Lord Highlander

Chapter 323

Suldak originally planned to come to the Knights Academy, to be able to systematically learn advanced shield blocking and swordsmanship, and at least to learn some decent knight skills, but it was only after he came to Hailansa Junior Magic Academy that he realized that it was not the case at all. The thing is, the heavy cultural class knowledge every day is almost overwhelming. These days, not to mention the practice of swordsmanship and shield parry, even walking the horse every day is barely enough time.

These heavy cultural lessons are not only jerky and difficult to understand, sometimes you need to go to the library to look up information before taking the geography lesson. If it’s just like this, it’s okay. The most troublesome thing for Suldak is the knight etiquette class, which is the most difficult The most important thing is the study of ballroom dancing in class. Looking at the group of young faces around him, Suerdak really didn't have the courage to invite a dance partner from there.

There is so much difference in height, is it hugging each other's neck or where?

Put it on your waist? That's impossible, it's simply out of reach!

Mrs. Fuller, who was in charge of teaching knight etiquette, could only end up teaching Suldak the most basic dance steps in person. Unfortunately, Suldak has no talent in dancing. Limbs are stiff and rhythmless, and seeing Surdak clumsy on the dance floor reinforces the claim that he has no 'athletic talent'.

The title of 'Clerk Knight' was more widely spread in this small junior knight academy, and even reached the ears of instructor Mirono.

Among these courses, only mathematics is the easiest course for Suldak. The Knight Academy only teaches the most basic four arithmetic operations. These math problems are almost at the level of some five-year elementary schools. The apprentice knights who were with him were so young, which made him unable to feel any sense of superiority. In math class, he usually huddled in a corner in a low-key manner, silently flipping through other books.

The teacher who taught mathematics felt that maybe this Weipei Knight student really didn't have any mathematical talent. In order to maintain his decency, the mathematics teacher never asked Suldak any math problems in class.

For Suldak, hiding in the sword hall every weekend is the most relaxing and leisure time. Every weekend, the sword hall in the academy will become very deserted. After a week of apprenticeship in the academy The knights will never stay in the sword gym on weekends, so the practice rooms in the sword gym are almost empty. Only at this time will Suldak go to the sword gym and occupy a separate practice room , starting from the most basic "ten bloody battle style".

Bena Province is known as the hometown of swordsmen. Almost all the best swordsmen in the Green Empire come from Bena Province. Therefore, even the Knight Academy does not lack the latest books on swordsmanship. Since there is no one to guide him in swordsmanship, I can only explore by myself, even if I spend all day in the practice room, I don't feel bored.

The only regret is that the wooden figurines in the practice room are of poor quality. Even if you practice hard with a wooden sword, the wooden figurines will be scarred all day long. Maybe there will be some wooden arms and wooden legs in the end. fell off the shelf.


This worry of Suldak has recently become a worry of Dacie Christie.

Since Darcy Christie completed that not-so-good experience from the Warsaw plane, she successfully graduated from the Bena City Advanced Swordsman Academy. After graduation, Darcy was unable to stay in Bena City due to various reasons. Instead, he returned to Hailansa, and relied on his family connections to become a swordsmanship instructor at the Junior Knight Academy.

Originally, it was a very easy job. There were only three days of swordsmanship lessons a week, and the rest of the time was free, but recently, the training wooden figures in her swordsmanship practice room were damaged frequently. It breaks almost every week. Every Monday when the damaged teaching aids were replaced, Darcy Christie was really annoyed by the resentful eyes of the director of the logistics department of the college.

‘Isn’t it just a broken wooden man? If it’s worn out, replace it with a new one. What’s the big deal? Is it as painful as cutting his flesh? '

Darcy Christie returned to the practice room with a brand new pair of wooden figures in her arms, reinstalled them on the wooden frame, and then vented at the wooden figures with the wooden sword in her hand. Then she took a few deep breaths, adjusted her emotions, and let the He turned into the sweet and gentle instructor Daxi again, and then he pushed open the door of the practice room, allowing the trainee knights waiting outside to come in one after another.

Although she dismissed the director of the logistics department, Daqy has been paying attention to who is actually capable of chopping down the wooden man in her practice room with a light wooden sword. Unfortunately, she has not found that person for three consecutive weeks. Hateful culprit.


Surdak, who didn't know it, still ran to the sword gym every weekend, choosing the familiar swordsmanship practice room. Only this practice room will replace a new practice wooden figure every week-that's great!

Suldak, who has comprehended the 'potential', when practicing swordsmanship, every node of his body will unconsciously radiate sacred aura, and this sacred aura is injected into the wooden sword, even if it is very weak, it is not the most elementary level. What the training wooden man can bear, and because of this, the wooden man in the practice room will always be damaged for no reason.

Another quiet weekend.

Suldak, who had already practiced the ten styles of bloody battle, came out of the sword practice room. While wiping his sweat with a towel, he looked at the free basic sword skills on the wooden stand, looking for any suitable sword skills for him. Just like the "Ten Styles of Bloody Battle" that focuses on this book is obviously not very suitable for him, Suldak feels that he should learn a sword technique that has a slower attack rhythm and is suitable for infusing sacred breath into the long sword.

It's a pity that these swordsmanship books that can be placed on the bookshelf outside the practice room for free are all basic swordsmanship. Suldak searched for a long time beside the bookshelf, but couldn't find one that suits him. We met at the bar, and it was almost time to set off, so Suerdak put the light wooden sword in his hand back on the weapon rack.

There were only a few people in the hall of the sword hall in the afternoon, and the female administrators in the sword hall had already started to clean up the table, ready to close the hall.

At this moment, someone saw the door of the sword hall being pushed open, and a young girl wearing a court-style low-cut dress rushed in from outside. He walked into the sword hall with his legs and rushed directly to the sword practice room where Suerdak had just walked out.

The female administrator in the sword hall looked at the young girl with a look of astonishment, and asked with a puzzled look: "Daxi, why are you here? Today is the weekend, didn't you say that you will go to the dance tonight?" Is it?"

"The carriage happened to be on the way, so I'll come over and have a look..." Dacie Christie said without looking back.

Suldak only felt that the side face of the young lady in the dress looked familiar, but he didn't pay much attention, and turned and walked out of the sword hall.

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