Lord Highlander

Chapter 322. 321. Life in the Knight Academy

The bright sunlight shone into the classroom from the window, leaving spots of light on the floor, and the classroom seemed very quiet.

Suldak was sitting in the last row of the classroom near the window, all the immature faces were attracted by the Mirono instructor on the podium, and everyone listened intently to Mirono instructor's talk about the Fourth All-Race War One of the battles - the famous Battle of Constantinople in the province of Pena.

Instructor Mirono was standing on the podium and was explaining what kind of role the heavy cavalry-based regiment could play. Instructor Mirono hung up a map of Bena province on the blackboard, with cities and mountains and rivers on it. The markings are very clear. Instructor Mirono drew two large arrows with red and blue pencils, and drew some battlefields around the two arrows.

Eight hundred years ago, the allied forces of humans, orcs, elves, and dwarves defeated the powerful dark forces from the three realms of the flame hell, the underworld, and the dark hell. It is said that the archangels of the Sky City and the giant dragons of the Dragon Kingdom also participated in this war. The instructor Mirono described the fierce battle between the Benar Berserker Legion and the Undead Zombie Legion along the Pagros Mountain.

It is said that Bena Province is the only way to enter Majaro Mountain in the south of the Green Empire. The undead army on the South Road has assembled nearly a million zombies. Almost all the mountains and plains in Bena Province are full of undead zombies, and the heavy cavalry regiment of Bena Province, There were several very bright performances in this battle.

But it is not eight hundred years ago after all, and now the main force of the Grimm Empire has long since become a more well-equipped Constructed Knights. If the current war of planes only relies on the heavy cavalry, Suldak can't help it. After guessing for a while, I am afraid that the Warsaw plane will be completely occupied by the evil ghost army within three months.

A large field of golden sunflowers was planted in the flower pond outside the window, and Suldak stretched secretly when instructor Mirono turned around.

He was sitting among a group of young apprentice knights. The tables and chairs here were obviously designed for those young people, and the size was a bit small. He was almost curled up in the corner, and he saw the shadow left by his own arm on the light brown floor , his hand unconsciously raised, chasing the ray of sunshine, the sun shone on the back of his hand, very warm.

"Knight Suldak, do you have any questions to ask?" Instructor Mirono asked with a dark face, waiting for Suldak in the corner.

There seemed to be a gust of cold wind blowing in the classroom. Surdak didn't expect that he would sneak away, and his arms chased the shadows on the floor, and he raised his hands unconsciously. He had only listened to half of the class and had nothing yet. I understand, so there is nothing to ask.

He wanted to stand up from his seat, but found that the space was extremely narrow, and the young faces around him looked at him in surprise, then he moved the table, stood up and hesitated for a while, and then turned to Instructor Mirono. Asked: "Uh,... Instructor Mirono, which area was the heavy cavalry regiment guarding at that time?"

"It's located west of Constantinople..." Instructor Mirono gave the answer without even thinking about it. He pointed to a place on the map and continued: "It's right here. At that time, there were almost 50,000 heavy troops gathered here." Cavalry and 120,000 imperial swordsmen."

He stared at Suldak, and said to him unceremoniously: "Next time, please don't interrupt my narration. If you have any questions left for the final question and answer time, I will answer your questions collectively, otherwise it will affect this matter." The continuity of historical events."

"Okay, Instructor Mirono." Suldak heaved a sigh of relief and sat down again...


Before fully adapting to the rhythm of life in the college, and not fully integrating into the rich learning atmosphere, the bell of the lunch break rang melodiously.

Mrs. Meredith on the podium calmly put down the chalk in her hand, sorted out the books in her hand, and said to the expectant students below the stage: "Everyone, get out of class is over."

The sound of moving chairs was mixed with the sound of running, and all the students rushed to the door, forming a river with the get out of class-ending army in the corridor, and rushed to the outside of the teaching building.

Suldak sat in the corner, only waiting for the few people left in the classroom before going out with the schedule.

He wanted to go to the library to borrow some books at noon, including books for most of the culture classes from the first grade to the third grade, so as not to be empty-handed during class and look like he hadn't studied at all.

He blended into the crowd and was two feet taller than the surrounding students. Several bold boys in the class approached him and asked him in a hurry: "You were recommended by the Knights." knight? '

‘Have you participated in a plane war? '

'How old are you, can I call you uncle? '

'Would you like to join our field training group? Our group still lacks a place. '

'You're really tall, can I see your knight's badge? '

All kinds of questions came one after another, including warm invitations, full of curiosity, and superficial temptations. These young people haven't learned how to hide their inner thoughts. Suldak dealt with these curious teenagers all the way. , Everyone walked out of the teaching building together.

What followed was the intensive study of culture classes, the four classes in the morning and the four classes in the afternoon were fully filmed.

So there was such a scene in Hailansa Knight Academy, a knight holding a thick stack of books, going around every day to study cultural courses, he also studied cultural courses covering all subjects in the academy, in his courses There are no basic training and physical training, equestrianism, fencing and other courses on the list.

Suldak didn't know much about the history of the Grimm Empire, so whenever he was free, he would go to the library and read books about the history of the Grimm Empire.

The two girls, Nedra and Linna, found that the new neighbor next door seems to have to catch up with morning classes every day, and he always holds a thick stack of books in his arms, and he can be seen across the balcony almost every night. In class, he seemed to have no friends and was always alone, either sitting in the classroom or on his way to the classroom.

Some trainee knights around thought that he might not like to attend physical training classes, and he probably couldn't ride a horse, and he couldn't even hold a long sword. The so-called return from the plane battlefield was just to avoid those boring physical training classes. , and even a meddlesome person nicknamed Surdak behind his back: 'Knight of the Clerk'.

During the recent period, apart from his busy learning content, Suldak would occasionally inquire about the news about the Dark Red Knight.

Only on weekends, Suldak will take some time to practice swordsmanship in the sword hall of the academy. In the evening, he will find a tavern with Karl to have a drink. Three weeks have passed in a flash, and so far the dark red The news of the knight's disappearance has not yet spread, and Karl's investigation has made no progress.

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