Lord Highlander

Chapter 255: 254. The Fortune at the Foot of the Volcano

The night in the mountains was a bit cold. Suldak climbed out of the tent, took out a blanket and put it on Val, who was in charge of the night watch.

He went to look at the Gubolai horses again. When the war horses saw him coming, they lowered their heads and licked his palm affectionately, thinking that he was bringing food.

The moonlight was like snow, a gray rock iguana heard the movement, and quickly got into the crevice of the rock.

On nights without sand wolves, the Pagros Mountains are extraordinarily quiet.

In the morning, Charlie got out of the tent and saw Surdak standing on a limestone, practicing swinging a sword against the rising sun.

He holds the shield with one hand, and makes a lunge every time. He raises the shield, and then stabs out the Roman sword in his hand. He can clearly see the white horse drawn by the blade, and sees that Suldak's movements are extremely standard. Charlie couldn't help standing with Suldak, and also practiced basic sword skills, but after holding on for more than a hundred times, he felt that his arms were so sore that he couldn't lift it, so he jumped off the rock.

Then Charlie picked up the alloy bow and practiced bowing against the rock wall. The fine steel arrows can easily penetrate these rocks. When Charlie pulls these feathered arrows out of the rock wall, only some messy arrows are left on the rock wall. arrow holes.

At the beginning, the lizard hunting group in the village traveled for nearly seven days before arriving at the pustule mountain, but it only took the Suerdak team two and a half days to reach the foot of the pustule mountain on horseback.

The horses stepped on the soft volcanic ash, and every time they took a step, the horseshoes would sink deeply, making it very difficult to walk.

Moreover, the volcanic ash in the air flutters and falls like snowflakes, and there is always a burnt smell. Whether it is a man or a horse, a linen scarf is covered around the nose and mouth. This linen is very breathable, and It also has a good sweat-absorbing effect. To the back of the road, Suldak and the others walked the last part of the road with a horse.

When I came to the place where the salamanders were hunted, all traces here were covered by new volcanic ash. This place belonged to the foot of Pustule Mountain. Some magma passages ended here, and some piled up like wax oil on candlesticks. Together, some magma passages can still appear dark red, obviously there is still hot magma flowing inside, and thick smoke with a bit of a spicy throat is everywhere.

The place where the salamander was discovered was at the edge of a river channel flowing like magma, but this channel had already condensed into cold rock.

There are some messy stones inside, like shoots emerging from the soil in early spring. The volcanic ash here has become a little warm, and the horses have already felt a little uncomfortable. They began to become restless and kicked constantly. Stepping on the hooves of the horses, Suldak had no choice but to have them wrapped in felt. Sure enough, after this treatment, the war horses calmed down.

Suldak left Val to watch the six horses, and led the rest carefully into the rocky area. There was no vegetation here, as if it was a dead land, and it was hot everywhere.

Everyone was worried that they would meet salamanders again, so they didn't dare to disperse, so they could only narrow down the scope of their search.

According to the leader of the caravan, salamanders like to eat sulfur and usually appear in places containing sulfur ore, so Suerdak entered this rocky area, looking for the whereabouts of salamanders, and at the same time looking for those yellow ores. After walking a little, I heard Luke let out a low cry: "There is really sulfur here...".

Hearing the words, Suldak hurriedly took a few steps forward, stood beside Luke, and looked into the rocky area inside. Sure enough, he saw some light yellow stones accompanying the magmatic rocks. The rocks are wrapped together, but there is actually a big area around the entire rocky beach.

"I'll go, there's a lot of sulfur ore, I'm afraid we're really going to get rich this time!" Charlie followed Surdak into this rocky area full of light yellow sulfur deposits, and immediately felt dazed. Feeling, he ran to a stalagmite with a corner of light yellow ore exposed, and wanted to break off the sulfur ore on it with his hands, but found that the hardness of these ores was much harder than limestone. The ore is pried off the stalagmite.

Then Charlie leaned on the warm stalagmite, wiped the oily sweat off his face, and asked Surdak a little unconfidently, "Do you think we can take all these sulfur mines away?"

Luke on the side said to Charlie unceremoniously: "When you are dreaming, can you stop talking nonsense, what are you thinking, and just us alone, even if the sulfur here is dug for half a year, it may not be able to hollow out... "

Indeed, as Luke said, in this rocky area, there are countless sulfur mines exposed on the surface. The rocky area here is distributed in a river formed by lava flowing after a volcanic eruption.

Now the pustule mountain is calm, so the river of lava has cooled down, and the entire river is covered by volcanic rocks. Only some gravel is mixed in the volcanic rocks that have cooled down in this river, forming countless stalagmites in the rocky area. The landform, and these large pieces of rubble washed down by the river of lava are distributed with a large number of high-purity sulfur ore. The salamander is entrenched at the foot of the pustule mountain to eat this sulfur.

It's a pity that this salamander's luck was really not very good. It met the Wall Village lizard hunting group, and was finally hunted down by Suldak and five young people from Wall Village.

Suldak looked at this sulfur area, thinking in his heart that he would fully develop this sulfur mine. Now this place is still a land of no man. Once someone finds that this cooled lava river contains rich It is estimated that there will be people competing for this mountain area by then.

The top priority now, of course, is to mine these sulfur mines back as much as possible.

Charlie stood beside Luke, looked at several stalagmites in a row, peeled off the layer of volcanic ash covering the stalagmites, saw the yellowish sulfur mine inside, and said: "Of course it's not just us, there are people in the village Is it? Everyone together..."

Surdak jumped on a high boulder and looked around, trying to find out the approximate scope of this rocky area, but found that this area was much larger than he imagined. The entire river of lava went all the way up. Extending to the top of the pustule mountain, there is no river to go down, but it is a rocky area with a radius of two square kilometers gathered at the foot of the mountain, but this area is covered by volcanic ash, a piece of gray, and I don’t know the end How many stalagmites contain sulfur.

"It seems a bit difficult to knock down this yellow stone!" A young man who followed from behind tried to pry down the sulfur mine with a crowbar, but unfortunately he couldn't get it out after a long time of knocking. The ore was pried off.

Luke walked to his side and said to his companion: "We should find some that are mostly exposed."

The environment around Pustule Mountain is very harsh. Even the air seems to be burning with flames. There is a large amount of volcanic ash floating in the air. Tents cannot be directly erected on the ground, because it is very likely that if one sleeps overnight, the whole person will turn into a fried egg and be killed. Roasted over geothermal heat. Ordinary people cannot survive here, which is probably the reason why this mineral deposit has not been discovered so far.

Suldak asked five young people to find some easy-to-mine sulfur mines in the rocky area and pry them off, and put them into the prepared bags. But he walked around the rocky area for most of the day. Not all the rocky areas contain sulfur mines. The rocky piles in the outer area are just some ordinary limestone, and only the stalagmites near the center of the pustule mountain lava river There are sulfur mines. The width of this narrow strip does not exceed fifty meters, but it continues to spread towards the top of the mountain...

A group of people only stayed at the foot of the pustule mountain for one night, and then left the pustule mountain on foot with six horses loaded with sulfur mines.

It only took two and a half days to ride a horse when we came here, but we walked back to Wall Village with our horses. The six of them walked from dawn to dusk for almost five days before returning to Wall Village.

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