Lord Highlander

Chapter 319

Pablo is an ordinary teaching assistant in the junior knight academy. Although he doesn't have any rights, he is absolutely familiar with this knight academy.

Walking out of the teaching building and standing in front of the marble-paved jogging platform, assistant teacher Pablo looked at Suldak, who was younger than himself, and asked very enthusiastically: "Knight Suldak, do you bring your luggage?" and follower?"

There are two rows of sycamore trees between the main teaching building of the college and the playground. Now the leaves of the sycamore trees have become withered and yellow, covering the grass one by one. Several square teams in the playground are practicing square formation in an orderly manner. The instructor shouted slogans.

Surdak set his eyes on the school gate in the distance, and said to Pablo's assistant teacher, "My horse is parked at the school gate."

Facing the upcoming campus life, Suldak still had some expectations in his heart. He looked up at the knight insignia with crossed swords and shields on the top of the teaching building, and looked at the gorgeous buildings full of Baroque style. There are actually several statues erected on both sides of the marble steps. Under these exquisite busts, there are corresponding black steles. Each stone stele is engraved with a line of text, which probably introduces the achievements of these statues in their lives.

Each statue is a hero who walked out of Hailansa Knight Academy. Assistant coach Pablo led Suldak through the aisle full of statues. He did not want to introduce the glorious deeds of these heroes to him, but As he walked, he said, "There are special stables in the college. The grooms are very professional. You can entrust the horses to them to take care of them."

Seeing that Suldak was listening carefully, he went on to say: "However, this expense is not included in the tuition fee. You need to pay a miscellaneous fee, about ten silver coins per month, and forty-five silver coins for half a semester. , you can also store the horse outside the academy! But that would be somewhat inconvenient. You must prepare the horse in advance for each equestrian class. If it is convenient, it will be much more convenient to send the horse in the academy .”

The three-piece set of horses and matching saddles, and knight light armor is one of the most expensive places in the knight academy compared to other colleges.

Many apprentice knights will prepare their horses, saddles and leather armor at the beginning of school. Of course, some apprentice knights do not have the financial conditions. Every time they take riding lessons, they need to temporarily rent public horses from the academy. The rental fee is not expensive, but it does not include exercises outside of the course, and it is impossible to practice riding well with just the time in class.

The price of the most common horse in the market is more than three gold coins, of course, this does not include the saddle. A leather saddle with pedals, leather whip, stabbing needles, hangers and other supporting equipment, if you want to buy a complete set, you need at least two gold coins. In addition, if you want to ride a horse, you also need a set of light leather armor, plus Tuition, if these expenses are counted together, it will cost at least ten gold to support a trainee knight.

For many ordinary families in Hailansa City, this is a huge expense. Usually, the freshmen will not buy horses in advance at the beginning of the school year. Afterwards, after the frequent riding lessons, the students will consider buying a horse of their own.

However, Suldak belonged to the Knights of the Knights, usually such knights have their own horses, and Suldak is no exception, what is called a knight without riding a horse.

Suldak thought about it, and he really had no other place to put this Gubolai horse besides being fostered in the academy, and since the academy can arrange a full-time groom, Suldak decided without thinking, " Then I will be fostered in the college."

Seeing that Suldak didn't hesitate at all, assistant Pablo knew that he was not short of money. The smile in his eyes became much more cordial, and he said to Suldak: "Then I will take you through the foster care of the horses first. Then I will take you to the place where you live, and finally the classroom where you attend classes. You need a schedule, and you have to prepare different courses every day. Let me see the courses you major in in the second grade and the courses you need to take... "

Along the way, Assistant Professor Pablo told Suldak about the life in the college. The stables in the college are located next to the last equestrian field of the college. There are two rows of stables against the last wall. Suldak led Followed Pablo's assistant teacher into the stable with the horse, and found that there were at least nearly a hundred healthy horses in the stable, most of which were the most common ancient Bolai horses in the Green Empire. There were actually two more horses in the innermost fence of the stable. A green scaled horse.

