Lord Highlander

Chapter 248 247. The Cross on the Mountain

Suldak harnessed an old horse to the carriage, and turned the direction of the carriage on the mountain road.

Miss Hoyle's eye sockets were bruised, and there was a high swelling on the left side of her face, which made her youthful face look very distressed. She was wrapped in a rough wool blanket and sat on a cushion beside the mountain road.

This leather cushion should belong to the coachman, and there are still spots of blood on it. She was immersed in sadness a moment ago, but now she couldn't believe her ears. The knight in front of her actually asked her if she would Driving the carriage, she was the noble lady of the Hoyle Manor. She stared at the young knight who had been busy all the time with her eyes wide open.

His body was splattered with blood, and the scabbard of the Roman sword on his waist was almost soaked in blood. He placed all the corpses of the robbers side by side on the stone ground by the roadside. There are rocks everywhere, and it is difficult to dig a big hole. , unable to bury the corpses of these robbers on the spot.

Twenty-three horses were also gathered together by Suldak. These horses looked very honest. Suldak tied all the reins together and prepared to take these horses back to the village of Vol.

Suldak found a piece of black bread and a piece of black jerky from the robber's bag, and sent them to Miss Hoyle together with a leather water bag, and said to her: "If you know how to drive a carriage, go along Follow this mountain road all the way back, and you will probably be able to return to Hailansa City before it gets dark at night."

Miss Hoyle looked at Suldak helplessly, with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

Surdak didn't have any expression on his face, but just handed out the water bag in his hand again.

She reached out her hand silently to receive the water bag, but instead of drinking, she soaked a rag with water, then wiped her face seriously, and then took a sip, which she was used to drinking in the manor Freshly squeezed juice, milk and tea, this kind of raw water with a strong leather smell, Miss Hoyle would not use it to wash her face in normal times.

Suldak scratched his head helplessly, and said to Miss Hoyle: "After arriving in Hailansa City, you can tell your tragic experience to the Supreme Consul of Hailansa City, I believe he can give you Some fair treatment."

He sat on the ground, stuffed the dried meat in his hand into his mouth, and continued:

"And I can't send you out of here right away."

He pointed to the corpses of the robbers on the side of the road.

"You have probably seen that there are so many things waiting for me to deal with here. I can't just leave these robber corpses on the side of the road. Otherwise, in this weather, these corpses will rot quickly. I need to deal with these corpses." , and hope to use this to warn other bandits around Hailansa City."

Dealing with the corpses of these robbers was only one aspect. In addition, Suldak didn't want to take these horses to Hailansa City, otherwise he would lose a lot if he was confiscated by the guard camp.

These horses are currently considered his own trophies, but if they are brought to Hailansa City, those guard battalions will detain these horses on the grounds of investigating the bandit group, and then he will have no place to reason.

In the Grimm Empire, horses were a very valuable animal, especially war horses that could go to the battlefield. Sometimes one horse could even be exchanged for five cows.

Suldak thought about it seriously, and felt that it was really difficult for him to let a noble lady who had been persecuted by robbers drive the carriage back to Hailansa city alone, so he asked Huo Yi again. Miss Er said: "If you can't drive back to Hailansa City alone, I will wait until I finish the tasks at hand, and then I will send you back to Hailansa City. Maybe you will stay in the village for one night. You can't return to Hailansa until at least tomorrow!"

"Can't you send me back to High Lansa now?" Miss Hoyle felt that she was already so pitiful. Even if the knight in front of her had a little sympathy, she should send herself back to High Lansa , If it is the kind of knight with a strong sense of responsibility and mission, maybe he should help him complete his revenge, then rebuild his homeland, and finally impress himself and marry him.

However, the knight in front of her didn't seem to have such thoughts at all. Miss Hoyle hinted to Suldak: "Mr. Knight, I will give you some generous rewards. Now I really want to go home as soon as possible."

Suldak shook his head with an extremely serious expression.

"...Okay, I can try it!" Miss Hoyle looked at the long whip on the carriage, and said very tangled.

Miss Hoyle sat in the carriage, glanced at the endless mountain road, and wanted to cry aloud in the carriage.

The old horse didn't wait for her to swing the whip, and pulled the wagon slowly towards the direction of Hailansa City. The coachman was wrapped up like a mummy, lying unconscious on the wagon.

Originally, she thought that after being rescued, all the disasters would be over, but now, Ms. Hoyle feels that her rough life in the future may have just begun...


Seeing the carriage slowly heading towards the city of Hailansa, Suldak breathed a sigh of relief.

For the perfect ending of a battle, bag licking is of course the most important thing. The corpses of the twenty-three robbers were turned inside out, and even their leather armor was stripped off, and all their weapons were piled up on the ground. At the same time, most of these bandits wear dark red scimitars, and only the bandit leader who has the strength of a turn can afford the disciplinary hammer.

For Suldak, the only value of these weapons is to sell them on the black market. However, the silver-handled daggers and hunting bows carried by the thieves are of some value. These daggers are of ordinary style and can be bought in any weapon shop. Although they are not brand new, Suldak thinks that they can be given to the villagers. The lizard hunting group of Vol Village needs a few well-crafted hunting bows. As for daggers, who goes hunting without a dagger?

To Suldak's surprise, he found a magic pocket from the bandit leader's waist. This magic pocket was almost full of gems, jewelry, gold coins and silver coins. In addition, there were some commonly used life magic scrolls and three bottles of emerald green detoxification. potion.

These robbers are so rich...

Suldak suddenly thought of Karl's statement last night that this group of robbers had just looted three noble manors in the suburbs of Hailansa City. It seems that this is true!

Then he found some strong canvas bags on those horses, and stuffed all the dried meat, nuts, scones and fried noodles in the bags into two canvas bags, leaving the rest of the canvas bags empty, and put the iron parts in the two large wooden boxes They were sorted and put in, and all the slats of the wooden box were disassembled and nailed into more than 20 wooden crosses.

Surdak alone drove twenty-two horses, and transported the corpses of these robbers to the mountains next to the pass in the wasteland.

He nailed the wooden cross into the crevice of the rock on the top of the mountain, and tied the corpses of the twenty-three robbers to the cross. After the head of the robber leader was cut off by Suldak, he sharpened the top of the wooden cross and put the head of the leader of the robbers on the cross. The head is stuck on it... By the time I finish all this work, the sun is almost setting.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the corpses of these robbers, and a carrion bird hovered in the sky, never refusing to land.

The corpses of the twenty-three robbers stood alone on the barren hill until night fell...

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