Lord Highlander

Chapter 1439: 1426. Soul Color

The few ghost warriors who followed watched as their companions were pierced through the skull by a feather arrow, and the bone armor on their foreheads shattered like a crispy egg roll.

The evil ghost warrior at the front had just stepped into the forest area when he was cut off with a sword by the constructed knight who jumped from the tree. This kind of killing battle has been going on for the last three nights, following behind The evil spirits did not rush up at the first time, but let out a low growl calling for their companions scattered around the valley.

The six ghost fighters quickly got together. They knew that their opponents were very strong, and they had no intention of underestimating them.

All they need to do is hold out until the nearby Goblin General arrives.

The broadsword in Suldak's hand was dripping with blood. He stepped out of the forest. Samira stood on the branch of an oak tree behind him. There are three feathered arrows on the sky strike bow.

Seeing that there is still no movement in the night sky, it seems that the magician of the investigation team still cannot be contacted tonight.

Suldak could only sigh secretly, thinking that he would continue to walk south along the foot of Moyun Ridge.

The evil spirits sent to the door still need to be dealt with. Although they have sent signals to the surroundings, Suldak knows that they will not leave even if they die in battle before the evil spirit reinforcements arrive. .

In that case, die!

Seeing Suldak raised the demon shield in his hand, Samira knew that Suldak had made a decision.

She straightened her left arm, leveled the bow, and stretched the bowstring with her right hand. A magic spar burned instantly in the gemstone groove on the back of the bow, and countless fine crystals turned into a puff of blue smoke.

The bow arm of the Sky Strike Bow was instantly surrounded by electric arcs, and the magic pattern on her arm reappeared, and the phantom of the big elf archer who appeared behind her made the same movement as her.

An arrow shot out angrily...

Although the group of evil ghost warriors who gathered together had been prepared for a long time, facing the flying arrows, the evil ghosts could only raise their arms to block, and the bone armor on their arms suddenly thickened a lot.

This arrow with countless electric arcs pierced the arm of an evil ghost warrior. The evil ghost warrior felt numb all over, and electric snakes drilled into his body along his arms, waiting for him to scream At that time, the body was completely paralyzed.

At this time, he had no way to warn the ghost warriors beside him of the danger, so he could only stand stiffly in place.

A bucket-thick bolt of lightning struck down from the night sky, accompanied by a crackling sound.

Lightning struck the ghost warrior with the arrow in his arm.

Several ghost warriors standing with it were pushed out by a violent force almost at the same time.


Suldak just rushed up at this time, and a ghost warrior was violently pushed in front of Suldak. Before the ghost warrior could stand still, the fist sword in his hand stabbed at Suldak heart.

Suldak swung the devil's shield and bumped into the fist sword abruptly. A layer of pure holy light shone on the shield.

This holy light made the ghost warrior couldn't help but close his eyes.

The stabbing sword was also completely blocked by Suldak, and the evil ghost shield hit the evil ghost warrior's face fiercely like a door panel.

'shield strike'

The body of the evil spirit was knocked back involuntarily, and Suerdak drew out the broadsword with his left hand, and stabbed obliquely along the edge of the shield.

This sword looked very slow, and the trajectory was extremely clear. The evil ghost warrior even clearly saw Suldak's eyes focus on his heart, but the evil ghost warrior's body seemed to be rusted. into his chest, unexpectedly unable to move half a step.

Until Suldak pressed down his wrist and cut open the ghost warrior's chest and abdomen with his broad sword, almost cutting the ghost warrior in half from the middle.

After beheading an evil ghost warrior, he didn't stop, but took a few strides forward to the right, held up the evil ghost shield to block the backhand stabbing blade of the evil ghost warrior, and turned around violently. Flash to the other side of the ghost warrior's body.

Seeing that Suldak disappeared from sight, the ghost warrior immediately rushed forward, intending to use his speed to throw away Suldak who was close to him.

But the next moment, Suldak had already appeared on the other side of the ghost warrior's body like a ghost.

The evil ghost warrior didn't have time to stab Suldak with the war blade, so he could only hold his belly and chest in his chest, and made his body into a ball as much as possible, and rushed towards the grass on the left.

