Lord Highlander

Chapter 324: 323. Opera House

Not long after Suerdak walked out of the sword gym, a piercing scream came from the practice room where he was...

"Ah... who broke my wooden man!"

Darcy Christie walked to the front desk angrily with a gloomy face, and asked the female administrator who was using her practice room. The female administrator opened the registration book full of names, with a bitter face , She couldn't remember exactly who was using the No. 7 practice room. She was usually alone in the sword gym on weekends. Although there were very few people in the sword gym on weekends, she still couldn't take care of it.

"Darcy, don't get angry. I will help you find that troublemaker next week. If he still dares to come, you should enjoy some weekends now." The female administrator said to Darcy Christie, she felt sure Some restless trainee knight in the academy secretly broke it, otherwise the trainee wooden figures are made of the strongest hardwood, so it would not be so easy to break.

"It's really hateful. I have changed the practice wooden dummy three times this month."


The female administrator looked at Darcy Christie sympathetically. Fortunately, it was Miss Darcy. If she had changed the teaching aids three times a month, the stingy head of the logistics department would definitely not give her a good look, but Darcy The lady is on the relationship with the dean, that miser should not say too harsh words.

Daxi didn't get the desired result, and left the sword hall with a face of resentment.

The sycamore leaves on the sidewalk fell one after another, and Daxi wrapped the knitted shawl around her bare shoulders.

She wrapped her arms around her chest and walked towards the gate of the academy step by step.

The exquisite dancing shoes made a series of crisp sounds as they walked on the stone road.

Those young apprentice knights who saw her around would greet her and call her, "Miss Darcy!"

The afterglow of the setting sun made the forest road with red leaves like fire and the sunset glow complement each other. As she walked, she thought of the life in the Advanced Swordsmen Academy in Bena Province.

At that time, everyone's relationship was still very good. Her family was the most famous nobleman in Hailansa City. When she came to Bena Swordsman Academy, it was easy to join the circle of high society, and she made many friends because of this.

Hathaway is a friend I met when I first started school.

If it weren't for the appearance of senior Cole Norton, maybe the two should still be best friends who talk about everything.

Daxi pursed her lips. No wonder the instructors in the academy often said that the battlefield is a touchstone. They thought that Senior Norton, who was highly respected in the swordsman academy, would be so good, but he went to the Warsaw plane once. In addition to all kinds of unbearable things, I also formed an irresolvable hatred with my former best friend Hathaway. But at that moment, of course, the first thing I thought of was to protect myself, and how stupid it would be to face the powerful and fierce evil spirits. Can you know that you are invincible, but still stand up to fight? You Hathaway can do it, but it doesn't mean I, Darcy Christie, must do it too.

Returning from the Warsaw plane to the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy, Hathaway and Beatrice became the heroes in the eyes of this class of swordsmen. After all, it is easy to break out of a war zone surrounded by evil spirits with swords. Let the young swordsmen in those colleges be excited.

'What is this? This is completely moral kidnapping. You Hathaway and Beatrice don't need to take me with you if you want to fight the evil spirits! I just want to survive the battlefield, what's wrong with that? ’ Darcy felt aggrieved in her heart, it was like a stain in her life, the reason why she left Bena City was because she didn’t want to be judged at the ball.

‘It’s all the fault of the Baron Sidney who was lying in the grave. If he hadn’t sent a guardian knight over, maybe this matter would have ended completely differently. ’ Darcy was holding the knitted woolen shawl tightly with one hand, and the other hand was holding the hem of the dance skirt. The cold wind made the blush on her face fade away, and she still felt a little resentful in her heart until now.

Walking to the gate of the academy, a gorgeous magic caravan was waiting by the side of the road. An attendant stood outside the car to open the door for Darcy Christie. Darcy Christie stopped a second before stepping into the car, turned her head to face the An attendant said, "Is there any news about the knight who asked you to inquire a few days ago?"

The attendant quickly said: "Miss Daxi, it seems that he only stayed in Hailansa City for a short time, and then left quickly. Up to now, he has not been able to find any news about that knight."

