Lord Highlander

Chapter 306: 305. Twilight

Suldak could feel that there was always a dangerous guy following behind him.

But several times the barge turned around and went around the Gobi, but failed to find the tracker. Obviously, the tracker was not only very vigilant, but also good at hiding himself. In this endless mountain wall full of rubble, He was able to hide himself, even thinking about it, he felt that the opponent was terrible.

As for whether it is a human or a monster, Suldak has not figured it out yet.

He once suspected that the group of sand wolves following him was extremely vengeful, and if he killed the sand wolf king among the wolves, a new wolf king would be born, and the new wolf king would probably make a comeback. To launch revenge actions, but obviously a group of sand wolves couldn't make him feel such a great sense of crisis.

If it was really a group of sand wolves, how could they have been able to hide their whereabouts? If it were other magical beasts that were good at hiding their whereabouts, there had never been a glass leopard or a thorn-tailed crystal lion on Pagros Mountain.

That's why he guessed that he might be a ruthless character in the bandit group.

This is a little troublesome, the other party has been hiding in the dark, even in the vast Gobi desert, he can't be found, and he can't let him know the secret of the sulfur mine, Suldak suddenly feels a big headache.

Suldak wanted to disperse the young people who followed him, and searched the area behind him with a net to find out the stalker behind him.

But his intuition told him that the price of doing so was likely to be the loss of these young lives. So Suldak felt as if he was covered with a layer of shackles, unable to use his hands and feet to fight wits and courage with the tracker.

So he led the three young men in the horse team to the highest point of a hill ahead, then reined in the reins and stopped, turned his head and said to the young men beside him: "You go to the campsite of the sulfur mine first, I will go to Take a turn here and see if there are any wild beasts."

As he spoke, he put some of the materials in the magic pocket into a linen bag and hung it on the horse's back.

"Knight Suldak, you are going to hunt. I think everyone should act together. Occasionally there will be sand wolves here, which is very dangerous..." A young man in the team said to Suldak.

"Do you think Suldak is afraid of these sand wolves?" Another young man interrupted him, and directly yelled at him.

The young man didn't dare to get angry after being bullied, and he should be the one with the least status in the team, so he just confessed: "Okay, I didn't say anything!"

Although Luke felt a little wrong, but he was the kind of taciturn character, and he would not take the initiative to ask anything.

He looked around the slope, and he probably felt that the field of view here is wide, and he can see wild animals in the distance. Of course, there must be wild animals in the first place. In fact, apart from gray rock iguanas and sand wolves in this barren land, few other creatures can survive in this area.

Luke said to Suldak: "Then be careful!" He left the slope with the other three young people and the horse team, and rushed towards the pustule mountain in the distance.

Even on horseback, it would take more than a day to reach the campsite of the sulfur mine.

Suldak rode his horse quietly and stood on a high place, waiting until the horse team had gone a long way, but he did not see the pursuer appearing on his own initiative.

Now that he occupied the commanding height of his field of vision, Suldak wanted to stop quietly and wait here quietly, unless the tracker could resist not showing up.

He set up a simple tent on the slope, and heated a pot of hot water with a fire-focusing scroll. He sat down and waited for the night to fall. When it was completely dark, Suldak could ride a horse and escape through the night. , take advantage of the night to completely throw off that tracker.

While it was still dark, Suldak set up an altar for the sacrificial ceremony on the Gobi, but he didn't ignite the blue flames, nor did he summon the two-faced and four-armed gods and demons to offer his sacrifices. Products, after he prepared everything, he just waited quietly.

On this vast land with a wide view, even if the tracker appeared in sight, he would still have time to perform the sacrificial ceremony.

During the day, the Gobi Desert is unbearably hot. The rock walls and gravel here are scorching hot. At night, the temperature here drops below freezing point. In the extreme climate of sudden coldness, this barren, lonely place...

Until sunset, the tracker did not appear in Suldak's field of vision. Just when Suldak packed his bags and was about to take advantage of the night to completely throw off the tracker, a horse appeared on the horizon. Gu Bo came to the horse, and a figure stuck tightly to the horse's back, galloping on the Gobi.

The linen skirt and long chestnut hair on her body fluttered in the wind, and the vigorous ancient Bolai horse strode recklessly on the Gobi desert, with a leap of almost ten meters.

Right behind her, a black war horse followed closely behind. The hooves of that black war horse fell on the ground, like a heavy war drum was beating, and the sound reached people's hearts, mixing with the rhythm of the heart. , Every time the horseshoe falls, I feel that the hot blood in the heart will be squeezed by a huge force, and it will spurt out once, and the body seems to be boiling uncontrollably.

The scarlet cloak turned dark red in the setting sun...

When Suldak saw the black figure, he stood up from the ground in shock. It's not like he hasn't seen this kind of powerful knight before. In the Moyunling Expeditionary Army camp on the Warsaw plane, there are also such powerful knights. They are riding horses with black scales all over their bodies, and wearing battle armor flowing with magical light. Each knight has at least one turn of strength, and only the Constructed Knights under the command of Marquis Solomon Bowen have it. Such a powerful knight.

That's right, I didn't expect the tracker to be an extremely powerful constructed knight, and he just waited until the last moment to show up.

Seeing that the costume knight was chasing Selena in front, Suldak didn't have time to think why Selena appeared here riding a horse at this time, and without any hesitation, he took out a sand wolf head from the magic pocket Offered as a sacrifice to the demon god.

'Divine Blessed Body'

'Shield of Blessing'

Two consecutive beams of light filled with sacred aura descended from the sky, which were particularly eye-catching on the hillside under the sunset.

Selena was galloping across the Gobi Gobi holding the neck of Gu Bolai's horse. Her body seemed to be completely locked by the pair of icy eyes behind her. To her, the black war horse seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and its running speed was faster than that of the Gu Bolai horse under her. Selena knew that if she continued like this, she would be overtaken by the black knight sooner or later.

Just when she was at a loss, she suddenly saw two rays of light full of sacred aura appearing on the hillside in front of her right, and her heart was filled with warmth. She didn't need to look clearly to know that Suldak must be there. She stroked Gu Bolai's horse's neck with her hand, and urged the horse to run towards the hillside.

The constructed knight behind him pursued closely, and the two horses rushed up the hillside one after the other.

On the top of the hill, Suldak was riding a horse, holding a Roman sword in one hand and an iris shield in the other, urging the horse to dive down the hill...

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