Suldak leaned forward like a ghost, drawing a circular arc with his broad sword.

'leaf sweep'

The light soldering iron with a touch of holy light almost chopped off the evil ghost warrior in half.

And the other ghost warriors who were close to Suldak were also forced to retreat by the semicircular light blade.

Even so, the extremely sharp sword light also left a shallow wound on the other three evil spirits.

The fear in the hearts of the three evil spirits increased greatly. Although they did not dare to escape from here, they took the opportunity to disperse in three directions.

A black line in the night sky was a hypnotic ray shot out by an evil eye, and it landed on the ghost warrior. The ghost warrior ran forward a few steps before falling to the ground like a dog eating shit.

Another arrow shot through the ghost warrior at the farthest grass slope.

In the end, the ghost warrior was also chased by Suldak from behind, and a sword pierced through the ribs into the heart...

The ghost warrior forcibly turned around to fight back, but was knocked to the ground by Suldak's shield.

'Jumping' cut off the head of the ghost warrior, and Suldak took out a magic sealing box, chopped off the heads of the corpses of the ghosts scattered on the battlefield, and put them in the magic sealing box.

The battle came suddenly, and then ended hastily.

The ghost warrior's corpse couldn't be taken away, and Suldak was going to peel some black-striped demon skin, but Samira whistled from the forest, and Suldak immediately knew that the danger was approaching.

Then he left behind a few corpses of the evil spirits, and walked into the woods without looking back, carrying the demon-sealing box.

He didn't even bother to look behind him...


General Zaborez stood on the cliff opposite the canyon and could see the fierce battle on the other side of the hill.

When he jumped off the cliff and ran towards the creek along the slope of the valley, the two ghost warriors had already fallen down. Seeing the other ghost warriors fighting bravely, although he was anxious, he was still concerned about the situation. The ghost hunting party is full of praise.

He strode across the creek, and found that the six evil ghost warriors on the hillside had been killed in just a few minutes, and his face turned cold in an instant.

He muttered in his mouth: "Idiot..."

He wanted to expend a bit of strength to catch up quickly, but the grassy slope was at least 400 meters away.

The imperial knight holding a shield even stopped on the hillside, and glanced at it with provocative eyes, before turning around and walking into the woods in a hurry.

No matter how much he yelled while standing by the stream, the imperial knight never stopped...

General Zaborez felt that this was the greatest contempt for him, and he secretly swore in his heart that if he was caught, he would be torn to pieces.

He ran to the place where the eight ghost warriors had just fought. The blood on the ground hadn't dried up. The woods were silent at night, and he didn't know what was hidden inside. He saw other ghosts gathering quickly from all around to hunt team...

General Zaborez made up his mind, leaped over the corpse of the ghost warrior, and rushed into the woods.

The few ghost warriors who followed him had no choice but to bite the bullet and chase after him.

General Zabolez could smell the scent of human knights remaining in the dense forest, but as soon as he chased to the glade, the unique smell stopped abruptly and became invisible.

Unexpectedly, the imperial knight escaped right under his nose. General Zarberez was a little reconciled and punched the oak tree next to him.

A ghost warrior followed up from behind and said:

"There are evil spirits all around, even if he escapes...where can he escape?"

General Zarberez has heard this sentence countless times in the past three days, but the other party is still alive and well...


Suldak was a little tangled, he really wanted to fight that evil general at the edge of the woods.

With Afrodi and Samira by their side, the three of them seemed to be able to manage to surround and kill the evil general in the woods before the reinforcements from the evil ghost warriors arrived.

But he was also worried that there would be more ghost generals, after all, this was the territory of the ghost army.

He hesitated for a moment in the clearing, and finally decided to leave quietly and continue southward at the foot of Moyunling Mountain.


Suldak stepped out of the canyon and headed south without looking back.


Like an ancient clarinet or pan flute, that kind of sound was mixed in the night wind, faintly spreading far away.

Surdak was standing on the mountain pass. He originally planned to climb a ridge and head south along the ridge.

In this way, even if the magic flare is released towards the sky, it can be sent to a higher night sky, allowing the light to spread farther...

But at this moment, he actually stopped, and heard a unique calling sound in his ears, which seemed to be guiding him to the source of the sound.

