Lord Highlander

Chapter 307

Facing a powerful constructed knight, Suldak didn't dare to keep any strength at all, so he rushed forward with all his strength.

Behind him, a demon god with two faces and four arms appeared so clearly for the first time. Half of the statue of the demon god exuded a sacred healing aura, while the other half exuded a dark and terrifying aura of death. Comparing the two It is not balanced below, the sacred aura has an overwhelming advantage, so the face of the god is facing the front, while the face of the devil is facing the north, and the momentum is slightly weaker.

The Roman sword in Suldak's hand emitted a glimmer of sacred aura, and the iris shield also had a silver coating.

The dark red knight at the bottom of the hill saw Suldak bursting out with a powerful force, and his heart trembled secretly. He knew that although he had made sufficient preparations this time, he still somewhat underestimated the strength of his opponent. It can be seen from his own "potential", if he is a complete set of magic patterns on the ship, then the combat power will definitely not be inferior to his own.

But now... a cruel sneer appeared on the Dark Red Knight's face.

'Let me show you the difference between a constructed knight and an ordinary knight! The dark red knight thought in his heart, the double-edged broadsword behind his back just flickered illusoryly, and then appeared in his hand, and he also burst into a halo of magic from the black armor all over his body, and countless magic threads The thread quickly circulated around the dark red knight, and those magic lines weaved magic runes one after another. These magic runes turned into a ball, and a group of buffs fell on the dark red knight.

As if blessed by countless attributes, the dark red knight's physical condition exploded to another level, and this power not only made him stronger, but also extended to the black-scaled horse he was sitting on. I also felt this power, and the distance spanned in an instant was a full third longer than before.

The dark red knight's feet clamped the stirrup lightly, and the black-scaled horse neighed softly. When it charged towards the hillside, there was an afterimage behind it. Before the knight caught up with him, he merged with Suldak, but the dark red knight suddenly sped up, and the speed of the horse's running speed increased a lot, and he caught up with Selina in front of him in an instant.

The dark red knight was like a huge black shadow, chasing after Selena, and stretched out his hand to pass Selena on the horse directly.

Selena, who was running ahead, seemed to have foreseen the danger a long time ago. Her body was tightly hugged on Gu Bolaima's back. At this moment, Selina directly hid her body in Gubolaima's body. On the side, the big hand of the dark red knight just grabbed Selena's linen skirt.


There was a sound of the brocade being torn, and a large part of the gray dress was torn off by the dark red knight, revealing half of Selena's snow-white and slender thighs.

The dark red knight wanted to catch Selena who was hiding in the belly of the horse again, but felt that he was locked on by a murderous intent in front of him. He didn't dare to be distracted to catch Selena, but set his sights on rushing down from the mountain On Suldak's body, a long-lost pressure slowly grew from his body and mind, looking at the growing phantom behind Suldak.

The dark red knight gave a soft drink.

'ha! '

The speed of the mana circulation of the magic pattern structure suddenly increased, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly increased a bit...

At this moment, Suldak on the hillside jumped forward from his horseback, soared into the air and rushed to the highest point, his body curled up like a cannonball and fell towards the dark red knight. The knight never thought that the other party was obviously not a constructed knight, but when confronting him head-on, his aura was not weaker than his own. Not only that, but he also unleashed a 'full blow' with great confidence.

The dark red knight sat up straight, and raised his double-edged broadsword facing Suldak who was swooping down. A faint black, cold and dead air emanated from the broad sword, and a burst of light burst from the tip of the dark red knight's broadsword. A vortex full of death breath smashed towards Suldak in the midair.

When the sacred aura gushing out of the Roman sword in Suldak's hand just touched the death aura of the dark red knight, the vortex flowing with the death aura seemed to melt under the rising sun, and the dark red knight was a little horrified Looking at the pale golden light on the Roman sword, he no longer dared to look down on him, and raised his sword with both hands to block Suldak with all his strength.

At this moment, although the sacred aura on Suldak somewhat restrained the death aura on the dark red knight, but in terms of strength and combat skills, the dark red knight was obviously much higher than Suldak. The broad sword block blocked Suldak's slashing sword.

The broadsword in the dark red knight's hand tilted outward, unloading Suldak's momentum to the left side of his body, while avoiding Suldak's dive sideways, just as Suldak and the dark red knight passed by , drew his sword and slashed at Suldak's waist, intending to cut Suldak in half.

Suldak had been prepared for a long time, and directly swung the iris shield in one hand, and the shield hit the double-edged broadsword, bursting out a ball of silver light.

'Shield of Blessing'

The dark red knight was almost suffocated by the impact of Suldak's shield. The group of silver lights seemed to completely dissipate the aura of death around him, but Suldak did not connect any means of attack afterwards. With a chance to breathe, he clenched an iron fist and punched Suldak's back.

At this time, Suldak's falling trend could not be reversed, and all his movements in the air had been completed, so he was unable to block the heavy punch of the dark red knight at all.

The dark red knight still had jet-black iron fingertips on his fists, while Suldak had only a thin layer of monster leather armor on his body. When the dark red knight smashed down with a 'heavy blow', the phantom of the double-faced demon god became When it solidified, one arm of the double-faced demon god suddenly became extremely real, and the fists of the two sides collided, and the solid arm of the double-faced four-armed demon god was smashed to pieces by the dark red knight.

The phantom image of the demon god in Suldak's spiritual world is a mutilated arm, and a storm seems to blow through the sea of ​​spirits.

But he completely escaped the punch from the dark red knight. Suldak landed on the slope, and after rolling a few times on the slope, he stood up from the ground in some embarrassment. At this time, Gu Bo came The horse also ran over, and Suldak took the opportunity to get on the horse. He saw that there was an obvious gap the size of a soybean on his Roman sword, which was obviously caused by the fight with the dark red knight.

