Lord Highlander

190 Chapter 189. Punishment Heart

Suldak walked out of a jewelry store and rode his horse towards the Everson Bank on the north side of the central square of the city.

The owner of the shop stood at the door with a big smile on his face. He didn't turn back until Suldak led the horse a long way away.

This business is not only extremely easy to do, but also has a lot of income. If you sell all the purchased magic spar fragments, you should be able to make a lot of money. Recently, under the stimulation of the war between the planes, magic Rune items are entering the magic market of the Green Empire in large quantities, and magic spar fragments are not worrying about selling at all.

The owner of the jewelry shop was thinking in his mind: should he close the shop early and go home for a good meal.

Polishing a magic core can only be regarded as the most superficial processing technology for a jewelry store. The charge for polishing a magic core is usually around 20 copper plates. When the plainly dressed knight just walked into the store, the owner of the jewelry store didn’t pay much attention to it. Hearing that Knight Suldak mentioned that he wanted to polish the magic core, he just casually quoted a price, hoping that the clerk in the shop would polish it a few times and deal with this guest.

Unexpectedly, Suldak took out a whole bag of magic cores.

The value of this first-level magic core is not high. Most gamblers have their own polishing tools, and what they feel is the surprise after polishing the spar.

No one would be so extravagant as to run into a jewelry store to polish the magic core, but this Suldak is an outlier, and what the owner of the jewelry store didn't expect was that almost all of this pocket of first-level magic cores contained magic crystals. The poor will also polish a piece of magic spar, and Suldak throws the magic spar into a wooden tray until the wooden tray in front of him is full, and finally sells them all at the price of four silver coins per gram. Gave it to a jewelry store.

The Suldak knight took away the remaining 87 magic crystals, and nine of them were more valuable black magic crystals.

In addition, the value of those magic spar fragments alone allowed Suldak to harvest 67 gold coins.

When he came to Everson Bank, Suldak exchanged 78 ordinary magic crystals for 700 gold coins, and then, under the persuasion of the bank staff, agreed to store the money in the bank, but only brought a piece of sheepskin The paper note left the Everson Bank. According to the bank clerk, as long as you bring this credit note, you can withdraw this gold coin in any bank in the Green Empire city.

As for the remaining 9 black magic crystals, the bank clerk made it very clear that their value can only be reflected by taking them to the auction house. I don’t know how many nobles hope to buy this unidentified black magic crystal Magic crystal, the market value of this kind of magic crystal is generally twice the value of the magic crystal itself, but when encountering nobles who need meritorious service, some of them can be sold for sky-high prices.

So Suldak brought out the 9 black magic crystals intact. It is not a matter of overnight to participate in the auction in the auction house.

It was only a short four days to be able to stay in Everson. During this period, it was impossible to sign up for an auction, so Suldak decided to take the 9 black magic crystals back to Bena Province.


On the way back to the hotel, Suerdak was still feeling emotional in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the magician would be hiding under the van of the magic leather merchant Kit. It seems that Kit is also one of the members of the Magic Union who opposed Duke Ryan, but they are also really good. Now the city is full of knights in the guard camp Still going out of the city to search for the murderer who assassinated Earl Josie Busman, the young magician unexpectedly did not choose to leave, but acted so boldly that he continued to sneak into the city of Everson.

Kit, the magic leather merchant, was also extremely daring. He let him go so casually without any promises. Aren't they afraid that they would just find a knight from the guard battalion and kill them all? Have you reported it?

I heard the magic leather businessman Kit introduce himself as a magic apprentice before, and it took a long time to be promoted to a junior magician, but I didn't think about it at all. Thought he was also a magician.

Back at the hotel in the center of Everson, Suerdak asked the waiter at the door of the hotel to lead the horse to the stable in the backyard, while he wanted to have lunch casually.

Although it is already afternoon and the best time for lunch has already passed, there are two waiters standing at the door of the restaurant next to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, and there is also a closed sign on the door. There are obviously a group of young nobles in the restaurant. For eating and drinking, the restaurant here is obviously reserved by others.

Suldak thinks going out to eat is also good, at least you can eat economical and affordable food, just like the Wind Song Hotel in Epsom City, if you have a guide as enthusiastic as Mashenka to provide you with Some opinions are actually pretty good.

Suerdak stood in the lobby, hesitating for a moment, and was about to ask the waiter at the front desk of the hotel, "Are there any special restaurants in this area?" He inadvertently glanced at the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel , happened to see a familiar figure.

A chubby young nobleman was standing up from the dining table, holding a silver wine glass in his hand, his fair face was flushed from drinking, with a faint smile on his face, he was talking to a man opposite him. The arrogant young nobleman said something, and then took the initiative to drink the fine wine in his glass.

The young nobles and noble ladies sitting around applauded, and the atmosphere at the table was quickly ignited.

Suldak stopped in his tracks, the shadow of the fat noble was reflected in his pupils.

I thought to myself: Why is he here? Shouldn't he have stayed in the trial court in Handanar City to accept the verdict?

Even though Swordsman Bacarel said that the young nobles in the war room would not be severely punished, Suldak never expected that he would appear in Everson City so soon.

For those young officers in the war room, there are not many people that Suldak can name, except for the self-proclaimed genius tactical commander Joshua, only the fat nobleman in front of him can name Come.

He is Beard, a young noble officer in the war room of the expeditionary force, the white and fat nobleman who always stood beside Joshua when he was chasing him in Handanal City.

Suldak just paused at the entrance of the restaurant for a moment. Seeing that the banquet scene inside was still very lively, he pretended to walk outside the hotel. At this time, he was not in the mood to find a special restaurant in Evelson City, which was just opposite the hotel. In the tea restaurant, I chose an outdoor seat facing the street, ordered a brie cheese pie and a cup of lemon tea, sat there quietly and waited patiently for the end of the banquet.

I don't know why, it seems that these young noble officers always like to choose the restaurant in the hotel for gatherings and banquets.

Suldak clenched his fists, thinking to himself: The Tribunal of the Benar Legion failed to punish you war criminals as you should, so if we meet unexpectedly in Evelson City this time, there is nothing to say , Those comrades in the second team can't die in vain. The young nobles in the war room should receive the punishment they deserve. Since no one is willing to punish these young people, then let me do it!

Filling his stomach with a piece of pie with rich milk flavor, Suerdak waited for a long time until the shadows of some buildings on the street were stretched, and the banquet in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel was considered over.

At this time, five magic caravans were waiting side by side at the entrance of the hotel, and the young nobles boarded the carriage one by one drunk.

After these magic caravans merged into the traffic on the street, Suldak waved for a carriage and ordered the driver to follow the one that the young officer Beard was riding in...

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