Lord Highlander

Chapter 1462

"The deal that has been made will not change again. This is my code of conduct!"

Earl Bradley sat in the carriage with his arms folded and said firmly to his sister.

He couldn't figure out when the nobles in the city became so philistine, or was it only his sister who changed?

Either way, it's not something to be happy about.

He closed his mouth, pulling the corners of his mouth down slightly.

Pushing open the window of the carriage, he told the chief guard who was following the carriage on horseback:

"Tlan, send the selected high-quality war horses to the forest farm camp tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, Count!"

Guard Commander Tran replied respectfully.

The lady was so angry that she rolled her eyes regardless of her status in the carriage.

The carriage stopped in front of the steps of the main building, and she jumped out of the carriage with her skirt first, followed by two maids who pulled the skirts. This kind of low-cut court dress is complicated and delicate, but when there is no carpet, this kind of The long skirt is more like a thick mop, and it will wipe all the floors and steps very clean wherever it passes.

Tran followed and walked out of the carriage, shaking his head speechlessly, his sister became more arrogant than before.

"Brother, do you know how much the value of these ancient Bolai horses will increase when they rush to Handanar City?"

The lady walked into the lobby angrily, sat on the leather sofa, and took a few deep breaths to calm down.

The corset lining squeezed all the excess flesh from her abdomen to her chest, making the two cups that could only be lifted left and right likely to collapse at any time.

Earl Bradley's eyes fell on the saber on the bracket by the wall. It was a sharp stabbing saber that hadn't been wiped for about half a year.

He walked over and took the saber on the bracket in his hand.

Pulling out the saber, a blue blade appeared in Earl Bradley's eyes, and his gaze became more determined:

"No need to say any more...that's only other horses, not including the ones I've made deals with now."

The noble lady bit her lip, stomped her feet angrily, and walked quickly to her room inside.


At night, the stars all over the sky are extraordinarily bright.

A light wind blows into the outer corridor, making the horse bells hanging between the pillars make a 'jingling' sound.

In a row of stables next to the fence in the distance, many war horses are gently kicking the ground, as if declaring their inner unease.

The groom carried the lantern and walked through the stable three times, carefully checking all the places, and there were no jackals.

I didn't even see the squirrel stealing the watercress in the manger fodder...

Usually only jackals sneaking in would make the war horses in the stables so restless.

But now there is nothing.

This made the groom feel very strange, and he even suspected that there might be a pack of wolves running over outside the fence.

So he considered whether to report to the housekeeper and ask the guards in the manor to go out and look for it tomorrow.

The groom yawned, hung the lantern in his hand on the porch post, turned and walked into the house at the end of the stable.


At this time, the guard chief Tran just passed by the outer corridor with a team of guards.

These guards are all wearing light armor. This kind of metal armor is stronger than the hard leather armor, which can block the slashing of the sword, but it cannot block the slamming of the blunt weapon.

Tran told a guard captain beside him:

"Be more vigilant at night, and add two more patrol teams at night. Recently, evil spirits rushed in from Naroda. The troops are still active in the big meadow."

The guard captain immediately assured: "Yes, sir."

Tran admired the tough behavior of the squad leader, patted him on the shoulder and said to him: "Tomorrow morning, I'm going to go..."

The group of people gradually walked away, and the voices of the conversation became farther and farther away.


In the grass, a pair of dark purple eyes almost completely merged into the night.

As an evil ghost soldier stood up suddenly in the grass, he wiped the throat of a guard at the sentry on the east wall with a fist sword in his hand. The evil ghost tightly covered the guard's mouth with a big hand, bleeding Run out along the fingers.

It wasn't until the guard was no longer struggling that the ghost warrior put down the body, tore off the guard's shoulder, bit the fat, oily forearm fiercely, and chewed it.

It crouched on the wall and gnawed big mouthfuls, but a dozen or so black shadows followed it and quickly crossed the wall.

These evil spirits are already very hungry, and even a little weak because of it.

They smelled the smell of meat from a long distance outside the fence, and ran over in search of the fragrant smell.

The evil spirit in front ate it so much that the evil spirits following it were extremely jealous, and some evil spirits even drool when they climbed over the wall.

The walls of the manor are useless to the three-meter-tall evil spirits. With their night vision, they can clearly see entities within thirty yards around them at night.

Along the way, he killed five outposts in a row before he entered the building on the east side.

The evil spirits immediately chose to raid the building on the east side because the smell of meat was more fragrant from this side.

This is a group of evil spirits who are about to be starved to death. They ran away on this large meadow for a few days. Digged up two hard-to-fed prairie dogs.

The manor here was able to be discovered because they found a herd of horses.

The evil ghost warrior in the front slammed the wooden door open with his shoulder...


A group of maids are eating in the restaurant here.

Nine candles were inserted into the candlesticks on the dining table, illuminating the entire dining room.

The food on the table is very rich. There are not only white bread and scones, but also thick soup and vegetable salad. The delicious lamb is packed in a huge wooden tray. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s hard to imagine that these are the dinners of the maids. .

The maids knew that Earl Bradley would not care about this.

He has a large pasture with countless cattle and sheep, and he also raises a lot of war horses. Everyone knows that war horses are very valuable these days.

Otherwise, there would be no need to raise a guard of 400 people here.

"It's really rich tonight!"

A maid in the restaurant said happily.

A chef with a dangling knife in her hand said slowly: "Miss Bradley didn't make it because she wanted to eat it, and she didn't eat it in the end, but it's not a loss, it belongs to us now!"

Ms. Angela, the head of the maid team in charge of the back house, sat at the head of the dining table and ordered with a straight face:

"Miss Bradley will be busy for a few days when she comes back. We need to cheer up. This Miss Bradley has always been strict."

"Understood!" A group of maids answered obediently immediately.

