Lord Highlander

305. Chapter 304. Don't Cry Signa

'Lord Grenfell:

I found out from Carl Casement that the knight who killed Taylor was indeed someone else.

He is the newly promoted knight Suldak, who came to the village of Wall.

As far as I know, it was he and his men who stopped Taylor from Pagolos Mountain, but it was probably the villagers in the mountain. I chased the Suldak knight into the barren land of Pagolos Mountain.

Here, I saw a village under construction.

When I wrote this letter to you, I was preparing to enter the depths of Pagros Mountain. It is said that there is an uninhabited dead land. I don’t know why their horse team is deep in it. I hope this time I can find the Goddess of Darkness. messenger.

If it is convenient, please bring me a portrait of the Dark Goddess Messenger, I guess maybe the Dark Goddess Messenger is hiding here. '


The dark red knight put the written letter into a paper tube as thick as a little finger, and then tied it to the night harrier's paw with a string. This young night harrier is only two years old, and the yellow beak on its beak has just retreated. A whole body of heather-gray feathers feels smooth to the touch. He is hugged by the dark red knight, and a pair of round eagle eyes are constantly watching the surroundings.

He raised the night harrier with both hands, and let it fly into the blue sky. It flapped its wings extremely quickly, and in a blink of an eye there was only a small black spot left.

The dark red knight was riding on a strong black scaled horse, wrapped in a dark red cloak, and the black iron helmet looked more like a black gold mask from a distance, with a knight holding a broadsword behind his back. The wilderness outside the village of Er was very conspicuous. He withdrew his eyes from the sky, turned his head and glanced at the group of villagers who had entered the Paglos Mountain in a long line in the distance, and then urged his horse towards Sulda. The Kema team chased after them in the direction where they disappeared.

When the dark red knight appeared on the wasteland, he had already entered the sights of the patrol teams of the villages.

Although this barren land has a wide field of vision, it is difficult to hide and track, but there will always be some visual blind spots, and the village team investigators of each village often hide in this hidden place.

For example, in the crevice of a boulder, which may have been the home of the gray rock iguana, it is now occupied by scouts. Although the sea buckthorn grass is covered with barbs, it is nothing to the mountain people here. They have some ways to avoid these sharp spikes and hide themselves in the sea buckthorn grass.

The sturdy black-scaled horse is extremely strong, this kind of black war horse with the blood of a strange beast is very rare, and its size is a circle larger than the ordinary ancient Bolai horse. When it appeared in the Gobi Desert in the barren land On the beach, he was quickly noticed by the scouts of the patrol team.

The heavy horseshoes could even easily crush the limestone blocks on the ground, and the full armor under the scarlet cloak made him look more like a heavily armored knight.

It's just that the scouts of the patrol teams in each village found that the target of the dark red knight was not their own village, and they didn't dare to act rashly due to the strong aura of the dark red knight.

They looked around and saw the knight chasing Suldak into Mount Pagolos, so they immediately decided to pass the news to Wall Village.


When the scouts of the patrol team found the old village chief, he was leading four carpenters to repair wooden wheels in the carpenter's workshop. He heard that a knight on a black horse was secretly following Suldak, and the old village chief's face Showed a worried look.

Selena, who was holding the parchment ledger, turned even paler when she heard the news.

"Zigeluo, catch up to Suerdak quickly on horseback, and you must bring this news to him, hurry up." The old village head commanded a young man beside him with a serious face.

The young man named Zigero didn't dare to neglect, quickly put down the work in hand, and agreed: "Okay, Uncle Brett."

As he spoke, he went outside the arbor, intending to fetch the ancient Bolai horse tied to the post.

There were a group of village women chatting outside the arbor. A middle-aged village woman rushed out from the crowd, grabbed the young man Ziglo's arm, and said in a panic, "Ziguero, are you going to Where, I think you must be crazy."

Seeing that it was his mother who was holding him, Zigero looked a little embarrassed, and whispered to his mother: "Let go, I'm going to send a letter to Brother Suldak..."

Hearing what he said, the middle-aged village woman whispered in a flustered expression, "You have never been to Pagros Mountain, and you don't know the way, so you can't go there!"

Then he tightly held his young son, Ziglo, to prevent him from putting on the saddle, and Ziglo dragged the middle-aged village woman ten meters away to get the saddle on the carriage, but the village woman still refused Rao continued: "If you are afraid of embarrassment, then I will tell Village Chief Brett that he will never force you."

Zigero hugged the middle-aged village woman's arms, and said to her seriously: "But I want to go, I'm not as bad as you think, you have to give me a chance, let me prove myself..."

The middle-aged village woman cried loudly: "Now is not a good time. Your three older brothers all died on the battlefield of the war of planes. You still have to wait to go to Hailansa City to serve in the military. I will not say anything this time." won't let you go."

"Let go of me quickly..." The young man Zigero looked embarrassed, but he was worried that his mother would be hurt by the excessive struggle.

For a while, the two stalemate at the door of the carpenter's workshop.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "I also know the way, let me go!"

Selena came out of the carpenter's workshop. She put the ledger in her hand on the wooden railing next to her, picked up Signa who was squatting on the railing and gnawed wheatbread, and held her small face in her arms. Here, he kissed her forehead tenderly, whispered a few words into her ear, and put her on the wooden railing again.

Signa didn't cry or fuss, just blinked her big eyes and looked at Selena with some worry.

She just sat on the railing obediently and without saying a word, watching Selena walk towards the ancient horse.

The ancient Bolai horse didn't even have a saddle. Selena put one arm around the horse's neck and the other on the horse's back. She stretched her long legs gracefully, and easily stepped onto the ancient Bolai horse's back. With her hair draped behind her back, she looked extremely tall riding on the horse at this moment. She spread out the linen dress and put her whole body on the horse's back, with her hands tightly around the neck of Gu Bolai's horse.

Then he patted the horse's stomach lightly with his hand, and the horse neighed softly, raised its four hooves, and ran towards the outside of the village.

Originally, this horse was going to be harnessed to a carriage to pull volcanic ash in the mountains. It was only because of some minor problems with the wheels of the carriage that it needed to be repaired, so the horse was tied outside the carpenter’s workshop by Ziglo. They didn't even fasten their saddles, and no one thought that Selena would actually ride Gu Bolai and chase them out.

Signa sat on the boulder, muttering something in a low voice, with a touch of loneliness and loss on her immature face, but she was full of stubbornness but she didn't cry...

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