Lord Highlander

Chapter 321. 220. The First Day in the Knight Academy

When tidying up the terrace, Suldak found that the terrace of this dormitory was connected to the terrace of the next dormitory, but a waist-high low wall was built to divide the terrace into two parts. There are a few wooden railings, lush flowerpots are placed on the terrace of the dormitory next door, and some underwear and white socks are hanging on the clothesline. It seems that the dormitory next door should be a female dormitory.

After cleaning the terrace, I moved a chair out and placed it on the terrace. Standing on the terrace, I could just see the main teaching building and the playground covered by plane trees. At this time, there were some energetic teenagers on the playground They were running recklessly. They wore wooden swords on their waists. When running, they used to hold the hilt of the sword with one hand to prevent the wooden sword from scratching others. Some people were doing offensive and defensive exercises with each other.

The afterglow of the setting sun covered the entire college with a layer of gold, and even the mountains and forests in the distance seemed to be covered with a layer of gold.

The senior trainee knights on the knight training ground were still lining up, holding big wooden spears in their hands, charging towards the straw man at the end of the field.

After dinner, Suldak returned to the dormitory and sat alone on the chair on the terrace. He took out the Roman sword with a broken edge like a saw. The gaps made by the double-edged broadsword, and some gaps even showed cracks. This Roman sword is no longer worth repairing. Suldak decided to find time to go to the blacksmith's shop to buy a new knight's long sword.

Roman swords belong to the short epee used by heavy armored infantry. For knights, knight sabers and elf long swords are more convenient to use. Correspondingly, the fighting skills changed accordingly. Suldak was more used to fighting with sword and shield on foot, but he would feel like his hands and feet were bound while riding a horse.

The whetstone in his hand was a gift given to him by the businessman Larkin back then. The whetstone the size of a palm has already ground a groove that fits a Roman sword blade. There is a sound of "chacha", after the blade is sharpened, it needs to be backlit with an oilstone, and finally a layer of animal fat is applied to complete the daily maintenance of the long sword.

Afterwards, Suldak took out the blue-skinned iris shield that had been with him for nearly three months, but the main frame and front of the shield had been torn apart by the dark red knight's double-edged broadsword Apparently, this shield, which was used to resist evil spirits on the battlefield, was also abolished by the Dark Red Knight in the battle. For buying a new shield, Suldak also has his own ideas. The iris shield is still a bit too light for him, and perhaps the thicker dwarven chain shield is suitable for him.

It wasn't until the sky was about to get completely dark that the night watchman had already started to light up the street lamps on the street, and the students in the campus returned to the dormitory one after another. As the lights in the dormitory were turned on one by one, the night was silently immersed in the campus. .

The sound of chaotic footsteps and girls chatting came from the corridor, as if there were still people playing while walking.

The lights next door were turned on, and the corridor was quieter at this time. Surdak placed the old iris shield by the wall of the balcony, and heard a clear and sweet voice from the dormitory next door: "Linna, it's still open tomorrow. There is a basic training class! Last running training, I felt that my intestines were about to burst, and I had to find a way to escape, and if this continued, I felt like I was going crazy."

"Forget it, what can we do?" Another girl named Lin Na said delicately.

Suldak could even feel the girl sighing.

"What do you think of pretending to be sick?" The clear and sweet voice continued.

Linna's voice came again: "The last time Wood was found pretending to be sick, do you know how he got here this month?"

"..." The clear and pleasant voice did not speak.

Linna said: "I have to run laps on the playground every day before dawn, and I have lost a lot of weight."

The room in the dormitory was quiet, and there was a soft voice for a long time, as if changing clothes, and then the door of the balcony next door was suddenly pushed open, and a little girl in a nightgown walked onto the balcony and reached out to take it. The small clothes on the clothesline on the terrace, but suddenly saw a chair on the next terrace, sitting quietly in the twilight, which shocked the little girl.