Seeing that Suldak was a little dazed looking at the two precious blue-scaled horses, Pablo's assistant coach showed a smug look, puffed up his chest and said to Suldak very proudly: "Knight Suldak, I heard that you just returned from the battlefield of the plane, haven't you seen the blue-scaled horse?"

Suldak withdrew his gaze from the scales on the blue-scaled horse's legs. This kind of warhorse with the blood of alien beasts is considered the best warhorse in the Grimm Empire. Unfortunately, after killing the dark red knight, his black-scaled horse did not Waiting outside the sulfur mine, Suldak searched around the mine casually, but he couldn't find the scaled horse.

"The knights of the Constructed Knights in our legion are all black. I have never seen this kind of cyan." Suldak said to Pablo's assistant.

Pablo coughed twice violently, "Ahem, the blue-scaled horse is second only to the black-scaled horse, and usually only knights in costumes are eligible to ride."

When the two saw the manager in charge of the stables, he was leading two grooms to chop hay for the horses beside the hay pile, and another young groom mixed the chopped hay with the soaked beans, which made people feel sad. Suldak felt that the food for the horses here was really good, which was at least worthy of the monthly miscellaneous expenses of ten silver coins.

After Pablo explained the purpose of coming, the stable manager took a familiar look at the imprint on the horse's leg, wrote a new number next to the imprint, and asked the groom to lead Gu Bolai's horse into the stable. Ke, the ancient Bolai horse, did not feel any discomfort in the unfamiliar environment. It walked slowly into the stable, and the ancient Bolai horse standing outside the stable, grazing silently, kicked its hooves a little uneasy, and its body Involuntarily, he hid inside, leaving a place for Suldak's horse.

Seeing the arrogance shown by his horse, Suerdak could only bite the bullet and say: "...it seems to be very adapted to life here."


Passing through the knight training ground next to the stables, I happened to see dozens of trainee knights practicing using big wooden spears on the training ground.

This kind of large wooden gun is a standard weapon for heavy cavalry on the battlefield. It is usually made of iron wood and indigo wood, and the length is generally more than five meters. The tip of the wooden gun is usually covered with iron. , this kind of big wooden gun has been gradually eliminated by the battlefield, the main reason is that this kind of big wooden gun covered with iron can't cause any harm to the Nacoma, Niburu, evil spirits and faceless men of the dark army , so this kind of big wooden spear has become a knight's spear with a tip made of black iron, but that kind of knight's spear is more demanding on the arm strength of heavy cavalry.

Ten trainee knights riding ancient Bolai horses held large wooden guns painted with various patterns in their hands, and they looked very lively as they galloped side by side on the training ground.

However, as a former member of the heavy armored infantry regiment, Suldak didn't have any good impressions of the heavy cavalry. The wave of retreat, and finally to the point of being out of control, has a lot to do with the collapse of the Moyunling Heavy Cavalry Regiment's fighting will.

Compared with the heavy cavalry, Suldak felt that the light cavalry on the battlefield was more flexible. The combination of long swords and knight light shields could at least cooperate with the heavy armored infantry.

The knight training ground in the academy is huge, occupying at least half of the area of ​​the knight academy.

When he was about to walk out of the training ground, Suldak saw those young heavy cavalry in the future flying their big wooden spears to the scarecrow at the finish line, and then cheered collectively, thinking about Augusta in the second team back then. Si is a graduate of the Warrior Academy, but the training in the academy did not save the life of the fiery man with a bad temper at the most critical moment. He died on the battlefield like other team members.

The dormitory area of ​​the college is completely separated from the knight college. Assistant teacher Pablo took Surdak to the downstairs of the second building. The main body of the building here is completely made of square stone bars, and the wooden doors and windows With its beautiful arched design and white paint, it gives a bright dorm look.

