Lord Highlander

Chapter 337 336. Failed Fishing Operation

I was thinking positively that I must tell the two girls next door at night, I am afraid I don't have time to teach them the skinning technique recently. The day before yesterday, Surdak also bought two rabbits, and was going to come to teach on the spot. After being brought into the dormitory, the two girls, Linna and Nedra, were full of love, and found an iron cage to raise the gray-haired rex rabbit.

Suldak couldn't understand this. He was eating stewed rabbit chicken deliciously the night before, so why didn't he want to kill these two rabbits that were also used for meat just after a day? The explanation given by Linna and Nedra is that they can't see the living rabbits being killed for no reason, but hunting rabbits in the wild for survival is fine.

But dead rabbits will become hard in winter. With Suldak's half-baked skinning skills, there is no way to peel off the rabbit's skin completely. This matter can only be put on hold.

Suldak walked into the gate of the Knight Academy, and the guard greeted him familiarly. Suldak walked into the academy while smiling, and walked towards the dormitory along the corridor of the low bush wall outside the playground.


Seeing Suldak's figure appearing in the Knight Academy, Dacie Christie thought her eyes were dazzled.

She couldn't help chasing after a few steps, and determined that the figure was exactly the one who had rescued Hathaway and Beatrice on the hilly grassland of Handanar County on the Warsaw plane, and then ruthlessly killed him in the city of Handanal. The knight who taught Cole Norton and Trollope a lesson, actually appeared in the Knight Academy. Could it be that he is also serving in the academy?

Afterwards, Darcy Christie fell into that not-so-good memory. Suldak taught them a group of outstanding graduates from the Advanced Swordsman Academy in the city of Handanar. At the same time, it also made them clearly realize that the fancy sword skills learned in the academy are more like juggling on stage for the veterans who have come down from the battlefield.

When Daxi woke up, she realized that the figure had disappeared at the end of the low bush wall. Daxi clenched her fists angrily. If it hadn't been for his appearance, she might have been detained in school, even if she was a student at Bena Advanced Swordsmanship Academy. An assistant teacher is much better than being an instructor at Hailansa Junior Knight Academy. The current difficult situation is entirely due to this Suldak.

"Daxi, are you alright?" the female companion's call came from afar.

Darcy scratched her hair in disgust, even though she hated the noble ball in Hailansa city so much, the ball held here was like a harvest festival in the countryside, without exquisite magic lanterns, without delicious grilled snake lizard meat, There is no high-end golden cider, and there are no outstanding single nobles, but she has no way to refuse. If she does not marry herself at the most beautiful time, perhaps only those fat-bellied and bald nobles are waiting for her.

All of this is thanks to that knight, Darcy Christie thought angrily, anyway, it is impossible for him to run away immediately, and he will find out when he goes to the logistics department of the college tomorrow to check the list of teaching staff.

Later, seeing her companion wearing a low-cut evening dress standing at the entrance of the academy, shivering in the cold wind and waving to her frequently, Darcy Christie quickly lifted her long skirt and ran a few steps quickly with her long legs.

In the early winter season, the skirt of this kind of dress is made very thick. When running, it is like a sun umbrella propped up, and the cold wind pours in from the bottom of the skirt...


There is a barbeque restaurant called "Short-tailed Bear" on the central street of Hailansa City. There is a bear sticking its butt on the huge plaque. This restaurant is the largest barbecue restaurant in Hailansa City. It can accommodate nearly five hundred People eat, the menu of this restaurant is full of various secret barbecues, the staple food and soup are very single, there are always only baked wheat cakes and tomato puree.

Every day, many people are willing to come here to eat, because the barbecue here is high-quality and cheap, even cheaper than buying meat and making it at home.

As a result, Hailansa people have gradually developed such a habit. If they want to eat barbecue, they usually go out to eat with the whole family.

Karl chose this restaurant as the place for dinner at night. When Suerdak got out of the carriage, he realized that this place was more popular than he expected. The smell of meat wafted far away on the street. A group of young people were already waiting at the door of the restaurant. When they saw Karl get off the carriage, they rushed forward to say hello.