Darcy Christie raised her delicate eyebrows, and said coldly, "Since it's a knight under Sidney's command, it must be a Hilansa man. Follow this clue to investigate."

"Yes, Miss Darcy!" The attendant replied immediately.

Darcy Christie boarded the magic caravan, the attendants closed the door, and the magic caravan slowly merged into the traffic on the street.


The magic caravan that Darcy was riding in had just turned at the intersection.

Suldak was standing next to the street lamp, and the magic caravan that Dacie Christie was riding passed by.

He looked at a magic caravan parked on the side of the street, and considered whether to rent a carriage to go to the appointment. When he met Karl in the evening, he was destined to drink a little beer or golden cider. He didn't want to fall off the horse. down.

The city of Hailansa is not that big, but it takes at least an hour to walk from the Knight Academy to the garden square.

In the end, Suldak took a carriage to go to the appointment. When he saw Karl, this guy sat in a carriage at the entrance of the tavern. Karl came to a richly decorated opera house opposite the city hall square, Karl took out two tickets and handed them to the waiter at the door, and then led Suldak into this magnificent grand opera house.

Walking into the lobby on the first floor of the Grand Opera House, Suldak saw that many nobles in formal dresses were already waiting in the hall. Karl and Suldak could only stand in the corner and wait in line slowly for admission.

Suldak leaned close to Karl's ear, lowered his voice and asked him, "You want to listen to the opera, shouldn't you invite Mrs. Christie together, why did you come to me? I don't understand this thing. , Those imperial histories will blow my head off!"

Karl stood at the entrance of the revolving stairs, turned back with a proud face, smiled and said to Suldak: "Who said I don't have an appointment, she is waiting for us inside... Hurry up, do you need me to find you a female companion?" ?”

Suldak was also speechless for a while, unable to understand why Karl insisted on letting himself listen to such an opera. This is a high-quality life that only nobles can enjoy, and Suldak has time, and would rather have a drink in the bar and watch The liquor girls who can hold silver coins in their breast clefts.

Now that the tickets had been handed in, Suldak didn't say anything more, and followed Karl to the second floor.

It is said that the tickets in the opera house are notoriously expensive. A ticket here costs at least a dozen silver coins. For example, the private rooms on the second floor may cost two or three times more.

Hearing that Karl patted his chest and wanted to help him find a female partner, Suldak quickly refused and said, "Forget it, I don't want to meet the second Miss Brenda again."

Carl smiled disdainfully and said, "Brenda is young and beautiful, isn't she? Probably she's not your type, or would you care about Llewellyn?"

Suldak followed Karl through an inner corridor, and walked into a private room on the second floor of the opera house. Mrs. Christie and her maid had been waiting in the private room early, and when they saw Karl walk in, they complained about him. He was late, but at the same time he did not forget to greet Suldak politely.

Karl didn't pay attention to Suldak beside him, gave Mrs. Christie a big hug, and then whispered a few words in her ear. Mrs. Christie herself was not angry, and was amused by Karl's whispered words.

Seeing the leather chairs on the front terrace, Suldak walked to the semi-circular terrace in front of the private room with a wink. He carefully looked at the luxurious interior decoration of the opera house. The private room is located a bit to the left. The stage of the theater is at the bottom right. Watching the opera from a height is very visual, and Suldak can still see part of the audience in the hall on the first floor.

It was time to enter the stage, and the hall on the first floor was full of nobles waiting to enjoy the opera. The stage in front was covered by two gorgeous velvet curtains.

Before the opera started, Karl got rid of Mrs. Christie, leaned close to Suldak and put his arms around his shoulders, and pointed to a man in the front row of the hall on the first floor with a smile on his face, wearing a formal dress and combing his hair meticulously, constantly chatting with others. The nobleman who greeted him said: "He is Baron Grenfell. He likes to come here to listen to the opera after having a drink. He is very humble when communicating with others, and he is also very generous when giving tips. He is very popular with the waiters here. You are welcome, so don’t inquire about him here, it is very likely that you will be sold for a good price as soon as you leave.”

