'm a little curious. What did Malakom come up with that can impress you and convince my friends." When Suldak said this, he didn't look at the magic in Samira's hand. Instead of arrows, he looked at Aphrodite.

Aphrodite smiled, did not defend, and did not answer.


Walking into the dirt slope covered with dogtail grass, the ghost warrior could smell the smell of human warriors in the surrounding air - the smell of meat.

It's just that they didn't feel too much joy in their hearts. Instead, they looked at each other and began to look around vigilantly.

For the evil spirits who crawled out of the dark world of hell, there is actually not much difference between day and night. They can see the surrounding scenery during the day, but it is also the same at night. Their eyes are not as dependent on light. powerful.

During the first three days of hunting, the evil spirits suffered a lot from chasing their human prey, and the corpses of their companions made the evil spirit generals furious.

I don't know how many companions were whipped by the burning black fire because of this, and what was even more frightening was that the strong human beings on the opposite side would kill all the evil spirits that chased them.

They came here through the gate of evil spirits for thousands of miles to enjoy the delicious flesh and blood, not to stick their heads in, wait for the other party to drop the butcher knife, and then turn themselves into the nourishment of this world.

The evil spirits have been occupying the Warsaw plane for ten years. During this period, the commander of the legion has cracked some world laws. Their bodies are getting more and more adapted to this world, and their own strength is also increasing. No one wants to die in vain.

But now, this group of ghost fighters felt that they were going to die if they charged forward.

As they swung their arms again and again, the fist swords in their hands cut down the wild grass on the hillside in pieces, and they left clear traces in the wild grass with big strides.

There is a dense forest ahead.

To be honest, this ghost hunting group didn't want to go in, but when the ghost general rushed over, they found that they just didn't search the dense forest on the other side of the valley, and they would inevitably be whipped.

So this time, even if they know that the front is very dangerous, they have to go in and check it out.

The evil spirit walking in the front could clearly smell the stronger smell of humans in the dense forest. Sharp bone spurs had grown on every joint of his body, and the bone armor on his body was also being strengthened.

It stepped out of the grass, stepped over a section of outcropping tree roots, and walked into the silent dense forest.

A sharp piercing sound passed over his head, and its heart suddenly became cold, and the fist sword in its hand stabbed towards the tree on the left for no reason.

There was a muffled groan from his companion behind him, but there was no one behind the tree. Just as he looked up to find where the arrow came from, he felt a cold broad-edged sword resting on his shoulder. .

At this moment, the bone spurs all over its body exploded. He used one arm to block the broad-edged sword, and the fist sword in the other hand stabbed behind him.

But there was a soft glow emanating from the broad-edged sword, and that kind of light actually made the dark energy on his body subside instantly. The skeletal armor that had subsided was as crisp as peach shortbread, with thick bones. Nails are crushed like plaster.

In an instant, he felt powerless and dizzy, and he saw the big bloody wound on his shoulder, and the blood spattered stained the tree trunk.

In the next second, his face touched the wet soil.

All color in its eyes began to fade away.

At this moment, it saw the gate in the deepest part of the abyss...

There was a rattling sound in its throat, and it was still trying to open its mouth.

The tall body fell to the ground...

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