Lord Highlander

Chapter 336: 335. Guard Battalion

Holding a sheepskin ledger, Gwendolyn led Karl and Suldak through the corridor on the first floor of the basement.

The light in the corridor was dim, and there was only one wall lamp with a moonstone wick at an interval of about five meters. The basement was surrounded by mottled stone walls, and the ground was fairly flat. Moss, a faint fishy smell can be smelled close to the stone wall.

Ms. Gwendolyn was wearing corn-colored lambskin boots, and she stepped on the slate floor with a 'tap-tap-tap' sound. The three of them walked through the corridor passage of more than 20 meters, and came to the door of a stone room. The ventilation in the basement was well done. Very good, the ventilation holes on the ceiling above the head actually have a cool breeze blowing in, making people not feel stuffy at all.

There was a thick coat of paint on the gate, very heavy. After Ms. Gwendolyn unlocked the brass lock, Suldak and Carl hurried forward to help push the door. They thought the wooden door, nearly three meters high, would be very heavy, but they put the wooden door installed on the slide rails into place without much effort. The heavy wooden door was pushed aside, and the room was pitch black. Ms. Gwendolyn lit an oil lamp on the wall at the door, held the oil lamp in her hand, and led Karl and Suldak into the warehouse.

Every time she came to a wooden shelf, Ms. Gwendolyn lit the oil lamps in front of the wooden shelf, and soon the warehouse became brighter.

There are more than a dozen neat rows of oak shelves in the warehouse, and some weapons wrapped in oiled paper are placed on the front shelf. Judging from the outline, they should be weapons like long swords, but Ms. Gwendolyn didn't give them any more For this stop, I just introduced: "These knight long swords are ordinary standard weapons, and there are better-made ones."

Walking inside, I found that there were some sticky notes pasted on many shelves, but the shelves were empty. When I reached the eighth shelf, Ms. Wengedolin hung the oil lamp in her hand and lit it again. Looking at the two oil lamps on both sides of the shelf, Suldak saw clearly that the shelf was full of long and narrow wooden boxes. The ends of these wooden boxes were all stuck with kraft paper labels, and the entire shelf was piled up in layers.

Ms. Gwendolyn asked Suldak: "Knight Suldak, what is the most convenient weapon you usually use?"

"Roman sword, oh... but recently I use a knight's long sword." Suldak said honestly, the Roman sword is a standard weapon of the infantry regiment, generally speaking, no knight will not use this short sword. sword.

Ms. Gwendolyn's expression froze for a moment, and then she said to Suldak tactfully: "...we have better sabers, heavy swords, knight's long swords, vertebral swords and craftsman's swords here. It is a standard weapon produced by the Swordsmithing Workshop in Bena City, with excellent workmanship, much better than the groceries in the weapon shop outside."

Ms. Gwendolyn randomly pulled out a wooden box from the shelf. She seemed to be struggling. She wiped off the floating dust on the surface of the wooden box, and opened the wooden box lid, revealing a saber wrapped in a layer of oiled paper. The radian, the blade is only two fingers wide, and the streamlined blood groove can be clearly seen under the oil paper. Seeing that Suldak has no intention of dismantling the oil paper, Ms. Gwendolyn found another one from this row of shelves. wooden box.

This time Gwendolyn asked Suldak to help pull out the wooden box placed high on the shelf. Suldak only felt that the wooden box was very heavy, so he placed the wooden box on the table. Ms. Gwendolyn gestured with her eyes, and lifted the lid of the box. Lying inside the wooden box was a very thick long sword. Suldak stretched out his hand and uncovered the oil paper wrapped around the blade. It is covered with layers of stripes, and only through folding and forging can the weapon have such exquisite stripes.

"This is a craftsman's sword, which belongs to the category of heavy swords. This is a forging technique from the dwarven kingdom. The only shortcoming is that it is mixed with some black iron. The only shortcoming of this sword is that it is too heavy. It is lighter than it. There is an epee..."

Before Ms. Gwendolyn finished speaking, Suldak held the hilt of the sword and picked up the craftsman's sword. He flipped a sword flower in his hand, and then smiled at Ms. Gwendolyn , asked: "I choose this craftsman's sword...is it okay?"

