Lord Highlander

Chapter 280 279. Karl Visits

For any matter related to the Black Magic Priory, the law enforcement departments of the Grimm Empire will respond extremely quickly.

The bandit group plundered noble manors and some natural villages on the outskirts of Hailansa City, and rose to the level of the Black Magic Priory. The clerk of the population statistics submitted a written report to the city hall, and the high-level officials responded quickly, dispatching an out-of-city patrol team from the High Lansa City Guard Battalion to Wall Village to continue the investigation.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of missing persons case would end here, but this time it did not. This made the clerk who was in charge of the population statistics of the northern suburbs of the city a little worried. Send a letter to the old village chief.

Just after the old village head once again carried out ideological work on the whole village, the ideological understanding of all the villagers in Wall Village has been comprehensively improved. The point where life is closely related.

Selena would still follow behind the old village head every day, holding an account book and standing in the valley on time.

The men in the village are still collecting sulfur ore in the sulfur mine. There have been three batches of sulfur mine piled up in the warehouse of the village. This time, the horse team brought enough supplies and returned to the sulfur mine in Pustout Mountain. The men will return in a week. Wall Village, to participate in the Harvest Festival and the coming-of-age ceremony for the children of the village.

And before the men in the village came back, the autumn harvest in Wall Village started ahead of schedule under the auspices of the old village chief.

Harvesting wheat requires helpers. If you only want to harvest your own wheat, it will take at least seven or eight days for a laborer to harvest the wheat at home. In a few days, they appear concentratedly on the grain field, but if seven or eight households help each other, one family's wheat field can be harvested every day, and the threshing field in the village is divided into different periods.

Don't look at those village women with bucket waists and are used to walking with twisted buttocks. Their normal walking movements are a bit clumsy, but when they stand in the wheat field and wave their sickles, it is a different scene. Just look at the rows of wheat Falling down neatly, the village women can tie a wheat knot with one hand and tie up the wheat bunches neatly. Their chatter and laughter can be heard far away in the wheat field.

The wheat fields in Wall Village are only on the slopes on both sides of the ravine, and the wheat fields of each household are extremely limited. For the villagers in Wall Village, this wheat field is the whole of their life, and each wheat field is very clearly divided. There are clear boundary marks on each pond stalk, and now Suldak is sitting on the pond stalk, accompanying Karl to watch a group of village women harvesting wheat in their own wheat fields.

Rita and Natasha were also among the wheat harvesters. They were the youngest and most agile, standing at the front of the wheat harvesting echelon.

When the wind blows the wheat waves rise and fall, Rita and Natasha's golden ponytails swing rhythmically with the scythe. Only Rita occasionally stands up straight from the wheat field, watching her fall far away Standing at the forefront of the echelon with a victorious attitude.

When Karl first saw Suldak's wife and sister, he was also secretly surprised that the saying "beauties come from deep mountains" was true.

Of these two young girls, one is cheerful and the other is demure and docile.

Although the aristocratic ladies in the city are fair-skinned and beautiful, and their manners are generous and decent, they wear masks all the time, as proud as a blue peacock. But the beautiful girls in the countryside have another kind of beauty, which is a healthy, energetic and sunny beauty, with round arms, full breasts, waists without any fat, long skirts and long legs You can run hard on the ridge.

Old Sheila walked out of the village slowly, holding little Peter in one hand and a jug filled with honey and lemonade in the other.

Karl is the chief officer who came to Wall Village to investigate the "robbery of Wall Village by the bandits". I watched a group of women harvesting wheat from the pond stalks in the wheat field.

Karl didn't express any opinion on the bandit group's looting of Wall Village. He watched Suldak take off his leather armor, dressed as a farmer, and the long sword in his waist turned into a curved sickle. The pair of long leather boots were covered with mud, and he couldn't help rubbing his forehead with his hands, showing a hint of distress, and asked Suldak: "Hailansa City Knight Academy has started for almost half a month, are you okay?" Planning to pack your bags and go to the academy to enroll? If you miss this semester, you will have to wait until next spring at least to enroll again. Speaking of which, you are still a reserve knight after all, so you need to get your knight certificate back as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, Karl sat up straight from the ridge of the field, and whispered to Suldak: "To put it bluntly, if one day Count Mond Goss receives bad news from the Warsaw plane, your qualifications for reserve knights will be reduced." No one can admit it anymore, it will be much more troublesome than it is now if you want to become an official knight."

Suldak also felt that once Earl Mond Goss returned from the Warsaw plane, it would be hard to say, so he made up his mind: "The things in the village will probably come to an end after the Harvest Festival. Report to the Knights and apply for a letter of recommendation!"

Karl didn't shirk, put his arm around Suldak's shoulder and said:

"If you really make up your mind, leave the matter of applying for a letter of recommendation to me. After you've dealt with the matter at hand, just report at Highlandsa Knight Academy. Oh, by the way, you're going to attend classes at Highlandsa Knight Academy ?"

Suldak was a little puzzled:

"Otherwise? Where else can I go?"

Carl smiled slightly, hesitated to speak:

"There are quite a few places to choose from, but the time is a bit tight and the road is a bit far away..."

When Suldak heard Karl say that the road was far away, he shook his head resolutely and said, "Then what's the point of going, it's just to get a certificate, it's not the same everywhere!"

Old Sheila brought little Peter with lemon tea. The women in the wheat field went to the edge of the pond to drink sweet water. They sat on the other side of the pond and did not disturb Suldak. All have a fear of the nobles, and these women don't even dare to look up when they face Karl.

Karl approached Suldak, smiled and said, "Hey, I thought you had something to go back to the village, but it turned out that you were rushing to intercept and kill the bandits."

Suldak stood up from the pool stem, patted the dirt on his buttocks, looked back at Baron Karl Casement with some doubts, and said, "Cough! I really have something to do... I am in a hurry to go back to the village. , and I didn't intend to intercept and kill the gang of robbers, they robbed my goods, I had no choice but to act, there are also many unpredictable dangers in it, I didn't want to take risks..."

"Okay! Although...honesty is one of the eight virtues of knights, but you can say it a little more grandly. This is definitely something worth showing off." Karl patted Suldak on the shoulder, with a look of praise look at him.

"I don't want to show off... No one knows about this matter yet. I don't want those bandits' companions to come to my door in the middle of the night to take revenge on me." Suldak said.

The two walked towards Wall Village together. Karl never thought that Suldak would kill the robber and make meritorious deeds, but he just dismissed these deeds...

I didn't know what to say for a while.

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