Lord Highlander

Chapter 318 317. Registration

Hailansa Junior Knight Academy is located at No. 9 Doronval Street in the north of Hailansa City, in a large area between the aristocratic residential area and the magic block.

From the entrance of the Knight Academy, you can clearly see the magic tower not far away, but now the deadline for the registration of the academy has passed, and it has been more than a month since the official start of the school. At this moment, the outside of the entrance of the academy has long since returned to the desertedness of the past.

The metal railing walls on both sides of the college gate are covered with luxuriant creepers and lentil vines. Through the gaps in the railings, you can see several neat square teams on the college playground practicing in the sun. This group of young trainee knights Wearing light leather armor, carrying a wooden knight light shield and wooden sword behind his back, his golden curly hair stood wet on his forehead.

Under the scorching sun in autumn, it is still a bit hot near noon. In a mountain city like Hailansa, the temperature difference between day and night is very large in autumn, and it is very cool in the morning and evening. You even need to wear a sweater and a thick coat to go out. On a sunny day, you won't feel cold even if you run on the playground wearing a vest with cut sleeves at noon.

The leaves of the sycamore trees on the street have begun to turn yellow and fall quietly, laying a thick layer on the sidewalk, and they make a soft rattle when stepped on, and Gu Bolai's horse keeps flicking its tail, maybe it is Recently, I have been living a bitter life without eating grass in the Gobi in the barren land. After this ancient Bolai horse entered the city of Hailansa, its thick lips have been like a dog among the vines, leaves, and grass Sniffing and sniffing.

Suldak pulled the rein, and Gu Bolaima turned his head to resist, stubbornly making his own silent protest. Fortunately, there were no pedestrians on this street, otherwise Suldak would be a bit embarrassing to see a knight quarreling with his mount.

However, this Gu Bolai horse didn’t seem to have the consciousness to accept it as soon as it was good. After it won the privilege of running to the lawn on the side of the road to eat two bites, it developed to eat the creeper on the wall of the Knight Academy, probably This kind of palm-shaped leaf was not very suitable for its appetite. Gu Bolaima only chewed one leaf and did not take a second bite.

Suldak had sold all the salamander meat in the underground market this morning after staying in a hotel next to the Plaza Park in Hailansa City, which he arrived last night. Although Hailansa City is a city with only It is a small town with a population of less than 300,000, but the purchasing power of the people here is still very strong, especially for this kind of precious ingredients. Those who can afford these are noble lords and magician nobles who are not short of money. Always keep only gold coins and magic spar.

However, according to the agreement between Suldak and Magician Francis, Suldak still left a thick lizard tail, two still beating salamander hearts, and two stomach pouches for the magician. Originally, Suldak wanted to go to the magic guild not far from here, and personally deliver these magic beast materials to Mr. Francis Magician, but unfortunately, he passed by the Junior Knight Academy.

Standing in front of the gate of the academy, Suldak touched the recommendation letter in his hand. Seeing the young trainee knights in the academy who were undergoing basic tactical training on the playground, Suldak suddenly felt a sense of urgency. I thought to myself, since I have arrived at the gate of the Junior Knight Academy, I will see if there is still time, or I will register first.

Suldak looked at the tall stone pillars and arched iron gates on both sides of the courtyard wall, and walked to the gatehouse in front of the gate.

In the porter's room, a guard in a black and blue uniform stuck his head out of the small window and asked Suldak, who was leading the horse: "This knight, what can I do for you?"

The guard's eyes fell on Suldak's chest, and when he saw the knight badge, his face was full of smiles. He came out from the gatehouse and stood in front of Suldak, and then he saw a piece of tobacco being handed to him, and the guard quickly took it and put it into his pocket.

"I came here to report..." Suldak said.

The guard wiped his hands and found that there was still a strong smell of tobacco in the palm of his hand. This tobacco is not a high-end product that has been fermented in the sun after being rotted in the pit. It should be the genuine product in the big tobacco workshop. On, "Oh, you want to apply for the instructor of the college?"