Aphrodite has already returned to Hailansa. At this time, only Sami LS Mira is left beside Suldak. Do you hear the sound of the flute? "Suldak asked with some uncertainty.

Samira looked around, jumped onto a big tree, and listened to the surroundings from the top of the tree, then jumped down from the tree, shook his head to Suldak, and said, "No!"

Suldak nodded and walked south for nearly a hundred meters.

The sound echoed in my ears without weakening or becoming clearer. The sound of the flute was like a mountain eagle soaring in the sky.

Suldak patted his forehead, the uncontrollable curiosity in his heart made him rather take some risks, and explore the place where the singing sounded.

Along the way, I saw several ghost squads running into the canyon quickly, but the ghost fighters didn't even notice Suldak in disguise.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Suldak did not ambush these evil spirit squads.

He walked through a woodland and turned over a ridge, only to find that the voice was still echoing in his ears.

When Suldak walked into this woodland, he finally found the sound and walked into a clearing in a dense forest. Elder Ambrobi was sitting on a huge rock, with a gorgeous feather crown on his head and leather armor on his body. In a battle skirt, he happened to be holding a clarinet in his hand.

The native old man sat calmly on the boulder, his gaze fell on the clarinet.

After getting closer, Suldak couldn't hear the sound of the flute.

Suldak bravely walked over...

Elder Ambroby raised his head and showed him a faint smile. His wise eyes seemed to be able to see through everything in the other person's heart.

Elder Ambroby held the clarinet in his hand, and turned his head to look at Suldak.

"Are you Udyxian's child?" He asked Suldak.

Suldak was dumbfounded, he had never even heard of the name Udixian, and shook his head blankly.

Elder Ambrobi smiled slightly: "I can feel that your body has awakened the power of the nephalem, and through these few days of fighting, I found that you have mastered the mystery of the rune language again. I know that among the many nephalem Among them, only Udixian has mastered these two profound meanings at the same time."

Suldak shook his head again, he was not going to tell Iser's secret.

Just when Suldak was hesitating, Elder Ambrobi arranged a simple sacrificial altar, and summoned a double-faced demon god in front of Suldak.

The phantom of the double-faced demon god appeared in front of Suldak, and Suldak sat down on the ground.

"This is our nephalem. We summoned our ancestors and asked him to give us the power of blessing... I know you understand this too!" Elder Ambrobi stared at Suldak very seriously and said.

"I learned it from a tribe in Ganda Er Mountain, and now that tribe is in ruins!" Suldak said honestly.

Elder Ambroby continued to ask: "What about the rune language?"

Suldak felt that he hadn't revealed the power of the rune language in the past few days, and he was a little curious about where the old man in front of him knew...

"I learned it from a red dragon that died for a long time. I am a member of the empire, and I actually learned the inheritance of the red dragon. Isn't it a bit funny to say?" Suldak laughed at himself, then turned around and asked: "How do you know I have some rune language?"

Elder Ambroby smiled and said, "I can see the color of everyone's soul. I can see some answers without you telling me..."

As he said that, Elder Ambrobi stood up from the stone, walked in front of Suldak, patted him on the shoulder and said, "By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Elder Ann from the Kurman tribe." Broby."

Suldak thought about the few fortresses he had visited, and it seemed that the first one was the fortress of the Kurman tribe.

I didn't expect that I was about to leave, but this great elder ran over to see me...

Suldak couldn't help being curious, and asked Elder Ambrobi: "The color of the soul... tell me... what color is my soul?"

Elder Ambrobi squinted his eyes, glanced at Suldak again, and said, "I saw your soul wearing golden armor, standing on a cloud of seven colors..."

Suldak immediately didn't like this old magic stick, and after thinking about it, the goddess of the night and the goddess of dawn would be more reliable.

But for the olive branch handed over by Elder Ambrobi, Suldak still expressed his willingness to accept it.

Surdak was very happy to be able to establish some contact with the Kurman tribe this time.

During the recent period, he has visited all the strongholds in this area, and roughly learned that there are at least 700,000 aborigines living in the northern mountains of Moyunling. As long as these aborigines have sufficient weapons and equipment, they will be killed immediately. Build a strong army.

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