Lord Highlander

Chapter 304

In the past two days, the old village head built a simple thatched arbor on the north side of the village central square. All the carriages of the caravan arrived at the village square. The axles are all moved into the pergola.

The old village chief stood in the middle of the square, standing with Suerdak, pointed to the arbor on the north side and said, "I thought about it last night and planned to set up a carpenter's workshop in the village. You can enter the carpenter's workshop to work, and build this pergola, which was originally intended to store the purchased wheat flour, but now it seems that it is not bad to turn this place into a carpenter's workshop."

The axles of these carriages are made of bearing bushes, which are coated with dense lubricating oil. As long as they are gently moved by hand, the carriage wheels can rotate easily and freely.

The axle is forged from black iron, but the wheels are made of wood. A round wooden board is nailed with some wooden strips to increase strength. This kind of ordinary wheel is easily damaged in rough places and requires a carpenter's workshop for repairs. .

The old village head supported the wheels of the wagon with his hands, and said to Suerdak confidently: "We will build these twenty wagons first, and then we can build a large water tanker here. Although the carpenters in our village are skilled Ordinary, but they are a group of good children who are willing to endure hardships and learn, and it is worth working hard to cultivate them."

There are indeed a few good carpenters in Wall Village, but they are still digging sulfur mines in Pustout Mountain. The old village head has sent someone to deliver a message to them, and it is estimated that they will return to Wall Village within a day or two.

Suldak saw that there were not many piles of wood in the pergola, so he asked the old village chief: "When the main dam of the reservoir is built, some wooden boards for pouring volcanic ash cement need to be made. Carpenter workshop, we need to buy more wood back, do you know where there is a wood factory near here?"

The old village head froze for a moment, probably according to his idea, the wood in the arbor was enough to make the truck compartment, and he didn't understand why more wood boards were used when building Xu Suichu's main dam.

At this time, a caravan leader standing next to him quickly took the opportunity to interject: "Knight Suldak, it is said that Baron Lloyd is the most famous forest owner in Hailansa City, and he owns at least five timber factories." , you can buy some wood from Baron Lloyd, if you don’t want to come out in person, our caravan is willing to buy it for you, and we will charge only a small shipping fee.”

After hearing this, Suldak was a little moved. He was about to discuss with the caravan leader, but the old village head winked at him calmly. It was obvious that some words were inconvenient to say, so he immediately understood and pondered. After a while, he said, "I'll think about it..."

The caravan leader saw that Suldak didn't answer the topic, so he stopped talking.

When the caravan leader walked away, the old village chief whispered to Surdak: "There is no need to buy wood. There are many public forest areas on the mountain pass. You can find two pine trees in it without spending money at all." what money."

"Didn't you say that you are not allowed to cut down trees in the forest over there?" Suldak asked strangely.

"This is not the only thing that is not allowed to do. As long as the interests of the lords are not really touched, who cares? It's not the Golden Oak." The old village chief said with a smile.

At this time, the village woman who was transporting the axles of the carriage to the arbor approached the old village chief and said distressedly, "Uncle Brett, the warehouse is almost out of capacity, what should I do with so many sacks of wheat..."

"Store these wheat flour on the construction site first..." The old village chief looked at the sky halfway through speaking, he hesitated, and then he could only grit his teeth and say, "Forget it, maybe it will happen in the next few days." When it rains, store these wheat in my house."

More than two hundred sacks of wheat flour can almost completely fill the old village head's house.

When everyone was unloading wheat flour at the old village head's house, they saw a horse team coming from a distance on the mountain road. Without looking at the faces of the young men leading the horses, the sharp-eyed villagers shouted loudly: "Our The horse team is back..."


This time, the horse team in the village came back from the Pustout Mountain sulfur mine. In addition to bringing back twenty pockets of sulfur mines, they also brought back bad news.

Two new neighbors emerged from the sulfur mine in the rocky area. There were actually two young salamanders. I don't know where they came from. They occupied a corner of the rocky area. There is no hostility, but the daily mining work has been seriously hindered at present. Everyone dare not approach the two salamanders at all, and only dare to hide from a distance.

However, there are only so many stalagmites with sulfur mines in the rocky area. After being occupied by salamanders, there is very little area left for the stonemasons. This time Luke came here in person, just ran back to invite Suldak Kill those two salamanders, or at least drive them away.

Moreover, they are in the sulfur mines in the rocky area, and they have to swallow a large amount of sulfur mines every day, which is the most terrible thing.

Seeing that there are sufficient materials at the construction site of the reservoir on the village side, the next step is to build the foundation of the reservoir as planned, and the old village chief can fully handle it here.

There was no urgent matter for Suerdak to solve, so Suerdak decided to go to the sulfur mine of Pustule Mountain to take a look. In addition to expelling the two salamanders, he also wanted to give the people of Pustbag Mountain The masons sent some thick-soled leather boots, dust masks, cross mining picks, and water-gathering scrolls and other supplies.

After all the sulfur mines were moved into the warehouse, Suerdak was ready to leave.

Luke just sat in the shade of a tree and took a sip of the cool stream water, then remounted his horse and set off with Surdak back to the sulfur mine in Pustout Mountain.

Along the way, you can also see a long queue of laborers, walking quickly to the depths of Paglos Mountain. They want to go to places with volcanic ash. Those places are far away from Wall Village. It takes at least a day to go back and forth. Even so, the volcanic ash in that area is very thin, and only a thin layer is spread on the ground. When you get there, you need to sweep the volcanic ash on the ground into piles before you can put it in a linen bag.

If there is this horse team to help transport some volcanic ash, it can also solve some problems of insufficient transportation capacity, but this horse team still needs to go back and forth between the sulfur mine and Wall Village, so it can't help for the time being.

When passing through the Beigou Grassland, the 'thirst not dead' growing here has completely withered and yellowed, only the weeds near the water pool are still a little green, but the huge water pool has already bottomed out. Once the rainy season is over, With no new rainwater coming in, the water level here drops at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it will probably dry up completely by next spring.

Suldak only stayed in the Beigou Grassland for a while, and then led the group of young people to the sulfur mine on horseback.

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