Lord Highlander

Chapter 329. 328. Lure the Enemy

The magic caravan passed through the long street, which was covered with a thin layer of snow. Several black ruts and countless messy horseshoe prints were like graffiti on a piece of white paper, and the ridges and courtyard walls in the distance were also A layer of snow fell, and pedestrians on both sides of the road wrapped their clothes tightly in the cold wind, bowed their heads and walked quickly towards their homes.

A faint layer of water vapor condensed on the windows of some shops along the street, and warm and soft light shone from inside the house.

Karl reached out and knocked on the car window, the coachman in front of the magic caravan softly stopped Gu Bolaima, and then the magic caravan began to slow down and stopped on the side of the road.

The coachman jumped down from the driver's seat, stood at the door of the carriage and asked Karl respectfully, "Master Karl, what are your orders?"

Karl opened the window, and the crisp air outside came in with snowflakes. Karl told the coachman, "Let's turn around and go to the Garden Plaza Hotel."

The coachman was very familiar with the places in Hailansa City, and said respectfully, "Okay, Master Carl."

After speaking, he sat on the driver's seat again, facing the fluttering snowflakes, turned around at the intersection of the street, and drove the carriage towards the garden square in the center of the city.

Samaya sat beside Carl, a strange color flashed in her amber eyes, she stretched out her hand to hold Carl's arm, leaned her head on Carl's shoulder, and took this opportunity to look up and down at Su with a pair of clear big eyes. Erdak's thin lips were slightly upturned, raising a seductive arc.

Suldak propped his forehead with his hand while leaning on the soft sofa in a slightly drunken state, and said to Carl, "This snow will probably last all night, and I plan to leave Hailansa City tomorrow morning." .”

Karl looked surprised. He knew that Suldak must be lying. It was impossible for him to leave Hailansa city casually at this time, unless he gave up his studies at the Knight Academy, which was almost impossible. Karl really wanted to ask him: Are you drunk and talking nonsense.

Obviously Suldak didn't, because he only drank a little ale, and he just took the opportunity to pretend to be drunk. Although Karl couldn't figure out why, he still tried his best to cooperate: "Why are you leaving Hailansa City in such a hurry? , isn’t the matter here not finished yet?”

Surdak twisted his body to make himself more comfortable lying on the sofa, and then said vaguely: "After the first snow falls, it means that winter is coming. I worry about the mountain road in a few days It will be difficult to pass, since you have decided to go, then leave here as soon as possible before the snow falls."

Carl asked again: "Leave this time, when will you come back?"

Suldak barely opened his eyes, and replied: "Next spring, at least that's what I plan for right now. If you need me, remember to send me a letter."

After a while, Carl said, "Okay, then be careful on the road."

The hotel is on the south side of the garden square, just opposite to the tavern. The distance between the two places is not too far. The magic caravan just circled the street and arrived at this cozy hotel. The glass door was wiped very clean and transparent, and the snow on the steps at the door was swept very clean. Needless to say, it must have been done by the hotel owner himself, he is always so hardworking.

The lights were lit in the hotel, and the carriage stopped slowly at the door of the hotel. Karl kissed Samer's pretty fair face apologetically, and whispered to her: "Honey, Suldak seems to be drunk, I don't worry about letting him walk back to the hotel by himself, I have to send him back to the room, do you want to go to the hotel with me, or just wait for me in the carriage?"

Samaya blinked her eyes wide and replied, "I'll wait for you in the car."

"I will be right back……"

After finishing speaking, Karl stretched out his hand and pushed open the car door, beckoning to the attendants outside the car, and asked him to help Suldak who was staggering a bit, and he also supported the other arm of Suldak, and the two of them supported Suerdak. Erdak helped him into this hotel.

The lady proprietress at the front desk of the hotel lobby knew Karl and Suldak. She saw that Karl was almost bringing in a muddy Suldak. She hurriedly stepped forward to help, and shouted to the hotel owner who was clearing the snow in the back yard. , asked him to rush over to help, and kept complaining loudly, saying that he had never seen a Suldak knight drink so much wine and become so drunk...

Karl quietly asked the proprietress of the hotel for a room on the third floor, helped Suldak into the room, and let him lie on the bed. The proprietress of the hotel was also busy preparing hot soup to sober up.

When only Karl was left in the room, Suldak suddenly opened his eyes. Seeing that he was still a little drunk, he said to Karl: "You can find any reason to get rid of Miss Summerya, and I'll get rid of you again." Tell me why..."

"Okay." Karl didn't ask any more questions, turned around and left with his followers.

Suldak only waited in the hotel room for about two quarters of an hour before seeing Karl return to the hotel with his entourage. There was even lemon tea prepared in the room.

Karl sat on the armchair opposite the bed and asked Suldak, "What's going on?"

Suldak sat on the head of the bed and said to Karl: "Remember you took me to the Opera House last week? Then you and Mrs. Christie left first, and I was going to go back to the Knight Academy through the alley behind the Opera House. Now, I've been wanting to talk to you about this, but the alley behind the opera house was actually separated by an iron fence..."

He told Carl in detail what he saw that night.

Carl asked solemnly: "So, you saw Samya boarding Baron Grenfell's magic caravan?"

"That's it." Suldak nodded.

Carl stretched out his hands, rubbed his cheeks vigorously, and said with a depressed face: "Maybe Samya is not what you think..."

Although Suldak has said so much, he is still a little reluctant to believe that Samya has any connection with Baron Grenfell. It was only because of some ulterior motives that he approached him.

Holding a cup of lemon tea, Suldak said to Karl: "We don't have to sit here and guess wildly. Maybe we will have the answer tonight."

"You mean...they will take action tonight?" Carl asked after thinking for a while.

Suldak nodded and said: "I guess they already know of my existence, and they don't want to let me leave Hailansa City like this. They even worry that they won't be able to catch me outside the city. If they want to attack me If you do it, tonight must be the best time."

Then he said: "Of course these are just speculations, maybe it won't happen at all, but no matter what, I have to make a little preparation."

Carl took a deep breath and said to Suldak: "I will also make some preparations. It is best to wipe out these rats hiding in the city's sewers this time."

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