Lord Highlander

Chapter 315 314. Trap

Suldak, Charlie, and Luke hid behind a stalagmite. Two eight-meter-long salamanders were lying on the volcanic ash and basking in the sun among the rocks a hundred meters away from the three of them. Many stalagmites were chewed to pieces by the two salamanders, and almost all the sulfur ore contained on them were swallowed by the two adult salamanders.

Their fat bodies have a strong fire elemental atmosphere, and their mottled backs seem to be burning with dots of flames. I saw a salamander lazily crawling on the volcanic ash. Wherever it passed, its giant tail was left behind. The next deep ravine.

Charlie retracted his head, sat down on the soft volcanic ash with his back against the stalagmite, and whispered to Suldak beside him, "They have been entrenched here for almost ten days, and they bask in the sun almost every day when they are full. , At night, they will return to the river of lava on the hillside to lurk. These big guys can hide their bodies in the lava. You said that we roasted and ate this big lizard on the way back. Now think It still feels a bit unbelievable, it can bathe in the magma pool, how could the salamander meat be cooked well at that time..."

Suldak looked at the two salamanders eating their bellies round, guessing that they had eaten sulfur mines in the rocky area these days, so he said with a smile: "Kill these two salamanders and leave some meat for you." , the best way is to eat grilled salamander meat again, and I will probably remember it."

Charlie's face was full of helplessness, and he said to Suldak: "Forget it, a piece of salamander meat as big as a fist can be exchanged for a bag of fine wheat flour, so let's take it to Hailansa City and sell it! I can’t eat such expensive ingredients. If the old man finds out about this, he will definitely scold me like hell. Besides, he wants to leave us with so many bones with meat. It’s the same when stewed without meat, or even better. "

Turning around and scanning around, he found that there were piles of rocks here, which were not suitable for hunting salamanders, so Suldak said to Charlie: "This is not suitable for a battlefield, let's go over there and have a look."

The three of them withdrew back from the hidden stalagmite, and searched for places suitable for hunting salamanders in the rocky area.

Although Suldak left Wall Village in a hurry this time, he came prepared.

After hunting the first salamander, Suldak thought about such a large volcanic area. Since there were salamanders, it was inevitable that there would be a second and a third salamander. For this reason, Suldak In the city of Hailansa, he specifically asked someone for advice on how to hunt and kill salamanders.

Although this kind of second-level monster has primary intelligence, the level of intelligence is only six or seven-year-old children at most. To deal with monsters of this level of intelligence, as long as some traps are not used repeatedly, they can still be caught with nothing. The size of a lizard is at least seven or eight meters, and it can even grow to about ten meters if it is larger. Although it is still very fast with such a huge body, it is not so flexible when turning around.

Experienced hunters specially designed a barbed armor-piercing needle for this large lizard and boa constrictor, and in order to allow these needles to easily penetrate the tough leather, the tip of the needle was polished extremely sharp.

This kind of thorns is specially arranged on the crawling routes of large lizards and boa constrictors. About ten, once the lizards and boa constrictors climbed up, there would be nothing unusual at first, but they couldn't go back the same way, otherwise they would be pierced by countless armor-piercing needles.

However, the shortcomings of using this kind of armor-piercing needles to arrange traps are also very obvious. If the prey cannot be dealt with in time and allowed to struggle wantonly, the worst result is that it is difficult to keep the high-grade leather all over the body, and it is likely to be stabbed thousands of times by the needles. It is full of holes, you must know that the leather of Warcraft is usually the most precious thing, and experienced hunters will not hunt in this way.

"Knight Suldak, come here and take a look..." Charlie shouted from afar.

Hearing the sound, Suldak ran over and made a decision after only one glance, and found the place to hunt salamanders.

What appeared in front of me were two volcanic rocks that were close together. This big rock seemed to be cut off with a sword. There was a long and narrow passage in the middle. The entrance was relatively loose, about two meters wide, but otherwise The exit at one end is relatively narrow, shaped like a trumpet mouth, and the side wall of the boulder is high and steep. Salamanders get in from the loose side, and it is probably difficult to get out from the other side.

Looking at the solidity of this volcanic rock, he felt that it would be difficult to find a better hunting spot than this one, so Suldak took out bundles of black iron thorns from his magic pocket, what about the sulfur mine? They were all lacking, but there was no shortage of stonemasons. Charlie casually called a few young stonemasons. According to the instructions of the Suldak knight, everyone hurriedly made countless slanted jacks on the two big rocks, and then Suldak then inserted these needles into these sockets.

The color of the pitch-black rock is almost the same as that of the needles, and the crevices of the rocks are in the shadows. It is difficult to see the needles lying on the rock wall without close distance.

Just in front of these two rocks, there is a large flat expanse of soft volcanic ash, surrounded by messy rocks, and there is no lava river from which the salamanders can escape.

Suldak inserted these thorns into the stone wall, and said to Charlie beside him: "We have to find a way to lure the two big guys out, and it is best to separate them. If the two salamanders get together , the difficulty of hunting will increase."

"Leave it to me. I will lure a salamander away on horseback. I will take it around the rocky area as much as possible. When you solve the first one, send me a signal. Then I will lead it here. Come here." Luke patted the alloy bow in his hand and said first.

He is the best rider among these young people, and he is also an experienced young hunter. Hearing that he took the initiative to take on this dangerous task, Suldak patted him on the shoulder and said: "Then be careful .”

"Val, you stay with Luke. If Luke is in danger, you will lure the salamander away." Charlie thought for a moment, and shouted to Val behind him.

"Oh, good!" Val agreed without hesitation.

It was almost noon when everything was arranged here, and finally everyone raised the volcanic ash on the ground to eliminate footprints on the ground.