"After he entered Pagros Mountain, he has been following you all the time..." Selina rode around behind Suldak and reminded him in a low voice.

Seeing Selena's chapped lips and dusty face, Suldak knew that she must have suffered a lot after chasing her all the way, so he nodded slightly to her, signaling to reassure her.

"Are you the mastermind behind those bandits?" Suldak asked in a deep voice, staring at the dark red knight in front of him.

The dark red knight didn't even think about saying something to Suldak, what can he say to the dying man?

He directly urged his horse to rush forward, and slashed several swords towards Suldak one after another. Since the double-edged broadsword was heavier than the Roman sword, the dark red knight completely crushed Suldak in terms of strength, even if Suldak Dak showed his 'potential', facing the dark red knight's continuous slash, he could barely parry it.

The only good thing is that when Suldak was fighting on the Warsaw plane, he was almost always dealing with evil spirits. The strength and speed of those evil spirits were not weaker than the dark red knight in front of him. He has always grown up under pressure, so although the Dark Red Knight's strength is obviously stronger than Suldak's by a large margin, Suldak blocked all of his consecutive slashes.

The dark red knight was secretly surprised. The knight in front of him was obviously weaker than himself, and he hadn't worn the magic pattern structure yet, but he was able to compete with him head-on. His physical toughness and fighting will were excellent.

Suldak didn't feel well either. He tried almost all his strength to block the Dark Red Knight's attack. exhaust.

Although the 'Divine Blessing Body' continued to recover its strength, his heart still sank to the bottom.

Unexpectedly, facing this dark red knight, he had no chance of winning based on his strength.

The biggest problem is that the armor on the dark red knight is continuously gathering strength to support the dark red knight under the flow of magic power.

Moreover, the Dark Red Knight has not shown his 'potential' until now. Obviously, he may feel that in this overwhelming battle, there is no need to show his 'potential' at all.

Suldak regretted it a bit. When the sacrificial ceremony was held just now, he should have taken out two sacrifices. If he had 'Death Wither' and 'Death's Whisper', he might still have a chance of winning, but time cannot flow backwards. At this time, I can only grit my teeth and hold on.

The dark red knight urged his horse to charge up, and continued to attack again. This time, Suldak was even more unbearable. Fortunately, this iris shield was strong enough to block the last few swords of the dark red knight.

After a round of attack, the dark red knight always needs a few breaths of time to recover his strength, which also gave Suldak a chance to breathe.

The red sun in the sky completely sank into the mountains, and the maroon sky slowly turned black.

The sky is full of stars, but the sky is moonless.

Mount Pagros was shrouded in darkness, and the dark red knight's black horse and black armor gradually blended into the night. The black two-handed broadsword seemed to have no track every time it attacked. Almost all on the verge of collapse.

It was only at this moment that Selena realized that her appearance not only did not help Suldak, but became a drag on him. He could have been defeated and had a chance to escape, but now that she is here, he did not escape at all Seeing that he has survived seven rounds of attacks by the Dark Red Knight, the arm holding the Roman sword can hardly be lifted, and the shield on the other arm has been hacked mottled. She didn't know that Sur How long can Dak last.

Suldak was indeed exhausted at this moment, and in the face of the dark red knight's attack, the "Blessed Body" could not recover enough physical strength in time, but under such circumstances, Suldak found that in such adversity, The illuminated nodes in the body are constantly being illuminated. Every time the dark red knight attacks, it seems to be constantly stimulating the potential in his body. To light it up, it probably only needs three swords from the dark red knight.

Although the sacred aura emanating from those nodes in the body cannot restore Suldak's physical strength, it can have a healing effect. The dark wounds cut by the dark red knight's double-edged broadsword were all caused by Suldak himself. Healed by the holy breath...

Now the lit nodes on Suldak's shoulders are almost connected into a large piece.

The Dark Red Knight's eighth attack finally left a long wound on Suldak's right arm, the leather shoulder guard cut by the broadsword, and blood stained the entire sleeve.

The two fell into a truce time of counting breaths again.

Selena, who had been protected by Suldak all this time, ran up at this moment. She looked at Suldak whose half body was stained red with blood, and finally made a hard decision.

She approached Suldak from behind, leaned close to him and whispered, "That guy should be looking for me. I will lure him away in a while. You have to help me take care of Signa."

Suldak reached out and touched her fair cheek, and said very seriously: "Listen to me, take care of your daughter yourself, don't give up until the end, as long as there is a chance, I will take you away."

Suldak felt that his tone might be too tough, so he became softer and comforted her: "It's getting dark, it's not like we don't have a chance to escape, and when he comes up again, you should go first ..."

"Ah! By the way, it's getting dark..." Selena suddenly seemed to remember something, she interrupted Suldak's words, and said excitedly. "I seem to have almost forgotten that I am still the Goddess of the Dark Goddess Shirin. The moonless dark night is when the Darkness Goddess is most powerful, and I can still pray to the Goddess."

"...Didn't you say that you have been forgotten by the goddess Celine?" Suldak asked her suspiciously, this is what she said last time while lying in her arms.

Selena was a little embarrassed, and immediately made a silence gesture to Suldak: "Shh, when the goddess is powerful, I will occasionally think of me, but I am mostly asleep at this time, who would Pray to her for nothing at night..."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly stopped talking, but clasped her hands in front of her chest on horseback, and whispered softly with her eyes closed: "Shilin, the goddess who rules the darkness, please listen to the call of your believers in time, in this crisis On this occasion, I...Selena...your most sincere believer prays to you..."

‘Are the prayers of the priests of the Temple of Liberty also so long? ’ Suldak complained in his heart.

At this moment, a beam of dark light suddenly descended, covering Selina's body.

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