Lord Highlander

Chapter 249 248. Waiting

It was a silver oak with a large hollow, and the hollow was very dry, and there was no sign of any wild animal.

A hammer of punishment, seventeen scimitars, and ten pieces of hard leather armor that seemed to be complete were all hidden by Suldak in a tree hole of a century-old oak tree in the oak forest. Erdak wanted to wait for the wind of the bandits to pass before quietly disposing of these weapons on the black market.

At the moment when night was about to fall, Suldak looked back at the mountain pass in the barren land of the Pagros Mountains. The crosses stood on the mountain pass, which looked like a dark forest, and the robbers hanging on the cross The corpse seems to warn everyone who wants to do something wrong in this mountain area, it is dangerous here!

The horse with its lungs blown up on the mountain road was also completely dismembered by Suldak with a dagger. The horse meat was wrapped in linen and brought back to the village of Wall.


Rita hugged little Peter and sat on the root of the dead tree at the entrance of the village, quietly watching the path extending from the entrance of the village.

Even though it was completely dark, little Peter didn't have the slightest thought of going home. He clenched his little hands into fists and stared persistently at the dark intersection.

Rita's lake-blue eyes were exceptionally bright at night, and she held little Peter tightly in her arms. Perhaps only in this way, she had reason to continue to wait.

The old village head who was sitting on the root of a tree knocked on the pipe in his hand and muttered: "It seems that there must be some delays. Come back!"

As he spoke, he stood up with his hands behind his back, and walked slowly into the village.

Charlie and Luke thought they should wait a little longer, since there was nothing to do when they got home.

Luke, who was sitting next to Charlie, was wrapping a thin linen rope around the handle of the dagger. Although the edge of the dagger was almost worn out, it was the most valuable thing on his body. He whispered to Charlie For my own plan, prepare some small business to save some money, and then go to the blacksmith shop in Hailansa City to buy a dagger.

Charlie felt that he could go around in the surrounding mountains. If he could hunt a gray rock iguana, it would be easy to buy a dagger.

The other three young people secretly looked at Rita from the sidelines. They laughed loudly and played in order to attract Rita's attention, but obviously Rita was not interested in such behavior that only older children would do. , From the beginning to the end, he didn't turn his head to look at them.

Only little Peter was a little worried that it was getting dark, and Rita was about to take him home. He sat in Rita's arms and whispered to her, "Auntie, can we wait a little longer?"

In fact, Rita was also hesitating at this time, should she wait a little longer, and when she heard little Peter asking her like this, it seemed that there was a new reason suddenly, Rita glanced at little Peter calmly, and held him tightly. Holding her arms in her arms, she said, "Then wait a little longer!"

The young man next to him was very envious of little Peter, but little Peter felt that Rita was hugging him too tightly. He struggled to escape from Rita's arms, and said excitedly to Rita, "Dad said before leaving , bring me some candies back..."

Speaking of this, little Peter seemed a little excited, his eyes full of anticipation in the dark night.

And when Rita heard little Peter say this, she was pulled into the memories, reminding her of herself back then...

"Rita, wait for me at home, and my brother will bring you candy when he comes back!" Suldak said to Rita on the eve of his military service.

And Rita also waited for four years. Rita shook her head vigorously, clearing away the distracting thoughts in her heart.

At this moment, there was the sound of rumbling horseshoes in the dark night. Rita was delighted at first, but she immediately realized that something was wrong. It was the sound of a team of horses, and Suldak was only riding one horse when he left. Little Peter broke free from Rita's hands and ran out towards the night, and Rita chased after him.

A knight on a horse appeared in the dark night, holding a string of reins in his hand. Seeing little Peter rushing forward regardless of danger, Suldak quickly jumped off the horse and lifted little Peter high. Peter cheered and laughed 'giggle'.

Rita followed behind and saw Surdak riding out of the night on a horse and standing quietly behind.

Charlie, Luke and three other young people also saw Suldak, and hurriedly came up to them. They saw more than 20 horses behind Suldak, with surprised eyes on their faces, Suldak said to Charlie standing in front said: "Tomorrow morning, help me drive these horses to the Beigou pasture, and temporarily put them there to graze."

Charlie quickly nodded and agreed, and the five young people surrounded Surdak and walked into the village.

Someone ran to inform the old village head. When the old village head arrived at Suerdak's house, he saw horses crowded outside the yard. Rita was drinking water for these horses. It was found that Suldak was standing in front of a wooden table, cutting a strong horse leg with a silver dagger, and cutting the horse meat into strips on the table, while Charlie was feeding the horse meat For distribution, it seems that it is to be distributed to the whole village.

The other three young men were squatting in front of the big wooden basin, repeatedly washing the internal organs full of dirty smell.

A large iron pot has been set up in the yard. These internal organs cannot be left for too long in this weather, and must be cooked immediately.

When Suldak saw the old village head approaching, he told the old village head about the robber group on the mountain road.

The old village chief opened his mouth wide in shock, and asked in a low voice, "So, there are no fish in that gang of robbers?"

Suldak nodded firmly, and said, "I killed them all!"

Hearing what Suldak said, the old village chief let out a long breath, patted his chest and said repeatedly: "It's okay, okay! These bandits have become more and more rampant in Hailansa City in the past two years, often attacking noble manors , Occasionally attack villages, but the nearby villages are so poor that these bandits don't want to come at all, these bandits have done evil, but no one can do anything to them."

The old village chief said to his youngest son Charlie and his nephew Luke: "I heard that the bandits in this area basically belong to the same group. They are very revengeful. After suffering such a big loss this time, they must not let it go. Horses must not be kept in the village, Charlie and Luke, you drive them to the pasture on the north slope overnight, and tomorrow, you will check whether there are any marks on these horses, and remove them if there are any."

Suldak smiled at the old village chief and said, "Actually, we don't have to be afraid of those bandits. If they dare to come over, at most they will just set up a few more crosses on the mountain pass."

Suldak put the ironware bought from the blacksmith shop in Hailansa City in front of the old village chief. Seeing such a large pile of ironware, the old village chief was completely dumbfounded...

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