Lord Highlander

Chapter 256

Suerdak and five young people returned to Wall Village on the tenth day of their trip. Since no one knew their return date, the village entrance was deserted under the dead trees, except for two people playing with mud under the plank with their buttocks sticking out. The boy looked at a group of people leading the horses with a ignorant expression. At first, the two children thought they were a caravan going back and forth, and shouted excitedly, because every time the caravan arrived, they would give them Give each person a small piece of toffee.

The entrance of the village is vaguely written with white chalk. There are a few round mud stuck on the wooden board, which is obviously the masterpiece of these two boys.

When the boy saw clearly that a group of people came leading the horse, they were Suldak and Charlie. He didn't bother to say hello to them at all. He turned around and ran wildly into the village, as if shouting "Wolf!" ’, yelling, “The Knight of Suldak is back, Charlie is back, and Luke is back…”

It is a feeling of seeing an oasis from the next door to the barrenness. It is a lonely traveler who returns to a noisy village, re-feeling being paid attention to, being cared for, being looked forward to, and admired by others. It was full of inexplicable things, and Suldak felt that this might be a kind of spiritual sustenance, some kind of perception of life, and perhaps this could be regarded as a kind of life.

Each of them carried two large bags of sulfur mines on their horses, and nothing else. They had to eat and sleep in the open during the walk in the Pagros Mountains. The feeling is a great enjoyment.

At the edge of the village is a river with fifteen chestnut trees. The stream turns gently here and forms a natural pool. This is almost a resort for children to cool off in summer. There are not many children swimming in the water, and now it has become a bathhouse for six young people. Surdak is soaking in the cool stream, surrounded by children on the bank. This group is still very curious about their adventure, Yelling for Charlie to tell them.

Charlie leaned against a large rock by the stream, and the afternoon sun shone through the chestnut trees and shone on his bronzed skin, leaving patches of warm light.

Just as Charlie was patiently explaining to the group of children how to survive in the wild, a young woman walked over with a big wooden tub. She thought she was going to wash clothes by the stream, but unexpectedly Squatting down next to Charlie silently, the young woman buttoned the skirt above her knees, knelt down behind Charlie, picked up the loofah from the wooden tray, and wiped Charlie's back silently.

Fortunately, Suldak was wearing a pair of boxer shorts at this time, so he didn't look so awkward.

But Luke and Val didn't care. They soaked in the stream and discussed enviously whether they should get married before serving in the military. Val, who was younger, decided that he must marry after completing his military service. Be fairer to future wives.

Suldak didn't know that Charlie had a wife, and that Charlie had also completed his military service.

It's just that the troops he belongs to have been stationed on the Swarovski plane that the Grand Duke Newman has jurisdiction over the year. So far, no plane wars have broken out on that plane, so Charlie and Luke have worked as miscellaneous soldiers on that plane for four years, serving He returned to Wall Village after completing his military service.

In fact, Luke also has a beautiful fiancée. His fiancée is not from Wall Village. Luke plans to hold the wedding after the Harvest Festival, because the wedding can only be a little more decent after the Harvest Festival.

Val and the other two young men have not yet served in the military. Probably after the Harvest Festival, Charlie will go to Hailansa City to see if it is possible for them to serve in the military in the Swarovski planes. After all, there are no planes there. war.

It was Luke's younger sister who came to wipe Luke's back. Val and the older sisters of two other young people also arrived one after another. Six young people took a bath in the stream, which was more like a ritual in the village. Only warriors can enjoy this kind of treatment, and it is also an affirmation of their ability to bring back the sulfur mine.

The old village chief expressed his dissatisfaction with Natasha's absence at this time. He sat on a stool under the chestnut tree and chatted with several old people in the village. At the foot of the elder, the old village chief said to Luke: "Look, the girl from Perrazer is no better than the girl from Wall Village, you are so picky, you also found Perrazer's, and you are going to divorce tomorrow. You don't covet that little dowry..."

"If I don't quit, I will marry Perezer's girl." Luke ignored the old village chief's beard after he finished speaking, and jumped into the stream like a silver carp.

Suldak leaned on the bank in a little embarrassment, rubbed his nose, and explained to the old village chief: "I asked Natasha not to come here... Actually, the girl from Perize is also very nice!"

The old village chief snorted, ignored Suldak's words, stuffed the walnut pipe into his mouth and took two puffs.

Charlie didn't dare to interrupt at all, and asked his young wife in a low voice: "Before I left, I asked you to water the walls every morning and evening, did you do it?"

"I water the wall every day, but the wall is still so low, and it hasn't changed!" whispered Charlie's young wife.

Charlie patted the back of his wife's hand, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I haven't figured it out yet. Why do you have to water the wall every day? Just do it. This time I brought back a lot of sulfur ore. Need that wall!"

Charlie's wife was very honest, and when she heard what Charlie said, she nodded quickly to show that she understood.

Years of plane wars have caused the population of the Grimm Empire to drop significantly. Many young and middle-aged men died on the battlefield. If this is not the case, the number of men will decrease, and the living standards of the people will decline.

In order to stimulate the population growth of the empire, His Majesty Charles of the Green Empire issued a decree that adult women must marry before the age of 25, and widows and widows also need to choose another spouse within three years, otherwise the regional administrative offices will force them to match.

Of course, the regional administrative office will not choose the best. In the kind of families where the government enforces the distribution, the man is likely to be an alcoholic, a homeless man, or a disabled veteran returning from the battlefield... But many Region This edict has no effect on nobles.

This also indirectly led to the low social status of women in the Green Empire. After all, men have more opportunities to make choices.

Therefore, the old village head expressed his dissatisfaction with Natasha for a good reason, not to mention that Suldak is now a reserve knight, and logically he is already qualified to marry a lady from a noble family.

Suerdak felt that it was very boring to soak in the pool and people looked around like monkeys, so he wanted to get out early, go home and have a good sleep, and then talk to the old village head about these sulfur mines, but the old village head couldn't wait , after all, this is related to the livelihood of the whole village...

At this moment, the children around the stream dispersed with a 'hula', leaving a huge gap in the road on one side, and others looked over there one after another, and saw Selena holding a wooden Basin walked gracefully to Suldak's side. She lifted up her long linen skirt and squatted behind Suldak, while the little girl hiding under the skirt quickly pulled down her long skirt.

Suldak was a little at a loss, turned his head and saw Selena's deep and bright eyes, her pupils were like green lines like glass filaments, which made her eyes extremely beautiful, but with a hint of Looking at him with a faint smile, Suldak felt a sense of determination.

He felt that if he avoided it at this time, Selena would probably make some decisive decisions from the message sent by those beautiful eyes...

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