Lord Highlander

Chapter 341

Suldak took off the magic robe on the black mage's body, only to find that the black mage's body was actually engraved with magic patterns, which looked a bit like the black-striped devil's skin on the devil's body. He remembered what Bacarel Swordsman said at the beginning. In order to gain powerful power, most intermediate magicians and high-level fighters often use the magic pattern circle to strengthen themselves, and the skin all over his body has experienced severe damage. Burns, so even if you become a high-level fighter, you can't get the inscription, which will have a great impact on your strength.

The magic patterns on this black mage's body are probably the kind of magic patterns tattooed on the body that the swordsman Bacarie said at the beginning. It is said that it would be very expensive to ask a senior inscription master to tattoo such a magic pattern structure. Leaving the black mage's body in the woods, it might be eaten up by the little beasts in the woods within a few days.

Suldak stood up and walked back, and found the broken magic handle. It seemed that it was worthless to repair. Suldak only used the magic handle to remove the magic spar from the gem base. Come down, just let this magic scorpion hang on the tree.

The wound on his body seemed to be less painful. Surdak groped in the dark forest and returned to the fir tree.

A grain of cold snow grits fell on his face and quickly melted. Surdak raised his head and looked at the night sky. No wonder he couldn't see the stars.

Unexpectedly, there would be light snow at this time, and more snow grits fell on his face. Surdak couldn't help but erect his neckline to prevent the cold snow particles from getting into his neck. The temperature in the forest was even colder. .

Originally, Suldak planned to leave this area overnight. He knew that it was not safe here, but it was snowing lightly and the surroundings were pitch black. It would be very dangerous to walk through the mountains and forests. The good thing is to wait for the dawn honestly.

Suldak dragged his scarred body back under the fir tree, first set up a simple tent, worried that there would be hungry beasts coming to make trouble, then took out a small bottle of dragon feces from his arms, and sprinkled them around the tent , the dung of the dragon can be bought in the explorer shop, and the price is not high, it is a very practical necessity for wild survival.

Then Suldak carried the drowsy Dacie Christie down from the tree. Her breathing was a little disordered, and her body kept shaking in her deep sleep. In such a cold weather, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her golden hair was covered with cold sweat. Her long hair was wetly stuck to her forehead, and there was a trace of struggle on her face, as if she was having a nightmare.

Suldak carried her into the tent. She was lying in a sleeping bag, and she was in a bad condition. The temperature in the forest was very low. At this time, it was snowing again, and the sweat that came out absorbed the heat from Daxi's body. , She has been falling asleep, unable to wake up no matter what, her lips are blue from the cold, her whole body is clenched into a ball and constantly shivering.

Touching the female swordsman's forehead, it was a little hot, as if she had a high fever. Suldak took off the water sac from his waist, passed the leather mouth of the water sac to her mouth, fed her a few sips of water, and unfolded a magical scroll of gathering fire in the tent. A flame burst from the scroll It came out of the tent, bringing a little warmth to the tent.

Her face looked familiar, it was a heroic face with slightly pursed lips and slender eyebrows.

Not only was she wearing a swordsman's badge pinned to her chest, but she was also wearing a badge of the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy, which reminded Suldak of who this female swordsman was—Dacy Christie.

When Suldak rescued Hathaway and Beatrice in the hilly pasture in Handanal County, she and a few classmates left Hathaway and Beatrice at a critical moment. Liz sneaked away, and later participated in the action to stop her in Handanal City. At that time, she took the initiative and severely taught the group of swordsman academy graduates.

Unexpectedly, she was actually from Hailansa, and she was also a female instructor in the Knight Academy.

Suldak patted her flushed cheeks vigorously, but unfortunately there was no response. For some unknown reason, she developed a high fever. Suldak frowned, and followed the emergency measures in the military camp to remove the blood from her body. Taking off the tight leather armor, she was lying in the sleeping bag with only her underwear on, and injected a ray of holy light into her body through the sleeping bag. Seeing that she was in a more stable state, Suldak dragged his tired body and closed his clothes. Lay down in a tent and sleep all night.

