Lord Highlander

Chapter 311 310. Fighting

At night, except for a little light from the lava river, the surroundings of the cave are very dim.

Suldak originally only wanted to hide at the entrance of the cave with Selena. No one knew what kind of danger would exist in the cave on the mountainside of an active volcano flowing with hot magma. If the lava pool is connected, it is likely to periodically spew out magma.

Suldak carefully searched for traces of lava eruption. It seems that this cave should be considered safe, but the traces of volcanic ash at the entrance of the cave are rather messy, and it is impossible to tell whether those footprints were left by humans or beasts.

The crack at the entrance of the cave is like a river of dry lava. Only in the center of the crack does the rock show signs of melting into magma, just like a narrow band of light. With a trace of light yellow crystals, countless tiny sulfur crystals are scattered on the cracks of the rock wall. These are all sulfur mines.

Moreover, there are also crystallized sulfur ore crystals on the rock wall at the entrance of the cave. The temperature at the entrance of the cave is not too high, and hot wind blows out from it from time to time, with a pungent and pungent smell, which can be clearly seen through a mask. smell.

Selena followed behind Suldak, a red mark was burned on her calf, facing the red light of the lava river, the scar was extremely eye-catching on the snow-white skin.

The two walked in less than ten meters from the cave entrance against the stone wall, and found a stone platform covered with volcanic ash in the cave.

The interior space of the cave is very wide, and the location of the stone platform is about seven or eight meters away from the lava river. Apart from the need to endure the hot wind blowing from the depths of the cave, the temperature here is not high, at least tolerable. Suldak first checked the surroundings, and it seemed that this cave should not be a den, and there were no such things as fur, feces, and bones of wild animals.

He walked to the entrance of the cave and took a look outside. Except for some lava rivers with dark red veins on the hillside, the rest was pitch black.

Suldak took out a wolf fur mattress from his magic pocket and spread it on a strip of feldspar, and sat down to rest with Selena.

There is no need to set up a tent in the cave, so Suldak took out some dry food and clean water. There is no need for a concentrated fire scroll here, just fill an iron pot with some clean water, put it on the hot stone slab beside the river of lava, and then put Add a few pieces of jerky, and after the water boils, you can throw some baked wheat cakes into the pot.

The food cooked in this way is not delicious, but it is rich in nutrition and easy to cook, especially this cooking method is the most popular in military camps.

The two Gubolai horses seemed a little restless in the cave, but they gradually calmed down under Suldak's comfort. Suldak took out some beans and water to feed the horses.

Selena took off the saddle and shaved off the sweat of the two horses. She was as strong as a weed in Beigou pasture called 'Immortal Thirst', squatting beside Suldak, Selena obsessively chased after Suldak's back, and said to Suldak: "The god you believe in is really powerful."

Suldak didn't turn his head, and only said: "But the price is also very high. Every time I start the sacrificial ceremony, I need to offer a sacrifice. The worst of these sacrifices is the head of a monster."

Suldak cut open a lizard claw fruit with a skinning knife and handed it to Selina.

Selena didn't reach out to pick it up, she put her mouth close to Suldak's hand, bit the nut of the lizard claw fruit, her soft lips touched Suldak's thumb and index finger, her green eyes were bold Facing Suldak, Suldak covered her eyes with his hands and said, "Take a good rest, I don't know what will happen tomorrow."

Suldak deliberately didn't look at those seductive eyes, and said to Selina: "If that Constructed Knight can still find us like this, I will be completely helpless, and I will inevitably have to fight him desperately. Can your dark goddess help us one more time?"

Selena said with a silly smile, "Probably possible!"

She leaned her head on Suldak's shoulder, closed her eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "When the goddess descended into the dark mist, I seemed to hear some oracle. Only believers who believe in the Goddess of Darkness can gain stronger power from her."

