Lord Highlander

Chapter 310 309. Tracking 2

Paitus Mountain is called Pustule Mountain by the mountain people outside the mountain pass, because this active volcano erupts magma all year round. The entire peak has a magma pool of nearly ten hectares or even wider, but this The magma in the magma pool is not surging outwards, relatively speaking, it is a very quiet volcano.

As people describe it, it's like a pustular acne on the face of an adolescent teenager.

The lava keeps bubbling outwards, but it rarely erupts. It rains volcanic ash all year round, but it is only within a radius of tens of kilometers. Because it is located deep in the barren land , so this area is inaccessible, few people come here.

The dark red knight rode a black-scaled horse through the rocky foot of the mountain. The ground was covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash. A thin layer of magmatic rock, and the magmatic rock layer is covered with a thick layer of soft volcanic ash.

The black-scaled horse itself can weigh nearly a thousand pounds, and it is carrying the dark red knight and his heavy armor made of magic patterns. This allows the black-scaled horse to walk on the rocky ground covered with volcanic ash, and every step of the horse's hooves Deeply plunged into the volcanic ash, the black scaled horse almost kept moving forward while dripping with volcanic ash.

The usual terrain is okay, but it will consume some of the black scaled horse's physical strength.

Once encountering an underground magma river that is surging undercurrents, if the black-scaled horse steps on it, the horse's hooves will be scalded by the hot volcanic ash, or the rock formations on the surface of the river will be crushed, and small streams of magma will flow from the ground. It splashed out with the raised hooves of the horse, and sometimes even splashed on the horse's belly and the crimson knight's calf.

Although the dark red knight made some preparations for this, when the black-scaled horse crossed the foot of the pustule mountain, its four hooves were still severely burned.

Most of the black-scaled horse's fur below the ankle was scalded off, exposing the white bones. The blood and volcanic ash mixed together covered the horse's hooves, and then peeled off continuously as it moved forward. Even if this black-scaled horse The scale horse is a well-trained army horse, but for this reason, no matter how the dark red knight whips his whip, he is unwilling to continue to move forward, even by one step.

The night harrier on the dark red knight's shoulder was dirty and its feathers were covered with volcanic ash. It shrank its neck like a quail, squatted on the dark red knight's shoulder with its eyes closed and didn't want to move. The edge of the nostril near its beak is also covered with black volcanic ash. The night harrier's breathing is very rapid, as if it has some kind of lung disease, and it looks dying.

The Night Harrier completed its mission. It flew back from Baron Grenfell and brought back the portrait of Selena for the Dark Red Knight. It searched the sky for two days and one night, and found Suldak again. And Selena's whereabouts, and guide the dark red knight to chase here, and it seems to be coming to the end of its life.

Its lungs were filled with hot volcanic ash, which made it unable to breathe smoothly. It wanted to open its wings again to shake the volcanic ash on it, but after opening its wings, it found that it could no longer retract them. It was like A stone sculpture fell from the shoulder of the dark red knight, and the volcanic ash kept falling like snowflakes flying in the air...


The dark red knight looked at the night harrier that fell into the volcanic ash, only a handful of tail feathers remained outside, seeing that it was about to die, the dark red knight just snorted coldly, and looked indifferently. I ignored the night harrier, letting its head be buried in the volcanic ash, and its body slowly twitched until it became stiff.

The black-scaled horse refused to take another step forward, so the dark red knight could only give up the horse and stride forward alone.

He was wearing a heavy full-coverage magic pattern armor, a heavy double-edged broadsword on his back, and a pair of black iron heavy boots stepped on the volcanic ash, almost half of his calf sank. The road here is not easy to walk. His iron boots also slowly heated up, and his feet were like stepping on a hot iron pot. He could only circulate the blood in his body to counteract the scorching heat under his feet.

He thought about how long he hadn't had such a painful experience after he became a Constructed Knight, so long that he almost forgot about that battle.

That wasn't on the battlefield, but one year after I entered the Black Magic Retreat in pursuit of greater power, when I was chasing the black magic of the Hell Demon Race "Hell Flame", a leader in the southern province of Petersburg In the lord's castle called Fred Gary, he was fighting the sword dancer. The sword dancer was unexpectedly a constructed knight with both magic and martial arts. His double swords were burning with raging fire during the battle. The battle almost roasted the dark red knight, and the dark red knight split the sword dancer in half with a powerful dark martial art 'Dark Strike'.

After so many years in Hailansa City, I seem to have forgotten those hard battles.

He reached out and touched the black mark on his neck that was still bleeding. The pain was gradually awakening the will to fight deep in his heart. Could this be the power of the Goddess of Darkness?

At dawn, the sky was bright white, echoing the mushroom-shaped gray clouds above the head. The dark red knight stood alone on a huge rock at the foot of the mountain. He had been searching for the whole night at the foot of the mountain, but unfortunately Losing the whereabouts of Suldak and Selina, he stuck his broadsword on the rock of the magma rock, took out the little water bag left, and drank the water inside in one gulp.

If they can't be found again, the Dark Red Knight will consider withdrawing from this barren land. Since the two of them came out of Wall Village, they can go to Wall Village to investigate, he thought in his heart.

The fiery morning sun shines on the pustule mountain through layers of obstacles, stretching the figure of the dark red knight on the boulder. Just as the dark red knight was about to jump off the big rock, he just happened to be looking at it within his field of vision. When he arrived at a cave, he looked up at the cave located between the walls of the lower half of the pustule mountain, and suddenly a thought arose in his heart. He covered the bloody black mark on his neck with one hand, and walked towards the cave. After fifty steps, the pain caused by the black mark on his neck was faintly intensified. Then he turned and ran towards the opposite direction of the cave for nearly a hundred meters, and the pain on his neck lessened accordingly.

