Lord Highlander

Chapter 281: 280. Before the Harvest Festival

Just when the clerk in charge of population statistics in the northern suburbs of Hailansa City was worried in the city, worried that there would be a flaw in the missing persons investigation in Wall Village, which would lead to a poor evaluation in the intelligence assessment next month, he went to Wall Village to investigate the disappearance. Carl, who is investigating the case by the villagers. Baron Casement was sitting in front of Suldak, with a square table between them, and the lemon tea on the table had a faint sweet smell.

Karl and Suldak sat face to face solemnly, looking at each other with serious expressions.

On Karl's left sat a clerk of the guard battalion, who was responsible for recording all the details of the investigation and evidence collection, while the guard battalion knight sitting on Karl's right was Karl's assistant, considered Karl's confidant.

At this time, the clerk resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and complained in his heart: "As soon as you two met, you went to the wheat field shoulder to shoulder and walked around a lot. The roast lamb in the yard has been roasted golden, even if you are a fool." It can be seen that you have a very close relationship. Is it really necessary to engage in this kind of formalism? '

However, the clerk of the guard battalion did not dare to express his thoughts. He reached out and took a sip of the lemon tea on the table, thinking about how to cooperate with Carl. Lord Casement continued the play.

In fact, Karl did not make it too difficult for the accompanying clerk. He paused for a moment, and the assistant next to him pushed a piece of parchment in front of him. , asked him with his eyes: Are you ready?

The clerk immediately picked up the quill filled with ink and nodded to Karl.

"Don't worry, this is just an ordinary investigation, just say what you know..." Karl said to Suldak pretendingly.

"I heard that the village was ransacked by a group of robbers?" Karl asked.

"Hmm!" Suldak replied very concisely.

"The robber group not only robbed the sixteen yellow sheep in the village, but also robbed a lady named Selina in the village?" Karl asked the second question according to the script.

"Hmm!" Suldak was still unwilling to say a word.

Karl glanced at Suldak helplessly, and there was nothing he could do about the fact that Suldak had no tacit understanding with him.

Just when the clerk wanted to record the third question, Carl said without warning: "Okay!"

The clerk wanted to record this sentence, but found that there was no need to record this sentence, so he looked at Carl in some surprise. Lord Casement.

I saw Karl drooping his eyelids, looking at the last line of the parchment, and announced to everyone present: "After verification, there was indeed a looting incident in Wall Village, and the initial judgment should be related to the robbery of the Hoyle Manor in the southern suburb of Hailansa. The case is the same group of robbers, I will apply for support from the higher authorities, and try to conduct a net-like investigation in the Pagros Mountains this morning, and try to catch that gang of robbers as soon as possible. In addition, I will suggest to the sheriff in charge of this area Therefore, it is best to form a joint guard team among the villages to patrol the area, and report to the Hailansa City Guard Battalion immediately if a bandit group is found."


The clerk never thought of Carl. Baron Casement actually only asked two questions before announcing the end of the interrogation, and Karl didn't seem to be planning to ask anyone else, which meant that the investigation of Wall Village was officially over, looking at the goose feather in his hand The clerk was speechless for the remaining ink on the pen, and could only wipe off the remaining ink on the quill pen and put it in the pen holder.

Carl came out of the stone house, stretched his body on the steps at the entrance of the courtyard, and said loudly to the assistant and the clerk: "Next, let's taste the delicacies from the Pagros mountain area!"

He squinted his eyes and saw the bonfire burning in the central square of the village in the distance. The laughter was coming from there. The men in the village seemed to have just returned from somewhere, and the village held a banquet in the central square. , according to the past practice, the old village head will kill a gazelle and gather the whole village to drink sheep soup.

The dinner in the village was upgraded this time, and the old village head decided to kill five fat sheep and hold a decent bonfire party of roasting whole sheep. The first was to welcome Carl. Baron Casement, the second is to welcome the men who have returned from outside. Originally, the village of Wall was very struggling, but after five batches of sulfur mines were transported into the warehouse, the old village chief suddenly realized that the village It seems that I can afford lamb.