At dawn, Suldak got out of the tent, and the outside of the forest turned into a piece of silvery white. Suldak recovered well. He climbed to the fir tree and retrieved the dwarven chain shield hanging on the top of the tree. There also happened to be two rabbits in the pocket, which were originally intended for Linna and Nedra to practice skinning, but now they can be taken out to make breakfast.

Surdak picked up some fir tree branches, lit a bonfire at the entrance of the tent, skinned a fat rabbit and put it on a wooden support, and started roasting on the fire.


After the snow stopped, a thick layer accumulated on the ground.

Darcy Christie woke up, only to feel that the light outside was a bit dazzling. She first saw the roof of the tent in a daze, then recalled that she fainted on the ground under the ring of black mist last night, and then saw herself lying on a bed. Only in a sleeping bag, and wearing only a thin layer of linen shirt, Dacie Christie stared wide-eyed and sat up abruptly.

She got out of the sleeping bag, and immediately felt the cold wind in the tent, which made her obediently shrink back into the sleeping bag. Seeing the leather armor she was wearing hanging beside the tent, Daxi quickly lowered her head to check the shirt on her body. She was still dressed neatly, which made her feel a little relieved. She felt as weak as if she had fallen apart. Thinking of her insomnia for several days in a row, she didn't expect to fall ill at such a critical moment.

There is a faint smell of meat in the clear air, my hands and feet are not locked, and my body is not...

He must have been rescued by someone, maybe he was a strong person... Darcy Christie was heartbroken.

Daxi quickly got dressed in the tent, and then she got out of the tent. As soon as she got out of the tent, she saw Suldak sitting next to the campfire roasting rabbits. In an instant, all the good things were shattered. Christie glared at Suldak with rounded eyes, and said angrily with disgust, "How could it be you?"

"..." Suldak sat on the wooden pier, stared at Daxi and asked, "Aren't you going to say thank you to me?"

Darcy Christie's long-simmering emotions erupted suddenly. Perhaps these words had been held in her heart for too long. She just opened her mouth, and those words couldn't wait to come out of her throat: "My current miserable life is thanks to Thanks to you, I pray to the Statue of Liberty every night before I go to sleep, that you will be lost forever, imprisoned somewhere, trapped there for the rest of your life."

Suldak didn't expect that Darcy Christie's resentment towards him would be so deep, and he said to her in a mocking tone: "The Statue of Liberty has abandoned all the people of the Green Empire, and it is useless to believe in the Statue of Liberty. It is better to believe in the Goddess of Darkness."

It is an indisputable fact that the priests and battle priests in the temple withdrew from the plane war, and the Statue of Liberty abandoned the people of the Green Empire.

Suldak carefully savored what Dacie Christie said just now, it was very close to his current situation. Thinking that he was really trapped in this fantasy world, he felt a little depressed, he just said: " If you just want me stuck somewhere, you don't need to pray to the Statue of Liberty because your wish has already been granted."

"...No matter what, I am very happy to see you crawling out of the tent alive and kicking." Then Suldak added.

"...You!" Darcy Christie was so angry that she didn't know what to say. She might be at a disadvantage in the fight, so she just sat aside sullenly.

Suldak was not aggressive either, and continued to taunt her. After all, the two were still in a difficult situation. If they wanted to leave safely, at least they could not fight each other. So he pointed to the browned and oily rabbit on the shelf, and said nothing to her. Darcy Christie asked: "Do you want some breakfast? You look weak, do you know where this is?"

Daxi sat opposite to Suldak with her hands on her knees, stretched her neck and looked around, surrounded by a sea of ​​forests that couldn't be seen at a glance, and within her field of vision were completely continuous mountains, and now they were falling again. There was a heavy snowfall, and there was a snow-covered silver world everywhere, without any eye-catching reference at all. Daxi looked at the clear blue sky through the forest above her head, and the sunlight shone through the forest into the woodland, which was exceptionally beautiful. beauty.

Seeing her raised her pointed chin, Suldak didn't intend to talk to him at all, so he said, "It looks like you don't know, I'm going to start from here later, go over this mountain first, and go to that place." Looking for a way out from a higher place, do you want to go with me?"


The other party still didn't say a word.

