Lord Highlander

Chapter 312 311. Fusion

The blade collapsed like a jagged Roman sword slashing on the magic pattern armor, bursting out a string of sparks.

The dark red knight took half a step back, and barely blocked the Roman sword's oblique thrust with the double-edged broadsword in his hand, but was kicked in the lower abdomen by Suldak.

He staggered back a few steps and leaned against the stone wall. The full-cover magic pattern armor on his body made the stone wall behind him full of cracks, and a thin layer of sulfur ore on the wall peeled off one after another. The armor made of black iron There were obvious dents on the skirt. If it wasn't for the dark red knight who was wearing the full-covering magic-weave structure and forced Suldak's foot, he would fall to the ground at this moment. On the dark armor of the structure, the magic light The halo has long since faded.

The dark red knight clearly remembered that just two days ago, he had completely suppressed the Suldak knight in front of him in terms of strength, but now he met again, and after he had released the 'power', he was in a state of strength. On the contrary, he doesn't have any advantage. He is obviously superior in sword skills, but every sword he strikes will be blocked by Suldak in advance, and every move will be seen through by Suldak in advance. Powerlessness.

He secretly begged that even if his physical strength had declined in the past two days, the situation in front of him should not have happened.

The dark red knight felt that something was wrong with his state. His fighting will and belief in winning had been shaken, which made his state decline so severely. He decided to regroup, took a deep breath, lowered his center of gravity, and deeply Taking a deep breath to calm his impetuous heart, he held the sword in both hands and assumed a fighting posture again.

The full-covering magic pattern structure once again circulated a faint magical atmosphere, and the phantom of the "Punishment Lord" behind the dark red knight became more solid again. He is still standing in the halo of "death and decay" at this moment, as if Countless sharp needles hit his leg bones, but the entrance of the cave is only as big as this. Unless he can retreat from the entrance to the outside of the cave, it will be difficult for him to step out of the aura of 'death and withering'.

The whispering sound appeared again in the dark red knight's ear, as if someone was close to his ear to hypnotize him, a woman's voice kept calling him in obscure and evil devil language, those voices made him He was a little out of his mind, he felt a little groggy, the strength in his body was deprived little by little, and the double-edged broadsword in his hand became uncomfortable.

He has used this sword for more than ten years, and it can almost be regarded as a part of his body. Unexpectedly, holding it in his hand now feels extremely heavy. It feels like he has suffered a serious illness, and every joint in his body seems to be rusted. , He kept beating his chest, trying to cheer himself up again.

There is no time when strength is needed more than now. He parried Suldak's sword, and his back hit the stone wall again...

He thought of the demon lord in the summoning ceremony, with the aura of depravity and destruction, the phantom behind him let out another unwilling roar, as if he was about to break free from the phantom in the next moment.

A layer of dark runes emerged from his hands, and these runes were obtained by him in that summoning ceremony.

He probably never thought in his life that one day he would be forced to such a point that he would need to demonize his body to defeat his opponent. There was a strange swallowing sound from his throat, and the black hands with a depraved aura Magic patterns spread from his hands all over his body. Fortunately, he was wearing a full-covering magic pattern structure covering his whole body, otherwise he would not look better than the evil ghost at the moment.

There was a dark purple aura emanating from his body, which was a kind of devilish energy from hell. This devilish energy spread all over his body, like a burning black fire.

The phantom of the 'Punisher Lord' behind him seemed to have felt some kind of call, and the breath of the demons continued to pour into that tall phantom, and then the tall body of the 'Punisher Lord' became extremely solid, and the 'Punishment Lord' The demon lord' phantom became clear, it was a monster with thick four legs and a huge tail, but the upper body was still a clear half-human portrait, and the face was more like some ogre clan that had long been extinct. Born with six arms, each arm can hold a weapon.

The phantom of this 'Lord of Punishment' completely overlaps with the dark red knight covered in dark patterns. The movements of the two are in unison. Suddenly, the dark red knight feels all the power returning to his body. Dominating an unprecedentedly huge force...

Leaning his body against the stone wall, he took a step forward with his left foot. Suddenly, spider web-like cracks appeared on the hard magma rock floor. With black flames, he swung his sword towards Suldak.

With the blessing of the Eye of Reality, Suldak saw very clearly that although the body of the dark red knight still maintained the outline of a human being, the soul in the body had become a team with four legs and six arms. The giant-tailed monster, perhaps the Dark Red Knight himself has not realized this, or he has completely merged with the terrifying phantom behind him.

When the broadsword burning with black flames slashed at Suldak, Suldak took half a step back without hesitation, raised the iris shield that had almost turned into broken iron in his hand, and shot The silver holy shield containing the sacred aura appeared on the surface of the iris shield, and the 'shield of blessing' erupted with extremely dazzling light. Suldak only felt that the broadsword was cut on the shield like a huge hammer Hitting it, it shook my arm almost to the point of breaking it.

Suldak's body suddenly became shorter, and his feet stepped into the rocky ground of the cave. Suldak was shocked by the huge force until his seven orifices bleed.

At this time, the dark red knight was not having a good time either. The moment the dazzling light from the 'Shield of Blessing' touched the phantom of the 'Punisher Lord', the monster was like the first snow meeting the sun, and the dark red knight The phantom that merged together quickly melted away most of it.

The dark red knight held his head in both hands, and let out a hysterical howl.

Suldak exudes a sacred aura all over his body. The phantom that has just merged with the dark red knight seems to have independent consciousness. It seems to be particularly sensitive to the sacred aura. When it feels the sacred aura exuding from Suldak , actually struggled and escaped from the dark red knight's body, when the remaining phantom of the 'Punisher Lord' completely broke free from the dark red knight's body, it turned into a puff of blue smoke and dissipated in the air without a trace.

At this moment, the dark red knight was like a deflated ball, kneeling on the ground with one knee completely collapsed, holding a broad sword in one hand, so that his body did not fall down, those black and magic lines on his body Fading little by little, the dark red knight's consciousness is also slowly awakening, and he suddenly realizes that he has embarked on a road of no return in order to pursue power.

Light from outside shines into the cave.

The dark red knight's eyes under the visor seemed to be seeing the blue sky outside the cave for the first time, the dazzling sunlight, and the cotton candy-like clouds. It's been a long time since I felt these things...

He pulled out the broadsword stuck in the rocky ground, and at the moment when Suldak felt that he still wanted to continue fighting, he stabbed the sharp blade into his heart.

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