"There are four buildings in the dormitory area, and each building is an independent grade. This building belongs to the dormitory for the second grade. The college provides these dormitories for free. Of course, the dormitory management is also very strict. If you do not abide by the dormitory management regulations, the first Once you will be warned by the dormitory management, and you will be expelled from the dormitory the second time. Of course, there are many rented houses around the college, which are more comfortable to live in than the dormitories here. Rent is not cheap."

"Knight Suldak, are you sure you plan to live on campus?" Assistant Pablo stood at the door of the dormitory and asked Suldak again.

"Of course, living here is closer to the college, and it's much more convenient to attend classes." Suldak replied without thinking.

"That's true. I still miss the student dormitory in the college very much. Although the management system is a bit harsh, it's better than renting out the house." As he spoke, Assistant Professor Pablo pushed open the door of the dormitory and walked towards the door. Dormitory administrators show their identity badges.

The registration procedure was not complicated, and soon Suldak received a nameplate for accommodation, and then the dormitory administrator took Suldak to the corner room on the top floor.

The dormitory administrator stood at the door and opened the door. Inside, there was a bed on the left and right against the wall. The floor was covered with a thick layer of dust and messy footprints. The door to the south terrace was open, and there were two dirty clothes hanging on the clothesline. Xi's linen shirt, it seems that no one has lived here for a long time, the dormitory administrator lowered his eyelids, and said quickly: "Each room has two beds, and you are the only one in this dormitory at present, but this is not The representative will always be you living alone, and if there is another transfer student like you, I will arrange him to be with you..."

The room is not too big, and it has the most basic bedding, but it is not ordinary dirty. There is a layer of off-white paint on the stone wall, and there is a very old parchment map with some messy graffiti on the map. There is a wooden table and wooden chair at the head of the bed, and there is a small cabinet near the wall. Next to the cabinet is a human-shaped wooden frame. Obviously, this wooden frame is used to hang armor, and there are also weapons and shields. s position.

Suldak walked into the dusty room and saw several flower pots on the stone railing of the balcony. The flowers and plants in them had been dry for a long time because they hadn't been watered for a long time, and all the leaves had disappeared. It looked bald and extremely depressed.

The dormitory manager rolled his eyes, stared at Suldak indifferently and said, "During your stay, you must strictly abide by the dormitory management regulations, otherwise I have the right to expel you. If you agree, sign your name here... ..."


Suldak wrote down his name casually, and the middle-aged dormitory administrator just turned around and left.

Assistant teacher Pablo stood at the door of the dormitory, looked up at the spider web on the lintel, and laughed dryly, probably feeling a little embarrassed because he had just boasted about how good the dormitory was. In the end, he was unwilling to walk into the dusty dormitory. He said to Surdak: "I guess you need some time in the afternoon to tidy up here. For lunch and dinner, I suggest you try the one in the college." Canteen, I like the cheese pie there."

Then Assistant Professor Pablo stood at the door of the room, chatted casually with Suldak, and finally said: "I will wait for you downstairs tomorrow morning."

Seeing Suldak looked over in surprise.

Assistant coach Pablo said: "Take you to see instructor Mirono, he is the instructor of the knight training class..."

After saying this, Assistant Professor Pablo left the dormitory with brisk steps. Standing on the terrace, Surdak saw Assistant Professor Pablo leave the dormitory building in a hurry. The bell rang, and a moment later, the crowd rushing out of the teaching building spread out on the playground like a tide, and then diverted into several black lines, rushing to the school gate, dormitory, cafeteria...

Looking at the young faces, Suldak's heart fluttered. He never thought that he would have the day to return to the academy.

He turned his head to look at the worn-out parchment map on the wall. The center of the map was Hailansa City. Suldak easily found the barren land outside the mountain pass and the Pagros Mountains in the upper left corner of the map. In the corner of the map, circles were drawn with a charcoal pencil, which looked like some graffiti, many places were painted black, and there were some incomprehensible symbols.

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