Her face became a little pale, but she didn't scream out. Instead, she covered her chest with her hands and looked over carefully. She saw clearly the resolute side face of Suldak with vicissitudes or scars Afterwards, some asked incredulously, "Are you... the new instructor?"

This question made her feel a little embarrassed. How could an instructor live in a student dormitory? The instructor's dormitory was only separated by a wall. There are row lofts, and the living environment there is many times better than here.

Suldak didn't expect the little girl next door to be so bold that he would strike up a conversation with him, so he turned to her and said, "No, I'm here for class."

Through the wooden grille, Suldak could clearly see a 13 or 14-year-old blonde girl with abnormal fair skin on the opposite side. Her big lake blue eyes fell on Suldak's knight badge, and the last trace of panic in her eyes He also disappeared without a trace, smiled sweetly at Suldak, and said, "Hi, new classmate, hello! My name is Linna."

While talking, another short-haired girl looked over from the balcony of the dormitory next door, and the girl named Linna introduced Suldak: "This is my roommate Nedra, and we are second-year trainee knights... ...You don't want to study the second-year courses, do you?"

In fact, Suldak didn't know how to study. After all, he was only going to receive a six-month training in the Knight Academy. It probably couldn't be like the teaching method of these young students, so he said: "I still Not sure, probably!"

"I know, there are knights like you who have been trained in our academy every year..." Linna said with a smile.

However, she obviously didn't plan to discuss this matter with Suldak in depth, she just nodded slightly to him, and then pushed her roommate into the dormitory.

The wooden door on the terrace slammed shut.

The next morning, Suerdak was practicing chopping and parrying with his sword on the balcony. This was a habit he developed in the forest camp, and he got up early every day to do these basic training.

Every time he swung, Surdak did it meticulously.

In the morning of Hailansa City, the mountains, fields, and the streets and alleys of the city are filled with morning fog, and a ray of sunlight shines into the city through the morning fog.

The door of the balcony next door was pushed open, and the short-haired girl named Nedra jumped up and down to the balcony to water some flower pots. When she turned around with the watering can, she happened to see that she was doing Suldak in the slash' motion.

Nedra has a pair of light blue eyes, which look particularly healthy with wheat-colored skin. She asked Surdak curiously: "Do you practice these basic movements every day? The instructor also asked us to sit on some basic movements every morning." Practice, it's just that no one likes to wake up early..."

Suldak said: "Did I wake you up here practicing here? Sorry, I should practice in the garden downstairs in the dormitory."

Nedra quickly shook his head vigorously and said, "No more!"

She just thinks that there is really no need to practice this kind of basic movements. The worst students in the class can do such simple movements very standard in the first grade. After all, this is the content of the final assessment of the first grade. Apprentice knights who are not talented will have to practice when they have nothing to do. She Nedra belongs to the talented apprentice knights. Every time the instructor teaches some new techniques in the class, she is the first batch to be able to master them. people.

Suldak nodded politely to his new neighbor, and swung the Roman sword seriously again, doing every stroke meticulously.

When Nedra and Linna were washing in the dormitory room, they heard someone shouting to Suldak from downstairs in the dormitory outside: "Knight Suldak, have you had breakfast? Do you want to go together..."

Assistant Professor Pablo stood under the grape arbor, raised his head and greeted Suldak on the terrace. He was wearing a linen white shirt, a sheepskin vest, breeches, and a rapier on his waist. Very spirited.

Supporting the terrace with both hands, Suldak poked his head out and said to the assistant coach Pablo, "Okay, come down right away."

Assistant Professor Pablo stood downstairs waiting for Suldak. Seeing him walking out of the dormitory door quickly, he led him to a small path in the dormitory garden, and said with a smile: "The breakfast in the college cafeteria is quite rich. , but if you want to eat the most popular honey bread and milk oatmeal here, you have to order it again, not every kind of breakfast can be sold until the end..."

