Lord Highlander

Chapter 317: 316. Back to the Village

At dawn, Suldak and Selina left the sulfur mine camp with all the monster materials obtained from hunting salamanders.

Suldak rushed to report at the Knights Academy in Hailansa City, and was worried that the salamander meat stored in the magic pocket would go bad. Hurry back to Wall Village, so the two of them would ride horses before dawn, camp and rest until it was completely dark after sunset. It took three days like this, and the two of them crossed the Gobi in the barren land.

When we walked to Beigou Grassland, we saw two wagons filled with volcanic ash heading towards Wall Village.

The wood of the carriage showed brand-new grain, which should have been made by the wood workshop in the village. The driver who drove the carriage waved his long whip at Suldak from a distance, and shouted loudly: "Sulda gram."

When meeting outside, being able to shout each other's name from a distance is the greatest recognition.

The reservoir construction site in the upper reaches of the valley in Wall Village is still busy. The two of them can see the crowds on the construction site from a distance on the mountain road outside the village. Although it is already evening, the construction site is still in full swing.

A group of children were playing under the dead tree at the entrance of the village. They were digging out an ant hole.

Little Peter squatted in the crowd of children sweating profusely, holding a branch in his hand and playing with some enthusiasm.

Old Sheila sat under the tree root and looked at the group of children. Signa sat next to Old Sheila. Although she was younger than Little Peter, she was obviously much more mature than Little Peter. The child, she showed some disdain.

At dusk, two black dots appeared in the distance of the mountain road. Old Sheila stood up with her back bent, holding on to the dead tree with her hands, her cloudy eyes looked into the distance, and her vision was blurred.

Old Sheila couldn't see the person on the horse in the distance, she called out to the little girl beside her: "Signa, Signa..."

"Grandma Sheila, what's the matter?" Signa raised her head and asked old Sheila.

"Your eyes are good, help grandma see who are the two people over there?" Old Sheila said to Signa, still looking into the distance.

Hearing this, Signa looked along where the old Sheila was looking, and at first it was still a little blurry, but then the voices of the two people became louder and louder in Signa's eyes, and Signa's big eyes became louder and louder. It was getting brighter, she stared wide-eyed, and shouted excitedly: "Ah! It's... Knight Suldak and mother, mother, mother is back! Suldak brought mother back!"

Following Signa's crisp and loud shout, the little girl left the dead tree and ran towards the two people with her legs spread apart.

Old Sheila chased after Signa and kept calling her: "Signa, Signa, run slowly..."

Hearing Signa's shout, little Peter also stood up abruptly from the crowd. He also chased after his grandma, and ran towards the two galloping ancient Bolai horses.

This is the first time that Selena has been away from Signa for such a long time. She saw a familiar voice running towards her from a distance. The corners of Selena's eyes were moist for a while, and she urged Gu Bolai to run fast again. At one point, she didn't realize that she couldn't control the horse to stop until she was about to run in front of Signa. She watched Gu Bolai's horse stepping towards Signa ten meters away with a look of horror.

Suddenly, Suldak rushed over from the side. He stretched out one hand and tightly grasped the rein of Selina's horse. Almost at the same time, they raised their front hooves high and stood on the spot.

Selena followed the horse back and fell directly from the horse's back.

Suldak immediately turned over and jumped off the horse, supported Selena who fell from the horse with both hands, and put her firmly on the ground.

At this time, Signa jumped over the two stopped Gu Bolai horses, and threw her face into Selena's arms with a pale face. Selena was also frightened by this series of changes, and only knew to hold her tightly. Signa couldn't exert any strength in her legs, and her whole body was sitting on the ground.

Little Peter also rushed over, threw himself into Suldak's arms, and yelled heartlessly for Suldak to take him on a horse...

In the end, Suldak sent the mother and daughter Selena and Signa home.

Suldak just rode a horse and took a pack of happy little Peter to the pool construction site. Seeing that the foundation of the construction site has been poured, the gates on the east and west sides of the reservoir are being built, and the bottom of the reservoir after it has been flattened has also begun to be grouted for the first time. Surdak is going to lay a layer on the bottom of the pond Thick cement, but before that, Suerdak is also planning to make the first layer of waterproofing for the reservoir according to the local method here.

The old village chief was at the scene, urging the bricklayers on the construction site to brush the first layer of tree slurry on the limestone layer of the reservoir before dark.

Rita and Natasha are also on the construction site. They are waiting for the construction site to end in the canteen. Stacks of wheat cakes are neatly piled up on the dining shelf, and there is a large steaming iron pot in front of them. It is estimated that there should be some vegetable soup or chestnut rice porridge.

Seeing Suerdak returning on horseback, the old village chief immediately put down what he was doing and walked towards him.

The old village chief looked Suldak up and down, and seeing that he was not injured, he asked with relief, "Did Selena come back with you?"

Suldak got off his horse and saw Rita running from the dining hall, he simply replied: "Yes."

The old village chief wanted to say something, but he hesitated, and when he saw Rita, he said nothing, just nodded, and said to Suldak: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back! "

Rita hugged little Peter off the horse and said to Suldak, "I heard that someone chased your horse team and ran into the mountains in the barren land?"

Facing Rita's question, Suldak quickly shook his head vigorously, firmly denied, and said, "I didn't find anyone chasing after us, maybe it was just a passing adventurer. It went very well."

Rita had a pretty smile on her face. She punched Surdak on the shoulder and said, "I'm so glad you came back safely. Old Sheila and Natasha haven't had much appetite to eat for the past two days. They are a little worried." You, you have to remember to comfort them."

Then Rita jumped in front of the old village chief and asked directly, "Uncle Brett, when can we call it a day, it's almost dark!"

The old village chief didn't even lift his eyelids, and scolded: "What's the hurry, the first time you have to wash the water carefully, and whether the water in the reservoir can hold water in the future depends on how well the first water is washed!"

Rita was scolded by the old village chief, and she was so frightened that she quickly hugged little Peter and ran back to the dining hall, and chatted with Natasha. By the side of the tower, it can be seen that the relationship between the few of them is very harmonious.

"Those two big guys are settled?" the old village head asked Surdak again.

Suldak turned around and took out two bones from the canvas bag next to Gu Bolai's horse and handed them to the old village chief, and then replied, "It's all settled."


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