Lord Highlander

Chapter 302: 301. Plan

The sun slowly sank into the valley in the distance, and the sky gradually became dark. Then the old village chief waved his hand, indicating that everyone can call it a day and leave.

The craftsmen from the outer village built some simple yurts on the side of the construction site. After work was over, everyone ran to a small pool to wash up.

However, in order to avoid affecting the water use of the villagers downstream, the old village chief asked for an additional canal to be drawn at the source of the river. This canal will be the main waterway of the reservoir in the future. It is just to provide some water for the construction site. Now it is simple opened up. A group of men were shirtless, exposing their muscular bodies, huddled by the side of the ditch, and the scene was very lively.

Suldak and the old village head are discussing where to set the gate of the primary reservoir. The old village head wants to place the gate in the center of the dam. This layout is quite satisfactory, but Suldak is different. Based on the idea, Suldak wanted to set up a sluice gate on the east and west sides of the reservoir embankment, but this not only increased the construction cost, but also greatly increased the difficulty of construction.

The two argued for a long time, but they still couldn't convince each other, and there was a strong smell of gunpowder in their words.

Rita brought over a stack of wheat cakes. The young woman behind Rita was Charlie's wife, holding a can of vegetable soup in her hand. The two women placed the wheat cakes and vegetable soup on the stone platform. The old village chief Only then did he wake up from the dispute, picked up a piece of wheat cake and tore it in half, took a bowl of hot vegetable soup, and said with some emotion: "I usually eat corn porridge and cassava at home, even if I eat wheat cake It's not a festival, and it can only happen once a week. Who would have thought... Just to build this reservoir, two bags of wheat flour will be taken out every day to cook scones. The day will be like this."

Suldak also picked up a piece of wheat cake, and took the opportunity to ask Rita in a low voice if she had eaten. Rita nodded slightly calmly, then smiled and left with Mrs. Charlie, and turned to Sulda before leaving. Kebi gestured: control emotions.

"Of course, the future of Wall Village will only be better than it is now, and we have just taken the first step now." Suldak is full of confidence in this.

The last ray of the setting sun shone on the wrinkled face of the old village chief, and a trace of worry flashed across his dark face, he just said: "I have been thinking over and over again these few nights, what about the mine over there?" How big can it be? After hollowing out those brimstones, what else can we get?"

Probably these problems in front of him are the reason why the old village chief is extremely anxious.

"Of course the real wealth is right in front of our eyes..." Suldak said, looking at the cistern that had just taken shape in front of him.

"You mean this cistern?" The old village chief's eyes lit up slightly, as if he had found some answers.

"The cistern is just one of them..." What Suldak actually wanted to say is: the cistern is just one of the experimental products. Once it is confirmed that the volcanic ash cement is as rumored, then Wall Village can offer Hailansa This new type of building material is transported from the city to replace the original stone or wooden houses. In the future, Wall Village can also form a construction team to build gorgeous Baroque buildings everywhere. What business can be more profitable than real estate?

Before Suldak finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by the old village chief.

The old village head said very excitedly: "Yes, when all these reservoirs are built, the village will not have to worry about being unable to cultivate in the dry season. At least some chickpeas and cassava can be planted on the ridges in spring. When it comes to the rainy season, everything will be better, if there is enough water in the reservoir, these wheat fields will not lose production, and everyone will no longer worry about food rations, only food is the most real thing.”


Suldak knew that now was not the best time to talk about the construction team and real estate. Even if he said it, the old village chief probably wouldn't understand it. Instead, some benefits that the reservoir in front of him could bring gradually emerged.

His eyes passed over Wall Village, and he saw a large tidal flat on the far side of the river bend below the village. If it hadn't been for the large amount of rainwater gathered here during the rainy season, causing terrible waterlogging, perhaps that tidal flat would be the most fertile soil. , rotting reeds and red thatch made the silt extremely fertile.