Suldak wiped his nose and said directly: "No, I am a student who came here for advanced training."

After finishing speaking, he took out the letter of recommendation from the old knight of the knight order.

"But it's been so long since school started..." The doorman just glanced at the bronzing pattern on the recommendation letter, and immediately changed his words in the middle of speaking: "Okay! Since you have a recommendation letter from the Knights, come with me Bar."

The guard opened the corner door next to the big iron gate and said to Suldak: "Go along the main road until you reach the teaching building. The registration office is next to the teaching affairs office on the fourth floor. You can go there to register first. You can tie it here first, and I will help you take care of one or two, and after everything is settled, you can come and take the horse away."

It seems that the last sentence should be the benefit brought by that piece of tobacco. Suldak nodded his thanks to the guard, and then stepped into the gate of the academy.

Although it is only separated by an iron fence, after entering the college, you will feel the hustle and bustle outside the campus suddenly quiet down, and your whole heart will also feel settled. Looking at the luxuriant hibiscus flowers on both sides of the main road of the college, Surdak I just feel that the air here is much cleaner than outside.

The long leather boots stepped on the ground of the stone road, making crisp and rhythmic footsteps.

Suldak took a deep breath, looked up and saw the huge sword and shield emblem on the top of the main teaching building, tightened his belt slightly, straightened his waist and walked forward.

The doorman looked at the back of Suerdak walking towards the teaching building, and just as he was feeling emotional, another young doorman came out of the doorway. He blinked a pair of small eyes and said with disdain: "You are so old, why don't you give up?" Still want to go to the Junior Knight Academy? You can’t find the wrong place!”

Probably because he didn't get any benefits, he was so resentful.

The previous guard reprimanded him: "What do you know, the graduates of the previous colleges may not have a few real knights, this one with the identity of a knight should be the certificate of being a knight in the college, and belongs to the Knights Committee This kind of student is actually not a freshman in the true sense.”

As he spoke, he straightened his collar against the only glass in the porter's room, and said to the young guard: "The apprentice knights in the academy count as one, and they belong to hundreds of people scrambling to cross a single-plank bridge. The knights are the ones who cross the bridge first, and the ones who can’t grab the slot will eat dirt behind. Have you seen the knight badge on his chest? He is different from these apprentice knights. He belongs to the kind who has already crossed the bridge. It’s just a situation.”

"There are so many rumors here?" The young guard was a little dumbfounded.

"Of course, stand at your post, I'm going to go out to make a round of inspection, don't always take a lazy nap in the concierge..."


Looking at the green and immature faces on the playground, Suldak suddenly realized a problem. Although he didn't have a mirror to look at his sunburnt faces, he only looked at his long and His big hands full of calluses seemed to finally realize that he was out of place with this academy.

I finally realized that this is the only junior knight academy in Hailansa City. The age of recruiting freshmen is only twelve or thirteen years old, and I am ten years older than these big kids. The graduates of the Advanced Knight Academy are probably not at their own age.

Thinking of this, Suldak couldn't help scratching his head in pain. If he were to sit with these older children in class every day, thinking about the disharmony of standing on the playground and practicing formation together, Suldak's footsteps would change. I have to hesitate a little.

Every Green Empire has the right to participate in the Magic Awakening Ceremony once in their lifetime. Of course, the deadline for this right is twelve years old. When they are twelve years old, they can sign up for the nationwide magic test. Once they pass the test, they can practice magic. The awakening ceremony, as long as the magic pool is awakened during the awakening ceremony, it means that you are qualified to become a magician nobleman. This is also the most convenient way for the common people to be promoted to the nobleman. Countless noble children are also flocking to it. Compete for inheritance rights within the family.

This move has also indirectly affected the enrollment time of other colleges. Usually, after the children have participated in the magic awakening ceremony, they are considered to have no connection with magic, and then they will consider other paths. Generally, they are junior warrior colleges, junior knight colleges, and junior sword colleges. In some big cities, there are more comprehensive types of war academies, including rangers, assassins, fighters, archers, etc., with a complete range of occupations.

