Lord Highlander

Chapter 328: 327. Black Eyes

"Carl, I heard that you recently met a beautiful girl from the opera house. When will we see it, maybe we can also be favored by this beauty, and then you are willing to introduce her good sister to us. After all, it is A dancer in an opera house, just thinking about it, I think it must be very good!"

It was Karl's good friend Brooke who was talking. This young man with a beard just looked away from the liquor girl and asked Karl with a smile.

Llewellyn next to him showed a faint smile, acting very experienced, and said to Brooke: "Broker, I think you should drive your family's golden carriage with the family crest, stop directly at the gate of the opera house, and then put on That gold-haired gown of yours, standing at the car door, opening the door and sending inviting eyes to every passing dancer, waiting there when the opera house is about to close, just one night, there is bound to be something to hunt. "

"This is a good idea." Brooke's eyes lit up after hearing this, showing full enthusiasm, and asked: "Llewellyn, are you sure this trick will work?"

"Whether it's useful or not, you'll know if you try it? Anyway, you won't lose anything!" Llewellyn said lightly, but he looked confident.

Suldak was not prepared to engage in such a boring topic, nor did he have a golden carriage with a family crest.

However, when he heard the words 'the beautiful dancer from the opera house', he suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart, and asked Carl curiously, "You said you knew that beautiful woman who was a dancer from the opera house?"

Karl was about to drink, seeing that Suldak finally became interested in this matter, he quickly put down his glass and said, "That's right."

Then she gave her an ambiguous look, and said in a low voice, "If you want to see her, come with me later, I know you will be moved."

Afterwards, Karl began to talk to Suldak about his affair. After sitting in the bar with Karl's friends all afternoon, Brook and Llewellyn became more and more speculative, and they decisively rejected Karl's proposal. Invited to have dinner together, they were about to pull out the family's golden carriage directly. The two of them were flushed and excitedly discussing: On such a snowy night, maybe someone would be willing to ride in their magic caravan.

So, Llewellyn and Brooke left the tavern impatiently, followed by Jonah who was about to go home. He was not as free as Brooke and Llewellyn. With his skill, he successfully won the love of a young lady of the earl's family. Now that the two of them have reached the point of discussing marriage, it is naturally impossible to mess around at this juncture.

Karl signaled Suldak to wait for a while, and not long after, the entourage next to Karl came in from outside the tavern, stood at the door of the tavern and nodded to Karl.

Karl threw a few silver coins on the table. The drink was paid to the liquor girl in advance, so what was thrown on the table was just a tip.

Karl and Suldak walked out of the tavern together, and a magic caravan was parked at the entrance of the tavern. The servant hurriedly stood at the door of the carriage, opened the door actively, and Karl boarded the carriage first.

Standing outside, Suldak saw a petite young girl sitting in the car through the window glass. He followed Karl into the magic caravan.

It was only then that Suldak saw the appearance of the young girl sitting in the magic caravan. There was a faint smile on that beautiful face, and her pair of amber eyes made her look extremely pure. She might not have a straight nose, but she was sexy. lips, but when the facial features are matched together, it will make people feel a kind of charm from the bottom of the bone. Perhaps it is because of her persistent dance practice for a long time. Her figure is very perfect, especially after wearing a waist corset. It appears lordotic and warped.

Karl sat next to the young girl, hugged her slender waist, looked at Suldak very proudly, and introduced him: "This is my new love. Miss Summer, Hailan The dancers at the Saskatchewan Opera House..."

"Samoya, this is my friend, Knight Suldak!"

Suldak tried his best to make his smile more natural, looked at Samya's eyes full of charm, put his hands on his chest, and took the initiative to salute the knight in the carriage.

According to formal etiquette, if Samaya wants to show kindness, he should extend his hand to Suldak to kiss his hand. If the relationship is normal and he does not want to have any contact with him, if he keeps a certain distance, he only needs to nod reservedly. For this friend who Carl took the initiative to take him into the car, Samaya showed a very cordial smile, leaned forward, and stretched his white lotus-like arm towards Suldak.

Suldak held that slender and soft little hand, raised it slightly, and lowered his head actively...

If he hadn't bowed his head in advance, the shock in his eyes would have been hard to hide.

He saw very clearly the magic pattern of a black eye tattooed on Samya's arm, and there was a trace of magic in the extremely thin lines. It seemed that this black eye was like a family emblem. , Suldak was extremely sure that the Samya in front of him must be the pretty figure she saw on the back street of the opera house that night, and she had some unknown relationship with Baron Grenfell.

It seems that while Karl was investigating Baron Grenfell, Baron Grenfell also placed a black eye on Karl's side.


Perhaps because he felt that Suldak had held Samaya's hand for a long time, Karl had to cough lightly, and then took the initiative to signal with his eyes to make Suldak behave like a gentleman. The silent words in his eyes are clearly: 'How about it! Now you also think my vision is very good! '

Suldak let go of Samya's hand, sat across from the two, lowered his eyes deliberately not to look at Samaya.

"Knight Suldak, do you like opera?" Samya's voice was very sweet.

"Sorry, I don't know anything about opera," Suldak said.

Now that it was confirmed that Samya had a relationship with Baron Grenfell, Suldak decided to keep talking and find an opportunity to tell Karl about it.

"How come you don't know anything, at least you have been exposed to it a little bit. Don't you forget that you went to the opera house with me last week?" Karl patted his forehead and smoothed things over for Suldak.

Carl leaned on the soft leather sofa in the car, and said affectionately to Samya: "It's just that I didn't know you at that time, and I will take him to watch your opera next time."

Samaya said with a cute face: "Okay! Then you have to keep your word."

Suldak pretended to be drunk, rubbed his forehead with his hands sleepily, and leaned on the soft leather sofa...

The carriage drove all the way to the Knights Academy. At this time, Suldak raised his head and said to Karl: "Karl, I have a headache, let's not go to the Magic Union, you can take me back to the hotel in the Garden Square..."

"Huh?" Karl looked at Suldak in astonishment, he paused, and then he opened his mouth and said, "I have an appointment with the magician Nathaniel, do you know how difficult it is to make an appointment with the master of inscriptions?" ? Or just hold on a little longer...Okay, I'll take you back to the hotel in Garden Square first."

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