Suerdak pointed to the tidal flats downstream of the village, and said with emotion: "These reservoirs are built, and when the rainy season comes, the rainwater washed down from the mountains will first gather in the reservoirs until the fifth level. The reservoir is fully filled, and the excess rainwater will flow into the tidal flats downstream. I plan to dig a drainage channel on the tidal flats downstream of the village during the dry season next spring, and all the excess rainwater will flow into the drainage channel , In this way, the tidal flat land will no longer be dry and waterless in winter and spring, but will become a swamp full of stagnant water in an instant during the rainy season. That piece of land will be a large area for us. Fertile soil."

Probably there is nothing in this world that can impress the old village chief more than the land. After hearing Suerdak's imagination, his eyes lit up. With his years of farming experience, he certainly knows what kind of land is more suitable. Tilling, his lips trembled a little, the delicious vegetable soup even became bland and tasteless, his slightly cloudy eyes tried hard to look into the distance, as if a beautiful picture had already appeared in his eyes.

The old village head nodded repeatedly and said: "The tidal flats are full of fertile mellow soil. No matter what you plant, you can have a good harvest. As long as the flood can be solved, it will be a large piece of good land. As long as the reservoir can be built, tomorrow spring I will take people to open up wasteland on the tidal flats. Four-three-three is not practiced in the barren land outside the Pagolos Pass. The Green Empire does not look down on the land here. Then you can get 60% of the land. Whoever reclaims the tidal flats will get the remaining 40%."

"Why did you give me so much land?" Suldak asked in surprise.

At this time, the old village head looked as if he was taking it for granted, and said to Suldak: "This will be your fiefdom. After you become the lord here, no matter who cultivates new cultivated land here, there will naturally be part of you." share."

"...This is the rule, and you spent so much effort building the reservoir, it should be harvesting that tidal flat."

The old village chief seemed to have found the ultimate goal of Surdak's insistence on spending huge sums of money to build the reservoir, and he was indeed very far-sighted.

"..." Suldak didn't understand the laws of the Green Empire.

Those coolies carried the volcanic ashes for a day, and at night they rubbed each other's cramped legs outside the yurt.

Suldak thought that the complete set of wheel axles that Karl had ordered for him would arrive in Wall Village tomorrow along with the materials he purchased, so he said: "Forty sets of wheel axles will probably be delivered tomorrow, as long as these If so many axles are installed, we will have twenty-three carriages, and there will be no need for manpower to carry the volcanic ash."

The old village chief smiled wryly, sighed and said, "The women in the village still hope that they can make a good fortune by carrying the volcanic ash, so they don't want to assemble the carriage."

However, Suldak shook his head. Even if the strong men in the village worked hard for several days in a row, if they didn't know how to adjust their bodies, they would inevitably be exhausted. Said: "When the capacity of the volcanic ash is sufficient, then we will need more lime powder. At that time, we can set up a mill dedicated to grinding lime powder. If women in the village want to work, they can arrange to go to the mill."

"A mill that grinds lime powder?" the old village head asked suspiciously.

"Hmm!" Suldak said to the old village chief, "I found that many people in the village have stone troughs for pounding wheat?"

The old village head nodded and said: "In the past, the village organized strong laborers to find work in the quarry after the harvest festival. These stone troughs were carried back from the quarry at that time. But... since Digo Village was established A windmill was built on the edge of the Grand Canyon, and few people in the village pounded wheat at home, and it was easier to carry the wheat to the mill, and these stone troughs were also left unused.”

Suldak took out a charcoal pencil and found that the parchment in front of him was already covered with various figures, so he directly drew the sluice of the reservoir with a few strokes on the big rock in front of the two of them, and then drew the water sluice under the sluice. A waterwheel...Obviously, if the sluice gate is in the center of the primary cistern, it will flow directly into the secondary cistern. In this case, the waterwheel will not be able to be installed. Only the sluice gates will be placed on both sides of the cistern. In order to put down two waterwheels at the edge.

Then he explained to the old village head: "I want to build a waterwheel next to the sluice of the reservoir. Then we will have our own mill. We can build a simple mill in advance. It doesn't matter if we can't grind the wheat." , then coarsely grind lime powder first, and after the reservoir is built, it is not easy to grind wheat..."

