Lord Highlander

Chapter 320 219. Visit Karl

The magic guild in Hailansa City is a round dark gray tower like a birthday cake. The entire mage tower is divided into four floors. In addition to some exquisite stone sculptures on the top of the tower, there are four series of elements standing in four directions. There is a statue of a magician on the top floor of the tower. The magician holds a staff in one hand and a thick magic book in the other. The statue faces southeast. There will be a flash of lightning.

The Mage Tower is one of the few landmark buildings in Hailansa City.

The guard at the entrance of the magic tower carefully checked Suldak's knight badge, and finally let him enter the magic tower.

The magic tower has a spiral inner corridor, and it is difficult to clearly distinguish the floors from the inside. Some magic apprentices wearing magic robes are holding materials, or holding some experimental equipment. The magic materials shuttle back and forth in the hall, making Sulda As soon as Ke walked in, he could feel the strong learning atmosphere here.

According to the address left by the magician Francis to Suldak, Suldak easily found the laboratory of the magician. It happened that the magician Francis had just completed an experiment. After the assistant in the laboratory reported, Francis magic The teacher quickly walked out of the laboratory.

Suldak explained his purpose, and took out a specially reserved piece of salamander back meat and two salamander hearts and stomach pouches from his magic pouch. Then magician Francis remembered what he said a month ago, and remembered what he had said in the I bought some salamander meat from the underground market. Unexpectedly, only a month later, the other party actually delivered some salamander meat to the door. Magician Francis quickly asked his assistant to bring a glass container and put two salamander hearts into a petri dish middle.

Then he asked his assistant to bring two cups of hot drinks with light blue stars shining, and sat across from Suldak and asked curiously, "Are you a professional witcher?"

"In fact, it's not. I just found some sulfur mines on the side of Pagros Mountain. These big guys also like to eat sulfur mines. If they run out of the mountains and don't want to hunt them down, the sulfur mines will be gnawed by them. Light, that's why I prepared some traps." Suldak didn't hide anything, and said truthfully.

Francis listened carefully to Suldak's story. At this time, a magic assistant took out a large map of Hailansa City from the bookshelf and spread it on the coffee table.

Magician Francis followed the Paglos Mountains all the way down to the vicinity of Pustule Mountain. He pointed his finger at this place and said, "I know that there is always a little bit outside the Paest Volcano in the depths of the Paglos Mountains. Sulfur mines, but it’s a little far away for us magicians, and there are dirty volcanic ash everywhere, the environment is extremely harsh, are you digging sulfur there?”

Suldak didn't expect Magician Francis to find out the approximate location of the sulfur mine all at once, so he could only say: "There are some stalagmites accompanied by sulfur in the lava river at the foot of Paist Volcano... "

Seeing the hesitation on Suldak's face, Magician Francis smiled heartily and said, "Don't worry, although no one from the Magic Union has set foot on Paist Volcano in recent years, it doesn't mean that we don't know where it is. What is the situation, generally speaking, as long as it is an active volcanic crater, there is a high probability of associated sulfur ore."

"I guess you won't climb to the top of that mountain to mine sulfur. The sulfur mines you find at the foot of the mountain are mostly caused by the magma pool of the crater bursting, or a small-scale eruption, causing lava to overflow from the mountain top into a river. Those lavas washed some of the gravel containing sulfur ore from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, so that the sulfur mine you described appeared."

"If you want to get richer sulfur, you can only find it near the crater of the lava pool, but I don't recommend you to go to the lava pool of Paist Mountain, it is very dangerous."

"But I didn't expect that this sulfur mine could attract salamanders. This only shows that your luck is really good."

Magician Francis did not hide anything, and told Suldak what he knew.

"Did you know that there is a sulfur mine on the pustule mountain?" Surdak asked in surprise.

