Lord Highlander

Chapter 294. 293. Shadow Words

When he woke up early in the morning, he saw Signa cautiously looking down from the upper bunk. This gave Suldak the deepest feeling that he should really have a big castle-like house.

Otherwise, every time I lie down with Selena, there will always be a little guy disrupting the situation after waking up, which makes Suldak feel a little embarrassed.

And every time Signa sees those horrible scars on her body, she always has a look of horror.

Suldak's memory of the origin of these scars is a little fuzzy, and he can only see some fragmentary pictures in his memory: he is struggling in a sea of ​​fire, and outside the sea of ​​fire, a magician riding a magic handle The master is chasing another female magician with a child, every time the picture will stop here, and then there will be a deep pain in my heart.

The black tattoo of the goddess Celine on Selena's back is not always visible.

Just like now, her back is white and smooth, lying next to her, showing a soft and beautiful curve.

Suldak told her about these changes of Selena, and Selena curled up in his arms like a lazy cat, whispering: "Goddesses don't always bow down, When the goddess is not around, of course there will be no tattoos on the back..."

"Can it still be like this?" Suldak said with some surprise, he didn't expect that the magic pattern on her body could be hidden.

Selena and Signa nodded affirmatively at the same time. Seeing the determined faces of the mother and daughter, Suldak believed it completely. With something to talk about, at least the atmosphere would not be too embarrassing, so Suer Dak then said to Selina: "When the Dark Goddess comes, is there any ability given to you?"

Probably because of this level of intimacy, Selena blinked and said, "Actually, it's a very weak ability, and it's okay to say it, it's like a language curse..."

"Language curse?" Suldak repeated in his mouth.

This reminded him of his 'Whisper of Death', isn't that a language curse? Thinking of the power of the 'Whisper of Death', it seems that it can instantly kill the enemy on the battlefield, but until now he has not figured out how to use the 'Whisper of Death'.

Selena propped her upper body up from the crude plank bed, smiled slightly at Suldak and said, "It's about the same, but it's useless... Do you want to feel it?"

Suldak didn't expect Selena to have such a proposal, and asked again with certainty: "Me? Are you going to cast that curse on me?"

Selena kept nodding and said: "It's okay, anyway, just feel it, it won't cause much damage, sometimes when Signa makes a mistake, I will cast that curse on her, but it's useless now, She is more proficient than me now..."

Hearing what Selena said, Suldak became even more curious about what kind of spell it was, but he caught another point in Selena's words, "You mean Signa will also do that? A language curse, and also a follower of the Dark Goddess?"

Selena stared at Surdak with a strange look, as if to say: 'Is there something wrong with this? '

"Well, what I want to say is what to believe in...you should let her choose." Suldak felt that Signa should be given a better belief since she was a child, after all, almost all people in the empire believed in freedom Goddess, the Goddess of Darkness does not have any living soil in the Grimm Empire... If you don't like the Statue of Liberty, it is better to believe in the God of Magic or the Lord of Elements, such as Paglio, the God of Fire, and Eva, the God of Water, than the Goddess of Darkness Celine.

"This is her choice." Selena glanced at Signa who was hiding on the upper bunk, and said to Suldak.

Suldak could only sigh inwardly. He wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. After all, it was hard to say whether something like belief was right or wrong.

Selena put on a nightgown, then half-kneeled on the bed, folded her hands in front of her chest, and prayed devoutly to the Goddess of Darkness. This time, Suldak didn't open his eyes of reality, so he couldn't see what was around Selena Seeing such a change, she felt that the portrait of the goddess with one hand raised in the well appeared behind her again, and then Selena's closed eyes suddenly opened, and the light green pupils became as black as ink, and her mouth was just Say one syllable briefly:


Selina stared at Suldak's left hand. Suldak felt as if his left hand had been hit by a blunt object, and there was a pain coming from the joints, but his hand did not change at all. , He tried clenching his fist and stretching, but there was no inconvenience at all, the only thing was that there was a tolerable pain in his hand.

"Is this your language curse?" Suldak asked in astonishment.

"Well, it is said that this is a kind of shadow word." Selina nodded and replied.

It seems that it is really just like what Selena said, it only has the function of punishment, and it is really useless in real battles. Suldak looked at Selena who was a little depressed, and his heart softened, and he comforted her and said: "Actually, it is still If it has a little effect, at least it can make people unable to concentrate on doing something."

"But that's all, isn't it?" Selena squeezed out a forced smile. She knelt on the bed and put her long chestnut hair behind her head with both hands, and tied it into a ponytail. A youthful breath rushed to her face. Come on, I feel that the whole person is five or six years younger.

"This spell is indeed a bit weak." Suldak said truthfully.

"That's not a little bit, after all, I said it represents the Goddess of Darkness." Selena got out of bed and started to make some breakfast, and said casually.

"It may also be just as you said - the Goddess of Darkness has forgotten you in this corner." Suldak said.

Selena squatted by the fireplace and was about to light the fire, her eyes dimmed and she said, "Okay, I admit it."


After the Harvest Festival, Wall Village quickly recovered from the festive atmosphere. Most of the villagers had finished harvesting the wheat, and there were few stacks left on the valley field.

The men in Wall Village began to prepare to go to the sulfur mine in Bump Mountain. This time, everyone had the experience of living in Bump Mountain and knew what supplies should be brought more and what materials should not be used at all.

For example, the water gathering scroll is indispensable. There is no water source around Pustule Mountain. Everyone’s drinking water problem is completely dependent on the water gathering scroll. The three water gathering scrolls that Suldak carried with him have been used up. The villagers We only have the last one in our hands now. This kind of life-like magic scroll can only be bought in the magic store in Hailansa City.

In addition, the twenty-two pairs of long leather boots and cotton masks prepared by Suldak played a very important role. In the environment of Pustule Mountain, the rocky ground in many places is hot, and some rocks are still flowing. Lava, wearing this kind of leather boots can prevent your feet from being burned. The young people in the second echelon did not wear leather boots. This time, several young people's feet were burned to varying degrees in Bump Mountain.

The old village chief asked Suerdak to bring a batch of sulfur to Hailansa City. After selling it, he could exchange it for some water-gathering scrolls, custom-made thick-soled boots, and a pickaxe. These necessary labor items still need to be fully prepared. of.

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