Lord Highlander

Chapter 316

There is no way to completely remove the salamander's body from the crevice of the stone. The only way to do this is to peel off the complete high-grade monster skin on the back of the salamander, and then divide the salamander into two along the spine of the salamander and cut off a large piece of lizard meat. , put it into the magic pocket, even if the magic pocket is emptied, but because the sub-dimensional space opened up by the magic pocket is very limited, there is no way to pack the salamander's head, flesh, stomach pouch and heart separately. .

The remaining unimportant parts were packed into wooden boxes brought from the camp, and the large pieces of lizard bones with meat were also packed into wooden boxes separately.

This time, we came prepared, so a large number of lizard bones were not discarded on the spot like last time. It didn't take much time to hunt and kill salamanders, but it took a lot of effort to clean them up here.

After waiting for the eight young men in the sulfur mine to carry away the two large wooden boxes, Surdak sent a signal to Luke who was leading another salamander shopping in the distance. Chickens and dogs jumped and dust was flying, and it didn't take long for Luke to rush to the ambush here. The salamander in a state of rage kept spewing fireballs the size of pumpkins behind Luke, and the fireballs continued behind Luke. burst.

Fortunately, the ancient horse that Luke was riding ran faster than the salamander. Although the fireball kept exploding, it did not pose much threat to Luke.

This adult salamander with a body length of more than eight meters has six lizard legs and runs like a steam train. As Luke crashed into the trumpet-shaped stone crevice, Suldak didn't even wait for the fire this time. The lizard reacted and jumped down from a high place. In the raging fire, the huge head of the salamander was chopped off with a single sword.

Suldak also did not expect that the second salamander hunting process would be so smooth. With the idea of ​​defeating them one by one, he hunted down two precious second-level monster salamanders, and transported the harvested monster materials to the sea. Lansa City will also fetch a good price. The only regret is that this hunting method greatly damages the most precious leather on the Salamander.

The leather on both sides of the salamander's body was nearly riddled with holes from the sharp needles. Only the lizard skin on the back, abdomen, and tail was still intact. Unfortunately, these two salamanders did not have magic-weave spirit bones.


After cleaning the battlefield, when everyone moved all the hunting trophies to the sulfur mine camp, it was completely dark. Those craftsmen in the camp who did not participate in this operation heard that the Suldak knight had killed two The salamanders were also very happy. Of course, what everyone was looking forward to was the delicious salamander bone soup in the evening.

Selena's cooking skills were affirmed by all the villagers in Wall Village three years ago, so this big meal was also cooked by Selena as the chef.

After the big iron pot was set up in the camp, linen sheds had to be set up around the big iron pot. These pergolas were to prevent the volcanic ash from the sky from falling directly into the iron pot. An old craftsman sitting on a lava rock next to him The face said with emotion: "Where did I dare to think before, that I could eat salamander meat one day..."

"I have lived in Wall Village for more than 40 years. Since I was twelve years old, I have been hunting gray rock iguanas in the wilderness with my father and uncles. At that time, everyone knew that the meat of gray rock iguanas was extremely delicious, but A gray rock iguana can exchange two bags of fine powder."

"Counting it all together, the number of times I have eaten gray rock iguanas in the past forty years is also very small. Now let alone those gray rock iguanas, I even ate the more precious salamander meat twice in a row..."

The chatter of the old craftsman spread far away...

Under the reflection of the setting sun, everyone likes to discuss the difficult life in the past. It seems that only in this way can we reflect how beautiful life is now. For a while, after the wheat cakes are pulled out from the volcanic ash, the wheat cakes will be baked crispy, and the rich wheat fragrance will be stimulated to the greatest extent.

Suldak, Charlie, and Luke, the leaders of the mining camp, also sat together. Suldak told Charlie not to be negligent. It is very necessary to take turns to watch the night every night. Although the salamanders are rare, there are obviously some of them. These salamanders are very destructive, but if they are discovered in time, it is still possible to lure these salamanders away by riding a horse. After all, there are Gu Bo in the camp. horse.

But you must not try to hunt. After all, the salamander is a second-level monster with strong vitality and can control fire magic. At present, it is not something young people like them can solve.

Of course, as a hunter, Charlie also understands this point, even if he has these thorns, it is useless. Once the salamanders that fall into the trap cannot be killed in time, the salamanders will break free from the thorn traps with their own powerful strength. What awaits the hunter is definitely a nightmare.

Currently in Wall Village, except for Surdak, no one has the ability to rush to the salamander and chop off the salamander's head with a sword.

Therefore, the way to deal with salamanders here is still to focus on prevention. Once salamanders are found, they must respond in time.

Suldak took out two walnut-sized magic cores from the salamander's head. The magic core of a second-level monster must produce magic spar. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, and said to Charlie next to him. : "In a few days, I will go to the Knight Academy in Hailansa City for a half-year study. The sulfur mine must be evacuated from the pustule mountain in time before the heavy snow falls. If you need me, you can send Someone sent the letter to the Knight Academy in Hailansa City."

Charlie knew that Suldak was going to Hailansa City for advanced studies, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Charlie nodded slightly.

Luke on the side asked a little puzzled: "Dark, why do you want to study at the Knight Academy?"

Luke's question was also what the young people here wanted to ask in their hearts, and everyone's eyes fell on Suldak's face.

Suldak said frankly: "This is a necessary process to become an official knight. It's just going through the motions. My current status is still a reserve knight. I can't get the status of an official knight. This reserve knight may be a person at any time. Withdrawal, I can only be eligible for the fief if I have obtained the knight certificate."

"Don't worry, Dak, let our brothers guard the sulfur mine." Charlie smiled confidently and promised Suldak.

Luke said enviously: "Yes, Wall Village will become your knight leader by then!"

The faces of other young people also showed envy. Who hasn't dreamed of being a knight?

Suldak's current achievement is probably the biggest dream of those young people in the village who participated in the completion ceremony. Suldak rubbed his forehead with his hands. At this moment, he suddenly thought of the sulfur mine on the north slope of Pustoma Mountain, so he said: "This matter... I haven't thought about it yet, maybe I won't apply for the transfer of Wall Village. Designated as my knight collar."

"Do you have a better place?" Val asked curiously.

Suldak hesitated for a moment, but he didn't mention the sulfur mine after all, so he could only vaguely say: "The matter of the fiefdom will take at least half a year, and we'll talk about it then."

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