By the time Karl, Suldak and his party came to the central square of the village, many villagers had already gathered here. When the villagers saw Suldak and Karl standing together and talking cordially, the expressions on their faces were different. But no matter where they went, the villagers would stand up and salute Karl and Suldak.

Karl felt that the villagers of Wall Village were warm and simple, full of awe of the nobles, and their quality was higher than that of the common people in Hailansa City.

The wood on the bonfire has been completely turned into charcoal fire. After the five gazelles were skinned, they were erected with wooden sticks. Several older villagers turned over the brackets hanging on the charcoal fire beside the wooden frame. The smell of mutton, Selena was holding a brush to spread the sauce on these roasted whole lambs, when she saw Suldak approaching, she turned her head and put on a sweet smile to him.

When Selena turned to leave, Karl leaned close to Suldak's ear and asked quietly, "Are all the beautiful ladies in the village more or less related to you?"

"...Do you think so?" Suldak said with a smile. "This one is indeed, the others are not..."

"I don't believe your nonsense!" Carl rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Karl is not the kind of person who sees a beautiful woman unable to walk, and the sourness in his heart lasted for a while. The old village head, Uncle Brett, led a group of village elders to meet them. These old people were dressed in clean clothes. The linen clothes showed that the welcoming ceremony was very formal. Uncle Brett first expressed his thanks to Baron Carl for coming to Wall Village, then invited Karl to sit down, and then called Selena to present some roasted yellow lamb.

After Selena finished her work, she sat down next to Suldak. The rough linen dress could not conceal her natural beauty. Seldak lifted Selena's long skirt and wanted to pass a piece of roast lamb to her. Signa, who was under the skirt, saw the girl's mouth was stuffed, and suddenly saw Suldak, and choked.

After drinking a large glass of water, Signa's breath was relieved.

Knowing that Selena and Suldak had some relationship, Karl still couldn't help but glance at Selena's beautiful figure occasionally, and Selena carefully sliced ​​the roast lamb for the two of them.

Rita and Natasha were sitting with the women in the village. Some people saw that Selena was blatantly sitting next to Suldak at the banquet of the whole village. Everyone felt wronged for Natasha. They gave Natasha advice one after another, asking her to exercise the power of the hostess in a timely manner, at least giving Selena a little bit of color.

Natasha has a soft personality and won't cause trouble at all, not to mention that she is only Suldak's wife in name, and she can't refuse him to find a new love at all. With Natasha's appearance, she could only sigh lightly, complaining in her heart that Natasha was not active enough.

People in the village like to dance around the bonfire, especially the men who have left the village for more than half a month. At this time, everyone invites the women to circle around the bonfire together, and the atmosphere of the dinner party suddenly becomes lively.

Seeing that Karl was almost done eating, Suldak took the opportunity to ask Karl about the wagon.

"Do you want to buy a truck? It's easy. I know several car dealers in Hailansa City. I can go with you. I believe they will give you a very reasonable price." Carl's eyes lit up, and he will He straightened his chest and said, tapping on it with his fist.

Suldak remembered the words of the old village head, and then asked Karl: "What if I only buy the axle part?"

Karl waved his hand and said to Suldak: "Of course it's okay, but I don't think you need to be so troublesome. I will be in Hailansa city recently, so you want to buy a wagon. Just come and find me."

Every time he asked Carl for help, Carl would readily agree and never ask for anything in return. The more Karl was like this, Suldak felt that he should make up for it appropriately. After thinking for a long time, he remembered that there were still some bandit leather armor and weapons hidden in the oak forest near the mountain pass.

Suldak felt it was time to take them out.

When the dinner was over, Suldak patted Karl on the shoulder and said to him, "By the way, Karl, I still have something to give you."

"What?" Carl asked curiously.

