Lord Highlander

Chapter 1463 1450. Visitors

Watching a convoy of thirty carriages carrying his family towards the city of Handanal in the south, Earl Bradley then mounted his horse, turned around with more than two hundred guards, and drove a thousand taels Hundreds of high-quality war horses headed north.

Many of the guards were wounded. After the battle last night, the morale of the guards seemed a little low.

In the battle last night, Earl Bradley and Tran killed six evil ghost fighters in one go, and the remaining eight evil ghosts were killed by the guards. For this reason, the guards suffered nearly a hundred casualties.

In other words, the four hundred guards in the manor paid a huge price for killing the eight ghost warriors.

This is also the reason why Earl Bradley was a little disheartened and resolutely left the manor.

To put it pessimistically, if there are more than 30 ghost warriors coming in this time, it is estimated that they may not be the group of people who can stand and talk in the manor in the morning.

The meadow was vast, and Earl Bradley galloped northward with all his might, followed by the guard as best he could.

Their equestrian skills are not bad, but Earl Bradley's mount is a scale horse, which has a good charge ability, and when it runs out with hooves, no one can catch up in a short time.

This area belongs to the southern part of the Great Meadow, so large herds of cattle and sheep can often be seen.

The further north you go, the more luxuriant the aquatic plants are, but because of the frequent presence of evil spirits some time ago, many herdsmen are reluctant to drive their cattle to the north.

Now a group of evil spirits from the Naroda Canyon has entered the big meadow, and many herds of cattle are migrating from west to east.

Earl Bradley hadn't gone out for a long time, and this time he rode out for a stroll, and vented all the unhappiness accumulated in his heart last night.


In addition to more than 300 members of the guard team, their horse team also has dozens of herdsmen who specialize in driving horses, and more than 1,000 war horses, which are extremely eye-catching no matter where they go.

Along the way, we also met large and small teams.

On the big meadow, you can often see the kind of team with one person and two horses, riding one and the other carrying luggage.

There are only about a dozen people in this kind of team, everyone is wearing fine leather armor, and the weapons are even more varied. Almost all of these teams are adventure groups and mercenary groups.

Earl Bradley walked north with his guards and saw a mercenary group.

Speaking of which, the biggest difference between the mercenary group and the adventure group is that the mercenary group earns rewards by accepting employment and completing the tasks of the employers, while the adventure group goes to the wild to hunt monsters, collect Herbs, they subsist for a living.

There are about fifty knights in this mercenary group, and each knight is wearing hard leather armor. These mercenary groups are guarding a merchant group consisting of dozens of carriages.

There are three caravans in front of them. There are almost dozens of four-wheeled trucks in these three caravans. There are so many people walking north together, mainly because of the large number of people and the strength. In the big meadow where evil spirits often haunt It is also safer to walk in the north.

As Earl Bradley's team caught up from behind, the appearance of this team of nearly 300 people immediately filled the caravan group with laughter.

Everyone felt that the atmosphere was much more relaxed. Even if there were a small group of ghost fighters, there was no way to easily shake the current merchant team.

This mercenary group walked along with the caravan, and when they saw a guard driving a large number of horses behind them, the head of the mercenary group would naturally come forward and run over to find out the truth.

Probably in order to avoid arousing the disgust of Earl Bradley, when the head of the mercenary group approached, he was accompanied by three businessmen.

Earl Bradley rode up, and these merchants saw Earl Bradley's aristocratic badge, and immediately saluted Earl Bradley.

When they heard that Earl Bradley wanted to go to the forest camp and wanted to bring his guards to join the West Route Army stationed there, the businessmen immediately became enthusiastic.

Everyone got together and started talking.

The merchants had a good impression of Commander Surdak, probably because he had not suffered any exploitation.

A merchant said to Earl Bradley:

"The idea of ​​joining the West Route Army is really good. I have stayed in the forest camp for the past few years, and Lord Suldak is considered the most capable commander among these people."