"Waterwheel mill?" The old village chief didn't expect that a waterwheel could be installed in such a stair-shaped reservoir. This thing is not difficult to say, but no one has ever thought about it.

Suldak continued to explain to the old village chief: "Actually, this thing is not much different from a windmill..."

Of course, it won’t be too difficult. When Digo Village built the windmill, as one of the designers, the old village chief once visited the major mills around Hailansa City. He is naturally very familiar with the windmill. Otherwise, how could the villagers of Wall Village be eligible to use the windmill in Digo Village for free...


Suldak stepped into the house under the bright moonlight. Gu Bolaima stood beside the material trough and chewed the hay leisurely. The saddle had been removed from its body. He flicked his ponytail twice, not knowing whether he was welcoming him or repelling mosquitoes and flies.

Every autumn at this time, mosquitoes and flies always rush to the body desperately.

The oil lamp was still on in the main house. Surdak stopped at the door and saw old Sheila sitting in the room, as if teaching Rita how to sew wooden-soled linen shoes. Saying hello, Rita saw Surdak coming back from the outside, looking at him with big eyes full of expectation.

Suldak smiled and said, "I was in a hurry to go to Hailansa City this time, and I didn't ask you what you want me to bring. I bought it at a grocery store as I passed by. Don't think this gift is too shabby!"

As he spoke, he took out a beautiful comb from his bosom and handed it to Rita. Rita's sun-tanned face was extremely attractive, and she took the comb with joy. When she was in a good mood, she would Squint your eyes. Rita inserted the comb into her thick golden hair, and whispered to Suldak with some embarrassment: "Actually, there is no need to buy us gifts all the time... I just want to say, I like this gift very much!"

"You have been working hard for a few days, take a good rest!" Old Sheila said to Suldak.

Suldak nodded and said, "Then I'm going to rest."

Walking out of the main house, Suldak saw Natasha carrying a bucket of steaming hot water into the wooden bucket in the bathroom. It was hard to believe how her slender waist could carry such a big one. The wooden barrel saw that old Sheila and Rita hadn't come out of the main house, so he hurried over and hugged Natasha's slender waist from behind.

Natasha was startled at first, and looked behind, and found that it was Suldak, so she put down the big wooden barrel in her hand, but then she found that the two were tightly pressed together, and her cheeks immediately turned blushing .

At this time, the old Sheila and Rita were not sleeping in the main house. Natasha naturally refused to let Suldak take advantage of this time, and did not dare to push her hard, so she could only hold Suldak as hard as she wanted to explore. She put her hands in her clothes, and while looking at the main house, worried that someone would come out from there, she bit her lip and begged in a low voice: "Hurry up and let me go, I will be hit by Rita in a while, and I will die laughing at her." of."

Suldak hugged Natasha's soft body, of course he didn't want to let go, chasing after Natasha's soft lips, how could Natasha break free from Suldak's embrace, just when she was about to lose herself, He promised in a low voice to Surdak that he would come to him secretly after everyone fell asleep, so that he escaped a catastrophe.

Suldak didn't care who Natasha prepared the hot water for, he got into the wooden barrel and took a comfortable hot bath. Sure enough, it didn't take long for Rita to hold a pile of clean linen clothes and pants, These clothes were placed on the wooden shelf next to the barrel, and they complained to Suldak: "You are in a hurry, Natasha obviously boiled the water for me, why did you occupy it..."

Surdak huddled in the big wooden barrel, pretending to be asleep, and ignored Rita at all.

Rita has nothing to do with this kind of rascal, she can only turn around and walk out.

After taking a bath, all the fatigue was eliminated. Suldak returned to his room, lay on the wooden bed, and fell asleep in a daze after being relaxed. The soft body was pressed against his arms, and Suldak opened his eyes, and found that at some point, Natasha slipped into the room with wet hair, as if she had just taken a bath.

Seeing that Suldak was asleep, she wanted to slip away quietly, but happened to be seen by just waking up, and she hugged her in her arms...

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