Lord Highlander

Chapter 293. 292. The Night of the Harvest Festival

At the dinner party on the night of the Harvest Festival, the old village head drank too much and was carried home by his youngest son Charlie.

The bonfire is almost burnt out, and only when the night wind blows, some faint lights will glow from the ashes.

Selena and several village women cleaned the pots and stoves next to the central square of the village, pulled out the big iron pots from the stoves, and moved them into the village warehouses. There were still a few drunken villagers in the square , sitting next to the bonfire, picking out a piece of scorched cassava from the dying ashes, and the last bit of ale in the glass next to them, it seems that they want to drink up the ale before going home.

The drunken villagers chatted without saying a word:

"I said that the taste of this ale is really not bad. I tasted it in Hailansa City before, but this kind of taste is better. I think this thing is the most delicious when paired with meatloaf. Those people here just like to eat chickpeas and peanuts..."

"...It's all thanks to the Knights of Suldak." An elderly villager said casually.

"This year's year is good. In the past few days, I have harvested a lot from the mountains. Even if I saw wild radishes, sour pears, wild dates, and hawthorns in the mountains, I didn't dare to pick them. I'm afraid I can't get them from the mountains. Recite it, if you have the strength, who doesn't pick up tree rice and mushrooms!"

"I'll look at it after I have a four-wheeled carriage. I can load the mountain goods on the carriage vigorously. The four carriages have to go back and forth to the mountain pass a few times a day. The four-wheeled carriage is precious. If it is too heavy, it will be broken. But it's troublesome, and everyone in the village can repair..."

The night in Woer Village is very quiet. Many villagers are reluctant to light oil lamps in order to save money. If there is no such gathering at night, everyone usually goes to bed early. Soon after the villagers are gone, only The next mess.

At times like this in the past, Selena would rush to pack up and go home early. She would rather leave the cleaning until tomorrow than stay too late in the square, because there are always some idlers who can't sleep in the middle of the night and will Wandering in the village square, occasionally sneaking glances at her, made her feel uncomfortable all over, and some daring ones would follow her all the way to her door.

After the harvest festival dinner this year, Selena deliberately dragged it to the end. She wiped the wooden square table clean with a rag, and glanced at Suldak who was drinking with a group of young people from time to time. Signa was already leaning on the stove She was fast asleep, she had eaten too much tonight, Selena was worried that she would accumulate food, and gave her a glass of hawthorn water, but now she was not in a hurry to go back to that deserted stone house.

When little Peter started to feel sleepy, old Sheila went home with little Peter, Rita and Natasha on her back.

On the other hand, Suldak has been discussing with Charlie, Luke and other young people about the construction of the cistern. After the Harvest Festival, bricklayers from various villages will rush to Wall Village one after another. The construction will start soon, and tomorrow we will organize manpower to pull volcanic ash from the edge of the pustule mountain and grind the loose limestone. All of these require some manpower and material resources.

The old village chief was drunk, and Charlie carried the old village chief back home. There were only Luke and Val and a few people left. Suldak found that Selina was still there, so he waved to her. Linna tucked the blanket wrapped around Signa's body, tidied up her messy hair, untied the long skirt tied to her body, and walked over quickly.

Selena was wearing a thick woolen dress and a woolen sweater. She walked briskly and avoided swinging her waist as much as possible, because she felt that only dissolute women would twist their hips vigorously when walking. She didn't want to be caught by Su Erdak wanted to be that kind of woman.

Suldak was only wearing a linen shirt, tight-fitting breeches and riding boots, with the sleeves rolled up to reveal his thick arms, which were covered with hideous scars. He stood up and walked behind her, pulling her Open the back chair and ask her to sit down.

"It just so happens that you are here too. We were just discussing the matter of building a reservoir in the village. The specific construction plan has been finalized, but at present we need special statistics and payroll personnel. I think you are competent for this..."

Selena raised her head, raised her white chin, and looked at Suldak with adoring eyes. At this moment, she felt that the way he discussed things was so charming, she didn't even hear what Suldak was talking about. Saying something, anyway, is telling her to do something tomorrow, and she is willing to do anything for him.

Several young people felt that it was not suitable to continue talking about the reservoir in such an atmosphere, so they found excuses to slip away and ended the discussion hastily.

The soft moonlight shines among the mountains, in the fields of Wall Village, and in the tidal flats covered with reeds below Wall Village. Along the path in the village, Suerdak fell asleep with his back on his back. Signa walked in front, and Selena followed behind Suldak. The moonlight left a dark shadow on the ground, and she stretched out her foot to step on Suldak's shadow.

The shadow kept moving forward, and she happily chased after it...

In the past, Selena always felt that the road from the village square to her home was too long, and she would have to walk for a long time to get home, but now she found that the road was too short. When Suldak stopped , she nearly knocked him on the back.

Suldak handed the sleeping Signa to Selena, then held Selena's smooth face with his hands, and kissed her sexy lips.

Selena hoped that Suldak would stay, even if she was very domineering or could not wait to pull her into the stone house, but Seldak said softly to her: "Good night!"

"Good night!" Selena's voice was thin and soft.

Suldak stood at the gate of the courtyard, watched Selina enter the stone house, and then turned and left along the village road.

Selena carried Signa back to the stone house, and put her back on the upper wooden bed. Signa licked her soft lips, turned over on the bed, and Selena helped her cover a quilt.

The moonlight outside the window was like snow, and Selena was sitting on the wooden bed full of disappointment. At this time, she suddenly heard a knock on the door of the courtyard. Suddenly, her heart moved, and she ran out of the stone house, just in time to see Su Erdak leaned against the courtyard wall, and said to her with a faint smile: "Well-meaning lady, would you like to take one..."

Before Suldak finished speaking, Selina rushed out of the door quickly, wrapped her hands around Suldak's neck, and hung herself on his body.

Selena closed her eyes, smelling the faint smell of soap on his face...

"Hey... do we have to stay at the door like this?" Suldak's voice rang in her ears.


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