In addition to the absence of the four teams that were out on duty, all 36 members of the support squadron were present. The manager of the barbecue restaurant waited at the door in person. When he saw Carl get off the carriage, he approached with a smile on his face and led the guards The members of the battalion support squadron walked into the restaurant through the dedicated passage on the side.

The design pattern of this restaurant is very special. Once entering the door, all guests need to visit the barbecue kitchen which is nearly 20 meters away. The barbecue stove faces the guests who come to eat, and the guests need to choose the barbecue they want to eat here. More than 20 barbecue chefs stood in front of the stove, and each chef was only responsible for roasting a single type of barbecue. They placed the cut beef on the grate, poured some fruit wine on it, sprinkled some black pepper and coarse salt, almost With the same steps and the same time, the beef is roasted and served on the plate, and the taste of the roast will naturally be the same.

Almost all the young people in the support squadron chose the double portion of three-point cooked bone-in ribs. Everyone ordered while walking. Baked wheat cakes and vegetable soup are always indispensable on the table of the Hailansa people. Later, Karl introduced the six captains of the support squadron to Suldak. These young people from the support squadron gathered into two small groups. Karl's cronies came to him and greeted Suldak.

Another small group of more than a dozen people looked at Suldak with obvious scrutiny in their eyes.

Carl stared at the young man at the head of the small group, and said, "He is Jasper..."

The first time Suldak heard the name Jasper was from Karl's friend Baron Llewellyn, who said that there was a young noble named Jasper in the support squadron who was Karl's competitor. In the assessment, Carl successfully defeated Jasper and successfully obtained the position of the squadron leader of the support squadron.

Under the leadership of the restaurant manager, everyone went directly to a large box on the second floor of the restaurant. There was a long table in this room. Karl sat at the head of the long table, chatting with Suldak from time to time.

Suldak also ordered half-cooked fried ribs. He cut the boned ribs with a knife and poked them lightly, and blood would ooze out. It was still a bit too raw. After eating the fried meat for so long, Still unable to enjoy this delicacy, Surdak was glad that he only ordered a single serving.

Suddenly, he felt that someone was staring at him with strange eyes. When he looked up, he saw the young noble named Jasper raised his wine glass to him from a distance. Suldak raised his glass in return. He was wearing a suit Very decent aristocratic attire, the whole person also looks very energetic, the smile on his face is slightly ruffian.

Seeing that everyone had almost eaten, Suldak clapped his hands vigorously, and everyone stopped talking and turned to look at Karl.

Karl coughed twice, and then said: "Tell me about tomorrow's plan. I'm going to ask the Suldak knight to take a stroll outside the city tomorrow to see if there is a chance to lure Samya out."

"Boss, I missed the best time to capture her last time, can she still foolishly throw herself into the trap this time?" The person who spoke was the captain of the second team, Bob, and obviously other team members had the same idea.

Carl said: "Since Samya hid in the dark, I think she must be hiding somewhere to observe us secretly. We are looking for her, and she is also looking for Suldak everywhere. We must seize this opportunity , This time the first, second, fifth, and sixth teams will go out of the city with me, Jasper, you stay in the city with the third and fourth teams, and cooperate with Lord Sauron to carry out a city-wide search operation in the city."

"Yes!" The young nobleman snapped his fingers lightly, and then said: "If you need reinforcements, please send us a signal. I will find a way to adjust the location of the big search near the city gate, and prepare horses. As long as there are Support is available immediately if needed.”

"Okay! It is impossible for Lord Sauron to act with us this time, so it is still the same as before, and we must pay attention to safety."

"Everyone go back to rest early, members of the first, second, fifth, and sixth groups will gather outside the city tomorrow morning..."

As Karl conveyed the orders one by one, the captains of each team nodded to express their understanding.