"I'll take you to see it later, and you'll know. You may be able to use this thing," Suldak said.

Suldak pulled out a Gubolai horse from his home, came to Karl and his party, and quickly got on the horse.

Carl and his party also came from Hailansa City on horseback. They also led the horses out of the residence arranged by the old village head, and then took advantage of the bright moonlight to walk out of Wall Village overnight and cross the mountain pass. Suldak led Karl to a dark oak forest. Karl was followed by five knights. The clerk was not very good at riding, so he stayed in the village.

Those who followed Karl here were all Karl's cronies.

Suldak searched for the marks left along the way, and rode into the oak forest, as if walking into the darkness all of a sudden. Recently, Suldak's five senses have improved, and he has walked this road twice before. I have some memories here.

Relying on his memory, Suldak found the tree hole where the bandits' weapons and leather armor were hidden. He jumped off his horse, reached into the tree hole, pulled out the machete that the bandits used to use, and handed it to him. Carl's hands.

For this dark red scimitar, Karl, who was the chief knight of the guard battalion, recognized it at a glance. It was the weapon of the robbers.

"Could it be...all these things, right?" Carl took the heavy machete into his hand, and suddenly understood that these were the so-called gifts of Suldak.

"You guessed it..." Suldak said noncommittally.

Seeing Suldak take out more than a dozen scimitars and twenty-two sets of leather armor from the tree hole and pile them up in front of Karl, Karl looked at the pile of rags on the ground and asked Suldak, "What do you think?" Are you going to give me these robber leather armors and weapons?"

These rotten leather armors and scimitars are useless to Suldak, but they can be exchanged for some merits for Karl.

"Yeah! It's useless for me to keep it, I just thought that maybe these things can be of some use to you." Suldak said with a smile to Karl.

Karl ordered people to tie up these leather armors and weapons, and he was busy until it was almost dawn before he was done.

Returning to Wall Village this time, when Carl passed the mountain pass, he looked up at the wooden cross on the top of the mountain seriously. Although he already knew the truth of the matter, every time he saw these crosses, Carl would still secretly exclaim ...

Then I began to brainstorm the entire battle process, every time I thought of Suldak beheading all twenty robbers by himself, the leader of the robbers was at least at the level of a mid-level warrior, and the punishment weapon Hammer Karl also tried to hold it, such a heavy hammer of punishment is still very difficult to hold, but the bandit leader can easily swing it, which shows that the bandit leader is much better than Karl in terms of strength.

Karl turned his head and said to Suldak: "When I passed the mountain pass, I was thinking...how did you make more than 20 wooden crosses on the top of the mountain by yourself, and hang them all on the cross by yourself? of."

Suldak and Carl kept pace. He briefly talked about the origin of the three large wooden boxes, and then said: "It is actually very simple to make a wooden cross. At that time, I removed some wooden boards from the three wooden boxes and put them together again. It became these simple crosses. However, the top of the mountain is also covered with limestone, and there is no way to nail the wooden cross into the cracks in the stone, so it took a lot of effort to erect it on the top of the mountain.”

A group of people talked and laughed and returned to Wall Village, and saw the clerk of the guard battalion squatting at the entrance of the village alone, watching Karl return safely with a few of his men, and greeted him excitedly, as if worried that Karl might be killed at any time. Forsake him.

After Carl ate the breakfast arranged by the old village chief, he took a group of people back to Hailansa City.

And the autumn harvest in the village has also started in full swing, and Wall Village is full of busy scenes.

The old village chief, Uncle Brett, is going to go around the surrounding villages again, intending to lobby the village chiefs of each village to form a joint patrol team, otherwise, once the robbers appear, no matter which village is capable of fighting against them Robbers, this kind of thing is united, and everyone is twisted together to fight against those robbers.

The wheat field in Suerdak’s house was harvested yesterday, and today the wheat should be dried in the field, and then the grains on the ears of wheat should be crushed with a stone mill and put into sacks...

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