Lord Highlander

Chapter 325 324. Spectators on the Wall

It's hard to imagine the powerful rendering power without hearing the opera once.

This opera shows the story of the silver moon elf king Pergatia leading the elven coalition army through the Forest of Eternal Night, crossing the endless sea, entering the wild swamp, and educating those savage lizard tribes to resist the demons of hell.

All the performers on the entire stage were dressed in heavy attire, especially those dancers who played the roles of the Lizardmen also wore thick headgear and performed exaggerated movements, as if without the words and deeds of the Silver Moon Elf, these Lizardmen could not Like walking upright.

The rumored lizard man tamers are definitely powerful existences. Lizard man warriors are good at hunting in the jungle. Their archery skills can only be used to their fullest power in dense forests. It is said that these lizard man warriors can fly freely over the jungle swamps by riding flying dragons. They are cruel and ruthless, occupying a large swamp in the southern part of Roland Continent.

After an opera ended, Mrs. Christie was so touched by the plot that her eyes turned red. Although the opera was over, Mrs. Christie was immersed in the plot and couldn't extricate herself. She leaned against Karl's arms and kept wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

As the performers reappeared on stage for the curtain call, the entire opera house applauded enthusiastically, and the audience in the hall stood up and applauded to pay their respects to these performers.

The audience in the private room on the second floor also walked to the front of the terrace one after another, and then everyone began to leave the venue one after another.

The group left the opera house, and Suldak rejected Karl's proposal to send him back to the Knight Academy.

'Just kidding, I'll put up with you two all night. '

With a smile on his face, Suldak stood on the side of the street and waved goodbye to Karl.


The street in front of the opera house was full of magic caravans, and the nobles boarded their carriages one after another, and then these magic caravans left the opera house in an orderly manner. Suldak wanted to rent a carriage to go back to the Knight Academy, but found that waiting The carriages at the entrance of the opera house are all private, and after waiting for a long time, they couldn't find a carriage.

After waiting for a while, there was still no rented empty carriage. Suldak felt that he could not wait any longer. He looked around, identified the direction, and walked along the long street to the Knight Academy. After walking a few hundred meters, I was a little embarrassed to find that the direction seemed to be reversed. Although this mountain city is not too big, the pattern of buildings in the city is extremely messy. Suldak originally wanted to find some places in the city. Landmarks serve as guideposts, such as the Magic Tower of the Mages Guild near the Knights' Academy.

After walking a few hundred meters, Suldak realized that he had mistook the clock tower on the municipal square as the mage's tower. Suldak had no choice but to go back along the same road and saw a narrow road between the opera house and the trading house. The alley looked like it led to a back street, so Suerdak decided to take a shortcut and try to pass through the opera house along this narrow alley.

The alley is very dark inside, and there are some sundries piled up beside the walls, making the originally narrow alley even more difficult. Suldak regretted that he got into such a dark alley in order to save a few steps. In the alley, he prayed in his heart that the end of this alley is not a dead end.

But the more you worry about something, the more something will come. After walking more than halfway, a huge iron fence appeared in the alley in front. This iron fence separated the alley into two sections, and the road ahead was blocked.

Through the iron fence, he could easily see the busy traffic on the other street. Surdak looked back to see how far he had traveled, and did not want to return the same way.

He looked up and saw that although the fence was a bit high, it was not difficult to climb over. So he rubbed his hands, looked around and saw that there was no one around, and quickly climbed up the fence. There were tall square wall piles on both sides of the railing. Suldak put his hands on the wall piles, turned over and rode on the square wall piles superior.

He was about to jump off the three-meter-high wall when the back door of the opera house was pushed open, and a figure flashed out from inside. Looking around, he saw that there seemed to be no one in the alley behind him, so he walked out of the opera house. The man looked extremely cautious, looking around vigilantly, keeping his body hidden in the shadow of the corner, and walked out of the alley quickly.

Just when the figure reached the entrance of the alley, a magic caravan suddenly stopped at the entrance of the alley, and the door of the carriage opened. Baron Grenfell poked his head out of the carriage, and stretched out his hand to pull the man into the carriage. The door of the carriage was then quickly closed, and the magic caravan merged into the traffic without stopping.

At this time, Suldak happened to be riding on the top of the door stack. He blended perfectly into the dark night, and just saw the pale side face of Baron Grenfell, but that figure was wearing a cloak and a hood over his head. She was wearing a hood, so she couldn't see her face at all. Judging from her figure, she should be a lady. At the moment she boarded the caravan, Suldak just saw the loose sleeves on her arms slip off, revealing a section of white lotus root The same arm, and that arm is printed with black magic lines like eyes.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally bumped into the private meeting between Baron Grenfell and the dancers of the opera troupe.

No wonder Karl said that Baron Grenfell likes to listen to operas. It turns out that he has a better understanding of a certain dancer in the opera house.

Suldak thought: the next time you go to a tavern for a drink, you can mention it to Karl, and maybe the investigation of Baron Grenfell can start from the opera house.

Suldak sat on the wall, thinking whether to tell Karl the news as soon as possible.

At this time, a knight entourage flashed in at the entrance of the alley, and he walked quickly to the iron fence to make sure that no one around was returning the same way.


Apparently, this knight servant should be Grenfell's subordinate, and he probably wanted to check if there was any follower behind him when he came back.

Suldak squatted on the top of the wall pile speechless, worried that the knight entourage would return, so he waited for a while before jumping off.

Then he quickly walked out of the alley, and when he came to the street, the magic caravan gathered around the opera house had completely dissipated, and the magic caravans on the street returned to normal. After he walked a few steps, a magic caravan stopped slowly Beside him, the coachman cautiously asked Suldak if he wanted to take the carriage.

Suldak boarded the carriage without any hesitation.

Relying on my own legs to walk back to the academy, I'm afraid it will take me until midnight.

At that time, the door of the dormitory was probably closed, and Suldak said to the coachman: "Go to the Knight Academy..."

The dim street lights on both sides of the street swept back quickly, leaving streaks of light on the window glass. The shops on both sides of the street had already started to close at this time. Suerdak opened the glass windows to let the cold night wind blow into the car.

In the late autumn night, the night wind is a bit cold...

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