Lord Highlander

Chapter 309. 308. Tracking

As night fell, the coldness of the night quickly took away the little heat that remained on the rocks during the day.

In the night, there is only a dark red line on the pustule mountain in the distance. It is said that the lava on the top of the pustule mountain burns day and night. Under the sky, the red lava on the top of the mountain can almost reflect the gray clouds there red.

No need to observe the stars at night, just look at the exact location of Pustule Mountain, and Suldak clearly knows that he and Selina are located on a small hillside on the west side of Pustbag Mountain.

The two simply packed their luggage, and Suldak took Selina all the way north along the Pagros Mountain. He was going to detour back to Hailansa City from the northwest of the Pustule Mountain. The terrain, shuttling between ravines and ridges, and traveling at night, so after detours, they found that the distance from Pustout Mountain was getting closer and closer. When the sky was about to dawn, the two had already arrived in the northwest of Pustout Mountain At the foot of the mountain, there are rolling stones from the top of the mountain everywhere, and you can see the rolling lava river flowing down the mountain from a distance.

Thick smoke full of sulfur smell is everywhere, and the temperature here has become a little hot. A large piece of fabric was torn off the linen dress on Selena, and a snow-white leg was exposed. She was wearing a pair of thick-soled long leather. Her lips looked a little dry, but her beautiful green eyes were extremely bright. She rode behind Suldak and passed through the rocky foot of the mountain. Thick volcanic ash.

The horses of the two suffered burns to varying degrees here. The terrain here is relatively complicated, and occasionally some undercurrents pass through the stone slabs, which are extremely hot. Once they step on them, the horse's legs will first be trapped in the volcanic ash, and then they will be scalded by the hot volcanic ash.

The 'Divine Blessing Body' made Suldak's physique extremely tyrannical, coupled with the healing power of the sacred breath, after a day and night of recovery, the injuries on his body have almost healed.

Before dawn, Suldak pitched a tent on the north side of a large rock in the north-northwest of Pustule Mountain. The two planned to rest here for another day. Tomorrow in the daytime, go west along the pustule mountain all the way, bypassing this mountain to find a way to go to Hailansa city.

Suldak was very well prepared for this trip. He carried enough dry food with him, and he also had a brand new water gathering scroll on him, so there was no problem with drinking water, so Selina could still survive in such a dry environment. , took a simple shower comfortably in the tent, and the sound of rushing water came from the tent.

If it wasn't on the way to escape, Surdak felt that this might be a good trip.

Under the glare of the sun, Surdak lay on a piece of gray volcanic rock and watched the magnificent Pustule Mountain beside him billowing thick smoke. A large amount of volcanic ash formed thick clouds in the sky, forming a huge mushroom umbrella on the top of the Pustule Mountain. However, the sky tens of kilometers away from the pustule mountain was blue, and volcanic ash kept falling down. He lay motionless on the rock, and soon a layer of volcanic ash fell on his body.

Selena came out of the tent, the tattered linen dress stuck to her wet body, revealing the outline of her body very clearly, she climbed up the boulder where Suldak lived, her slightly curly chestnut long hair Her hair was dripping with water, and her fair face showed a hint of rosiness. She sat down beside Suldak and looked at the volcanic ash all over the sky. Selina frowned, took out a handkerchief and wiped her long hair a little bit Dried and wrapped, then put on a cotton mask like Surdak did.

Although this kind of mask can effectively prevent the volcanic ash in the air from entering the lungs, it blocks the air after all, making it difficult to breathe.

"Thinking about Signa?" Suldak asked softly when he saw Selena holding her knees with her hands and looking in the direction of Wall Village.

There was a hint of worry in Selena's eyes, she nodded slightly, and whispered to Suldak: "If the constructed knight can't find us and returns to Wall Village, no one will be able to stop him." revenge……"

Suldak stood up from the boulder at this time. He raised his head, facing the volcanic ash that was swaying and falling, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky, and said to Selina in a solemn tone: "I also have such a Worried, but it seems unnecessary now, because...he has already followed us and caught up!"

Hearing what Suldak said, Selina asked in shock: "Ah, how did he find us?"

Suldak let out a long breath,

"Until just now, I didn't understand why that guy was able to enter the barren land alone. When he was tracking me, I couldn't find him. Now I figured it out." Suldak pointed with his hand Looking at a small black spot among the gray clouds in the sky, he asked Selina: "Have you seen that night harrier in the sky? In the morning, I found it hovering strangely above our heads. Now It flew back again!"

Selena looked up at the sky full of volcanic ash, and shook her head blankly.

"I can feel that he is rushing towards us at full speed. Let's pack up and leave quickly. No, it's too late to pack up. Let's go now. If we are later, we may not be able to leave!" Suldak said sensitively from Jumped off the boulder, and then caught Selena who jumped off, and pulled Selina quickly towards the two Gu Bolai horses.

The two of them didn't have time to pack up the tent, so they quickly rode on Gu Bolai's horse and fled to the north of the pustule mountain. Sure enough, the night harrier in the sky chased them.

Because he knew that the dark red knight was trailing behind them, Suldak did not choose to leave the range of Pustules Mountain. During the journey, although the legs of the two ancient horses were scalded to varying degrees, Suldak Ke used his power of holy light to continuously treat the two horses, so the two horses could barely move on such a mountain road with complicated terrain.

It wasn't until the night fell again that Suldak exhaled lightly, but he still didn't dare to stay where he was. He didn't continue to walk eastward along the periphery of Pustule Mountain, but took advantage of the darkness and chose to lead the horse. Climb the north slope of Pustule Mountain.

Along a river of hot lava, Surdak walked up the mountain for half a night. The road up the mountain was very difficult, and there were many dead ends, but Surdak never gave up trying to find a new way .

After trying many times, the two actually didn't get very far on the north slope of Pustule Mountain.

Suldak said with a confused face: "It doesn't make sense! When I was at the foot of the mountain, I clearly saw a cave next to this lava river. We can only avoid the night harrier by hiding in the cave. tracking..."

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