Lord Highlander

Chapter 338 337. Bait and Prey

'How could it be impossible to find out...'

Darcy Christie couldn't figure out why there was no information about Knight Suldak in the list of instructors at the Knight Academy. Could it be that he changed his name after returning to Hailansa City?

She stood a little restlessly under the sycamore tree with fallen leaves, staring at the pedestrians coming in and out of the campus gate, her eyes were a little cloudy.

The wind was a little cold, she tightened the knitted shawl on her body, her nose was a little red from the cold, and her eyes were still stubbornly looking at the gate of the college.

In the past few days, Darcy Christie has been wandering around the gate of the Knight Academy until dusk almost every day, and then reluctantly rides home in a carriage. No information about Suldak can be found in the faculty files of the academy. She is right at the entrance of the academy. It was already the third day when Suldak appeared again. In order to find this hated knight, she even turned down two balls.

She touched the saber at her waist, and the cold touch on the silver hilt made her more sober.

"Don't let hatred blind your eyes, Daxi, you have to calm down, calm down..."

She kept admonishing herself in her heart, but she was unwilling to move no matter what. There seemed to be a voice whispering to her in her subconscious: "Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, and you will definitely see her. When the time comes, you will rush to see her." Go up, slap him twice, and stab his body with a sword. If he dares to resist, he will be sent to the prison in Hailansa City, where he will be squatting obediently for a few months. Since you dare to come to the city of Hailansa, no matter what you do, it's up to Dacie Christie to decide...'

"Daxi, do you want to go to the Insta's dance together tonight?"

The voice of her colleague Xilia woke Daxi up from her ramblings. She looked along the voice and saw Xilia standing beside her, looking at her expectantly.

Although Darcy knew that Miss Helia hoped that she could go to the ball with her, she could only lower her head slightly, avoiding her expectant gaze, and said, "Sorry, Kathy, I have an appointment with a friend tonight. "

"That's it... well, I wish you a good night, I'm going first, I hope I can meet someone who doesn't look so scumbag at this dance." Xilia smiled and said to Darcy Christie, and then He shook his hand at her, turned around and walked out of the academy alone.

The sky gradually darkened, and the number of people in front of the college gate gradually decreased. When Darcy Christie was about to go home, there were no pedestrians at the gate. Darcy Christie tightly grasped the saber at her waist, secretly thinking Swear inside: 'Watch it! I will definitely find you. '


Suldak rode his horse into an alley, and the afterglow of the setting sun cast a long slanted shadow on many buildings in this alley.

The clothesline on the roof protrudes from the fence, and the white sheets hang on the clothesline like flags fluttering in the wind. The pigeon cages that grow out of the windows reveal dim lights inside the wooden house, drifting in the alley With a faint smell of fried meat, the place is full of the breath of life.

When Gu Bolai stepped into a puddle, the splashed sewage fell on the dirty walls, making this somewhat quiet alley make strange noises, Suldak's heart suddenly tightened for no reason, as if Clenched tightly by an invisible big hand, Suerdak covered his heart with his hand in pain and almost fell off the horse.

Almost at the same time, he realized that something was wrong. Thinking that he had returned to the Knight Academy by this road for three consecutive days, it was likely that he had fallen into the eyes of the stalkers.

Those stalkers knew that their going out of the city was a trap set by the support squadron. After entering the city every night, the guards were the most lax. The guard battalion organized a large-scale raid in the city of Hailansa in the past few days. The knights of the guard battalion of the Magic Priory, no one thought that they would dare to attack in the city, and set the ambush location in this remote and quiet alley.

Out of the corner of Suldak's eyes, he saw a figure on the left side of his body. Suddenly, a figure grew out of the shadow near the corner of the wall. Being restrained, or this time the situation was worse than last time, his limbs seemed to be frozen, and he fell from the horse while holding his heart in his hands.

It's the damn dark binding magic again, those assassins of the Black Magic Priory are really like tarsal maggots, and they can't get rid of it completely.

The black dagger and black shadow gradually solidified. Seeing that figure was as agile as a cheetah, Suldak's face was a bit ferocious. He didn't plan to bury himself in this alley, even though he didn't have any blessings on him. , but he still has that sacred aura in his body. He opened his eyes wide and focused on lighting up the nodes in his body. Then his body suddenly became brighter, and a faint golden light came out from his shoulders. getting brighter...