However, what should be faced is still to be faced. After all, this is the path I must take, otherwise I can only be a reserve knight. With this identity, the mood of Earl Mond Goss, if one day he returns from the battlefield to the sea Lanza found that he was still standing on one of his knight quotas, but Baron Sidney had already been lying in the cemetery. Once this knight quota was taken back, his status as a reserve knight would be lost.

Only when you become a formal knight and have your own fief, can you hold this knight status firmly in your own hands.

So don't say let him study in the Knight Academy, even if he is sent to the quarry to dig stones, Suldak can only pinch his nose to recognize him at this time.

Knock on the door and walk into the room where the registration office is hung. There is a rest area on the left side of the outer room, and a desk on the right side. Behind it sits a red-haired girl with exquisite makeup. She is busy sorting out the materials. It turned out to be a tall knight who came in, and this knight was wearing a knight badge on his chest and holding a letter of recommendation in his hand, so he was a little confused.

She confirmed the identity of Suldak, her eyes kept looking at Suldak's strong body, and said to him with a sweet smile: "Please wait a moment."

Then he took the recommendation letter from Suldak and walked into the inner office with his round buttocks twisted.

In fact, he didn't make Suerdak wait for long. Suerdak was sitting in front of a desk in the registration office, and the red-haired girl even poured him a cup of black tea kindly before leaving In the room, Suldak glanced at the director of the registration office who was sitting at the desk and flipping through the materials seriously, thinking that this director with two deep law lines on his face must have a certain relationship with the female secretary outside. special friendships.

Just when Suldak was thinking about it, the director suddenly raised his eyelids, looked at Suldak from top to bottom, and then asked him:

"Are you the knight Weipei recommended by the Knights?"

Suldak nodded honestly, and said, "I participated in the Warsaw Plane War before, and became the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment... so I was qualified to become a knight."

"Have you participated in the Warsaw Plane War? So what is your combat level?" The director was a little curious about Suldak's true strength and couldn't help asking.

Surdak said with some embarrassment: "I have never had the opportunity to do testing in the army, so I can't tell you yet."

The director of the registration office clearly said 'Who will believe it'! The level test in the army is also free, obviously the level is too low to say sorry, but judging by the figure, it shouldn't be too bad! Apparently, based on Suldak's answer, the director of the registration office identified him as a distant relative of a certain lord's family, and probably came here for gilding through connections. In order to avoid embarrassment in the conversation, the director of the registration office only I can read the recommendation letter hastily.

"Miss Mason, call Pablo here!" The director of the registration office shouted to the female secretary outside.

There was no response from outside.

The director of the registration office could only be patient, and shouted again: "Miss Mason..."

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, a man with the appearance of a knight came in from the outside and gave a knight salute to the director of the registration office.

It was only then that Suldak remembered that after he entered the door, he seemed to have forgotten to give the knight ceremony, and he didn't know what the director of the registration office would think.

The director of the registration office raised his head and said to his subordinates: "Papulo, please take this reserve knight to Class 11 of the second grade."

Then he said with a serious face: "Knight Suldak, you missed the level test in the beginning of the school season, and there will be a mid-term level test in the middle of next month, and your knight level can be measured then. Although it is only half a year Further studies, but if you fail the final exam, it is impossible for us to issue you a graduation certificate from the college. At that time, you can only complete the full credits like freshmen from other colleges, so that your grades in all subjects can reach above the average line. In order to successfully graduate from the academy..."

After speaking, he asked Suldak to leave, and the director of the registration office signaled Pablo to stay behind with his eyes. After Suldak walked out of the registration office, the director of the registration office rubbed his forehead with his hands and ordered Said: Pablo, what a headache... I guess this is due to the relationship of some important person who left. It is said that he just returned from the battlefield, and I don’t know if he can adapt to college life. Remember to let Milo from Class 11 Instructor Nuo watched him, the sons who came down from the army always have such and such stinking problems, don't let him make the college a mess. "

"Understood, Director." Pablo replied with a nod.

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