Earl Bradley also knew that since Suldak came to the forest farm camp, he had received several good news in a row in the past few months.

The businessman even said boldly:

"The other commanders don't understand the evil spirits in Moyunling at all. What they value more is their own achievements, and those dark magic crystals."

Earl Bradley saw that the businessman was very courageous, so he immediately asked him:

"I heard that Suldak issued some very good benefits to the adventure group?"

The businessman immediately nodded without hesitation, and said:

"Of course, the West Route Army will drive all the evil ghosts alone into the dense forest at the foot of the mountain at Moyunling."

"The combat effectiveness of isolated evil spirits is relatively weak. Many adventure groups have the ability to hunt and kill these evil spirits, and as long as they kill these evil spirits, they can bring back some spoils from beginning to end."

"There are various buyers in the market on the side of the military camp, and they can buy any unwanted Warcraft materials."

"The barracks of the West Route Army also arranges therapists to treat the injured members of the adventure group anytime and anywhere. The camp is also very complete with all kinds of supplies..."

As he spoke, the businessman began to chatter.

"Let me tell you... Isn't these things that the Adventurer's Union should have done in advance? Now that the West Route Army has made clear arrangements at the front line, the Adventurer's Union should learn more from the West Route Army."

Earl Bradley asked:

"I heard that there were troops attacking Moyunling in the past. What is the specific situation?"

The businessman sneered and said loudly: "In the past, most of the commanders who came here were young officers who wanted to earn merit. To earn merit, you must think about killing evil spirits! Everyone knows There is a gate of evil spirits in the depths of Moyun Ridge, and they will send troops to Moyun Ridge..."

"But which one didn't come back disheveled?"

"The terrain of Moyun Ridge is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the evil spirits are guarding it, so our army can't even think about rushing up."

"Which legion has rushed in in the past few years?"

Several businessmen said in a hurry.

Earl Bradley listened carefully and knew the general situation.

Even the head of the mercenary group also said:

"Moyun Ridge has been taken over by evil spirits, we want to take it back now, but it's not that easy..."

Then he talked about Commander Suldak, who didn't seem to be eager to capture Moyunling, and even built a fortress at the foot of Moyunling.

With the arrival of Earl Bradley, although these business groups are still camping separately, almost every business group is close together.

At night, when it was completely dark, everyone started to eat dinner. The dinner was also very simple. All kinds of dry food were roasted, and then some broth was boiled in the big iron pot, and some wild vegetables were added to it. Anyone who wanted to drink it Go over and get a bowl.

There used to be wolves on this big meadow, but since the appearance of evil spirits, wolves have become extremely rare.

The tent was a little stuffy. Lying on the grass, Earl Bradley didn't talk to those businessmen, but was quietly thinking about things in front of his tent.


Suldak returned to the forest camp with the giant soldier ants and the Constructed Knights, and the free market opposite was more lively than before.

A lot of people gathered at the forest farm camp, probably because news of the West Route Army's victory spread frequently, and merchants came to bid for the spoils.

Of course, there are also many adventure groups and mercenary groups here. Before Suldak entered the camp, he saw many mercenary groups gathered outside the camp, looking at the soldiers in the barracks with extremely eager eyes.

It took at least two days to go from the forest camp to the battlefield in front of Moyun Ridge. When Suldak arrived at the forest camp, he decided to take a proper rest here.

And the hillside of the free market here is now overcrowded, and the tents stationed have stretched to the grass by the river.

Suldak didn't notice that there were actually some small lords stationed behind the hillside.

These lords are almost all nobles on the big meadow. Most of them gathered here, and most of them ran out from various small towns after hearing news of the success of the West Route Army of Suldak.

A group of small lords took their army and stationed in the forest camp, mainly to wait for Suldak.

Now that Suldak returned to the barracks with the army, the group of little lords handed over letters of visit to the barracks one after another.

Everyone also got together at night and built a bonfire by the river.