At this moment, the darkness that imprisoned his body melted as quickly as ice and snow, and those shadows shrank back into the darkness again.

The black figure pounced on him also seemed to sense the sacred aura of Suldak, he let out a sharp and ear-piercing howl, the black shadow on his body evaporated under the sacred aura, but the black figure still moved toward Su. A black dagger stabbed out of Erdak's heart.

At this moment, Suldak's stiff body was finally able to move. He tried his best to twist his body in mid-air, but the speed of getting the black figure was too fast, and the sharp dagger still pierced into his left rib, sticking against him. If I hadn’t retracted my abdomen and inhaled at the critical moment, I’m afraid that the abdomen would be cut open by the black shadow at this time, and the monster’s leather armor on his body was as fragile as a piece of paper under the blade of the black dagger. .

The black shadow met the golden light on Suldak's body, and seemed to have been inexplicably hurt. His materialized figure was constantly steaming with black energy. It was not a human shadow. Suldak pulled out his waist. The sword of the craftsman in the middle knocked away the black dagger that stabbed again at the critical moment, and his body fell heavily on the stone floor in the alley. Take gold stars.

But at this moment, he could only grit his teeth to keep himself awake. The craftsman's sword in his hand burst out with a faint golden light, and he faced the black figure who was rushing again. Holding two long horns like antelope, that face is like an aged goat, the dead fish-like eyes are full of viciousness and hatred, the neat teeth seem to be smiling, but the smile is distinctly frozen On the face, it was terrifying.

The body of Sombra is humanoid, but stronger than the people of the Grimm Empire. His legs are a pair of hooves, which not only make him full of explosive power, but also possess amazing jumping ability. That goat-faced devil's legs were like springs, causing his body to bounce high, and this jump almost jumped to the roof.

The sheep-faced devil smiled strangely at Suldak, and fell into the shadows again. Suldak struggled to stand up from the ground, the blood from the wound on his waist stained his trousers red, Suldak The palm of his left hand exuded a faint light, covering the wound on his abdomen, and quickly ran towards the exit of the alley with the craftsman's sword in his hand.

At this time, Hailansa City is definitely the city with the best law and order. Given by those noble boys who practiced black magic, the guard battalion launched a large-scale raid against the Black Magic Priory. Suldak knew that he had run away. Going out of this alley, it is possible to call the knights of the nearby guard battalion.

But at this time, he stepped out and stepped on the shadow, as if countless arms stretched out from the shadow, trying to pull his feet.

Suldak's feet also had a faint golden glow, and the arms in the shadows turned into black mist and disappeared as soon as they touched the power of the holy light.

There was another wave in the shadow beside him, and the sheep-faced devil seemed to step out of the void suddenly, and the dagger in his hand stabbed silently at the back of Suldak's heart. It was like a twisted clockwork bursting suddenly, and the whole figure was ejected from the darkness. Suldak had been prepared for a long time. He put the dwarf chain shield in his magic waist bag on his arm, and firmly blocked the sheep. A backstab from the devil in the face.

Suldak swung his sword and slashed at the sheep-faced devil, but the sheep-faced devil suddenly exploded into a cloud of black mist and disappeared into the shadows again.

Gu Bolaima was waiting a dozen steps ahead, and Suldak ran towards Gubolaima. Regardless of the danger of his abdominal wound being torn open, he quickly ran to Gubolaima's side, got on his horse, He rode Gu Bolai's horse and rushed towards the entrance of the alley.

Fortunately, Suldak has the experience in fighting evil spirits, and he managed to defuse the attack of the sheep-faced devil twice. However, the wound on his abdomen has become a little numb at this time, and because of the loss of blood, he feels that his body is hurting. As it kept getting colder, he knew that the sheep-faced devil was hiding in the shadows, staring at him.