They must have discovered the night harrier, and they hid in that cave in order to avoid the night harrier's pursuit. The dark red knight felt the pleasure of revealing the final answer. The knight who couldn't be considered a knight of construction stepped on his feet, cut off his head with a sword, and then brought the pretty good-looking messenger of the dark goddess to Grenfell. Presumably he wouldn't mind enjoying the spoils himself, after all, he Lost a priceless black scale horse.

The dark red knight thought of the black-scaled horse, touched his chapped lips and shriveled stomach, and strode back along the original road.

The black-scaled horse lay down on the soft volcanic ash, and when it saw the dark red knight striding back, it let out a weak whine. The broad-bladed sword had already landed on its neck, and the black horse's head was cut off by the dark red knight's sword, and the blood splashed all over the dark red knight's body. He cut off a large piece of horse meat with hide from its hind leg, held it in his hand, and began to climb the mountain of pustules in front of him.

There are some dark rivers of lava all over the north slope of the pustule mountain. After the dark red knight suffered a lot, he found that he only needs to walk next to the more eye-catching lava river. Although it is hotter and unbearable than other places, it will definitely not Then step on those hot lava dark rivers.

When looking from the bottom of the mountain, I didn't feel how far the cave was.

But when he started to climb the mountain, he realized that the cave was really far away from him.

What made him feel refreshed was that he found a small pile of horse manure on the way. He even bent down and squeezed it carefully with his hands, and found that although the outer layer of the horse manure was dry, the inside was damp , indicating that the existence of this piece of horse manure is not too long.

So he was even more sure that Suldak and Selena must have hid in that cave.


The horses of the two of them also suffered serious burns, but with the power of Suldak's holy light, the two Gu Bolai horses are still barely able to walk.

Moreover, Suldak has already found out how to avoid the dark river of lava hidden under the volcanic ash. Since he can sense the magic elements around his body, as long as he feels carefully, it is not difficult to find the thick fire element in the rocks under his feet. By avoiding the fire element belts in perception, one can avoid those dark rivers of lava.

Selena followed behind Suldak. Although the two were fleeing, she looked at the broad arms of the man in front of her, but she felt extremely at ease in her heart. She always wanted to rush from behind. Go up and hug him tightly, the heat in your body rushes from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.

He is brave and decisive, and will not give up lightly. In adversity, he is like a solid shield in front of himself, always welcoming the first round of storms.

Selena looked at Suldak in front of her with extremely bright eyes.

She had a thick mask on her face, and she was panting slightly when climbing the mountain. Fortunately, the speed of the two of them was not fast. He seemed to slow down the speed deliberately to accommodate himself.

"How much longer do we have to go?" Selina asked quietly, leaning against Suldak.

"Are you tired? Do you want some water?" Suldak handed the water bottle to Selina.

He took out the scroll of gathering water from his bosom and unfolded it casually. The water element here was quite thin, and the dripping water droplets fell extremely slowly. Suldak drenched the water on his body and felt much cooler for a while. wiped his face.

She placed the water gathering scroll on top of Selena's head, allowing her to enjoy a rare coolness. She raised her head in the magic rain, letting the water drop on her fair and delicate face, and then flow down her neck into her plump body. Moisturized by the rain of magic, the dry lips on the fair chest instantly turned into bright red rose petals. Her big beautiful eyes stared at Suldak dreamily, and the bright red rose petals bloomed with the most beautiful smile.

The two rested on a rock.

The two Gubolai horses needed water, food and treatment, and Suerdak didn't dare to give up on these two horses. It would take at least half a month to walk back to Wall Village from here.

"What should we do if lava keeps flowing out of that cave?" Selina asked Suldak.

Suldak said without even thinking about it: "Then go find another cave. This kind of road is likely to be the same as us, even if you are a knight, you should not be able to ride a horse. The night harrier wants to find us, at least tomorrow during the day." Don't worry, he won't catch up so quickly."

Suldak seemed very determined, then he patted his forehead hard and said, "By the way, I almost forgot about this..."

Then, under Selena's silent gaze, Suldak re-established the temporary altar for the sacrificial ceremony beside the boulder. The phantom of the demon god watched him skillfully take out a wolf's head as a sacrifice, and then a holy light fell on him.

"Is that the god you believe in?" Selina asked Suldak who was packing four pottery bowls.

Suldak put the pottery bowl into the magic pocket, and clapped his hands. At this time, the phantom of the demon god had turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared. Help is paid, I offer sacrifices to him, and he can send down power and blessings, maybe because I can't be regarded as a devout believer."

"Then what is this?" Selena asked, "What kind of blessings do you wish for yourself?"

"The divinely blessed body can give you endless energy." Suldak replied.

After resting for a while, the two continued to drive up the mountain. At night, they couldn't find the cave by sight, but could only rely on the location in their memory to keep exploring.

The two of them walked up the mountain along the river of lava for most of the night, and finally found the mine cave before dawn. Standing in front of the cave entrance, they realized that the cave really flowed hot water from the cave entrance just as Dailina said. magma, but it is a bit different from what Selina said, this river of lava is more like a crack, the exposed part is not much, and the heat is more like an unbearable heat, not that An unbearably hot temperature.

The two stood at the entrance of the cave for some hesitation, but in the end it was Suldak who made the decision: go in and have a look first, and then withdraw if it doesn't work.

When the two were approaching the cave, they found a gust of hot wind blowing out from the cave. It was this wind that made breathing a little smoother. A thin layer of sulfur mines grew next to the lava fissure at the entrance of the cave. The smell is also a bit pungent.

Suldak led the horse and walked in, and a wave of heat hit his face.

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