"... Having said that, if you want to develop believers of the Goddess of Darkness, perhaps the heretics from the Black Magic Priory may be better persuaded. The Grimm Empire is full of believers in the Goddess of Liberty, but it is not easy to change their beliefs." Suldak both Not believers of the Statue of Liberty, nor of the Goddess of Darkness, except for some blasphemous words that cannot be said, others have less scruples, and it is bolder to say these things. "Selena, those people from the Black Magic Priory tried their best to find you, maybe they just want to get the guidance of the Dark Goddess from you and become a follower of the Dark Goddess?"

Selena sat up straight, grabbed Suldak's hand, and said to him seriously: "The goddess told me that the group of people in the Black Magic Priory believe in the god of magic and the king of hell demons. Looking for me, just want to get shadow word from me. These magicians of the Priory are a group of lunatics advocating black magic. edge, and keep me far from them."

Suldak didn't expect that Selina, as the Goddess of Darkness's envoy, communicated quite frequently with the Goddess of Darkness.

Selena frowned, and said to Suldak, "That constructed knight smells like a demon."

The night was fading little by little, and a dazzling white line lit up on the horizon.

A beam of light was refracted into the cave from the outside, and the edge of the cave close to the lava river was actually covered with light yellow sulfur crystals. Seeing that there were some sulfur crystals hanging on the top of the cave, Surdak looked into the cave. After only walking a few steps, he saw a large piece of sulfur ore crystal growing on the wall of the cave, just like a layer of crystal hard shell condensed on the stone wall. Walking inside, the pungent smell gets worse.

He pulled out his Roman sword and dug a piece of sulfur mine on the rock wall. The sulfur fell off the rock wall of the cave, and only then did he expose the original magmatic rock inside.

The cave is full of scorching heat, and gusts of hot wind are still blowing from the depths of the cave. The hot wind is filled with a strong smell of sulfur. Surdak's consciousness has become clearer. He has already realized the sulfur on the cave wall. Where did it come from? It was brought by the hot wind gushing from the depths of the cave. The air was full of sulfur. The sulfur was deposited over the years and slowly condensed a thick layer on the cave wall.

He widened his eyes and saw that the surrounding stone walls were covered with sulfur mines, extending along the cave to the mountainside. He did not expect that there were a lot of natural sulfur mines in this cave. Sulda held Selina's hand and said I was full of excitement, "Selena, this place seems to be a sulfur mine, and there seems to be a lot of sulfur stored in this cave, at least more than the rocky area on the southern slope of the pustule mountain..."

Selena followed behind Suldak, looked at the sulfur in the cave in shock, and covered her mouth.

If his idea is true, it means that there will be more sulfur mines in this cave. He wants to take Selena to the depths of the cave to check the situation inside. His mood at the moment Some can't wait.

Just when Suldak became a little excited because of the sulfur mines in front of him, Selena suddenly pulled Rasuldak hard, and reminded him beside him: "I have a feeling...he is gradually approaching us , he came after him..."

Suldak was walking deep into the cave, he stopped and asked Selina, "Can you feel him?"

Selena nodded with great certainty, and replied: "I can feel that I used the shadow word 'pain' on him, and I even heard the sound of blood surging in his body..."

"It seems that this battle between us is unavoidable." Suldak rubbed his forehead in distress. He didn't expect to hide in the cave, but was still found by the dark red knight.

Suldak grabbed Selina and walked quickly into the cave. At this moment, a tall figure appeared at the entrance of the cave. He stood at the entrance of the cave and roared loudly: "Suldak..."

Suldak also ignored the dark red knight's shout, and did not respond with words. Instead, he re-staged the sacrificial ceremony behind a protruding sulfur stalagmite in the cave.

Selina stood aside, and she carefully watched every step of Suldak, watching him ignite the fire of his soul one by one.

Under his prayer, the demon statue reappeared...it was very tall, and the head of the demon statue was on top of the cave.