But the sheep-faced devil has never understood one thing. He is actually just a heavy armored shield warrior who can ride a horse, not a heavy cavalry in the true sense. His mastery of the shield also makes him have stronger anti-assassination capabilities... …

At the moment when Gu Bolaima was about to rush to the entrance of the alley, the bondage in the darkness tightly entangled Suldak again, and the darkness bondage that appeared this time was no longer an entangled shadow belt, It was a dark vine that emerged from the shadows, and it continued to grow in the darkness. Those vines kept wrapping around Suldak's body. At the same time, he heard the sound of whispering incantations from mid-air .

At this moment, Suldak finally saw a magician in a black robe standing on a high terrace in the alley behind him. His eyes were like two obsidian stones in the night, frantically absorbing Looking at the endless darkness, and the spell in his mouth is the source of the power of the black vines growing from the shadow, the ebony staff in his hand exudes the halo of black magic, Suldak's intuition Tell him that the sheep-faced goblin that lurks in the shadows is also his summoned minion.

He is a true black mage in the black magic hermitage. In his low-pitched spell, black vines bound Suldak like a cocoon, and at this time, the sheep-faced devil also At the same time, it appeared behind Suldak.

Almost at the same moment, behind Suldak was a phantom of a demon god with two faces and four arms, and finally released his 'power' at a critical moment, and the phantom of the demon god burst into a ball of blood in the eyes of the holy face. The dazzling holy light instantly evaporated the vines wrapped around Suldak full of strong dark aura. Suldak was freed from the bondage, and then used the shield in his hand to block the dagger in the hand of the sheep-faced devil.

Unleashing the 'potential', both strength and stamina were improved at this moment. The craftsman's sword in Suldak's hand exploded with a foot-long golden light, and he cut off the black mane in the hand of the sheep-faced devil with one blow. Dagger, and also stabbed the craftsman's sword into the body of the sheep-faced devil.

But the black magician standing on the balcony in the alley raised his head at this time, and looked towards Suldak from a distance, still whispering in his mouth: "Sin begets sin, just like man... ...'

In his indifferent eyes, he saw that the sheep-faced devil summoned from the flame hell was killed by the knight with the power of the holy light, completely turned into black mist and dissipated in the evening air, and the black magic The summoning circle arranged around the teacher exploded one after another, and seven black magic crystals exploded one after another, turning into black powder.

"Damn it, Samya, a stupid woman, has caused such trouble. No wonder the Warangal assassination failed..."

The black mage cursed angrily, but he casually took out a magic bamboo handle from his pocket. He rode on the magic bamboo handle, holding a magic wand in his hand, and plundered towards Suldak at the entrance of the alley.

Suldak turned his head and saw the black mage flying out of the alley, but a demon servant summoned by him almost killed himself, how could he dare to stay where he was and fight head-to-head with the black mage , hastily patted Gu Bolai's horse's butt vigorously. This old horse has also experienced several life-and-death battles with Suldak, and immediately raised its four hooves and ran from the alley to the street. He ran towards the Knight Academy.

The direction where Suldak is running is not only the knight academy, but also the fringe area of ​​the wealthy area of ​​Hailansa City. There is a magic tower on it, which is regarded as the residence of the magic union in Hailansa City.

The black mage saw the direction in which Suldak was escaping, and rode a magic horn to give chase.

This alley is only two streets away from the Knight Academy. Suldak rode his horse and fled all the way to the gate of the Knight Academy. He originally wanted to continue to escape in the direction of the Magic Union, but the magic of the black mage Jun was a little faster than his horse, and flew around in front of Suldak after a short flight. He landed on the roof of a two-story building opposite the Knight Academy, and a black smoke emerged from the magic wand in his hand. Air fireball.

After the magician finished chanting the spell, the fireball hit Suldak a hundred meters away.

Seeing the rolling fireball, Suldak could only rein in Gu Bolai's horse. He jumped off the horse and rushed into the gate of the Knight Academy covered in blood.

A familiar figure flashed in Darcy Christie's eyes. Under the night, she didn't even see that Suldak's lower body was covered with blood, but saw him running into the Knight Academy in a panic with a pale face. Sy Christie's eyes widened, she stared at the extremely tired Suldak, and ran to Suldak desperately, ready to rush up and slap him hard.

'If he dares to resist, let the guard battalion knights patrolling outside arrest him...' Thinking of this, Darcy Christie felt a little relieved.

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