Standing on the terrace, Nedra just happened to see the assistant teacher Pablo introducing some details of life in the college to Suldak with a smile, and could not help but slander in his heart: "Papulo the sycophant, Pablo the sycophant ..."

Of course Assistant Pablo couldn't hear the trainee female knight Nedra's inner slander on the terrace. He took advantage of the morning time to take Suldak around the cafeteria. The two bought it and strongly recommended it. The honey bread, which is a kind of bread that is rolled like a croissant, is baked full of milky bits and the sweetness of honey, and the color looks quite attractive.

In fact, Suldak doesn't like sweets very much. Instead of eating this, it's better to sell a piece of crispy scones torn up and soaked in broth. The prices of various foods in the college cafeteria are basically a few copper coins. One serving, you don't need to spend a lot of money if you want to have a full meal here.

Assistant Professor Pablo has a round face with obvious double chins. He squeezed a piece of honey bread and stuffed it into his mouth casually. Then he drank a big mouthful of hot oatmeal, and he could swallow the food in his mouth with a gurgle. go down.

With three or two mouthfuls, the assistant teacher Pablo swallowed the food in front of him, then he took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and then said: "Knight Suldak, you just participated in the war of planes, I think the academy You probably don’t need to take the basic training course and physical training course again. Although you need to major in second-year courses, you can actually use the free class hours to learn Chinese history and knight etiquette, history and culture, morals and beliefs, Astronomy, geography, mathematics, during the six-month training period, you must at least complete other subjects that apprentice knights have studied for three years, and you need to pass the qualifications to get the knight certificate. I think fighting skills, riding skills, etc. If necessary, you can also just take the final exam, as long as you pass the test, you can get the corresponding credits..."


Suldak felt a bit overwhelmed just by listening to it. There are so many subjects to pass the exam and pass within half a year. It seems that this knight certificate is not as easy as imagined, and he originally planned to enter the Knight Academy. Learn some knight fighting skills and riding skills...

Seeing that Suldak was easy to talk to, Pablo quickly took out more than a dozen schedules from his pocket. These are the schedules for all grades in the academy.

Assistant teacher Pablo first found out the schedule of the eleventh class of the second grade from these schedules, then took out a carving knife in his hand, and crossed out all the physical training classes on the schedule, so that the schedule showed One after another, he skillfully took out the curriculum schedules of other grades and placed them below, so that new courses would appear in those blank boxes. Assistant Pablo compared them, and put the one with the most culture classes in the blank boxes. Zhang's schedule was left behind, and the corresponding physical training class was crossed out...

The proportion of culture courses in Hailansa City Knight Academy was a bit small, until the entire curriculum was filled with culture courses, and the culture subjects that Suldak asked to learn actually covered a huge part of the subjects from the first to third grades.

This series of operations also made Suerdak dizzy.

In fact, the various subject examinations in the Junior Knight Academy are not as strict as Pablo Assistant Teacher said. It's not like this kind of thing has never happened before. In the end, the knight of Wei Pei left after six months with his strong background, leaving a lot of mess and the academy is responsible for cleaning his ass. is the worst.

Then Pablo took Suldak directly to the notice board of the main teaching building, where the corresponding courses are written here. Suldak's courses run through the three grades. In the end, assistant coach Pablo's thoughts were in vain, so assistant coach Pablo patiently explained to Suldak for nearly a morning.

In the end, he personally led Suldak to find Migno, the instructor in charge of Class 11 of the second year, and handed Suldak into the hands of the instructor Migno. Only then did he completely complete his mission. Ke was led into the classroom by instructor Mirono with a dead face, and was arranged in a corner of the classroom under the watchful eyes of a group of young apprentice knights. He was relieved and rushed to the registration office to report back.

And this Mirono instructor also thought that Suldak was a relative of a certain nobleman in Hailansa City, and he probably came here to get the knight certificate. After arranging the seats at random, he didn't care, and even omitted the part of self-introduction up.

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