Suldak didn't expect Karl to bring him to the opera, but actually took him to see Baron Grenfell. Looking down from the box on the second floor, he only felt that Baron Grenfell's hairline was a bit back. However, his eyes are very bright, and his skin is a little too pale, like the effects of a rotten and luxurious life and alcohol. He has an inherent decadence, and his eyes are arrogant, which is very aristocratic.

Suldak withdrew his gaze, he was worried that staring at Baron Grenfell for too long would make him vigilant again.

"It looks very young..." Suldak made a judgment, and then asked: "By the way, have you found any clues?"

Obviously, Karl found some clues, so he took the opportunity to let Suldak come over to take a look at Baron Grenfell,

Karl put his arms around Suldak's shoulders, and returned from the terrace. Under Mrs. Christie's burning eyes, he sat on the sofa and drank a glass of golden cider, and then said unhurriedly: "In order to investigate the dark red The true identity of the knight, I sent my men to guard outside Baron Grenfell’s manor for two weeks. Although I couldn’t wait for the dark red knight, I found another very strange thing. Every man in Baron Grenfell’s manor Every week, a special carriage for wheat flour, meat, vegetables, and fodder drove in, and my subordinates roughly made a statistics, and the food and fodder consumed were about 200 people."

"Do you think there are not so many people in his manor?"

Suldak didn't expect that Karl would send someone to guard outside Baron Grenfell's manor. Apparently, that smart subordinate smelled something unusual.

Karl glanced at Mrs. Christie beside her, who immediately responded with a gentle sweet smile.

Carl continued: "In order to find out the number of maids, servants, and farmers in his manor, I specifically asked Mrs. Christie to visit the mistress of that manor, and found out that in Baron Grenfell's manor, there were a lot of servants, servants and farmers. There will never be more than seventy people together."

Suldak's eyes lit up, and he asked, "So?"

"I can boldly assume that it doesn't matter if you hoard food and other things, but you can't hoard fresh meat, vegetables, and fodder, so I guess there is probably a group of people hiding in that manor, and they are a group of people who can't see the light." Carl said decisively, and there was a fever in his eyes eager to reveal the truth.

He paused, and then said: "However, it is not enough to search Baron Greenfield's private estate. I must have some more definite evidence before I can report this matter to the above."

"Did you bring me here just to let me take a look at Baron Grenfell from a distance, and then tell me this?" Suldak glanced at the luxurious box, and said exaggeratedly: "That's really the case , I think we can wait for him to come out in the carriage opposite the opera house, and there is no need to come here."

Karl personally poured him another glass of golden cider, exchanged glances with Mrs. Christie, and said with a smile: "Suldak, you have been in Hailansa city for so long, you should also learn to enjoy the aristocratic style properly." Life, hello! You really don’t need me to help you find a female partner?”

Mrs. Christie on the side also quickly assured: "I guarantee that this time I will definitely not find such a noble lady with character. I know many good girls."

Suldak hurriedly raised his hands in surrender, begging for mercy repeatedly: "Please! Don't mention this matter again!"

Karl sat up straight, and said to Suldak: "Another thing I want to say, the dark red knight seems to have really disappeared, and no one knows where he went. The explanation given by Baron Greenfield is dark The red knight has gone out to practice, and the return date is undecided!"

At this time, there was a melodious sound of music on the stage, and the chaotic hall of the opera house suddenly became quiet. The nobles who were still talking eagerly stopped at the same time. After everyone took their seats, their eyes fell. Inside the opened curtain on the stage, a group of dancers can be seen neatly running onto the gorgeous stage with light steps, their light bodies seem to be able to fly at any time.

In this way, the prologue of an opera kicked off. Karl and Mrs. Christie got bored with each other, regardless of Suldak's feelings.

The melodious singing sounded from the edge of the stage, the sound was like clear spring water, making Suldak a little lost...

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