Lord Highlander

Chapter 303: 302. Natasha

A burst of dog barking broke the morning tranquility of Wall Village.

A light morning mist shrouded the small valley, and when the sun rose, the morning mist would quickly dissipate.

There was the sound of gently pushing the door from the yard. The hinges on the door of the main house probably lacked some lubricating oil. When the door was pushed, there would be a jerky creaking sound. It was the sound of opening the door that woke up the sleeping Sulda Ke, this is the sequelae left on the battlefield, and any sign of trouble will make him vigilant again.

A corner of the blanket by the window was lifted, and Natasha would always leave the room quietly before dawn.

She is an introverted woman, shy, reserved and not good at expressing.

Her life circle is very small, and she would occasionally talk to Suldak about the things between old Sheila, Rita, and little Peter, and talk about some troubles in life, and she didn't really need someone to help her resolve them. Just wish there was a quiet listener.

In fact, Suldak is a very good listener, he will not interrupt easily, he will only express his views at the right time, he will not complain, nor will he have any prejudice, Natasha likes it very much Pillowing on his arm, whispering to him close to his ear, the soft long blond hair spread out, the lake blue eyes, the incomparably soft touch of the milk-white skin under the moonlight clearly told Suldak, this is not a dream.

Natasha said that old Sheila would suffer from leg pains in winter, and the pain could only be relieved by sitting by the fireplace all day long. She and Rita would go to the woods at this time to pick up some pine towers, pine nuts and Mushrooms are their extra harvest. Although the past days were a bit difficult, they were not hard, and life was always full of fun.

Rita is a guy who is good at finding fun everywhere in life (tashigedoubi). Her naive/cheerful/optimistic personality always infects Natasha. The behavior of various female men has also conquered many women in the village. Rita's figure is not slender. Above, but her waist is definitely not thick, it is the kind of waist with clear mermaid lines and abdominal muscles. She can carry two buckets of water and walk back and forth from home to the stream with ease. The green grass, taller than her body, walked back from the Beigou pasture without stopping.

In Little Peter's mind, Suldak has always been described by the old Sheila as a great hero. The biggest ideal in Little Peter's heart now is to become a knight like Suldak. He practices very hard every morning .

Suldak wondered in his heart whether he should be stricter with little Peter.

You must know that if you want to become a knight, you can't succeed overnight, and you need to pay far more than ordinary people.

At this time, Natasha must be making breakfast in the kitchen. However, even though her life is rich now, old Sheila is still very frugal.

The corner of the kitchen is full of wheat flour, and there is a whole row of ham hanging on the roof beams, but everyone still eats chestnut rice porridge every morning, and occasionally some cassava is mixed with the porridge, only Suldak and little Peter’s dinner plate , to see wheatbread and a thin slice of ham.

Rita is very busy in the morning, she has to go to the stream to fetch water in the early morning, and also go to the Beigou pasture to mow grass and feed the cows, especially when Suerdak is at home, there are more Gubo horses, The forage that needs to be prepared is nearly twice as much as usual.

Suldak lay on the bed for a while, intending to get up and help Rita share some housework. He wanted to go out to fetch water with a wooden bucket, but was snatched by Rita, and said, "Let me do it." , you don't even know where to fetch water..."

During breakfast, Suerdak learned from the old Xilana that fetching water in the village is very particular. Usually, women go to the creek to fetch water in the morning, and the source of water is close to the upper reaches of the creek. When the idlers in the village go to fetch water, they will be chased and scolded for half a block by the village women. If they are far away from the water source, the water brought back can only be used for washing. Although the place is poor, the villagers are also concerned about the sanitation of drinking water. very important...

After breakfast, old Sheila took little Peter to the yard to milk the cows. Suldak also swallowed the last mouthful of corn porridge, bit the corner of the baked wheat cake on the plate, and slipped out behind old Sheila. Rita asked from behind: "Brother, are you going to the reservoir construction site? Wait for me and Natasha, we are going too..."

Natasha followed Rita, stood at the door without saying a word, looked at Suldak with expectations in her eyes, and her eyes were full of tenderness like the sea.

Hearing Rita's clear voice, Suldak stopped in his tracks, his heart warmed up for no reason, and he said, "Um, are you going to the construction site too?"

Rita hastily wiped her wet hands on the apron, took off the apron and folded it, and caught up with Suldak and walked side by side with him: "Of course, Uncle Brett chose a few of us for those The artisans make lunch and dinner. We and Natasha are responsible for baking wheat cakes. You don’t know how much these guys can eat. They can eat at least two bags of wheat in a day. Natasha and I have to bake from morning until night."

Saying that, following in the footsteps of Suldak and walking out, Natasha followed Rita, lowering her head and smiling silently.

Rita continued to say to Suldak: "There is probably not much wheat flour in the granary, or tell the old village chief that we are frying some multigrain cakes today, and it is impossible to give them wheat cakes every now and then. Didn't eat so well."

Suldak pondered for a while, and then said: "Three meals of wheat cakes a day are enough. This is what was discussed before. It cannot be changed casually. Don't worry about not having enough wheat flour. This is not something you should consider."

Seeing what Suldak said, Rita spread her hands indifferently and said:

"Okay... I just want to remind you."

Then she praised Suldak again: "By the way, the wolf fur mattress you gave me is so warm."

"Natasha, what do you think?" Rita turned to Natasha on the other side and asked.

Natasha was a little hesitant, thinking that she didn't sleep in her own room at all last night, how could she feel the warmth of a wolf fur mattress, or the warmth of a big satyr? Natasha didn't know how to answer, so she could only hold back. He faltered and said, "Er... still... not bad!"

Rita asked incredulously: "Could it be that you didn't want to make the bed last night?"

"I...really not." Natasha's fair face turned red.

The three of them walked out of the yard together and walked along the village path to the construction site of the reservoir upstream of the ravine. As soon as they reached the construction site of the reservoir, they were stopped by a young man in the village: "Knight Suldak, villager!" A caravan came from outside, saying that it was a special trip to deliver the goods to you."

"Here we come..." Suldak didn't have time to take a look at the construction site, he left Rita and Natasha behind, and dragged the old village chief who had just arrived at the construction site and walked directly to the entrance of the village.

This caravan sent forty sets of wagon axles and three large wagons of wheat. These two hundred bags of wheat flour were almost enough for the craftsmen at the reservoir construction site to eat for two months. After two months, it was estimated that it would snow. The reservoir project on the village side will stop at that time...

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