Suldak was the first to ride the ancient horse, and Charlie, Luke, Val and other young people rode the horses respectively. These young people had all hunted the first salamander with Suldak before. Not much hunting experience, but better than others.

And the facts have also proved that these young people are very brave. When they were fighting the salamander, even if they encountered some dangers, they did not hesitate.

The horse wore a thick mask, and it became difficult to breathe, unable to run at full speed.

But even at a canter, the speed of the horse is faster than that of the salamander running at full speed.

There are always people watching the two salamanders, and it is impossible not to watch them. There are more than 30 craftsmen scattered in the rocky area to collect sulfur ore. It is impossible for everyone to observe the movement of a salamander all the time. Someone is responsible for keeping an eye on the salamanders, and no matter where they wander, the stonemasons who collect rocks in that area will be notified in advance to let them retreat in advance.

Although this will lose a lot of sulfur ore, it can guarantee everyone's safety to the greatest extent.


After the traps were set up here, Suldak led a few young people to find the two salamanders in the rocky area, and saw that they opened their bloody mouths, which were full of fine and sharp teeth. Biting on a stalagmite with sulfur ore, the huge head snapped the stalagmite with just a flick, and then swallowed the sulfur ore together with the stalagmite after chewing a few times like eating a crispy radish. go down.

The two salamanders seemed to enjoy the process of igniting a new flame on each salamander's back each time he swallowed some sulfur ore.

Seen from a distance, the two salamanders looked lazy, and their movements were slow. Suldak and Charlie glanced at each other. This time, Suldak drove the horse close to the salamanders. The salamander stopped 60 meters away, took out an alloy bow from his pocket, and blatantly aimed at one of the salamanders under the vigilant eyes of the two salamanders.


An arrow shot out of the string, turned into a white light and pierced into the eye socket of one of the salamanders. The salamander who was eating the sulfur mine didn't expect the damned human to dare to shoot it, as if his dignity had been provoked , the two salamanders let out a deep roar at the same time, and the two adult salamanders turned their bodies around, moving their six short legs and chasing towards Suldak.

Suldak unhurriedly shot another arrow at the salamander who was hit by the arrow before. The aim of this arrow was not bad, and it directly hit the forehead of the salamander running in front. Being able to shoot the salamander without falling off immediately means that it is sharp enough.

Seeing the salamander rushing more than 20 meters away, Suldak steadily put away the alloy bow, swiped the whip in his hand on the horse's buttocks, and the ancient Bolai horse neighed and spread its hooves. Run towards the selected trap.

When the two salamanders passed by a rock, another arrow flew out from the slope and shot into the body of another salamander.

This arrow was not nailed to the Salamander like Suldak's two arrows. The arrow failed to penetrate the tough skin of the Salamander. Val scolded angrily: "Damn..., this salamander skin is really thick!" '

The salamander ignored Val at all, and continued to chase in the direction of Suldak.

Then another arrow flew out, and the arrow shot by Luke was precisely nailed on the eyelid of the salamander, which completely angered the salamander, and it turned around suddenly, like a train With a heavy roar like that, he rushed towards Luke.

Luke was far less calm than Suldak. When he saw the salamander chasing him, he turned around and fled without hesitation, running far away to the outskirts of the rocky area.

The round belly and tail of two salamanders left a deep groove on the volcanic ash. When they ran on the volcanic ash, the volcanic ash was flying all over the sky.

Suldak quickly led one of the salamanders to the position where the trap was set. He stopped in front of the stone crevice, and shot an arrow at the salamander, which again drew its alloy bow. The salamander also shot out A fireball hit Suldak, and at this time, Suldak was well prepared and slipped into the crevice of the rock. The salamander saw that the entrance of the crevice was about two meters wide, and followed suit. Suldak dived in.

The Salamander only felt that the further he walked, the narrower the passage in front became. When he found the road ahead and couldn't get out by himself, his huge body was completely stuck in the crevice of the stone. Surdak, who ran out on one end of the horse, had already stopped. He jumped off the horseback and jumped directly onto the black rock.

The salamander immediately sensed the danger. It condensed the fire element in its stomach without hesitation, and sprayed a flame towards Suldak. And narrowly avoided the flame.

The Salamander had already realized that he was in a dangerous situation. Seeing Surdak flying up to the volcanic rock above his head, he wanted to get out of the rock crevice, but unfortunately his round body got stuck in the rock crevice and he couldn't get out at all. Going out, the salamander had no choice but to go back along the original path. The six short legs pushed hard on the rock walls on both sides at the same time. The body of the salamander only moved back less than a foot, and the sharp weapon pierced The sound of tough leather being torn could be heard endlessly.

I don't know how many needles were pierced into the salamander's body. In the next second, the salamander let out a shrill roar. Its body trembled violently in the crevice of the stone, almost shaking the two boulders. Sulda Ke didn't want to give the salamander any chance to escape.

He stood on the top of the rock more than seven meters high, holding the Roman sword with gaps on the blade in his hand. There was a faint golden glow on the Roman sword, and Suldak jumped directly into the crack from above. In the middle, he stepped firmly on the flaming back of the salamander, and the Roman sword in his hand also inserted into the vertebrae at the back of the salamander's skull.

Then, under the huge shock of the salamander's body, the Roman sword cut off the salamander's head like a saw.

The salamander still had its mouth wide open before the moment, and the flames from its mouth lasted for a long time. Its meaty tail was whipped against the rock wall, and the rock wall was smashed into pieces of rock with just a few strokes. Now The body of the decapitated salamander just twitched violently in the crevices of the stone, and the red blood flowed all over the ground, but the ground was covered with volcanic ash, and the blood was quickly absorbed by the dry volcanic ash, forming a large hole on the ground. A dark red trace...

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