Lord Highlander

Chapter 326: 325. Xiaoxue

Thin snowflakes are flying and falling, covering the beautiful city of Hailansa with a thin layer of gauze.

The sky was gray, and the street trees on both sides of the street shed their last leaves. After leaving Wall Village for a whole month, the city of Hailansa finally welcomed the first snow. This snow means that the sulfur mine and the reservoir They are all going to enter the shutdown stage, especially on the side of the sulfur mine. The craftsmen in the village will withdraw as soon as possible, and the side of the reservoir will also enter a semi-stalled state, that is, the main pouring of the reservoir has come to an end for the time being. Ashes and limestones grind but don't stand still.

The old village chief plans to keep hoarding volcanic ash throughout the winter as long as there is no road closure due to heavy snowfall. Once the ground thaws next spring, finishing work will be carried out on the first-level reservoir, and then the second-level reservoir will be expanded. According to the design on Suldak's drawings, the reservoir in Wall Village is divided into five layers of ladders. Suldak plans to rush to repair the second layer next spring. It is best to remove the third layer before the rainy season. The ladder is also finished, so as to ensure that all the works will be completed in the dry season next autumn.

Only in this way can the rainy season next summer be reclaimed, and a drainage ditch will be dug in the center of the river bend.

During the recent period, Suldak, in addition to running around in various classrooms of the academy, also plunged into the library to learn the history and culture of the Grimm Empire, which was the only one that Suldak found in the library of the Knight Academy. Some history books are basically records after the Fourth All-Race War. For those history books before that, the library of the Knight Academy is almost blank.

He could only learn from the fragments of the biographies of some knight-errants that there was a period of Hex era before goblins ruled the Roland Continent.

As for the so-called angels in the city in the clouds and the giant dragons in the kingdom of dragons, they are even more illusory things. The legendary dragon knights are now just riding some strong dragons, sub-dragons, and flying dragons. There are some records about dragon knights in Hailansa Junior Knight Academy, but from the literal meaning, every real dragon knight will become a commander-in-chief of a party, and they are all legendary powerhouses.

It was only then that Suldak realized that those black-scaled horses that looked extremely powerful could only be regarded as scum in front of low-ranking dragons, not to mention the sub-dragons.

Suldak was sitting in the library, and in front of him was a biography of a knight-errant. On the page was an illustration of a flying dragon king flying across the sky with its wings spread out, and a knight with a long spear standing on the dragon's back. Look majestic.

The author of this biography is named Angus. Bradbury is said to be a very famous great adventurer in the history of the Grimm Empire. He spent his whole life traveling all over the Roland Continent and the Eastern Continent, as well as the Seven Seas. It is this great adventurer that I have to mention here. The adventurer's wife was originally a female animal trainer of the Lizardmen, but for some unknown reason, she actually fused herself with a Lamas sea beast. This is also Angus. The main reason why Bradbury was able to swim in the Sea of ​​Seven Realms.

Karl has not been in High Lansa City recently, he is probably busy tracking down Baron Grenfell, and is keeping an eye on the manor outside the city himself.

Because the stories recorded in this ranger biography are so attractive, especially the stories about the dragon knights, Suldak is envious. Originally, Suldak would soak in the sword hall every weekend, but in order to be able to breathe After reading the biography of the ranger, on this snowy weekend, Suldak honestly spent the whole morning in the library.

He never expected that Darcy Christie would be guarding the sword gym this weekend in order to catch the trainee knight who destroyed the training wooden figure. Unfortunately, Darcy Christie had waited all morning and didn't see anyone who was capable of using the wooden man. The apprentice knight whose sword left marks on the practice wooden dummy...

Suldak closed the biography of the ranger, closed his eyes, and pinched the sore corners of his eyes with his hands. Phantoms of flying dragons still kept flying by in his mind. He sighed softly, thinking that he was in Warsaw. I've been around for nearly half a year, but I haven't heard that there are dragon knights in the Bena Legion. If there were, it would probably have become the subject of everyone's discussion.

Some reluctantly put the book back on the bookshelf, and Suerdak was going to go out from the library, first go to the cafeteria for lunch, and then go to the sword hall to spend the afternoon.

When he walked out of the library, he saw one of Karl's attendants standing at the door of the library like a penguin against the falling snowflakes. It wasn't until Suldak came out of the library that he suddenly came back to life. He ran towards Suldak and said to Suldak: "Knight Suldak, the master has returned from outside the city and wants to invite you to the tavern for a drink..."

"Really? I happen to have something to look for him too!" Suldak said to the follower with bright eyes.

Speaking of which, Suldak didn't bother to eat lunch, and left the Knight Academy in a hurry with the entourage, got into Karl's magic caravan, and went directly to the tavern next to the square garden. A group of friends, including Jonah and Brooke, were chatting. There were some nuts, lemons, fried fish and several mugs of ale on the table. Everyone was chatting lively.

Seeing Suldak walking in, Karl quickly raised his hand to greet him. Everyone knows that Suldak is Karl's close friend. The two have been in close contact recently. Seeing Suldak approaching, they all took the initiative to say hello to Suldak conveyed his kindness.

Suldak also quickly responded in a very low-key manner. Then everyone moved the chairs to make room for Suldak, and everyone huddled together to drink.

All the ales on the table were ordered by Carl's friend Brooke, because he fell in love with a liquor girl in this tavern. With a silver coin stuffed in his chest, he took the trouble to order ale again and again.

Brooke has a carefree personality, completely unafraid of other people's teasing, and eager eyes chasing the red-haired girl in the tavern without any scruples.

For a group of young aristocratic men, talking about women is the most lively topic at the wine table. Karl bumped Suldak with his elbow, smiled mysteriously at him, and leaned closer to Suldak's ear. He said: "Hey, I have encountered a very wonderful thing recently. Just the day before yesterday, I met a beautiful lady. I plan to let you meet her. The friends around her are all dancers. Maybe you like kind of..."

Suldak looked at Karl speechlessly, feeling that his hobby was really weird.

Suldak immediately changed the subject and asked Karl, "Why don't you tell me about you, what did you gain this week?"

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