Lord Highlander

Chapter 313: 312. Returning to Camp

‘Those who dedicate their souls to the devil will fall into the fiery hell after death’

Black and purple flames shot out from the dark red knight until his body was completely reduced to ashes, and the full-cover magic pattern structure was also scattered in the ashes and became dim. Many magic patterns carved on the armor The patterns were all melted away, and the gemstone base also collapsed in the raging fire. This set of full-cover armor made of magic black iron failed to resist the burning of the magic flame, and thus perished along with the dark red knight.

Suldak sat down on the stone floor of the cave, his joints seemed to be falling apart. Although the "Blessed Body" on his body had not disappeared, the recovery speed of his body was far from relieving the Dark Red Knight. The damage caused to his body by the sword just now.

At that time, Suldak felt that the person standing in front of him was no longer the dark red knight, but a weak demon.

For Suldak, this battle can be regarded as revealing the specific effect of the buff magic taught to him by Ino Yatila. Simply sum up "life burning" in one sentence: that is to burn one's own life and improve oneself in a short time combat effectiveness.

The lit nodes in the body released weak power of holy light like stars, and the wounds healed quickly under the effect of the power of holy light.

Although the 'Life Burning' effect has been eliminated, the negative effects brought about made Suldak feel as heavy as if he had been filled with lead. It seemed unnecessary, so it was better to avoid sacrificing sacrifices to golems as much as possible. My body is really too much to bear.

Selena came up from behind, squatted beside Suldak, looking at him worriedly.

Suldak reached out and pinched her smooth cheeks, and kissed her forehead: "Don't worry, I'm just a little tired, I'll just rest for a while, I don't know what this Construct Knight has experienced in the past two days. What, his strength is much worse than when we first met."

Selena stared at Suldak with some astonishment, her eyes seemed a little strange, but she quickly turned around, lowered her eyelids and whispered to Suldak: "Not everyone can adapt to this barren land. land."

At this moment, under the buff effect of the Eye of Reality, Suldak actually saw the phantom of the dark goddess behind Selina completely overlapping with Selena's body, and the huge phantom of the dark goddess squatted on the ground , Selena seemed to be held in her arms.

And the Selina under the soul closed her eyes tightly at the moment, that state was like the goddess of darkness leaning over, Selena's green pupils also turned pale gold, and Suldak was overwhelmed by the scene in front of him. Startled, he blurted out: "Selena."

Those pale golden eyes turned to look at Suldak suspiciously, and asked in a nasal voice: "Huh?"

In order to avoid the surprise in his eyes from being detected by those golden eyes, Suldak hugged Selina into his arms at once.

At this time, the phantom of the dark goddess attached to Selena seemed to be seriously frightened, and broke free from Selena's body at once, and became a dark goddess with her hands clasped in front of her chest again, standing motionless. Behind Selena.

Feeling that the powerful dark power on Selena disappeared in an instant, Suldak let out a sigh of relief. He lightly patted Selena on the back twice, and said by the way: "It's nothing, it seems to be here." A sulfur mine, I want to go in and check it out, do you want to wait for me at the entrance of the cave?"

Selena was still a little groggy, she reluctantly responded: "Oh, good!"

Suldak let go of Selena, seeing that she looked a little depressed, he helped her to the stone platform covered with a wolf fur mattress, and made her drink a little water. Her face looked a little pale, but those eyes But the eyes have returned to green eyes, like two crystal and magnificent precious gems, Selina's eyes fell on the armor that was left with only a pile of broken copper and iron at the entrance of the cave, and then said to Suldak: "Then Be careful."

Surdak put on the mask again. This cotton mask can effectively block the pungent smell in the cave, and most importantly, prevent the volcanic ash from being sucked into the lungs. There is not much volcanic ash floating in the cave, but that kind of The pungent sulfur smell became very strong. Walking along the lava river into the cave, with the dark red light, you can see the topography of the cave clearly.

Due to the hot wind blowing from time to time, the inside of the cave does not seem so stuffy, but the temperature inside the cave is higher, and the river of lava in front of the corner of the cave suddenly turns into a huge magma pool, and the hot magma inside occasionally bulges out a hole. Small bubbles exploded on the surface of the magma with a bang.

The surrounding rock walls are covered with a thick layer of sulfur mines, and many stalagmites formed by sulfur mines hang like spears from the top of the cave.

Suldak walked three to four hundred meters inside, and found that he hadn't reached the end of the cave. It seemed that it was much larger than Suldak imagined, and the sulfur reserves in the cave were far more than Su's. According to Erdak's imagination, Surdak wanted to continue walking inside, but the scorching heat in the cave made him a little dizzy, so he decided to withdraw from this cave.

After walking back to the entrance of the cave, Suldak regained the long-lost coolness. It is said that only the bearded people in the dwarf kingdom are not afraid of this scorching environment. Those dwarves even have underground magma that can be used to cast and refine steel.

Returning just in time to see Selena watering the two Guberly horses, it looks like she's regained her spirits.

The dark red knight's body had been burned to ashes, and the remaining armor was useless. Suldak chose to scrape the thick volcanic ash outside the cave, put the dark red knight's wreckage inside, and put The double-edged broadsword burned black by the magic flame was stuck in front of the grave.

Selena led the horse out from behind. The two did not continue to stay on the northern slope of the pustule mountain. Instead, they rode their horses from the foot of the mountain all the way to the campsite in the sulfur mining area of ​​Wall Village. It was already evening when they arrived at the campsite. At this time, it happened to be the time to call it a day. The big iron pot set up in the center of the camp was steaming outwards, and the craftsmen in the village came back from the rocky area one after another.

A young man saw Suldak in the distance, and rushed to the camp, shouting: 'Charlie, Charlie... Suldak is back! '

Charlie and Luke emerged from the tent one after the other.

In just two days, Charlie and Luke had completely lost their patience at the temporary mine camp. If Suldak didn't show up again tonight, Charlie and Luke would prepare to gather their men and return to the camp along the same route. The place where Suldak left, go there to find his whereabouts.

Suldak just said something briefly, and the patrol team from the outer village found the dark red knight following the horse team, so they sent the news to Wall Village, and Selina chased after her on horseback to deliver the letter to everyone.

As for the dark red knight.

Suldak just said that it might be that the Gobi in the barren land is too vast, and he might lose it for a while, but he just didn't see it...

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