Magician Francis took it for granted, and said bluntly: "Of course, it's just that the cost of mining is too high. There are no professional alchemists in Hailansa City, and the demand for sulfur is not that great. Who wants to go there to eat ashes?" , it’s not the group of dwarves in the western lands, just buying some of this thing is enough for magic experiments, but since you have sulfur in your hand, you can trade it with me... the market price!"

Suldak smiled and said, "That's no problem, Magician Francis."

Magician Francis talked with Suldak for about a quarter of an hour. This magician has a wide range of knowledge. He seems to know everything about Hailansa City, especially the distribution of monsters in some mountains. I heard that Suldak Ke's home is located on the edge of the barren land, so he casually asked about the situation there. Hearing that Suldak said that there would be sand wolves occasionally appearing in the barren land, Magician Francis frowned and said, "If it's not Driven to nowhere, those sand wolves probably wouldn't set foot in the barren land."

Unexpectedly, the magic guild in Hailansa city had known for a long time that there was a sulfur mine in the pustule mountain. It was only because of the harsh environment that they gave up their plan to mine the sulfur mine.

In the eyes of magician Francis, the mine must be located in the crater, and it may be regarded as a serious sulfur mine.


Walking out of the Magic Union, seeing that it was still early, Suldak decided to visit Karl at the Casement Mansion.

This time Suldak was lucky, just in time for Carl Casement to be at home. Hearing that Suldak was visiting, he rushed to the door to greet him. Seeing that Suldak was still wearing the monster leather armor, Carl smiled and asked, "Did you report to the Knight Academy when you came to Hailansa City this time?"

"He just came over from there," Suldak said.

The two walked through the courtyard, and Karl invited Suldak into a living room. It seemed that this was where Karl usually received guests. Sitting on the soft leather sofa, Karl said to Suldak: "Here in Hailansa City, if there is anything that needs me, just come to me."

"It's nothing bad." Surdak replied.

Seeing Suldak glance at the butler next to him, Karl said to the butler: "Butler Kingsley, please check if there are any delicious muffins or hazelnut cakes in the kitchen, I want my friends to taste them. "

"Okay, Master Carl, I'll prepare it for you now!" The butler saluted decently, and then left with the maid next to him, and closed the living room door behind him.

The butler was also very winking, and actually took away the maids in the living room. There was no need for Karl to find any reason to distract them.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Karl asked Suldak.

Suldak hesitated, but decided to tell Karl about it. So he said: "A week ago, a constructed knight entered the barren land and investigated some news about the bandits in several villages near Wall Village. I think he seems to have some relationship with those bandits."

He didn't directly say that the Dark Red Knight was a member of the Black Magic Priory, mainly because he couldn't produce any strong evidence, and everyone had already been reduced to ashes in the sulfur mine. Now Suldak just wanted to know about him. origin.

When Karl heard what Suldak said, he also put away the smile on his face, and said with a serious expression: "Constructed Knight? Can you tell me about his characteristics."

Suldak thought about the outfit of the dark red knight, and then said: "He is riding a black scaled horse, wearing a full-cover black iron magic pattern structure, and wearing a dark red cloak..."

After Suldak mentioned the characteristics of his attire, Karl said directly: "You said this is the Dark Red Knight, a follower of Baron Grenfell."

"However, he is really mysterious. He usually lives in seclusion and has few friends. No one in Hailansa City knows his true strength. Anyway, no one has seen him make a move. However, some people say that his strength is unfathomable. You also know that after the outbreak of the Plane War, most of the Constructed Knights in Hailansa City set off with the legion to participate in the Warsaw Plane War, and there are very few Constructed Knights still in the city." Almost none Using investigation, Karl confirmed his identity in one go.

Suldak secretly wrote down the name of Baron Grenfell.

"You said he has something to do with the bandits?" Karl asked Suldak.

Suldak nodded, and said, "He doesn't seem to be inquiring about the whereabouts of those bandit groups, but more like investigating the patrol teams of the villages that participated in the nearby bandit groups."