"...Of course!" Ms. Gwendolyn didn't expect Suldak to make a decision so quickly.

Thinking that Suldak would look at the epee and the vertebrae sword again, she tentatively asked again: "Knight Suldak, aren't you going to take a look at the vertebrae sword? That sword actually has more characteristics. "

Suldak set his eyes on the honest craftsman's sword, and replied, "No need, this one is fine."

"Okay then," Gwendolyn wrote the badge of the Suldak Guard Battalion on a piece of kraft paper and put it in this wooden box, and then put the empty wooden box on another area of ​​the shelf. Suldak said: "You can regularly bring the Craftsman's Sword back to the guard camp for repairs. If the Craftsman's Sword is damaged or lost, as long as the reason is reasonable, you can make a written report and issue a new one for you. Understand?"

Suldak nodded to show his understanding, and Ms. Gwendolyn smiled at Suldak with satisfaction and said, "Next, I will take you to choose a dagger."

There was no right to choose the dagger. Ms. Gwendolyn took Suldak to the back shelf and took out a short dagger with a red blade. Comfortable, with a well-made leather scabbard that can be worn around the waist or on the leg.

"By the way, what kind of shield do you like, Suldak?" Ms. Gwendolyn then asked Suldak, "I guess it won't be the most common knight's light shield."

The three of them left this warehouse and went to the opposite warehouse. They saw that the warehouse was full of shields, small round shields, large round shields, light shields, iris shields, tower shields and various spiked shields. Alien shields, Suldak was standing in front of a row of light blue iris shields. It seemed that the iris shields he had worn out before should also belong to well-made standard armor.

Suldak said with a smile: "I have been using the iris shield before, but the shield in my hand was damaged in a previous battle, and now I have changed to a tower shield."

Ms. Gwendolyn understands what Suldak likes. He doesn't care too much about whether the shield is too bulky. Everything is practical. She patted her forehead and said with a smile: "It's really A strong guy, but if you are sure to use a tower shield, your horse can bear it? Besides, you will need to get a set of armor later. I think you will not choose leather armor between metal armor and leather armor. !"

"Of course." Surdak replied.

Gwendolyn pointed to the shields of various colors between the walls and on the shelves, and said to Suldak, "So... Knight, please make your choice."

Suldak said without thinking, "I hope to have a dwarven chain shield."

He couldn't buy it at the Hailansa Weapons Store before, so he had the right to choose here, so he mentioned this shield that was strong enough and flexible enough.

The dwarven chain shield is a thickened version of the iris shield. Dwarves have extraordinary arm strength, so this dwarf chain shield is thicker. Limited by their height, this kind of shield is not too big. The dwarves put it between the shield and their arms. Linked together with chains, the shield can be thrown to attack the enemy when necessary.

Gwendolyn said with some emotion: "Well, your preferences are exactly the same as those of the northerners."

As she spoke, she brought Suldak to the shelf next to the three thick dwarf chain shields, and continued: "It is said that these three dwarf chain shields have been hanging here since the arsenal, and now you can take them away. One side."

After Suldak took off a dwarven chain shield, Ms. Gwendolyn pasted a piece of kraft paper with Suldak's number on the wall hanging on the shield.

Pointing to another shelf, he said, "That's where the armor is stored, Knight Suldak, all the metal armor you like are placed there."

The full-cover black iron armor is the standard armor in the Hailansa Guard Battalion. Suldak only needs to report the size, and Gwendolyn will find the corresponding wooden box from the shelf. The boxes are all brand new Black iron armor, according to Karl, not all guard battalion knights can wear this kind of bulky full-coverage armor. Swordsmen and rangers can't wear it. They usually choose lighter and more flexible leather armor.

Seeing Suldak looking around in the armor warehouse, Ms. Gwendolyn asked him curiously: "What are you looking for?"

Suldak also said very honestly: "I'm curious, is there that kind of... oh, that kind of magic pattern structure here."