The head maid nodded, and then ordered:

"Hurry up and eat, and then wash up and go to bed early, whoever is not energetic tomorrow, I will send her to clean up the stables for a week!"

Before the maids agreed, there was a bang at the door, as if something had smashed through the door, and then heavy footsteps and roars were heard. The maid who was guarding the door had just pushed open the dining room door, and saw a Only ghost warriors squeezed in from the outside.


The frightened voice stopped abruptly, blood gushed out from the maid, and a huge palm pierced through the maid's chest, even holding a heart that was still beating fast.

Immediately afterwards, another ghost warrior squeezed into the dining room, strode towards a maid.


The dinner party in the main building is over.

Earl Bradley was sitting in front of the wine cabinet drinking, and listening to his sister talk about the feats of the Eastern Route Army revived his already dying heart. At this time, he even missed his military career when he was young.

He was a construction swordsman before, but he quit the construction swordsman group for some reasons.

Until now, there are nearly 400 guards in his manor.

Shaking the red wine glass in his hand, Earl Bradley looked through the glass at the candlestick on the bar, and could see the strange colors.

It's just that he suddenly had some more thoughts in his heart, so he was a little restless.

Two wives have already come over to give him hints, but he is not in the mood for the time being.

The bar of the wine cabinet is the same as the study room. It is a good place to be alone. He just wants to drink some wine tonight.

There was a loud bang from outside...

His slightly drunken eyes suddenly came to his senses, and he quickly stood up and rushed to the living room. On the shelf by the wall was the most handy stabbing saber.

He glanced at the leather armor of the swamp giant crocodile on the wooden dummy stand in the opposite corner, hesitated for a moment, and then walked quickly to the inner room.

When Earl Bradley came out of the inner room, he had already put on a complete set of magic patterns, and the light blue mana magic patterns formed a complex pattern around his body.

There were already fierce fighting sounds outside, and Earl Bradley quickly walked towards the entrance of the hall.

Guard Commander Tran broke in from the outside with a long sword in his hand. His face was a little pale, and the hand holding the hilt of the sword was a little too hard, and the joints were already turning white.

"My lord..."

"What's the situation outside?" Earl Bradley asked impatiently.

"A group of evil spirits raided the manor!"

Earl Bradley's face sank, and he quickly walked to the gate of the main building, and ordered to Captain Tran:

"Call all hands..."


Only then did Earl Bradley go out, and the grass far away in the yard became pitch black, and it was hard to see how many evil spirits were lurking in the yard.

There are quite a few guards guarding the outside of the main building, especially dozens of guards gathered in front of the steps at the gate.

Several ghost warriors had already reached the bottom of the steps, strangled with dozens of guards, and some guards let out a scream from time to time.

The house on the east side was already on fire.

Under the blazing fire, the evil spirits outside the main building looked extremely ferocious.

The corners of the mouths of many evil spirits are stained with blood, and it seems that they have eaten a lot...

Earl Bradley showed an angry face when he saw the scene in front of him.

The ghost fighters had already rushed to the front of the steps, and even a ghost had already climbed up the steps.

Earl Bradley ran a few steps, each step with an extremely strong sense of rhythm, and a clear magic line appeared between him and the evil spirit that rushed to the front, Earl Bradley's body It disappeared for a moment like smoke, and when it reappeared, it had already appeared in front of the evil ghost, and rushed forward to plunge the stabbing saber in its hand into the chest of the evil ghost soldier.

A blue halo emerged from the stabbed saber in Earl Bradley's hand.

The ghost warrior didn't dodge at all, the thrusting saber pierced a big hole in the ghost warrior's chest, the hole was big enough to put a leg in.

Countless viscous purple blood gushed out from the wound, and the tall body fell heavily.

The two ghost warriors following behind immediately set their sights on Earl Bradley.

The guard chief Tran saw the two evil spirits following up, so he had no choice but to rush forward.

In fact, he just wanted to persuade Earl Bradley and asked him to leave the manor quickly with his family, but he did not expect Earl Bradley to rush up directly.

The guards on the steps could only bite the bullet and rush up...

From this moment on, the battle officially started.


In the early morning, the yard was covered with blood and sticky purple blood, and the corpses of evil spirits lay in disorder on the steps.

Both houses were burned, only the main building survived.

The fourteen ghost warriors were completely devoid of life, even their heads and black devil skins were gone. The scene was very bloody.

The wives of Earl Bradley and Miss Bradley were crying and huddled on the sofa in the hall, and they were accompanied by a few children, but they didn't seem to be injured, but they all had black hair on their heads. The eye circles were obviously frightened.

The whole manor is in a mess.

Of the 400 guards, there are now less than 300 left, including all the injured guards.

Earl Bradley, who had always thought that his manor could quickly form a light cavalry regiment, now realized that the guards were so weak. Only forty ghost warriors invaded the manor, and the whole manor was turned into this.

Now this manor is definitely unlivable, Earl Bradley scolded a little irritably:

"Don't cry, there's nothing worth crying about."

The crying of the women in the hall immediately became much quieter.

Earl Bradley said to the ladies again: "I can't live here for the time being. You follow Lily to live in the city for a while. When it's safe here, I'm bringing you back."

When the wives heard what Earl Bradley said, they raised their heads in astonishment and asked, "Aren't you going with us?"

"You don't need to deal with the matter here, where are you going?" Miss Bradley also added.

Earl Bradley looked at the corpses of the ghost warriors outside with resentment, and said through gritted teeth, "They ruined my home like this, I have to get something back!"

"Haven't you already killed all these evil spirits? Who do you want to seek revenge on?" the oldest wife asked a little uneasy.

Earl Bradley sneered, "Of course it's not enough. I want more. I'm going to Moyunling to take a look..."

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