Karl lowered his voice and said to Suldak: "The matter of the Dark Red Knight is related to the reputation of Baron Grenfell. Although he is just a baron, he has many friends in Hailansa City, which can be regarded as very influential. He is a powerful nobleman, and he is also a councilor in the council hall of Hailansa City, his identity is a bit sensitive, unless he can produce conclusive evidence, any speculation will have no effect on him."

Then Carl said: "Even if we investigate the news of the patrol team, it must have something to do with the bandit group, maybe it's for the reward task on the bulletin board..."

Seeing that Suldak was frowning, obviously disapproving of his conjecture, Karl also said quickly, "Okay... I will investigate."

Karl said it a little perfunctorily, obviously not believing the statement that 'the Dark Red Knight colluded with the Bandit Group'.

Seeing that he failed to convince Karl, Suldak could only sigh softly in his heart. He could not produce any evidence, nor could he act too eagerly. After all, the Dark Red Knight died at his hands. Before his crimes were revealed, killing a Constructed Knight would be sent to the court for Suldak.

After eating hazelnut cake and drinking two cups of black tea, Suldak said goodbye to Karl.


Then Suldak went to a grocery store and bought some daily necessities. After all, there was almost nothing in the dormitory except for a bed and a desk, and the dormitory also needed to be cleaned thoroughly, but Suer Dak didn't even have a rag in his hand, he needed to buy these things from the grocery store.

When entering the Junior Knight Academy again, Suldak stopped at the gate for a while, chatted with the guard, and then walked into the gate of the academy.

In the afternoon, there were obviously a lot more apprentice knights on the playground. Many people gathered together in twos and threes to communicate, and some simply practiced with wooden swords on the playground. Most of these youngsters didn’t seem to have participated in the coming-of-age ceremony. Su Erdak walked through this group of young people, as if walking in a chest-high reed pond. In his eyes, those thin and small bodies were not much different from the chickens in the henhouse.

Many trainee knights saw the knight badge on Suldak's chest and thought he was an instructor in the academy, so they all stood up straight and saluted him somewhat cautiously.

Looking at those young faces, Suldak couldn't make any excuses, so he could only quickly walk across the playground and walk directly back to the dormitory area.

Under the sycamore tree in the dormitory area, this group of thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenagers were gathering together, probably watching a teenager wearing light leather armor. When they entered the dormitory building, two faces walked out. Delicate girls, seeing that they were also wearing the robes of apprentice knights in the Knight Academy, Suldak was still guessing why the female students came to this dormitory building, and when he climbed to the third floor, he passed through the long corridor At that time, through the door of a half-open room, I saw two young girls chatting casually in the room, and there were some small ornaments hanging in the room. It took Suldak to realize that this dormitory building is the place where all the two girls live. Dormitories for first-year students, these dormitories are co-ed.

Suldak patted his forehead vigorously, and once again doubted whether it was a mistake for him to choose to study in the Junior Academy. Maybe he should choose to go to the Advanced Knight Academy. Maybe in the Advanced Knight Academy, the age gap between himself and other students It won't be so obvious.

But things have come to an end, regretting nothing is of no use, for that piece of paper certificate, no matter what hardships or hardships, you have to grit your teeth and persevere. Fortunately, it is said that there is only half a year, that is, a winter thing, and it will pass after a while .

Suldak has never been a pampered person. It is not difficult to clean up the room. After returning to the dormitory, he started to clean the room. He cleaned it inside and out, and wiped it several times. The oak floor in the room Only when the original dark red paint was revealed, the tables and chairs were wiped clean, and the beds were replaced with brand new sheets, this dormitory looked a little bit occupied.

Afterwards, Suldak threw the rag in his hand into a wooden basin, and then sat on the single bed placed against the wall, took off his monster leather armor, hung it on the shelf, and only wore a pair of A linen shirt and trousers went out to the patio to dispose of the withered pots on the railing.

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