The dinner party ended in a hurry, and when he walked out of the 'Squat Bear' barbecue restaurant, the young nobleman named Jasper deliberately approached Suldak, and extended a hand to shake Suldak , smiled and said to Surdak: "If you have time, let's have a drink together!"

Suldak lowered his head and thought for a while, then he refused: "I have to go back tonight to prepare, let's do it another day, there will be more opportunities to drink like this in the future."

Jasper smiled reservedly, and said, "Okay, don't make me wait too long, or you won't know what you missed!"


The next day, Suldak rode out of Hailansa City alone. Although he knew beforehand that Karl and the four support teams were hiding in the dark, he did not find any trace of them outside the city.

The leaves of the oak trees in the mountains have fallen, and there are bare branches everywhere. The woodland is covered with a thick layer of leaves, and some golden acorns are also buried under these leaves. The mountain road is also full of leaves. Stepping on it made a rustling sound.

The snow from the previous few days has completely melted away, and only the remaining snow can be seen on the north slope. A layer of frozen soil was formed under the leaves, and when the next heavy snow fell, it would not melt so easily.

Suldak rode a Gubolai horse until noon on the mountain road leading to Wall Village. His intuition told him that no one was following him, and he walked a little further, but still had no gains. , Suldak himself is also thinking about this matter. If the other party is replaced by himself, he will probably not be fooled by such an obvious trap. These people swallowed it in one gulp, or they were forced to go to the point where they couldn't sleep or eat without killing themselves.

Members of the support team then appeared on the top of a distant mountain. He held a flag in his hand and waved vigorously at Surdak—the return journey.

It has been like this for three days in a row. After wandering on the mountain road until noon, I have to go back the same way, so that I can return to Hailansa City before the city gate is closed. I haven’t gained anything in these three days, and I haven’t even found any clues. Look It seems that the other party is not as stupid as I expected, and the action plan of the support squadron may directly fall into the eyes of the other party.

At the beginning, the young people in the support team were very motivated, but they couldn't find any hair for three consecutive days, and these team members inevitably became a little slack.

When returning to Hailansa City in the evening of the third day, the members of the Support Squadron seemed a little listless. Anyone who has blown the cold wind in the mountains for three consecutive days and still got nothing, probably will not be in a good mood.

After entering the city gate, Karl ordered everyone to disband on the spot and to rest for two days. Suldak also stayed at the Knight Academy to continue his classes.

Because Karl wanted to arrange for the four teams monitoring Baron Grenfell's manor to return to High Lansa City and send new teams to take turns.

Moreover, Mrs. Christie also brought back some new news from Grenfell Manor. Karl wanted to know if there was enough evidence in it to prove that Baron Grenfell had something to do with the Black Magic Retreat. Once he could prove it, he could apply The search warrant of the aristocrats arrested the gang of robbers lurking in the manor.


During these three days, Jasper and the remaining members of the support team followed the guard battalion to conduct a large-scale search operation in the city of Hailansa, but found out that some noble teenagers secretly contacted the magicians of the Black Magic Priory, While eager to gain power, many teenagers secretly learn black magic. After learning these black magic, they can't be seen at ordinary times. They just leave the mark of black magic on their bodies, which will only manifest when they are used.

Apparently, the Black Magic Retreat had reached out into the noble circle of Hailansa. After hearing the news, the black magic propagator hid long ago. Only a few noble children who learned black magic were found in the guard camp.

At the same time, the magicians from the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union in Hailansa City came to the door and asked the guard battalion to hand over these noble children who had learned black magic to the Magic Union, but the guard battalion also had their own concerns. Too many nobles were involved in this matter, and it is impossible to suppress this matter quietly now, but it is impossible to let the magicians take these noble youths away directly.

For a long time, there have been many conflicts between the old noble forces of the Green Empire and the new forces of the magician nobles. Although they have not been intensified, the old nobles and the magician nobles are not in harmony. Taking away the young man was a big blow to the old aristocratic forces, so the city has been very lively these past few days, and this incident even caused trouble in the Hailansa City Council.

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