Lord Highlander

189 Chapter 188. The Magician's Whereabouts

"In general, the magicians in Everson City want to strike, but the president of the magic union here and Duke Ryan have been friends for many years, and the president of the magic union is working hard to make the two parties They tried their best to restrain their emotions. Although the airport pier in Evelson City was affected, the shipping between Bena City and Evelson City did not stop because of this, at least they went to Bena every week. airship."

Kit, a magic leather merchant, was riding on a horse, holding a short-handled whip in his hand, stretching his neck and said to Suldak.

Perhaps because he has been traveling all year round, he looks very thin, and his Adam's apple on his neck is a bit big, and it slides up and down when he swallows and spits, which is extremely eye-catching.

He looks like a koala just waking up, but his eyelids are a little drooping, and his light blue eyes look at Suldak without any expression, but to Suldak they are full of joy. Feeling, memorable.

Behind him were two carriages loaded with goods, with large and small packages of goods on them. The carriage driver and the shop assistant sat quietly in the carriage, and followed the two slowly forward, because this road was close to the city wall. , so it belongs to the best avenue outside Everson City, flat and clean, with carriages passing by from time to time.

Hearing the previous introduction from the magic merchant, Suldak finally understood the origin of the "conflict between the magician and the Busman family". The magician aristocrats here, but they did not give them the status and respect they deserved.

The Duke Ryan incident is just a trigger. As long as one party is willing to compromise, the protest will soon subside.

Kit, the magic leather merchant, asked Suldak seriously:

"Knight Suldak, listen to you... You came from Handanar City to Epsom City, without any pause in the middle, directly from Epsom City to Epson City through the portal , I really want to know what's going on in Handanal County?"

Both sides of the road are covered with green grass, and there are pure white flowers growing on the grass. Those flowers are swaying in the wind, and just looking at them from a distance will make people feel relaxed and happy. There are wooden fences built on the grass beside the road. The wooden fences are all round dead branches with the thickness of an arm, and some vines are wrapped around them, such as pea vines, lala vines and morning glory vines, making the fence like an untrimmed garden green wall.

Suldak smiled awkwardly on the horse, and said to the magic leather merchant Kit:

"The Great Battle of Handanal County was won, but my expeditionary force was defeated at Moyunling! Not only that, but the failure of the Battle of Moyunling affected the defense line at the camp at the Gandhar Mountain Forest Farm, leading to this The line of defense was breached by the evil spirit army on Moyun Ridge in one fell swoop, so at least a few thousand evil spirits fled through this breach into the vast mountainous area of ​​Mount Gandall. Before I left, I heard that Duke Newman was preparing to mobilize Army, strengthen the line of defense along Ganda Er Mountain."

The magic leather merchant looked at Suldak again, seeing that he did not look as decadent as a defeated army, and asked in surprise: "Knight Suldak, shouldn't you be waiting for the military's verdict at the military judgment station right now?" ? How can I pass through the portal smoothly?"

Su Erdakla pulled the horse's rein, trying not to let it step on the lawn by the roadside, sighed and said: "I just served four years of military service, and I happened to retire. The soldier team I belonged to Members, all stayed in Moyun Ridge."

"Oh, sorry! I shouldn't have brought this up." Kit, the magic leather merchant, apologized to Suldak.

Suldak shook his head, and continued to introduce the great battle in Handanar County.

In fact, Suldak happened to be in the city of Handanar at that time and did not participate in the great battle, so I don't know the details, so I can only say:

"The Battle of the Handanal County General Assembly this time was also quite thrilling. At the last moment, almost all the reserve troops of the Bena Legion were sent out, even the guard battalion, the guards of the trial office, and the prison guards in the city of Handanal All of them were temporarily recruited to the front line, but in the end they won the victory."

Leather merchant Kit heard what Suldak said, and said with emotion:

"That's right, we Bena people helped the Evelsen people defeat the evil spirits in the Warsaw plane. For Duke Ryan, this is rare good news."

The two chatted along the way, and then talked about some things about magic spar. The magic leather merchant Kit also believed that magic spar depreciation was inevitable, and this process would continue. After all, other people in the Green Empire The battle situation in some fertile planes is also constantly changing. As long as the army of the Green Empire continues to win, the price of magic spar will continue to drop.

Kit believes that it is time to buy all the magic crystals in his hand into Warcraft leather. Only in this way can he maximize his wealth.

However, the magic leather merchant Kit did not communicate much on this matter, because he did not think that Suldak, who was riding an old horse and wearing a rotten leather armor that had been repaired, was a rich man, at most The landlord who owns the hundred acres of land at home.

Then the magic leather businessman Kit complained to Suldak: Recently, the business of magic leather has become more and more difficult. Many high-level monsters of the plane have been hunted down. The top-level leather, such as salamanders, white rock rhinos, thorn-tailed crystal lions, earth storm bears, and double-headed snake lizards, are almost difficult to hunt. Not as popular, and so on.

Kit, the magic leather merchant, intentionally or unintentionally revealed that his caravan needs some guard knights to protect the safety of the goods during the journey. Seeing that Suldak did not answer this topic, he stopped mentioning it.

Through the gate of Evolsen City, Suldak entered the city. The magic leather merchant Kit warmly invited Suldak to sit in his shop, but was rejected by Suldak. See you at the airport in a few days.

At this time, a group of knights in black galloped out of the city, and the civilians on the street avoided to both sides.

When passing by the caravan, the galloping knights brought a gust of wind, which happened to lift off the linen covering the goods on a truck, and a pair of clear and flustered eyes suddenly appeared in front of Suldak... …

Suldak was also taken aback, but he took a closer look along those eyes, and the black magic robe was still fresh in his memory.

That's right! He was the magician who attacked Josie Busman, the second son of Duke Ryan Busman, on the avenue in front of Duke Busman's castle yesterday. Although Suldak didn't see his face clearly at the time, But Suldak still recognized him at a glance, it was a feeling close to intuition.

It's him, yes!

Kit, the magic leather merchant, was also a little dumbfounded at this time. He walked over calmly and re-pressed the linen cover, with a forced smile on his thin face, and said to Suldak: "Suldak Knight, aren't you going to the jewelry store?"

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