Suldak reached out and tore off a piece of steaming rabbit leg, dipped it in a little salt and stuffed it into his mouth. The original taste was good, but the thick part of the meat was not cooked enough.

Daxi didn't speak all the time, and she didn't eat the rabbit roasted by Suldak. After Suldak silently ate up a rabbit, she began to pack up the tent, carried everything on her back, and turned the bonfire Extinguished and covered with snow.

He ignored Darcy Christie, and walked directly towards the slope of the forest. This forest was covered with snow, and there was a thick layer of leaves under the snow. When he stepped in, he could sometimes submerge his knees. On the way down the mountain, it is easy to lose your center of gravity and fall over. Fortunately, the slope of this woodland is not too steep. After identifying the direction, Suldak headed south. He planned to stay away from here and find a place Where the terrain is higher, see where this is.

After several months of training in the military camp, this kind of wild life is not a problem for him at all, and Suldak calculated that this should be the outskirts of Hailansa City, and a place with such a dense forest must not be far away from the sea. Lansa City is too far away.

In his impression, places that are too far away from Hailansa City are all barren lands like Wall Village.

As long as he can confirm the direction of Hailansa City, he can walk back with his own legs. The wound on his abdomen has begun to heal. Although the wound will be involved when he walks, this injury will not cause him much trouble. He grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and wiped his face hard to wake himself up.

He didn't expect Darcy Christie to be so stubborn, and she didn't show any signs of giving in under such adversity. Even if she left alone, she still remained stubborn and didn't say a word, allowing herself to walk away step by step.

Suldak secretly convinced himself that no matter what grievances and grievances he had with her in the past, now is not the time to discuss those things, not to mention that she is still sick, and it may be difficult for her to leave this forest by herself. Darcy Christie, heard a sudden 'plop' from behind him, and when he turned around, he realized that the girl who was able to point at his nose and scold him angrily just now fell headlong on the hillside, her whole face Buried in the snow.

Deserving of his hard work, Suldak laughed at himself secretly.

He ran over to fish Darcy Christie out of the snow urn, and found that Darcy Christie fell into a coma again. He didn't expect her to be so seriously ill this time. Is this the female swordsman who graduated from the Bena Senior Academy? Suldak laughed in his heart.

He was about to carry the female swordsman behind his back, but when he exerted a little force, he felt a dull pain in his abdomen. He remembered that he was also injured. With his own physical strength, he might not be able to walk out of this mountain with a person on his back. Suldak bit her Gritting his teeth, he took out the four familiar pottery bowls from his magic pocket, lit the blue flame, and then took out the sand wolf's head as a sacrifice to the gods and demons.

'Divine Blessed Body'

At this time, both Suldak and Dacie Christie need such a powerful recovery halo, and Suldak even regretted it. If he had known this, he might as well have held a sacrifice ceremony last night to give her Blessed with the effect of the 'Divine Blessed Body', maybe her body will recover as soon as she wakes up.

It's good now, I still have to carry her all the way, the road in the forest is not easy to walk, and it snowed so much...

Suldak patted Dacie Christie's fair face vigorously to wake her up from her lethargy, and then asked coldly: "Hey, wake up quickly, don't sleep, can you still walk by yourself? "

Darcy Christie barely opened her eyes drowsily. The dazzling sunlight and the person she least wanted to see in front of her eyes slapped her face vigorously, and the female swordsman fell into a coma all of a sudden.

Suldak saw Dacie Christie fainting again, so he had no choice but to consider himself unlucky, worried that she was only wearing thin leather armor, and would suffer from frostbite in the forest, so he put her into a sleeping bag made of red-eyed hyena skin, and picked her up from the magic pouch. He took out a rope from inside and tied her tightly, and then tied her behind with another piece of rope.

Worried that the members of the Black Magic Priory would find this place, Suldak left the forest with Dacie Christie on his back.

He didn't know the direction of Hailansa City, but he just walked south along the valley, and a heavy snow completely covered the whole valley.

After the heavy snowfall, some small animals ran out of their nests to look for food. From a distance, on the hillside, two pheasants with colorful tail feathers flew from one side to the other, and plunged into the snowdrift... …

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