Lord Highlander

Chapter 335 334. Entry

The Hailansa City Guard Battalion is not a city defense team. The guard battalion is mainly responsible for public security and profiteering incidents inside and outside the city. It is like the police station in another world in Suldak’s memory, but it is more manageable than the police station. A little more.

The headquarters of the Hailansa City Guard Battalion is located in a large yard next to the city hall. A very spacious stable is built on the west side of the yard, and an L-shaped building is built on the east side. The upper and lower floors are divided into four floors. Separated by a wall, in the courtyard in front of the building stands a sculpture of a sword, shield and scepter carved from obsidian with a height of seven or eight meters. The base under the sculpture is surrounded by a circle of reliefs, a group of knights, Group portraits of warriors, swordsmen, and archers make this relief look magnificent.

There was originally a shallow pool in front of the statue, probably because winter was approaching, the inside of the pool had completely dried up and was covered with fallen leaves.

Karl led Suldak into the main building, and a woman in a black light leather uniform walked out quickly with a file bag in her arms. When she saw Suldak, she greeted her with a smile: "Captain Karl , did your squadron go out to find clues today?"

Carl stopped and took the initiative to explain to the lady: "Others have gone out. Our jurisdiction is outside the city, which belongs to the marginal area of ​​this mission. We came here today to bring new people into the job."

Although the lady looks ordinary, she is very well-proportioned. Wearing a set of tight-fitting light leather armor, she looks very elegant. She always has a faint smile on her face when she speaks, making people feel very easy to get along with.

The lady gave Suldak a slight look, nodded to him in a friendly way, and then said to Carl, "Miss Flora just happened to be here, so come find me after completing the entry procedures at her place."

Carl readily agreed, "Okay."

After the lady holding the document bag walked out of the main building, Karl said to Suldak: "She is Gwendolyn from the logistics equipment department. She is an employee of the guard battalion. After going through the entry procedures, I will take you to her to collect the items distributed by the guard camp. This is also one of the benefits here. As long as you use it carefully, even if it is damaged, you can report it for repair as long as you can explain the reason. If it cannot be repaired This kind of problem can also be replaced with a new one.”

It turned out that he was responsible for the distribution of logistics equipment. No wonder Karl stopped to talk on his own initiative.

Going up the zig-zag oak staircase to the second floor of the building, Suldak couldn't help but chase after Karl, continuing the previous topic: "So, this Vic is secretly learning black magic?"

Karl lowered his voice a lot, and said to Suldak: "That's the problem. A young nobleman actually learned the forbidden magic of black magic—the devil summoning technique. The Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union is currently This matter is being investigated in Viscount Emmett's manor. Once any clues are found, Viscount Emmett may not be able to escape the blame. No one can tell how far the Black Magic Priory is in Hailansa City. Make it clear."

Walking along the corridor to the innermost room, Carl continued: "Last night, the torture department got some news from the respondent. Almost all the thirty teams of the guard battalion were mobilized. The guard battalion was dispatched this time just to be able to Dig out the Black Magic Retreat from High Lansa City as soon as possible to avoid involving more nobles..."

Having said that, Karl stopped talking. He stopped in front of a wooden door, first adjusted his collar, cuffs, and hem, and stood up straight before knocking on the door lightly. In a steady voice: "Come in!"

The office is not too big, but it is very warmly decorated. On the wooden shelf next to the window is a set of magic pattern armor with magic halos, and on the table is a double handle engraved with magic patterns. There are two bookshelves against the wall, but there are few books on the bookshelves, but there are some collections.

There is a desk in front of the room, and a middle-aged swordsman sits behind the desk. His gaze is as sharp as that of a double-edged sword. On Suldak's body, Suldak felt as if a ferocious beast was staring at him, and the dangerous aura on the other party made him a little out of breath.

Karl took half a step first, puffed out his chest and said solemnly to the middle-aged swordsman, "Captain Sauron, Karl Casement brought the new member of the support team, Suldak, to report."

Viscount Sauron Aldington looked at Suldak and asked him, "Tell me about your background."

Suldak straightened his back, and said loudly to the middle-aged swordsman in front of him: "Suldak, as far as Woer Village, Hailansa City, once served as the fourth battalion of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment The captain of the Sixth Squadron..."

Regarding Suldak's background, Viscount Soren Aldington raised his eyes, looked at Suldak twice more unexpectedly, and asked, "Are you in the infantry regiment of Earl Mund Goss?" Served?"

"Yes, my lord! My status as a reserve knight is to occupy a place in Earl Goss." Suldak replied.

Viscount Sauron Aldington nodded slightly, and suddenly said: "No wonder he returned to Hailansa City from the front line, well, Carl, take Knight Suldak to find Flora, I have already explained to her Alright, when you register over there, let him follow you in the support squadron for a while."

Carl looked happy, puffed up his chest and saluted a knight, and said loudly:

"Okay, Captain Sauron!"

The two came out of the office of Captain Sauron Aldington, and Karl led Suldak to the office next door. He met Ms. Flora, who was in charge of personnel affairs in the guard battalion. As Viscount Erdington said, regarding Surdak's entry issue, he has already greeted him, so the entry process went very smoothly. He just simply filled out a form, and then brought a note from the Walk out of the office of the personnel department.

The material warehouse of the logistics department is located on the basement floor of the main building. Karl led Suerdak along the stairs of the main building to the door of the material warehouse. Sure enough, he saw Ms. Wenger Dolin from the equipment department again at the registration office. She saw When Karl walked in with Suldak, he first checked the note in Karl's hand, and then said to Karl and Suldak: "Wait a minute, I'm going to get the badge of the guard battalion!"

After speaking, he walked into the secret room with a note. Karl seemed to be familiar with this process, so he stood outside with Suldak, chatting and waiting.

Not long after, Ms. Wengerdolin came out of the secret room holding an iron wooden box, and in front of Suldak, she took out a silver guard battalion badge in the box, which was printed on It is a miniature version of the statue of the sword, shield and scepter in the courtyard of the guard camp, and there is a number engraved on the back of the badge. Ms. Wenger Dolin copied the number on the badge into a sticky note, and put the sticky note in a wooden box. Then he handed the badge to Surdak.

And the wooden box containing the notes was put back into the secret room.

Seeing that Suldak was wearing the badge on his chest, Ms. Wengerdolin smiled and said, "This badge of the guard battalion is a proof of identity. It must be kept well. Now I will take you to get the uniform and leather armor." Suit, your side is quite standard, the largest size should be very suitable for you, there are very few people as strong as you in Hailansa City, if you don't explain your identity, I will think you are from the north! "

Then she turned to Karl next to her and asked, "Karl, are the saddles and horses of the Suldak knight included in the subsidy, or are they received from the logistics department?"

Karl knew that Suldak had his own horses, so he said directly: "Convert it into the subsidy."

Wen Gedolin nodded, crossed out these two items in the receiving materials column, and then reminded Suldak: "You can also bring your old saddle here to repair later, and the leather guards in the guard camp Routine maintenance is free."

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