Karl put his arms around Suldak's shoulders, and joked to him with a smile: "The magic pattern armor will not be stored here, everything related to magic is priceless, and when you become Sauron of the guard camp someday A person like the captain will naturally have a set of magic pattern armor."

The three talked and laughed all the way and left the armor warehouse, and then Ms. Gwendolyn took Suldak to receive a lunch box, water bottle, ordinary uniform and a pair of leather shoes. Perhaps because of the good relationship between Karl and Ms. Gwendolyn, all the military items Suldak received were brand new. According to this system in the guard camp warehouse, weapons and armor can be used repeatedly, but Su Erdak will receive a brand new one only if he has the relationship with Karl.

When leaving the logistics department, Karl asked Ms. Gwendolyn to play cards together when she was free, and Gwendolyn said with a smile, "Let's talk about it another day."

Then the two returned to the lobby on the first floor of the security camp. Karl smiled and said to Suldak, "Okay, I'll take you around the security camp."

Karl took Suldak to the other side of the building, pointed to the side door opened separately, and said to Suldak, "This is a dormitory. If necessary, I can apply for one for you."

Suldak shook his head resolutely when he thought of his fairly good living environment in the Knight Academy. After all, he was mainly studying at the Knight Academy for the past six months.

Then Karl pointed to a stone castle next to the stables, almost half of which was hidden underground, and said to Suldak: "There is a temporary prison for the guard camp over there, and the prisoners who are temporarily captured are usually held here. Usually, it’s best not to go there to the territory of those people from the Torture Department, they have weird tempers and are not easy to deal with.”

"We are a support squadron outside the city. We spend most of our time on missions outside the city. We don't usually have to sit in the guard camp. There is no dedicated office area for us. Usually when we go back to the guard camp to report on our duties, we will wait in the resting place. This side of the room."

With that said, Karl led Suldak to the third floor of the building. This is a large room, which looks more like a chess and card room, with many tables and chairs, but at this time the lounge seems to be It was quiet, without a single figure. Obviously, the death of young Vic made the entire guard battalion busy.

Carl found a chair and sat down casually and said, "This is the lounge. In spare time, everyone would gather here to play cards, but now everyone is on missions. Usually this is the busiest place. The other end of this corridor is In the training room, only some energetic young people spend all day in it."

After turning around in the guard camp, it turned out that the guards in the guard camp were all internal staff, and when the two walked out of the gate of the guard camp.

Next to the guard camp is the city hall, which belongs to the administrative center of Hailansa City. Opposite the city hall is a very wide square. There is a statue of a 20-meter-high double-edged sword on the square. Bena province is the swordsmen Therefore, in every city in Bena Province, there are many statues showing swordsmen.

The two walked through the wide streets and came to the Municipal Square. Suldak asked Karl, "When will we implement our plan?"

Carl said with some embarrassment: "Let's prepare first, at least we need to get to know the members of the support team. I also need to apply for support from Captain Sauron. You saw it that night, the assassin of the Black Magic Priory." , It’s not something we can handle at all, the city is in a mess now, the application has been submitted, but it has not been approved yet.”

"I don't think there will be any reply for the time being. Those guys above just want to wipe their ass clean before the Magic Union law enforcement team finds out any clues." Carl looked a little helpless and a little resentful.

Karl's carriage was parked not far from the street, and the attendant also stood where Karl could see him at any time, and made sure that he would not hear the conversation between the two.

"Why don't I go out of the city first and test it out? Maybe there will be some unexpected gains." Suldak said to Karl. Suldak thought that he had received all the equipment, so there was no reason to work abroad.

Karl hesitated for a moment, and didn't immediately agree. He just said to Suldak: "Okay, I'll arrange a party tonight, let's get to know each other first, and discuss tomorrow's actions."

Suldak nodded and agreed: "Okay, it depends on your arrangement!"

Karl beckoned to the entourage in the distance, and the entourage immediately drove the magic caravan over. Karl and Suldak boarded the car together, and then Karl said:

"I'll take you back to the Knight Academy first, wait for me to gather the team members in the afternoon, and pick you up at the entrance of the academy in the evening..."

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