Lord Highlander

Chapter 308. 307. The Road to Escape

Selena's prayers had just ended.

Endless darkness flooded in like a tide, and Suldak and the Dark Red Knight were shrouded in black mist at the same time.

It felt like someone dropped a drop of ink in a fish tank, and the darkness quickly dispersed in the air.

The dark red knight was worried that Suldak would take advantage of the opportunity to escape in the dark, so he yelled violently, and rushed towards Suldak with his sword in his hands, trying to drag him off his horse. Suldak, Suldak could only grit his teeth and lift up the iris shield in his hand again, a ball of silver light burst out in the darkness, the huge impact force caused the iris shield in Suldak's hand to directly hit his chest.

Suldak felt a huge hammer hit his chest, his throat was sweet, and his mouth was filled with a strong smell of blood. His body involuntarily fell towards the darkness behind him, and the Roman sword in his hand didn't know how to shake it. to where.

Like a giant bear, the dark red knight rushed over after Suldak's body. Seeing Suldak's body disappear into the black mist, after chasing after him, he found that on the stone ground in front, Suldak There is no trace.

He took a few steps forward, and even the black-scale warhorse behind him disappeared without a trace.

Standing in the darkness, he could only see objects within two feet. He was stepping on the limestone ground, and when he lowered his head, he realized that his lower body was also hidden in the black mist. He slashed around randomly a few times , the surrounding seemed to be empty, and the neighing of the black-scaled horse was heard not far away, and the dark red knight followed the sound to find it.

It wasn't until Suldak completely disappeared from the darkness that the Dark Red Knight felt some remorse.

He stomped the limestone blocks under his feet to pieces. He wanted to find his war horse and was about to whistle loudly when he felt a sharp pain in his neck...


Suldak fell to the slate floor, and a strong sense of dizziness hit him one after another. He resisted the severe pain and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

Every time I cough, my body feels like it's going to explode.

At this time, Selena came to Suldak's side without a sound. She appeared in the thick mist, a layer of faint mist surrounded her body, and half of her snow-white arm emerged from the darkness. Stretching out, she wanted to drag Suldak away who was lying on the ground.

At this time, she saw the dark red knight rushing from behind, and she was so frightened that she almost screamed out.

But then, Selena found that the dark red knight was very close, but she couldn't see herself, nor could she see Suldak, even if Suldak's rapid breathing was like a bellows in a blacksmith's shop , but the dark red knight seemed to be unable to hear, the armor on his body looked particularly black in the black mist, and the skull carved on his shoulders opened his blood-red eyes in the darkness.

She didn't dare to move, and let the dark red knight walk around, and finally swung the broadsword in place. Selena and Suldak, who was seriously injured, lay together, even though they were wearing heavy steel The foot of the boot almost stepped on his right hand, and Selena lay motionless on the ground.

It wasn't until the dark red knight groped away in the dark that Selena got up from the ground.

This is the 'Dark Mist' sent down by the Dark Goddess Celine. As the messenger of the Dark Goddess, Selina can perceive everything inside the black mist. Seeing the dark red knight trapped in the black mist, she brought Suldak's War horse, help him onto the horse's back with difficulty.

Before leaving the fog, Selena recited a series of spells again.

This is the only shadow word spell 'pain' she can use. As her incantation ends, a black six-pointed star circle emerges from Selena's feet, and a black rune appears from above Selena's head, and then suddenly disillusioned , appeared on the dark red knight's neck like a mark, and the dark red knight felt a sudden sharp pain in his neck. He reached out and wiped his neck, and even touched the blood on his hand.

A muffled groan came from the dark red knight in the black mist.

This kind of shadow word curse can only bring a little pain to the dark red knight, not a fatal injury.

The dark red knight rushed angrily in the area shrouded in thick fog, letting out dull roars one after another.

But at this moment, Selena led the two horses alone, but quietly left in the dark.


When Suldak woke up from his sleep, he found himself lying in the shadow of a large rock. He felt as if his body was falling apart, and then the fragmented memories returned to his mind little by little. He reached out and touched his chest with difficulty, and found that his injury had almost healed under the powerful recovery ability of the 'Blessed Body'.

His left arm was a little numb. He wanted to move his arm, but found that Selena was sleeping soundly on his arm. Her long chestnut hair was loose, her charming eyes were closed, and her long eyelashes seemed to be shaking slightly. Seemingly sensing Suldak's gaze, Selina faintly woke up from her sleep.

Seeing Suldak's focused eyes, she smiled softly at Suldak sleepily: "Are you feeling better?"

"Fortunately... I've almost recovered. That guy was ruthless. It looks like your dark goddess hasn't given up on us." Suldak sat up with difficulty, leaning against the limestone wall and showing a bitter smile Said.

Selena sat beside him, tied up her hair again, and handed him a water bag from the side, and asked, "What shall we do next? Are we going back to Wall Village?"

Her fair face was a little dirty now.

Suldak checked the wound on his arm, and the scab had begun to heal. The bleeding turned the sleeve dark red, which looked a little shocking. He peeled off the scab on his arm, and the wound showed a Young flesh pink.

I also saw the fallen Roman sword and iris shield standing next to the stone wall. At that time, the Roman sword flew out of my hand, and it must have been picked up by Selena.

Surdak looked around, took a sip of water, stretched his muscles a little before saying, "If possible, I want to take a detour to Hailansa City."

Immediately afterwards, Suldak said, "I have to announce the fact that the Dark Red Knight may be a member of the Black Magic Retreat. It is best to have the magicians of the Magic Union Law Enforcement Group intervene in this matter, I guess Constructed knights like him will definitely not be unknown in Hailansa City, maybe Karl can say his name right away. "

"If this is the case, then he will definitely try to find us. It is impossible for us to leave Pagros Mountain alive. It is not safe for us to stay here. We will leave here immediately when it gets dark."

Two Gubolai horses were tethered to one side, quietly eating beans.

The two hid on the north side of this rock, and the dark red knight continued to go further north to find the traces of the two, so Suldak was not in a hurry to leave here.

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