"What do you know!" A young nobleman said while holding a wine glass: "Now, as long as you follow the West Route Army, you can get a share of the pie. Who doesn't know that Moyunling has meat to eat?"

Another noble lord only had a baron badge on his chest, and said a little unconfidently:

"I heard that the requirements for joining the West Route Army are very high. I came here to give it a try because I and other nobles in the town gathered ten constructed knights."

He was wearing a relatively old magic pattern structure, but the weapon in his hand was brand new.

Another noble lord said: "These brothers in our town just want to run over to kill the evil spirits. Instead of being killed by the evil spirits, it is better for us to kill them directly..."

"My herdsmen know the situation inside Moyun Ridge,"

"I'm here to deliver the horse..."

There are more than a dozen nobles gathered in front of the bonfire here, everyone chatting while eating...

"Who doesn't want to kill the evil spirits? We've lived in the town these years, and we're worried every day, for fear that one day the evil spirits will rush into the town and our town will be gone."

Someone shouted drunkenly, and the sound spread far away.


Suldak didn't expect that the West Route Army would have such a high reputation in the forest camp, and it would start to attract many small lords to join them with their troops...

Although the number is not large, it is a very encouraging and good thing for Surdak.

Moreover, considering the current situation, the West Route Army also desperately needs to inject fresh blood into it.

The giant soldier ants after the bloody battle, probably because they were covered in blood, had some thorns on their already thick and hard carapace.

Now it seems that these thorns should be some kind of evolution of giant soldier ants...

The knights who constructed the Knights rested in the barracks, and Andrew was in charge of checking the camp.

The two-headed ogre Gullitum and Suldak had dinner together at the command post...

Gulitum held a leg of lamb in his hand, and said to Suldak:

"Boss, how about we build a magic airship here? When the time comes, let people stand on the magic airship and throw gunpowder barrels down, and it won't blow up the evil ghost army!"

Seeing his good brother Naohuaer nodding repeatedly, Gulitum seemed confident...

"Do you think the evil spirits can't restrain our air power?" Suldak asked casually.

Without waiting for Gulitum to answer, he said, "They are just not familiar with magicians. I heard that the evil spirits have flying legions, but the number is very small, and they are very afraid of bed crossbows."

The ogre brothers looked at each other...

I heard Suldak say again:

"Actually, magicians can only avoid being threatened by evil spirits under the protection of bed crossbows. As for throwing powder kegs, besides using magicians to throw them, I actually prefer those clumsy catapults."

It was already late when Suldak led the Constructed Knights back to the forest camp, so those visitors did not rush up that night.

The next morning, as soon as Suldak got up from the bed, he took a stack of visiting letters from the guard.

He casually opened a visiting letter, and saw that the last name was 'Viscount Bartholomew Allenby'. Suldak glanced at it, and then asked the guard standing in the command post: " Is Viscount Bartholomew Allenby here?"

"Yes, Commander, this Viscount Bartholomew Allenby is waiting outside the barracks." The guard replied.

Suldak held the letter of visit in his hand, and ordered: "Please come in, Viscount Bartholomew Allenby, I have to have a good talk with him."

The guard walked out quickly...

Not long after, a young nobleman walked in with the guards. He looked at the camp curiously, his eyes naturally full of confidence.

Wait until Bartholomew. Viscount Allenby walked into the room, and Suldak put down the visiting letter in his hand, and stood up to greet him.

Bartholomew. Viscount Allenby was also quite excited. He saluted Suldak and said loudly: "Commander Suldak, Bartholomew Allenby is reporting to you. war of..."

"Viscount Bartholomew Allenby, have you participated in other battles before?" Suldak motioned the young viscount to sit in front of him.

Viscount Bartholomew Allenby was slightly taken aback, and answered honestly: "No..."

"So... this is your first time participating in a plane war?" Suldak patted his forehead and said.

"That's it..."

Viscount Bartholomew Allenby said a little embarrassedly.

Facing such a nobleman who blatantly ran over to gain merit, Suldak really didn't know what to say for a while!

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