The solemn and peaceful face of the statue faced Suldak. This time, without any hesitation, Suldak took out three sand wolf heads from his pocket, one half-sacrificed to the statue, and the other The half-sacrifice was given to the golem on the other side, and the spells of the natives of the Warsaw plane were recited from Suldak's mouth, and then three bright, three dark and four beams of light fell on Suldak frequently... …

'Divine Blessed Body'

'Shield of Blessing'

'The Eye of Truth'

'life burns'

'Death and wither'

'The Whisper of Death'

For some reason, Selena had a feeling that after the three dark beams of light fell on Suldak, the demon statue in front of Suldak actually rotated a bit, and the golem that was completely turned away from Suldak was revealed. The side face came out, and the face of the god statue was tilted to the other side, and only half of the face of the god statue could be seen from the direction of Surdak.


The distant murmuring voice reappeared in my heart, like a call from a god.

At this time, a ball of black flames emerged from the palm of Suldak's left hand, and the black flames continuously transmitted a kind of power to Suldak's body.

Suldak was very clearly aware that this was the effect of 'life burning'.

It's just that the black flame is absorbing the vitality in his body, so that it can continue to burn.

With black flames burning in the palm of his hand, Suldak's body was filled with restlessness and desire for fighting.

He hammered his chest hard with his fist, and the black flame circled around Suldak's body and disappeared into his body.

"Suldak, are you alright?" Selina asked worriedly when she saw that Suldak's face became extremely rosy.

"Don't worry, I'm fine..."

Suppressing the restlessness in his heart, Suldak walked towards the entrance of the cave with the Roman sword in his hand.

Selena bit her lip and followed closely behind.

When Suldak and Selena saw the dark red knight again, his tall body blocked the entrance of the cave, and most of the scarlet cloak behind him was burned by the fire, and the original magic halo of the magic pattern armor was also destroyed. It became dim and looked a little embarrassed. The moment he saw Suldak, he waved the double-edged broadsword in his hand recklessly, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Suldak.

The next moment, behind the dark red knight appeared a phantom of the Punisher Lord holding a long-handled ax in both hands. The ax was raised high, and right in front of Suldak, the phantom of the dark red knight and the demon lord merged into one, and then he slashed down the sword sharply.

Suldak, who came out of the cave, was unavoidable at this time. Behind him was Selena who was following. Suldak could only hold up his shield to meet him. Dak emerged from behind...

With the Eye of Reality, he can predict the trajectory of the dark red knight's broadsword very clearly. When raising the shield, Suldak took a step to the left, the iris shield was tilted slightly, and the dark red knight's broadsword fell on the There was a silver glow on the shield, but the shield of blessing failed to block the attack of the dark red knight as before. The sword of the dark red knight actually cut off a large part of the iris shield in Suldak's hand.

If it wasn't for Suldak's anticipation, and he turned his body sideways to avoid it, the sword might have cut a big hole in Suldak's chest.

Even so, Suldak only felt that his right arm was extremely numb, and he was completely unable to block the dark red knight's next strike, let alone raise the Roman sword to fight back. The sword is so terrifying.

Suldak threw 'Death and Withering' to his feet without hesitation, and a dark pattern spread out from He Boqiang's feet. The dark pattern on the ground was like a huge chrysanthemum, and each stamen was a string Complicated runes, the moment the dark red knight stepped into the black circle, those black flames also burned with a 'hoo' in the black circle.

An unbelievable scene reappeared, and I saw dark magic patterns emerging from under his feet. Those patterns released a faint death energy. The dark red knight's feet were swallowed by those black flames. At this moment, he also roared in pain at the same time.

At the same time, Suldak felt a faint breath of life transpiring from his feet. Those breaths of life were absorbed by the black flames, and then "Life Burning" no longer absorbed Suldak's life, eliminating the other here. In the long-term situation, Suldak stabbed the dark red knight's heart with a sword.

The dark red knight suffered a big loss, but it didn't mean that he was powerless to fight back. He quickly used his broadsword to hold Suldak's Roman sword.

The dark red knight only felt that Suldak's power was much stronger than two days ago. If he hadn't released his 'momentum', he might not be able to suppress Suldak with his own power.

Just when the dark red knight was secretly surprised, the two fought each other several times, and the dark red knight only felt that the Roman sword in Suldak's hand was getting heavier...

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